Taming Mr. Black

Chapter 36

Killian’s POV

I’ve never been this furious in my life before. We were already close to kissing. I was about to taste her lips the second time and then the door just opened, followed by Jamie’s constant sorry’s and a woman I didn’t think I would be seeing anytime soon.

” Celine.” I addressed her, hating the fact that she had to come and put a stop to whatever thing that was about to happen between me and Naomi before she showed up.

” Sir. I’m sorry. I told her you were busy, but she insisted on seeing you. I’m so sorry sir.” Jamie apologizes.

I pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration and wave Jamie out the door. Naomi looks uncomfortable as she shifts her weight from one foot to another.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

” Was this bad timing?” Celine asks innocently as she smirks at Naomi.

” I’m just gonna leave.” Naomi says, grabbing her bag and flinging it around her shoulders.

I open my mouth to stop her but she’s already out the door.


” That was really bad timing, wasn’t it?” Celine asks and drops her bag on my desk. She sits herself down and crosses her leg over the other.

” What are you doing here? You can’t just barge in like that.” I say to Celine as I walk to my seat.

” Oh I know. I’m really sorry. I thought Jamie was lying. And please don’t fire him. He’s really sweet.”

I sit down and adjust my tie as I clear my throat. I lace my fingers and place them on top of my desk as I stare at Celine. She always looks good, classy, and gorgeous. Always trying really hard to impress the world. Of course she’s a model. What the hell am I expecting?

” So what are you doing here?”

” You won’t offer me anything, Killian. Don’t treat me like a stranger, sweetheart. Are you still pissed I walked right in? Is she the new girl?” She asks, smirking.

What is with women not knowing when a man isn’t in the mood to chatter? I give Celine a dead stare, and she picks up on the hint that I’m not in the mood to converse. The woman I want to be sitting in front of me just walked out of my office. She probably thinks Celine is my girl because of the way she barged in without at least knocking. A client or a worker won’t do that.

Naomi just left my office, obviously frustrated and pissed, and I’m already missing her. I can’t help but notice how different her eye color is today. I remember the time we had a proper conversation and she told me she sometimes wears contacts instead of glasses.

Wow. There’s a lot this woman is doing to me and I don’t even know how she’s doing it. And I can’t believe I proposed a relationship to her. I never for once thought I’d asked someone to date me just because I wanted a taste of them. Naomi is changing my game. She’s making me question my own rules and she’s making me break them. Whatever walls I pulled up to protect me from having feelings or falling for anyone, she’s finally pulled them down, leaving me exposed. And now I don’t just crave her body. Fuck it, right now, I’m craving more than just her body. I want her heart. I want her to look at me like I’m the only man in this world left alive. I want her to think about me and only about me. I want her to trust me, and I want her to give me a chance to show her I can be the man she wants.

I crave her everyday like she’s some drug that I need to live. God I want to have her, I want her to be mine and I want no one else but her.

I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose as I stare at Celine who’s staring at me.

” Before we start, if Jamie tells you I’m busy, do me a favor and wait. Don’t just barge right in. I don’t appreciate that.”

Her red painted lips stretched into a smirk. ” Noted. I’m sorry Killian. I didn’t mean to cockblock you. It won’t happen again.”

Cockblock? Unbelievable.

” So what are you doing here?”

” You don’t know? I’m guessing Raymond didn’t tell you. I’m supposed to model your new virtual assistant for the market campaign. And also I’m the new voice for the Virtual assistant too.”


No shit.

” What are you talking about?”

” This is awkward. I thought you knew. You were supposed to be having a meeting with your marketing department today about the market campaign for the new invented virtual assistant and the new MacBook your team made. I got here and I was informed by your marketing director, Mr. Knight, that the meeting was pushed to next week Thursday. I wasn’t informed.”

” Why you? You have your own clothing line to run.”

” But that doesn’t stop me from working with other people right?” Celine smiles. ” There were other models who interviewed for the job, it seems I was the more suitable model for it.”

This must be some kind of joke. When was this happening and I wasn’t aware? How can Raymond choose Celine of all models to be the voice of our new virtual assistant? A chick that I’ve been fucking? What was he thinking?

Modeling the product isn’t that bad, but being the voice of the product is what I’m not gonna accept. Imagine calling the Virtual assistant’s name and the girl that I had sex with was the voice that responded. I may not use the product, but I can’t allow it.

Maybe I sound like a dick right now, I just don’t care. I can’t watch Celine be the voice for my new product.

” So, I’m thinking since we’ll be working side by side, you treat me to dinner?” She’s super chirpy and happy.

I’m quiet as I watch her. I buzz Jamie through the intercom and he enters my office a minute later.

” Get me Mr. Knight. Tell him I need him in my office immediately.” I say to Jamie. He nods and turns around to leave my office.

” You don’t want me here do you?” Celine asks as she studies me.

” I do.”

” You don’t act like it. You’re being strange because I’m here. We had sex Killian, it’s not like I’m going to ruin your relationship with your new catch. I have never crossed my boundaries since we made the arrangement of sleeping with each other.”

” I’m sorry Celine. You can model the product, it’s kind of your job and I believe you have a lot of influence and that will be good for my company. But being the voice of this new product, that’s what I’m concerned about.”

” Why?”

I stall time by not responding to her. I sigh and pick up my phone to text Naomi if she’s left. I press send and lock the screen of my phone before dropping it on my desk. Through the glass I see Raymond approach my office.

Celine sighs.

There’s a soft knock on my door before the door opens and Raymond walks in.

” You sent for me.” Raymond says as he walks towards the vacant seat next to Celine’s.

” Hi, Celine.” Raymond greets her.

” Hey.” She gives Raymond a small smile.

” I’m going to step outside and leave you two to talk.” She stands up and grabs her bag as she leaves my office.

Once she’s out of earshot I turn to look at Raymond who is seated in front of me.

” Really? Making her the new voice of Goldie?”

” You said we weren’t calling it Goldie. We’re still thinking of a new name.”

” That’s not the point. The point is that you made Celine the new voice. What were you thinking?”

” She is pretty good. Her voice isn’t that bad.”

” Are you aware we’ve been fucking? Celine and I? You don’t do that Raymond. You make decisions concerning the benefits of this company and you run it by me. You can’t just go ahead and make decisions on your own.”

” I didn’t make decisions on my own. The whole marketing department voted for her. She was pretty good when we auditioned her. Also, didn’t you trust my ideas and decisions before you made me the marketing director?”

I’m quiet as I glare at him.

” I’ll drop her if that’s what you want.”

” You should. She can model the product but she can’t be the voice. Recruit more people and interview them. Let someone else be the voice.”

” Okay. Yes, boss.” Raymond says sarcastically.

” And what’s that supposed to mean?”

” Nothing.” He stands up. ” And Naomi’s gone by the way, in case you’re wondering where she is. And also if you can work with Naomi why can’t you work with Celine? What’s the difference? Naomi’s the chick who works as a server in your club and you have a massive crush on her. And Celine is the woman you’ve been sleeping with for a while. You two are like friends and she’s okay with whomever you sleep with. What’s the big deal?”

” Celine can’t be the voice. If you don’t get it, forget about it.”

” Right.” He sighs and shakes his head before heading towards the door.

” Hey.” I call him.

He stops and turns around to look at me. He looks pissed.

” There’s this gathering at Keith’s this weekend, Sunday actually, and you should come over. You know, since you’re one of his groomsmen. Bring Derrick too. All the groomsmen will be there. Beer and music. And some shitty game. There will be a barbecue too.”

Raymond gives me one of his disgusting looks before he nods. ” I know about that. Keith told me.”

” And before my meeting with marketing next Thursday, I need to know who you choose as the new voice before the meeting. Sorry if I yelled at you.” I tell him plainly.

” You suck at apologies, you know that right?”

” Yeah. I’ve heard that countless times.”

Raymond smiles a little as he shakes his head and leaves my office.

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