Taken By The Arrogant Billionaire

Chapter 42

Valerie gawked. She was seated on the love seat in the living room staring at the dressed her in wonder. Layla stood opposite her proudly with both her hands on her hips.

“How….” She didn’t know what to say. These dresses were high quality. “Are these really for me?”

“Of course. Who else would it be for? Sandy probably has hundreds of dresses even better than these in her wardrobe already”

“If I didn’t know better, I would have thought you were some rich heiress. Where did you get the money? And don’t give me the bullshit about paycheck. I’m not buying it. These things cost maybe fifteen times your salary”

“I didn’t tell you this, but I’ve been saving up for quite some time and here is the result”

“You bought me dresses with the money you have been saving up? Did you forget you bought me some not too long ago?”

“Is it too much? You deserve it. It’s your birthday in about two months. Just take it as a gift” Valerie squinted her eyes. “Stop looking at me like that. I’m off to my room”



“Thank you” She only smiled in response.

The next day, it was time to leave work, but she didn’t. She hardly saw Jared. He didn’t call her into his office, and he hadn’t gone out for meetings either. He stayed in and buried himself in paperwork. She had met him at the office today and guessed he didn’t go home. His appearance wasn’t really good also.

“Aren’t you leaving?” Kathy asked.

“Uhm… I have some things to finish up. I will leave when I’m done”

It was an excuse, but it was true. She thought maybe by the time she was done, Jared would have left by then. But she was wrong. She yawned and rubbed her eyes, checking the time. 11:05 pm. She looked towards his door. He still didn’t come out. She packed her stuff, went to his door and knocked twice.

She entered when she received a go-ahead.

“I told you to go home, Will”

When he received no response, he looked up. “Valerie. Why are you still doing here?”

“I was waiting for you” she blurted out without thinking. She bit her tongue in embarrassment.

“You were waiting for me?”

There was no denying it now. “Yes. And I also had some extra work to do” he looked so tired.

“You should leave now”

“Are you not going home?’

“By any chance, are you worried about me?”

“Do you want to go somewhere?”

“Somewhere? Where is that?”

In a forty-five minutes, Jared found himself before an ice cream truck. He looked around the neighborhood. It was not tidy.

“Is this…. the place you were talking about?”


“Two cones of ice cream please”

They both headed to a nearby bench. She gave him a cone.

“I don’t like sweets”

“Oh” her shoulders drooped in disappointed. Jared felt bad.

“But it wouldn’t hurt to do it once in a while”

He grimaced when the cold cream entered his mouth, but he quickly smiled.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“How is it?”

“It’s… good”

“You don’t like it” she said.

“You got me” They chuckled.

“What do you do when you’re not busy? She questioned.

“I am hardly not busy, but when I am, I read books”

“You love reading?” He nodded. “Wow! I do too. What type do you like reading? Romance? Mystery?”

“I don’t read those”

“So what do you read? Fantasy? Thriller? Horror-”

“History. I read history” he interrupted.

“His…. history? You read history novels? Where is the fun in that?”

“I don’t do it for fun. It is to gain knowledge”

“You’re already so powerful and intelligent. I heard you graduated from the best university in the country. Is that true?”

“It is”

“Woah! I wish I had half of your brain”

“It won’t fit into that little head of yours. So make do with what you have” he patted her head.

“That is an insult”

“Oh, is it?” She scoffed and pouted. “How about we go get some street food. I’m hungry”

“Street food? It is not hygienic”

She shook her head in agreement. “I know a very good place. I’ve been doing this for a long time so do not worry” she grabbed his hand and dragged him up.

They got to a tent and Valerie settled him down while she went to get their food. She came back with two pieces of tacos.

She dug in immediately. Closing her eyes, she moaned at the deliciousness.

“Aren’t you going to eat?” She asked when she saw him looking at the food with what looked like disgust. She rolled her eyes. “Come on. This place might not look like the palace you live in, but it’s still fair. Please, just a bite” she batted her eyes severally and Jared completely fell for it.

He took a careful bite. Surprisingly, he loved it. Valerie smiled as she continued with hers. However, when she looked up again, she realized he had stopped eating and was staring at her.

“Do you not like it anymore?”

“I realized there is something more delicious than this taco here”

“Really? I can order it if you want”

He shook his head. “It’s right before me”

“Before you? Where?” She looked at the table. There was nothing there except the tacos.


She was dazed into silence. He stood up and leaned closer. Her face became as red as a tomato. His thumb wiped the side of her lips.

“There was something there” then his thumb went into his mouth. She became so red that she almost bled from her nose.

“Why did you do that? It is dirty”

“Nothing about you is dirty” he said huskily. It sent jolts into her body.

She cleared her throat so hard that it almost bruised. “Let’s go” he nodded obediently.

They walked in silence towards where the car was parked. His hand shifted to hers and held it. She raised a brow and looked at him. He looked very serious like he didn’t just do something silly. She wanted to resist, but could not bring herself to. Her small hand in his big ones felt so comforting. He secretly smiled when she did not resist. Baby steps were still steps.

“Thanks for bringing me home”

“Thank you too” the smiled at each for a while before she hesitantly got off. The smile never left her face, even when she entered.

Layla studied her friend who was grinning foolishly, and she was even blushing.

“Are you okay?”

Valerie quickly came back to her senses. “Of course. Why do you ask?”

“You are blushing” Layla deadpanned.

“Am I? Oh, it must be the weather. It’s a bit hot outside”

“By the way, why were you late? You should have arrived a few hours ago. I was worried”

“I worked late. I’m sorry. I should have called or texted. I’m going to bed now” she yawned her goodnight.

The next morning, Valerie woke up to the sound of her phone ringing nonstop. She stretched and yawned. It was Sandy. She picked up the call and immediately Layla burst in with anger burning in her eyes.

She was confused. “Hello”

“Valerie, what is wrong with you?” Sandy yelled at her over the phone.

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