Such a Rude and Noisy Woman

Chapter 355 Looking For Evidence

Chapter 355 Looking For Evidence

"Anybody home?" Rachel called out as she knocked on the old door adorned with paintings of door-


As no one came out to answer the door for a while, she knocked again and called out more

loudly,"Hellooo!... Is anybody home?"

Carl also got out of the car and helped Rachel, now shouting,"Anybody out there?"

"I don't think there's anybody living here now, Rachel," Carl said. He tried to push the door and to their

surprise, it opened.

Rachel noticed the spider webs on the frame making it clear that this house hadn't been occupied for

quite a while. But why did Grandpa Richard tell her that he was living here now?

She stepped inside and saw that there were pots and pans in the kitchen. In the bedroom, the covers

and mattress were jumbled on the bed. But nobody was inside.

"Rachel, I think he moved away. Maybe the villagers, including Grandpa Richard, just didn't notice it!"

Carl speculated.

Rachel thought for a moment and said,"I suppose so. Maybe he didn't want people to know and left


And I think it's not that long ago. Look at the spider webs, they're not that old. Also, there's only a thin

layer of dust on the table. He probably just moved out, maybe just a few days ago." She concluded and

couldn't help heaving a sigh.

Rachel usually came here and stayed a few days with Fannie from time to time. That was how she

could guess that Dave had transferred somewhere else.

That made her think that maybe he heard some news and deliberately wanted to avoid seeing her.

"Rachel, I found a phone here on the table!" Carl shouted from across the room as he took it in his

hands and pressed it. Seeing its screen turn on, he said,"We learned before that this man had nothing,

but don't you think it's weird that he left a functioning phone behind? One that can make outgoing


Rachel took the phone from Carl and found that there was no SIM card inside.

She agreed with Carl. Dave must have gotten a new phone, otherwise he wouldn't leave this one just

sitting on the table. It only made sense that he may have gotten a better one.

"Let's take this with us and see if we can find something useful from it." Rachel said with a sigh,"it

seems that we have come here all the way for nothing. He knew we would come for him so he left."

Carl put the phone in a bag and said,"Yes, but where do you think he might go, Rachel?

He's alone and is in his 50s. I have no idea where he could go. Look at this place, I bet he didn't have

the money to afford a better place to live in. Besides, if he had left several days ago, he would need

money for food and lodging."

He looked around carefully and the only electric appliance he found was a black and white TV.

They left Dave's place and got in the car.

"It's easy to guess. Someone must have provided him enough money to settle down somewhere far

away as he was trying to run away from us. When we find him, we will get the information we need."

Rachel said as she buckled her seat belt.

She was neither Sherlock Holmes nor a police officer, but she could think to herself, especially that the

whole matter was making nonsense.

"Rachel, what do you mean by saying that? Is that..." Carl asked and looked at her in a shock.

He was fully aware who the accuser was and who the suspect was.

"Let's go back!" Rachel sighed heavily and in the car, she leaned back on her seat.

Since Gavin had sent his messenger to her with a directive, she was sure that he had made up of his

mind to settle everything, his way.

"Rachel, Uncle Gavin is going too far with this matter. I grew up with Hiram, and I knew everything that

happened within the family. When his younger sister passed away, Uncle Gavin almost lost his mind. Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

To make matters worse, their mother also passed away not long after. People said that she missed her

daughter so much that she couldn't live without her. She died of a broken heart.

Maybe this is the reason why Uncle Gavin is like that. He still couldn't get over this tragedy." Carl said.

He sighed. Every family had its own nut to crack.

Rachel looked at the scenery out the window as they drove through and thoughtfully said,"I know, there

are some things that we are not qualified to judge who is right and who is wrong."

But I believe that my mom didn't do it. I know her well enough."

Carl nodded and said,"I agree. Auntie Fannie is a nice person and I can see it. Rachel, listen, I'll try my

best to help you!"

Rachel looked at Carl with a smile and said,"Thank you, Carl. It's very kind of you for saying that.

You're Joanna's nephew and I won't blame you if you take their side. I really appreciate your help."

Although they got nothing this time, she wouldn't give up and would keep looking.

She was all that Fannie could depend on now, and she wouldn't let her mother down.

When they arrived in H City, Rachel went to visit Fannie. She was calm and gentle, trying not to upset

her. Even if they didn't find any useful evidence this time, they had found out that Dave had to run

away. It meant that he was scared of meeting them and was hiding something.

Rachel asked Carl to drive her to the Rong House after they left the correctional facility.

Although Gavin was the one who started all this, Rachel was reluctant to break away from him because

they had become family and had already develop a bond.

When she got there, Joanna and Lydia were out somewhere, and Gavin was home alone.

"Dad," Rachel called to him softly, and there were only Gavin and her sitting in the living room.

Gavin, who was leaning over the sofa, spoke without any emotion on his face,"Since you're here, I

believe you have made your decision."

Gavin knew that his messenger had told Rachel clearly what he wanted from her.

"Dad, look, you're still my father-in-law and I come with love and respect. Will you find it in your heart

and stop all this for the sake of what we have now? Our bond as a family? Think about Jonny and

Joyce! Will you please help set my mother free from prison, Dad?"

Rachel pleaded. Then she stood up from the sofa, walked to him and knelt down in front of him.

"I want to apologize for my parents. I am so sorry! My parents made a mistake and they should have

handled Landy more carefully. But they were too young and irresponsible, and you know that people

are too impulsive when they're young. For me and for your grandchildren, please! Set my mother free!"

Seeing Rachel kneeling down, Gavin sighed and closed his eyes,"Rachel, I was wrong too. I wouldn't

have asked Hiram to marry you if I had known this earlier. You didn't know what I had gone through

when I lost my sister.

If you didn't marry Hiram, maybe I would let it pass for the sake of the friendship between your family

and mine.

However, look where we are now!

What I can't endure is, your mom married you into our family eagerly after what she had done to my

sister. She made you, the daughter of our foe, marry my son, become my daughter-in-law, and now the

mother of my grandchildren! It is just too much. I can't stand it!"

Gavin took a deep breath to calm down, and then continued,"What was your mother thinking?" Did she

ever think about what would happen to us?

For the past four years, I tried to let it go, and I pretended that there was nothing wrong. I tried to

persuade myself to move on, but it was just impossible. It was too painful. I can't make myself see you

and your mom in front of me. Every single time, it reminds me of what happened in the past and to my

younger sister.

Rachel, I hate myself for putting your mother, the grandmother of my grandchildren, in prison! But I

have no other choice. I'd rather do that than live in misery and torture myself inside day and night. I can

live in peace as long as long your mom paid for what she did."

Seeing the determination on his face, Rachel's eyes turned red and asked,"Dad, do you mean that

there is no chance that you would set my mother free? And you'll think of the past as long as you lay

your eyes on me? In that case, you want me to leave this house for good?"

Gavin said in a low voice without opening his eyes,"Unfortunately, that is correct. I can let your mom

go, and I can negate all the evidences pointing to her.

But on one condition that you and your mother leave, and never show up in H City. Never associate

with this family and forever leave my son!"

He wasn't planning to have Fannie killed, but he could only live in peace as long as they never showed

up in front of him. For him, this was the way to help him get over the misery of losing his sister.

Wiping off the tears on her cheeks, Rachel put a faint smile on her face and asked,"Dad, look, I can

leave if I'm alone, but how about my children, Jonny and Joyce? I will have to take them with me if I

leave. Have you even thought of that?"

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