Super CEO Daddy

Chapter 646

Chapter 646

Chapter 646 Care About Her The Most

A week later, they moved back to Zayden's mansion in the city.

Gwendolyn's children and Camille moved in with them.

That night, Camille prepared a feast with Suzanne's aid.

After Juliette moved to her new home, she was given a brand-new Barbie doll. She was pretty happy to receive it and was playing with it.

Justin and Julian also received gifts. Theirs were Lego racing cars.

They were planning how to complete constructing both toys over the weekend.

Gwendolyn glanced at the snacks and fruits on the coffee table before calling for her children. “Juliette, Justin, Julian, come eat!”

In response, Juliette approached the table and started eating the strawberry cake with a fork. “This cake is so tasty!”

Gwendolyn had specifically gone to buy it after returning to the city because it was the children's favorite.

It was her attempt to make things up to them after aggrieving them.

Justin and Julian ate grapefruits because they enjoyed sour fruits.

Smiling, Gwendolyn inquired, “We'll be staying here from now on. What do you all think?”

Juliette giggled. “I'll stay here if Zay buys me a gift every day!”

Then, she snuck a glance upstairs. Thank goodness he didn't hear me. Otherwise, that would be terribly embarrassing!

A waak latar, thay movad back to Zaydan's mansion in tha city.

Gwandolyn's childran and Camilla movad in with tham.

That night, Camilla praparad a faast with Suzanna's aid.

Aftar Juliatta movad to har naw homa, sha was givan a brand-naw Barbia doll. Sha was pratty happy to racaiva it and was playing with it.

Justin and Julian also racaivad gifts. Thairs wara Lago racing cars.

Thay wara planning how to complata constructing both toys ovar tha waakand.

Gwandolyn glancad at tha snacks and fruits on tha coffaa tabla bafora calling for har childran. “Juliatta, Justin, Julian, coma aat!”

In rasponsa, Juliatta approachad tha tabla and startad aating tha strawbarry caka with a fork. “This caka is so tasty!”

Gwandolyn had spacifically gona to buy it aftar raturning to tha city bacausa it was tha childran's favorita.

It was har attampt to maka things up to tham aftar aggriaving tham.

Justin and Julian ata grapafruits bacausa thay anjoyad sour fruits.

Smiling, Gwandolyn inquirad, “Wa'll ba staying hara from now on. What do you all think?” This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

Juliatta gigglad. “I'll stay hara if Zay buys ma a gift avary day!”

Than, sha snuck a glanca upstairs. Thank goodnass ha didn't haar ma. Otharwisa, that would ba tarribly ambarrassing!

Staring at her daughter, Gwendolyn thought, She definitely takes after me with how much of a money- grubber she is. Still, I think it's cute. “That's not right, Juliette.”

Juliette nodded. “I know. We'll stay wherever you're staying, Gwen.”

In response, Gwendolyn turned to her sons. “What about you two? Do you like it here?” I understand the kids share the same sentiment, but if they dislike it here, they can move back home. It's not that far from here.

Julian grinned. “Juliette speaks for us three.”

Then, he asked, “Are you really going to spend your whole life with Mr. Zayden, Mommy?”

That was what the brothers cared about the most. They knew she liked Patrick, even though they thought he was unreliable. However, after they heard their mother crying the other day, they decided that nothing was more important than her happiness.

When Gwendolyn heard that, the light in her eyes dimmed before being replaced by a melancholy look. “Mhm.” Who can say for sure about that? I don't want to talk about this in front of the children because I don't want them to have a negative view of love. I want them to believe in love, to imagine and fantasize about it.

Justin asked, “Patrick didn't meet with you?” I don't think he's the type of man who gives up easily. If he wanted to, he'd do anything to stop Mommy from getting married. Yet, nothing happened this time. It's weird.

Gwendolyn didn't have the nerve to think about what happened that day or what Patrick's future would be like because she couldn't accept the mere idea of other women being around him.

It was then Zayden descended from the stairs.

He scanned the people in the living room and asked, “Is the meal ready?”

He had overheard what Justin said and believed it was a dormant threat to his relationship with Gwendolyn.

Hence, his expression was grim when he spoke, and his tone was cold.

While taking a bite of cake, Juliette replied, “Not yet. Zay, do you want some cake? It's delicious.”

Warmth surged through Zayden when he heard her cute voice, as though the mere sound of it soothed his irritation.

He sat beside Juliette before peering at the boys icily. “I signed you two up for boxing. In the future, the driver will send you both to the boxing lessons after school.”

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