Strings of Fate

Chapter 260

Cam 17- Fake and familiar

Camille, I was told I would find you here.” His tone is a mixture of pity and disgust combined with a disturbing amount of entitlement. Like I’m the one inconveniencing him by forcing him to come to my workplace to find me. I have avoided him at every chance I’ve had after blatantly rejecting him last time before leaving my coven’s home. That’s not

a was in tow just ignoring a hint, that’s ignoring a giant neon sign written in caps which says to eff off! Why is he here? Is he stalking me now? What business could he possibly still have with me?

“This is where I work, Simon. What are you doing here? How did you know I would be here?” I demand rudely. Simon laughs like I’ve said something hilarious.

“Your grandmother told me about this place. Since you’ve missed our last few meetings because you were so busy here I thought I might as well indulge you and come see what the big deal is. Your mother told me you refused to miss work, although I don’t know why.

tha It’s not like you have to worry about pissing off your boss when you’ll be quitting soon anyway.” He remarks running a finger over the bar then wiping it on his pants like it came away dirty which it obviously isn’t because I JUST scrubbed it.

“I AM the owner of this bar and what on earth gives you the impression that I intend to quit. working here?” I demand, stalking out from behind the bar to confront him properly, hands on my hips. Okay, so technically I’m only half owner, but that doesn’t sound as good. Besides, I love my job and this place. I worked hard to make it what it is today. I wouldn’t give it up for anything! Simon rolls his eyes and speaks to me like he is indulging a child.

“Well obviously you won’t have time anymore when we’re married. I want at least three children which should keep you plenty busy without all this. Although I suppose if you own the place we can sell it for

some extra cash so that’s not too bad.” He comments thoughtfully. I see red and I temporarily lose the ability to speak. I have to take a few deep breaths before I

lose my temper.

“I’ve told you before and I’ll tell you again. No matter what my mother or grandmother might have promised you, I am NOT going to marry you and I am definitely not having your

children!” I insist. Simon just smirks at me.

“Your mother did say you were being obstinate. But I’m sure you’ll stop being silly and make the right choice soon. It’s not like you’re going to get a better offer.” He tells me smugly. He


Cam 17–Fake and familiar

acts like it’s a done deal and I’m a spoiled child throwing a tantrum. I have no idea what to do to get rid of this man. I’ve refused him in no uncertain terms but he just barrels on, ignoring my opinions and wishes. True, he can’t actually force me to marry him. But he can cause plenty of trouble for me along the way. Especially now that he knows where I work. What am I going to do? My eyes dart around, searching for a solution, or possibly an exit so that I can run away. My eyes land on Harry who is watching with undisguised interest and horror and an idea forms. A man like Simon will never listen to me, to make him give up he needs to really believe that he has no chance.

I just know I’m going to regret this but it seems like the fastest way to get rid of Simon.

“Actually, I do have a better offer, or at least I’m expecting one anytime now. Isn’t that right Harry?” I angle myself away from Simon and give Harry a pleading look. He catches on immediately and without so much as a pause he’s on his feet and joining the conversation.

“Of course babe, you have to be patient though. When I propose to you I want it to be perfect. But don’t worry, I won’t make you wait too long.” Harry winks at me suggestively and I have to work not to roll my eyes. I’m worried that he’s overdoing it but Simon’s eyes are darting between the two of us, trying to figure out what’s happening. Harry sidles in closer to me, slipping his hand around my waist and resting it on my hip. I force myself to relax into his side. Simon’s face is starting to go red.

“Who is this?” He demands angrily.

“This is my… my boyfriend. Harrison.” I manage to force out. The words feel unnatural. Harry holds out a hand to shake but Simon ignores it.

“But your mother insisted you were unattached!” He blusters.

“Definitely not, Cam’s family don’t approve of me much, but I didn’t realise they had moved on to pretending I don’t exist!” Harry says with a laugh. He’s a much better actor than I am. I

look up at him mournfully.

‘Sorry about them.” I tell Harry. He smiles at me, the perfect picture of devotion.

“Don’t apologise. You know the only person whose approval I need is yours.” He answers sweetly. Simon snorts, drawing my attention away from Harry.

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Cam 17- Fake and familiar

“I do not believe you!” He declares..

“If you are so in love, why didn’t you say anything when I first came in?” He demands. Harry shrugs,

“Cam can take care of herself.” He answers easily.

“B–but..” Simon seems stuck on the words and he’s turning a weird shade of purple.

“But what? I am not going to marry you. I. AM. TAKEN. Very happily taken and completely not available. Leave me alone!” I insist. Simon’s pretence of manners falls away completely.

“You have to be JOKING! There’s no way you would choose some boy toy INCUBUS over me!

Do you know who my family are?” He yells.

“How dare you! Harry is ten times the man you are and I wouldn’t marry you if we were the last two people on earth! Get it through your thick skull. I don’t want you. I don’t care about your family or mine. I don’t want more power, I don’t want to pop out endless little Witch babies for you and there is NOTHING you can do to change my mind. Now get OUT before I am forced to call the authorities!” It takes every bit of power I have not to shove him. Harry delivers the final blow when he pulls me close, leans down and gently presses his lips to mine. I swear I nearly pass out on the spot and I feel a rush of his magic surging through me. He pulls back.

“Thank you for defending me love.” He says, quietly but just loud enough for Simon to hear. Again I have to point out, Harry is a MUCH better actor than me. I’m so stunned I can’t get another word out. I hide my face against his chest hoping that Simon won’t see how frazzled I am. This is really not how I thought my night was going to go.

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