Tales Of Love

Chapter 89

Mia looked away. Guilt flooding her heart. How was she going to answer her mother’s question, “Mia?” Luke called. Why was she stalling for time, her father thought.

“This is something I haven’t told anyone of you before” Mia said and stared at her fingers like a teenage girl. She sighed before continuing her statement “Caden Diego is the CEO of the Diego group, and Eve Diego that hurt Aurora is his daughter. The same Caden Diego is actually….. is….. huh….. Aurora’s father” Mia concluded and her tears gave way down her cheeks.

There was a dead silence. No one uttered a word but all turned and stared at Mia. They all accepted Aurora but never questioned Mia who her father was. They only assume that Aurora’s father was probably in Florence City and of course they were right that way.

“Did you tell her Caden is her father?” Luke Rowan asked. Mia nodded amidst tears. There was silence that lasted quite a few seconds.

That’s it, the reason why Aurora didn’t come down for breakfast. No one would, if they got to know that the one who made their life miserable was actually a relative, in fact a father.

If Aurora only shut herself in her room and not hurt herself, she’s indeed a brave girl. Without a word, Luke stood up and went toward Aurora’s room. He took the stairs and stood in front of her door. Others stood up and followed and soon, there was almost the whole family knocking at her door.

Aurora heard hushed voices and knocks. She knew then that they had all come in front of her door. But she refused to answer, nor open the door.

She was too devastated, heartbroken and perplexed. She wants to be alone and overcome the Sudden realization of what her mother told her. She had cried and had no more strength to cry.

“Aurora my child, why did you allow what Mia said to bother you? Sometimes, the truth hurts, yes it hurts a lot but when you accept the truth, it brings an incredible peace to your heart”. Luke Rowan said, persuading Aurora.

“The truth of what you’ve heard does not change anything. You are my granddaughter and you are a Rowan. That’s what mattered the most. Nothing can change that, and you shouldn’t get worked up with the information that will hold no water” Luke said further.

Mrs Rowan was feeling hurt for her granddaughter. She tried persuading her as well as Aurora seemed unaffected by her grandfather’s words. “Aurora my dear. You are my grandchild, my eldest grandchild. Open the door for your grandma, because I am never letting you off as a Rowan. We all love you and you are an integral part of this family..”

“I hope she hasn’t hurt herself? I will never forgive myself, I will just kill myself if Aurora does anything to hurt herself” Mia said standing for behind.

Her eyes were puffy and red. She had stopped sobbing but kept sniffling at intervals. Aurora is her life and she cannot afford to see anything bad happen to her life.

From the day she gave birth to Aurora, she had only brought her misery and heartache. Her failure as a mother kept unfolding itself in spirals.

“You shut your mouth, if you had told us this a long time ago or perhaps have rehearsed it in our ears before putting it to her, the matter would have been salvaged” Luke reprimanded Mia.

Luke felt unhappy about what Mia did. He had reprimanded her before her siblings. This is what he had never done in years. But inwardly, he was wishing that Aurora truly did not hurt herself. He will not be able to survive the loss of a child and a grandchild.

But why hadn’t Aurora opened the door? Was she ignoring them and pretending not to hear all they’ve said or had something bad happened to her?

Eli and Mile tried persuading Aurora as well but still the door was still locked. Finally Luke Rowan couldn’t take it anymore “someone come, pull down this door!”.

“Wait please, father-in-law,” Lisa pleaded, raising her hand to stop her father in-law. She walked forward and stood in front of the door, she closed her eyes briefly and sighed before knocking and saying “Aurora, I want to tell you something.

Eli and I wanted to say it after breakfast, but now, I am going to tell you first”. Everyone squinted and waited to hear what Lisa wanted to say. It’s unfortunate that it’s not Aurora alone that will hear it first but all of them present.

“Just yesterday, it was confirmed that Eli and I will be having a baby soon! You have no idea how happy your uncle and I felt. We’ve been waiting for such a long time to hear this good news and you are the first person I am telling this good news to.Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

You will definitely be his/her god-sister and how pleasant will it be that Sam and Samantha will be having a baby cousin. Please open the door and share in our….” Lisa was not yet through with her words when they heard the noise of unbolting of the door.

The door opened and before them stood the ashen-faced Aurora. She stared at them with her eyes red and the next thing she did was to hug Lisa affectionately. Everyone heaved down a breath of relief. Finally Aurora opened the door and she’s fine.

In Florence City, the scandalous news of Anna’s unfaithfulness gradually died down. Tate Owen was contacted and summoned to court to discuss the custody of Maxwell.

When they arrived, Anna requested that she should be allowed to have custody of Max, that Tate Owen was still like a stranger to Max and may not be able to cope without having his mother around.

To the amazement of all, Tate Owen agreed. As a result of Tate Owen’s acceptance, the court granted him to choose two days in a month to be with Max from dawn to dusk to enable the boy to get used to him as his father.

It was concluded that after Max clocks eighteen, he would be free to choose whoever he wants to be with.

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