Strings of Fate

Chapter 288

Cam 45- Preoccupied and prepared

Harry pulls up in front of my home and I’m doing my best not to shake and bounce my knee due to nervous excitement. I’m pushing the door open and getting out of the seat before. Harry even has the parking brake on because I don’t think I can sit still for another second. I wait awkwardly by the car as Harry gets out to join me. He immediately winds his fingers through mine and tugs me closer to him. We walk up to the doorstep, and as is our tradition,

we pause.

“So, Cam. Can I come in?” Harry asks. His tone is joking, I mean I’ve already invited him. inside. But there is a seriousness in his expression that tells me he does still mean it. He’s giving me a chance to change my mind and send him home. But I have no intention of doing that. To answer his question, I place a hand on his shoulder and tug him down towards me while going up on my toes. I have to basically lean all my weight on him because I’m reaching up so high and I’m totally off balance, but it’s worth it because now I can kiss him. My lips are just reaching his when he suddenly jerks away from me. What the hell? I’m frozen in shock for a moment as my brain takes in the situation. Harry didn’t pull away from me, he was yanked away from me by Simon grabbing the back of his collar and pulling him down the few steps leading up to my door. Harry is on the ground looking stunned and Simon stumbles after him, probably not actually prepared for the weight of the guy he basically pulled down. on himself in his rage.

“What the hell are you doing?!” I scream.

“I’m saving you from this demon.” Simon snarls back, still approaching Harry. I rush after Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

him and grab his arm.

“Are you insane? Do I look like I need saving? Because I can assure you I don’t!” I tug on Simon’s arm, trying to keep him from attacking Harry again and giving Harry a chance to lurch to his feet, although he looks a little stiff from his collision with the cement. At least he

didn’t hit his head, th

would have been really bad.

“You don’t know that you need saving because this monster is manipulating you. You’re a woman so you’re weak to his evil magic.” Simon pulls his arm away from me and roughly shoves me back, I stumble on the steps and land on my ass right by my front door. I’m tiny so I basically go flying straight into it. Ouch!



Cam 45- Preoccupied and prepared

“You are actually insane! Harry isn’t manipulating me!” I scream the words. Harry shoves himself in between me and Simon, keeping his back to me so that it isn’t facing Simon again. I can’t believe I didn’t notice the asshole hanging around, although I suppose I WAS a little preoccupied. I should have gone to the police today rather than wait, and I should have warned Harry to be on his guard. But I didn’t think that Simon would ATTACK him. There’s a big difference between spray painting a building or taking a few photos and physically trying

to hurt someone.

“Don’t you dare touch her.” Harry says darkly, glaring at Simon. Shit this is not good. I don’t want Harry to get hurt. Why didn’t I call the police earlier? Why didn’t I bring a single defensive potion with me? I’m

such an idiot. I could try a spell but my concentration is completely shot so there’s no telling how it would turn out and I don’t want to risk hurting Harry with out of control magic. Simon takes a step closer and Harry tenses up.

“Let the girl go. Release her from your magic demon!” Simon demands. Harry tilts his head in confusion.

“I’m not a demon, I’m an Incubus, that’s a totally different species. And why the hell are you so convinced that I’m using magic on her?” He questions. His tone is oddly calm, totally different from the dark tone he had a moment ago. What is going on? I start to feel a trickle of Harry’s magic rolling through me, but not the usual lust or excitement I usually get from him. This is more like… fear? But not quite. Stress? Is stress even an emotion? Either way the magic is making me feel stressed. Is he trying to make Simon MORE agitated? Why the hell would he do that? Or is he doing it by accident somehow? I really need to ask Harry more about how his magic works. I know he can manipulate emotions, but I thought it was mostly related to lust and other physical things. Either way, the magic is having a clear impact on Simon. He breaks out in a sweat and his eyes start darting around nervously. It’s like he’s lost. the determined focus he had when he got here. He’s realised that he’s just one guy and that Harry isn’t just going to stand there and take it, or just hand me over without a fight. For a moment, it looks like he might even back down. Then without warning, Simon launches himself at Harry, arm swinging wide in a punch, screaming out as he attacks. I cringe, hoping Harry doesn’t get hurt. To my complete and utter shock, Harry sidesteps the swing and without pausing, twists around, grabs Simon’s arm and in a clearly practised and oddly. graceful selection of twisting and turning movements, Harry pulls Simon’s arm in a way that causes him to overextend it. Simon immediately moves his weight, trying to escape the pain and Harry twists him around again, grabbing him by the wrist and elbow and using his own weight to shove Simon face first into the cement. Simon fights for a moment, but Harry drops. his weight onto Simon’s back and twists his arm up behind him. Simon freezes, clearly in





Cam 45- Preoccupied and prepared



pain. After a moment longer Simon goes slack, no longer fighting although he does continue 07

to spit out insults and threats. He also spits out blood, I think his nose might be broken from his collision with the ground. Serves him right.

I’m just staring at Harry, totally stunned.

“Hey Cam? I know you’re a bit freaked out. But could you do me a favour and call the police. I can’t hold him here all night.” Harry says in a voice I would usually use to soothe a crying child. But I’m fine… Aren’t I? It’s his words that make me realise I am breathing very quickly

and I feel a little light headed. What was I meant to be doing? Right. The police. With shaking hands I pull my phone out and call the emergency line. The operator promises to send someone out and I flinch when Simon yelps loudly as he tries to escape Harry’s hold and Harry twists his arm further up his back. The wait for the police is long and quiet. In the movies they turn up right away, sirens blazing, lights flashing. In reality, it takes about ten minutes for anyone to turn up. The car pulls up quietly on the

street and two uniformed. officers approach us. I take a deep breath to steady myself. There are a million things I should

be worrying about, but all I can think is that my plans for the evening are completely ruined.

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