Strings of Fate

Chapter 281


Strings of Fate

Cam 38- Adult and attached

Harry stares back at me, probably trying to work out why I’m just sitting here blinking in shock. I’ve never seen him act so… so responsibly before. He’s just sitting here casually talking about budgeting and floor plans. I know that theoretically he must be capable of these kinds of things. He is an adult, he pays bills and has a job. But he always carefree that it’s just weird to see him considering something as mundane as budgeting.

“Seriously, what is it?” He whines. I answer slowly.

“Harry… are… are you secretly a… responsible adult?” My tone is incredulous and I am definitely playing it up a little for the drama. Harry gasps in fake horror.

“You take that back! He insists. I shake my head solemnly.

“I can’t, it’s too late. I’ve seen too much. You care about budgeting.” I keep my voice serious and Harry sighs.

“Okay, you caught me. I have basic life skills. I know, it’s a lot to take in. There is a brain in

here, I’m not just a pretty face.” He knocks himself on the head with his knuckles as he says this and I absolutely lose it. I was a little worried that going on an ‘official‘ date would make things weird between us, but apparently I had nothing to worry about. Although I am a little concerned at how much time I’ve been spending with Harry lately. I should really hang out with some other friends or something. It can’t be healthy to let one

person dominate my time like this. Particularly because when he gets sick of me and leaves I’m going to have all this empty time and no idea how to fill it. If I neglect the few other friends that I have left I will really be left with nothing. The thought sobers me up a little, although Harry seems extra motivated to get started on my budgeting. Considering that this is my job, he’s very invested in helping me. The night goes really fast with me working the bar while Harry helps me plan. my vision. He’s disturbingly good at putting my vague ideas into actual defined concepts. I suppose that is kind of what he does at his own work. By the end of the shift we have a detailed plan, with sketches, a floor plan and a list of items for me to check pricing on so that we can complete the budgeting breakdown. I’m kind of amazed. I thought that this would take me weeks and between the two of us we’ve managed almost the entire project in one night WHILE I was working. I suppose making the actual spells and potions will take a little more time, but I’m feeling really optimistic now.


Cam 38- Adult and attached

We’re still talking about the plans for my bar when Harry takes me home. The trip is faster than usual since he has his car with him. He pulls up in front of my house and parks the car. I

move to get out of the car but Harry catches my hand to stop me.

“Before you go. I wanted to check. Today went well… right? Does that mean you will be

willing to go out with me again?” He asks.

“Sure.” I answer without even thinking. I couldn’t even imagine saying no at this point. This

is the best day I’ve had in a long time and I would be an idiot to turn down more of it.

“Great! One second, I’ll walk you to your door.” Harry beams at me. He opens my car door for

me and holds a hand out to help me from the car.

“You know, for someone who claims to not know much about romance, you’re kind of good at it.” I point out. Harry shrugs.

“I’m not doing anything that special. Just wheedling my way into spending time with you.” Harry responds. I frown, does he not realise how considerate he’s been. Picking an activity that I would enjoy, taking me home, picking gifts that suit my interests, helping me accomplish my goals at work. If this is what he considers normal, I would be terrified to see what it looks like when he’s going all out. I stop at my door and wait expectantly for Harry to ask his regular nightly question. I’m sort of expecting him to ask to be invited in again. I‘ mean, I agreed to a date and he made it into my house once before. He probably thinks it’s a sure thing at this point. The worst part is that if he weren’t an Incubus I probably WOULD invite him up. But I know this won’t last and if I let this go any further there won’t be any recovery from it.

“Can I hug you? Like not just this once but in general.” Harry asks. Once again he’s surprised me by not asking what I expected. I suppose I have hugged Harry a few times now so it’s not an unreasonable request. But I just finished deciding that I need to avoid getting closer to Harry. Holding hands is one thing, but hugs… that is way too much closeness. There is no way I’ll be able to keep myself under control if I agree to hugging. I shake my head no.

“I don’t think so.” Harry releases my hand so I can unlock the door.

“Okay, no problem. I can wait.” He responds cheerfully. He waits for me to be safely in the house before heading back to his car and driving off. Twenty minutes later I get a text


Cam 38- Adult and attached

message from him.

Distraction- I forgot to ask. Can I take you to breakfast tomorrow?

Cam- As long as it’s not too early. Also, it’s my turn to pay for the food.

Distraction- How’s 10am sound? And sure, I have no issue with that.

Cam–10am works. I’ll see you then. Cora is working tomorrow, so I was going to spend some time finishing up that budget. Can you send it to me?

Distraction- I’ll bring it in the morning. We can work on it together.

Cam- Don’t you have work to do?

Distraction-… Maybe… It can wait.

Cam- I’ll work on the budgeting. You need to do your own job.

Distraction- Can I hang out while I work?

Cam- As long as you actually focus, sure.

Distraction- Then I will see you in the morning.

Distraction- Good night! Xox

Cam- Night 🙂

I’m both relieved and disappointed to find that I have no messages from my mother. I didn’t really think one ultimatum message and a day to think about it would change anything, but that little optimistic part of me that wants her approval leaves me feeling a little low. I have to remember that this might take a

while. My mother is as stubborn as I am so I can’t expect her to change overnight. On the bright side, I haven’t heard from Simon at all which is something that I have zero regrets about. It seems like he might have finally taken the hint and backed off. I suppose that means I don’t actually need to go out with Harry after all… but


Cam 38- Adult and attached

why risk it? I should give it at least a week or so to make sure that Simon really is finished with me. All I have to do is not get too attached to Harry in the meantime. It shouldn’t be

too hard. Right? I go to bed with this in mind, it will be fine as long as I don’t fall for Harry. I have to ignore the little nagging part of me that insists that it might already be a bit too late.

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