Strings of Fate

Chapter 239

Aaron 3- Recognising and recording

I visit the club again Saturday and Sunday night and I fall asleep again to the woman singing both times. By the time Monday comes I am feeling well and truly refreshed and ready to face the week. But once again, I can’t sleep. I struggle all week until Friday comes around again. and I just know that Alpha Ryann has noticed something is up with me. She’s been watching me closely since Thursday morning. I practically stumble into the club Friday night and I’m asleep before the woman finishes her first song. I don’t know how I ended up so dependent on her performances to sleep, but it’s definitely starting to become a problem.

By Sunday night I’m rested enough that I manage to stay awake for the entire set. Okay, so I maybe dozed off a little part way through it, but only for a few minutes and I woke up before she even left the stage. I consider that a win. I’m just contemplating if I want to head home or if I want to stay curled up a little while longer when a voice interrupts my thoughts.

“Hey Shifter. My name is Penelope, although you can call me Penny if you like. Most people do.” The woman whose voice I have been admiring perches herself on the arm of the couch by

my feet. She doesn’t seem nervous around me at all which is unusual. Up close I can see that her hair is definitely white, pinned up in some complicated hairstyle. I can also tell that her

eyes are dark, so dark they are nearly black and that she smells like the ocean. I can’t see her

mark anywhere, but I doubt this woman is human. She smells different to any other human I’ve ever met. I tilt my head curiously. I’m not complaining, I did want to know her name. But I can’t figure out why Penelope has approached me. She smiles at me cheerfully.

“Oh don’t mind me. I was just thinking I wanted to know the name of the Shifter who keeps turning up and then sleeping through all my shows. Although I suppose you can’t exactly tell me when you’re a

giant cat.” She says thoughtfully. James, who has been watching us from the door, apparently entertained by the interaction, takes a chance to interrupt.

“Penny, his cover is paid by someone named Aaron if that helps. I’m fairly sure that’s his name.” He adds helpfully. Penny leans forward from her spot on the arm of the couch so that she can see my face better.

“Aaron? Is that your name?” She asks. I give a deep nod.

“Oh, cool. Well it’s nice to meet you Aaron. I really hope you’re sleeping during my shows. because you enjoy them, not because you’re bored to tears. Although I suppose you wouldn’t


Aaron 3- Recognising and recording.

keep coming back if you hated them. Either way, I hope you have a good night. Will I see you. next week?” She asks. Before I can think, I find myself nodding my agreement.

“Perfect. I guess I’ll see you then. Bye!” She dashes off in a flurry of energy that leaves me baffled. I stare after her blinking. James, who isn’t even pretending that he wasn’t watching approaches me and bravely pats me on the shoulder.

“I know the feeling. She has that effect on most people.” He says knowingly. James has been my alarm all weekend so I suppose he’s gotten a bit more comfortable with me now. Not

enjoying the implication, I retreat from the conversation and make my way home to bed.

Another week of sleepless nights later, I find myself back on that same couch and falling asleep to Penelope’s voice. Unlike the previous times however, James isn’t the one to wake

1. me. Penelope does at the end of her set.

“You must be really tired, to be falling asleep all the time in a place like this.” She comments. She isn’t wrong. I give an exhausted nod.


guess that’s why you’re coming to hear me sing huh? I’m half–Siren so my voice does affect people strangely sometimes. Usually it makes them just stare at me a lot. So sleeping is a kind of different response.” I tilt my head curiously. Half Siren. I knew she wasn’t human, and it explains how her voice is so beautiful. It’s magic. She misinterprets my look.

“You don’t need to worry. I don’t have the hypnotic powers that a full Siren has. My magic is limited to a slight lure and a decent singing voice. Not particularly powerful but good for drawing in a crowd, thus why I can get a regular gig here for extra cash while I work on writing my own songs.” She explains conversationally. I have no idea why she is telling me any of this and I have no way to actually answer, so I just nod my head to show I understand.

“This conversation is a little one–sided, huh? Although something tells me you’re not much of a people person even when you are a person. If you managed to keep track of that, what I’m trying to say is you probably wouldn’t be hanging around as a big scary cat if you were hoping for company.” She concludes. After a moment her face falls.

“Which makes me the idiot who isn’t taking the hint. I’ll let you be.” Before I can find a way to correct her Penelope dashes off again. What is it with her ending conversations so abruptly? Or maybe she wouldn’t end them like that if I actually participated in the


Aaron 3- Recognising and recording


The next night I finish work and I use my car to drive to the club in my two legged form.

James stops me at the door and I realise that he doesn’t recognise me.

“Hey man. It’s twenty dollars for a cover.” He tells me politely, but keeping his tone firm and professional.

“Aaron.” I tell him simply. His eyes widen as he realises who I am.

“Well, it’s about damn time you introduced yourself properly. You’ve been scaring the bartender.” He looks at me speculatively. NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

“Although I can’t say that you aren’t intimidating like this. Still, it’s nice to have a face to go with the name. Well, a less furry face that is. Enjoy your evening.” He lets me pass and I skip the bar and make my way straight to my usual spot. I get a few odd looks and more than once, women try to approach me. But they must read something in my face because they

never make it close, they scurry away the moment they make eye contact. When Penelope

starts to sing, I use my phone and record a sound clip of her first song. I know the club has a no recording rule, but I’m not going to post it anywhere or anything. I’m just hoping it will help me sleep during the week. Then maybe I’ll have the energy to actually stay awake when

I’m here and I can stop passing out in public places. I put my phone away quickly not wanting to get kicked out for breaking the rules. My task accomplished, I close my eyes and focus on Penelope’s voice.

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