Strings of Fate

Chapter 224

Bellamy 3- Shoes and shock

“Well, first I really would like to know how you found me. I didn’t even put my full name on

the note, and you didn’t know it until I told you, so I doubt you got my details from anyone at Borderline.” Ryann reasons. Actually, I probably could have gotten the answer, the owner owes me a favour and my company manages a lot of his businesses‘ security. Still, I suppose it is a fair question. I was concerned myself at how stalkerish my behaviour might seem. I shrug

since she seems so fond of the gesture.

“Your scent was all over the note. I assumed that it was placed in my sister’s bag at the restaurant since that’s the only place she went that evening, so I went there. It didn’t take me long to find you from there. Your scent was… exceptionally easy to follow.” Seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever tracked someone so easily. Not that I track people often. But either way it was strangely simple to follow her home.

“Maybe it’s because I walked home barefoot.” She comments casually. Yeah that would explain it. Except… Did she say she walked home without shoes?

“Barefoot? Why would you do that?” She points to a pair of black high heeled shoes that have

been abandoned by the front door.

“Because those shoes are evil and I am pretty sure they were biting my feet off or something. Sadly, they are part of my uniform at work.” She sounds disgusted, I raise an eyebrow. That seems a little dramatic, they’re just shoes. My sister wears them often enough and she doesn’t usually complain about them.

“Biting your feet off? Surely they can’t be THAT bad…” I trail off then stare in horror as she lifts her foot to show me. The entire back of her foot is torn up with half healed blisters and fresh ones. It looks

super painful. All that from a pair of SHOES? I actually feel sick thinking

about it.

“They are definitely that bad.” I don’t think. I grab her foot and pull it closer so I can examine it properly. Do these need treating? What if they get infected? Maybe I should call Dr Dae and- oh. What the hell am I doing? I drop Ryann’s foot and awkwardly try to act normal as she pulls her slipper back on. Thankfully, she doesn’t bring it up because I really don’t have an explanation for my behaviour. She changes the topic and is almost shy when she asks. I can scent a tang of fear on her and I find I don’t like it.


Bellamy 3- Shoes and shock

“… how did your sister react when she saw the note?” Oh. I stare at the floor as I answer.

“She hasn’t actually seen it. I scented something different in her purse, you I suppose, and I took it before she saw. She was excited and didn’t seem to notice it.” I tell her guiltily.

“I’m surprised you took the effort to track me down.” She comments. Ouch, what kind of a brother does she think I am?

“She’s my sister, I had to know if there was anything to the note. Besides…” I hesitate before sharing my fears, but this conversation will go more smoothly if I do.

“I’m not too sure about Tristan. I’ve never really bonded with him.” The look she gives me tells me that she can read between the lines. She opens her mouth, probably to call me out on it when a clattering at the open front door gets my attention. I was so caught up in Ryann I didn’t even notice anyone

approaching. That is completely unacceptable. I jump to my feet, instinctively placing myself between Ryann and the potential threat. Huh.

The man at the door is pathetic and Ryann doesn’t seem fond of him. An opinion I share when the first thing that comes out of his mouth is disgust.

“A Shifter?” he bites out, staring at the mark on my arm.

“I thought you were such a nice girl Ryann, I hope you don’t intend to have Shifters coming at all hours in my building.” He snaps at her. What an ass, I take a step closer, I don’t like how he is talking to Ryann. She moves between us both and I hate it.

“Bellamy, ignore my neighbour. It seems he has poor manners. Paul, get out of MY apartment. This building belongs to Maggie, not you and there is no reason why I can’t invite whoever I please.” Her words are firm. Yeah okay, I probably misjudged her. I don’t think she hates Shifters, at least not compared to this guy. Maybe she just doesn’t like strange men knocking on her door. I certainly wouldn’t, especially not with neighbours like this.

“Well sorry for coming to ch*ck on you after this brute almost knocked your door down. I could hear it from downstairs. Magics really all act like rules don’t apply to them, don’t they?” he directs the last statement towards me. I was NOT knocking that hard. What a drama


This is who she chooses to live near?


Bellamy 3- Shoes and shock

Wordlessly, Ryann pushes the sleeve of her pyjamas up to reveal the edge of the mark that proves she is indeed a Magic. The asshole human’s expression darkens.

“What the hell? Maggie promised that everyone in this building was safe. I guess a little old lady is pretty easy to fool huh?” Something about that statement triggers Ryann. In a flash, she is in his face and her hand flies, slapping the man hard across the face. The man swears and raises his hand. Oh not on my watch. I step forward and catch his wrist. I hold it maybe a little tighter than is needed but I have a point to make. This man needs to leave. Actually, he needs to move. I don’t want him living near Ryann. He’s a threat to her and I won’t stand for

1. it. She might have made the first blow but he was asking for it.

“Get out. Never speak with Ryann again. I suggest you look into finding other

accommodations since you are so against the presence of Magics.” I stare him down and like most people, he folds underneath the stare of an Alpha. The man flees and Ryann sighs. She

looks upset and kind of guilty.

“I shouldn’t have done that. He didn’t need to know that I’m a Magic. Now Maggie is going to

have to get a new resident for the second floor again. She did warn me that he didn’t seem

terribly open minded.” She grumbles. I watch her closely, trying to figure out what to do. I don’t regret my actions, but she clearly does. My gaze catches on the bit of marking visible

on her arm.

“The guy deserved what he got.” I tell her, trying to reassure her. She doesn’t seem pleased. Actually she looks annoyed and she drags her sleeve down, tugging it as low as it will go

while glaring at me.

“Was there anything else you needed?” She demands. Wait what? Does she not want to talk

about what just happened? She is clearly upset.

“Was there anything else you needed from me? Because if there isn’t then I have things to do and would appreciate it if you would just leave already.” She seems eager for me to leave. I’m reluctant, I kind of want to stay but I don’t know that I actually have a reason to. Wait, I should get her phone number. She might be able to help me deal with Tristain. I’m about to

say as much when she cuts me off. She touches my arm and I almost jump out of my skin. She tugs me towards the door and I let her. What is she doing? Suddenly I’m on the front

porch and she is standing inside blocking the doorway.


Bellamy 3- Shoes and shock

“I think we’re done here. I can’t deal with you right now, so it is time for you to leave.” She orders. Wait, no, I’m not done yet! She doesn’t wait for me to answer.

“Have a nice day Bellamy. I’m fated to be friends with your sister so I’m sure I’ll see you around. Bye.” She closes the door in my face and I am stunned. Did she just kick me out? Why didn’t I even try to stop her? I didn’t even get her phone number! I knock on the door again. Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

“Ryann! Open the door, I’m not done talking to you.” I shout, unsure how good her hearing is.

“Well I AM done talking to you. Go away Bellamy.” She yells back. Ugh damnit. That did not go well. I’ll have to try again later. It won’t be hard. I know where she lives and works. Oh shit I really do sound like

a stalker. It’s enough to make me decide to leave her be for now. Still, I want her to know we aren’t finished.

“We aren’t done here. You will talk to me, and soon.”


Chapter Comments

Lis Olsbæk

I love this story so much. But dear author, is this going to be the whole story again, from Belamys POV?


✩ 7

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