Strings of Fate

Chapter 253

Cam 10- Waiting and working

When I arrive at Witches Booze mid afternoon the next day for the afternoon slash evening shift, I’m surprised to find Harrison is already at the bar waiting. He usually comes in the


“He’s been waiting here since we opened. He was asking for you. I offered to text you but he said he didn’t want to bother you and that he would wait.” Cora confides in me quietly when I reach the bar. He’s been here all day! Why? I consider heading to my workroom and ignoring him, but I find I’m not that petty. I suck it up and approach him ignoring the rush of his magic that makes my knees shake and sends shivers down my spine despite the fact that I now feel extraordinarily warm.

“Good afternoon. Can I get you a drink?” I ask in my best customer service voice. Harrison gives a weak smile in response.

“I think you might be a bit angry at me and given my experiences thus far I’m not sure I would survive one of your drinks right now.” I repress the desire to roll my eyes.

“If you don’t want a drink then why are you here?” I demand. He straightens his shoulders. and looks me in the eye.

“I want to apologise. I was being overly pushy and nosy last night. It was none of my business and you are entitled to your privacy, I should have respected that and your boundaries. I know it’s a poor excuse, but I was jealous. I’ve never been jealous before and I dealt with it poorly.” I’m so stunned that he actually apologised that all I can do is stare. He hesitates before continuing.

“Also this might be poorly timed given that I am here apologising for being too pushy and please just tell me to shut up if I’m being too nosy again… But once I got over my tantrum I realised that you

seemed kind of stressed. Are you alright?” Uhhh what? I thought he was angry at me and not only has he apologised but he’s… worried about me? I suppose that’s almost sweet. Maybe. But I’m sure he doesn’t actually want to hear about my difficulties with

my mother.

“I’m fine. It’s no big deal.” I answer awkwardly. I expect him to drop it and move on but he

persists, not buying my platitude.


Cam 10- Waiting and working

“Look, I know we aren’t really friends and I understand that, I really do. But I DO worry about. you. If you don’t want to talk about it that’s fine, but you can just think of me as an impartial listener. Sometimes it’s easier to talk to someone when you don’t know them well and they don’t know all the people involved. I might be able to help.” He suggests. Now I just feel guilty. I was rude to him last night and now he’s trying to be helpful. I don’t think he is dating material, he is an Incubuis after all. But maybe he wouldn’t be terrible as a friend, or even just as someone to talk to occasionally. I suppose I should cut him a break, and try to be a little nicer. Or at least not outright hostile all the time.

“We’re not friends.” I agree and he winces slightly, even though I was only repeating what he already said.

“But I suppose we are acquaintances who MIGHT be able to become friends. Eventually. Maybe.” Why is this so hard? It’s easier to be rude and aggressive to him than to be nice. I’m too used to being super defensive. Harrison flashes me a charming smile and another rush of heat runs through me. I can’t help but narrow my eyes.

“An annoying acquaintance.” I amend. He laughs, clearly delighted.

“You said we’re friends!” He states proudly. I glare at him and cross my arms over my chest.

“I said MIGHT be friends. Eventually. I haven’t promised anything!” I argue, but there’s no real heat behind it. He just shrugs.

“It’s progress.” He grins and I roll my eyes at him.

“Wait, just to

make it clear. This means you accept my apology for being a jackass last night, right?” He stares me down and once again I can’t help but notice how striking his blue eyes are. I give a slow nod. Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yeah, I do.” I agree.

“Thank you!” He beams at me and without warning, leans over the bar (Because he’s actually. tall enough to do that damn him) and kisses me on the cheek. I flush red and immediately turn my back on him to grab a clean glass. But realistically I need a second to composer myself so I don’t make a complete fool of myself. When I turn back to him I have plastered on my best customer service smile.


Cam 10- Waiting and working

“Boundaries Harrison. We need boundaries.”

Harrison hangs out for most of the afternoon until I decide that it’s time for my break and head to my work room. I assume he’s going to leave but when I turn around to close the door I nearly walk straight into him.

“Shit, make a sound when you walk!” I curse at him, taking a hasty step backwards. He just

rolls his eyes at me.

“Sure, I’ll do that. So, what are we working on?” He barges his way into my workroom and

perches himself on the edge of my bench.

“WE aren’t working on anything. I am working on the tracking spell for Ryann. Someone dropped by with the necessary item for me today and I want to get it done for them as soon as possible.” I carefully slide the ziplock bag out of my pocket which contains a scrap of fabric

which will apparently do the trick to connect the child to the spell.

“It was dropped off by a very large man this morning who barely said more than two words to me. It was very strange, particularly since I never gave them my home address.” I think out loud. Harrison laughs.

“Ah, that would have been Aaron. He’s Ryann’s personal bodyguard. He doesn’t talk much. As for your address? They have an I.T. guy who can pretty much track down anyone, it’s a little scary. He’s this anxious little fellow when you talk to him but I suspect that he might be the most terrifying of them all if you pissed him off.” I’m surprised that he knows so much about Ryann’s other friends. It seems like Harrison is a lot more detail oriented than I originally thought. He might not make a bad assistant for this potion after all. Now that I think about it, I don’t know all that much about him. He’s been hanging out here all day. Does he not have a job? But he always pays for drinks and tips well so I have to assume he makes money


“What do you do for work?” I ask. Harrison seems surprised at the sudden subject change.

“Oh, me? I do graphic design. I tend to make my own hours since most of my clients don’t care WHEN I work as long as the work is completed to their satisfaction by the due date.” He explains. Huh, how odd. For someone who looks like him and is as outgoing and charming as he is, that is a fairly solitary job. I know he interacts with clients and stuff, but the fact that


Cam 10- Waiting and working

he can make a decent living without actually using his looks or magic is sort of impressive. I might run a bar, but ultimately my skill set comes down to mixing potions which I was raised to do. I don’t know that I even HAVE any life skills that aren’t linked back to my being a Witch in some way. If I suddenly lost my ability to do magic I suppose I would manage well enough, but my family wouldn’t. I’m not sure they know how to do anything else, they rely on it so heavily. I once again try to kick Harrison out, but he doesn’t leave and in the end I let him stay because I could use the extra set of hands. I only really have an hour free so without wasting another minute, we get to work.

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