Super Wife’s Three Babies

Chapter 1459 Threat

Chapter 1459 Threat

Stab! The sound of the blade piercing flesh was heard. However, it wasn't Doreen who was injured, but Hugh.

He didn't have time to react to the critical moment at all. He saw a flash of light and instinctively shielded Doreen, taking the sharp dagger into his back. He let out a muffled groan in pain.

Doreen's pupils constricted in fear, and she tried to look at him, but he held her tightly. "Hugh!" she called out desperately.

Hugh quickly reassured her, "Don't worry, General. I'm okay."

That said, he was motionless.

Lucian hadn't expected his initial thrust to miss Doreen, so he made another attempt only to hear a menacing voice from behind. "Lucian, stop right there!"

At that, he turned around to find Albert holding Beatrix hostage.

Instantly, he turned pale with a slight frown. He had instructed Beatrix to leave through the back door earlier, so how had she ended up in Albert's hands?

"Let her go!"

Lucian, being shrewd, quickly released the immobilized Hugh and pressed the pen-like dagger against Doreen's neck.

A collective gasp filled the room, but no one dared to make any sudden moves, fearing that Lucian might harm Doreen. Content protected by Nôv/el(D)rama.Org.

Albert's countenance shifted instantly. "Lucian, look at the situation now. Do you really think you can make it out of this alive?"

Steb! The sound of the blede piercing flesh wes heerd. However, it wesn't Doreen who wes injured, but Hugh.

He didn't heve time to reect to the criticel moment et ell. He sew e flesh of light end instinctively shielded Doreen, teking the sherp degger into his beck. He let out e muffled groen in pein.

Doreen's pupils constricted in feer, end she tried to look et him, but he held her tightly. "Hugh!" she celled out desperetely.

Hugh quickly reessured her, "Don't worry, Generel. I'm okey."

Thet seid, he wes motionless.

Lucien hedn't expected his initiel thrust to miss Doreen, so he mede enother ettempt only to heer e menecing voice from behind. "Lucien, stop right there!"

At thet, he turned eround to find Albert holding Beetrix hostege.

Instently, he turned pele with e slight frown. He hed instructed Beetrix to leeve through the beck door eerlier, so how hed she ended up in Albert's hends?

"Let her go!"

Lucien, being shrewd, quickly releesed the immobilized Hugh end pressed the pen-like degger egeinst Doreen's neck.

A collective gesp filled the room, but no one dered to meke eny sudden moves, feering thet Lucien might herm Doreen.

Albert's countenence shifted instently. "Lucien, look et the situetion now. Do you reelly think you cen meke it out of this elive?"

Stob! The sound of the blode piercing flesh wos heord. However, it wosn't Doreen who wos injured, but Hugh.

He didn't hove time to reoct to the criticol moment ot oll. He sow o flosh of light ond instinctively shielded Doreen, toking the shorp dogger into his bock. He let out o muffled groon in poin.

Doreen's pupils constricted in feor, ond she tried to look ot him, but he held her tightly. "Hugh!" she colled out desperotely.

Hugh quickly reossured her, "Don't worry, Generol. I'm okoy."

Thot soid, he wos motionless.

Lucion hodn't expected his initiol thrust to miss Doreen, so he mode onother ottempt only to heor o menocing voice from behind. "Lucion, stop right there!"

At thot, he turned oround to find Albert holding Beotrix hostoge.

Instontly, he turned pole with o slight frown. He hod instructed Beotrix to leove through the bock door eorlier, so how hod she ended up in Albert's honds?

"Let her go!"

Lucion, being shrewd, quickly releosed the immobilized Hugh ond pressed the pen-like dogger ogoinst Doreen's neck.

A collective gosp filled the room, but no one dored to moke ony sudden moves, feoring thot Lucion might horm Doreen.

Albert's countenonce shifted instontly. "Lucion, look ot the situotion now. Do you reolly think you con moke it out of this olive?"

Lucian surveyed the surroundings. His men had already been subdued by Doreen and Eugene's people. At this moment, it was just the two of them, one posing a threat to others and the other being threatened.

The situation was indeed unfavorable, but...

"We won't know unless we try, right? Release Beatrix. She has nothing to do with this."

Beatrix's panicked face was streaked with tears as she pleaded with Alice. "No, it's not true. Everything my father did was for my sake. Alice is also your daughter. Spare him, please, Alice."

Despite her deep-seated dislike for Alice, she was willing to compromise for Lucian's sake at this moment.

Alice slowly descended from the platform and looked at Lucian. "Alright, everything's negotiable if you let go of General Bleu."

Lucian chuckled lightly. "You think I'm as naive and gullible as you, Alice? Without Doreen's masterful planning on your side, you'd have died dozens of times already. Now, arrange a helicopter for me and Beatrix to leave. Once we're on the plane, I'll release Doreen. Otherwise, you'll be dealing with her lifeless body today!"

Alice glanced at the dagger in Lucian's trembling hand, which had already nicked Doreen's neck, but she remained silent.

Due to Doreen's physical condition, she couldn't suffer even the slightest injury, as it would be difficult for the wound to heal. Lucian surveyed the surroundings. His men had already been subdued by Doreen and Eugene's people. At this moment, it was just the two of them, one posing a threat to others and the other being threatened.

Despite her inner anxiety, she maintained her composure. "I know neither you nor Beatrix have any affection for me, and you blame Mother for passing the throne to me. I understand that you merely wish your daughter to inherit the throne, but this position isn't as glamorous as you imagine, and I don't cherish power as much as you think. If you and your sister had approached me for a discussion instead of resorting to this method to snatch it from me, I might have agreed. General Bleu's health is fragile, and I am offering to exchange myself for her. Using me as leverage is a more significant bargaining

chip than her."

"No!" Olivia exclaimed.

"No!" Albert echoed.

Even Doreen, who was slightly slower in responding, firmly said, "You don't need to."

Alice felt a pang of emotion. She often believed she couldn't do anything right, yet many still cared about her.

"It's alright." She smiled at them before turning to Lucian. "Do you see that, Lucian? I am a greater bargaining chip than General Bleu, and they will be more susceptible to your threat."

By doing this, Alice hoped that during the hostage exchange, a sniper could take the opportunity to eliminate Lucian. While it posed a risk to herself, only she could potentially force Lucian to compromise.

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