Taming Mr. Black

Chapter 82

Naomi’s POV

” How are you feeling since you got back?” Antonio asks on Sunday evening as I lay my head on his lap while he runs his fingers through my hair.

Killian and I arrived in New York yesterday. I asked him to drive me to my mother’s because I didn’t feel safe in my own apartment and because Killian hasn’t said anything to me about what’s really going on. I’m not supposed to be mad at him and maybe I should trust him to tell me when the time is right.

But when will the time be right? Is it when I’m dead?

Bianca is coming over to my mother’s to check on me. I told her I was around this morning so she’s coming over. If I’d told her I arrived in New York yesterday, Bianca would have booked an Uber and drove straight to my mother’s just to make sure I was safe.

She’s crazy.

Sometimes I wished she was my older sister because she’s one of the best things that’s ever happened to me. I can literally rely on her. She’s more than my best friend. She’s more like a sister to me. Bianca would fight anyone who hurts me and it killed her to know she wasn’t at Miami when I nearly died.

Speaking of Miami, before we left, Killian made sure I had a look at every server who served at Eve’s wedding that night. From all I can remember from the person whom I took the glasses of wine from their platter, none of the servers looked like that server. I figured whoever that woman is, the woman who pushed me, must have something to do with the person I took the drinks from. They are either the same person or they’re working together. It may be the latter.

This person, whoever they’re, they’re smart. They’re like ghosts. They come in and walk out without anyone seeing them. It won’t be a surprise if truly they hid inside the boat, waited till everyone was at shore, and then sneaked out.

” Never been better.” I mutter.

Antonio sighs. “Are you fighting with Killian?”

” What makes you think that?”

” Because you should be with him right now and not here. Should I remind you of the last time you spent the night at your mother’s house?”

I scoff, sighing. ” It’s not what you think.”

” When Killian called that night, Killian told me you slipped and fell into the ocean. The doctor said you nearly drowned. I’m not dumb, Naomi, you obviously didn’t slip and fell into the ocean. Something happened, what was it? I know very well that you can swim, and I also taught you how to swim growing up, you can’t just accidentally slip and nearly drown.”

” Is that what Killian told you? That I slipped?”

” Yes.”

I sit up, removing my head from my brother’s thighs as I stand up and start to pace the living room.

” What’s really going on? I feel like there’s something you’re not telling me. We used to be best friends, remember?”

” Seriously, I don’t know why Killian lied, I’m even annoyed. Why would he lie? Why can’t he just tell you what really happened?”

” Maybe he wanted you to tell me?”

Sighing for the hundredth time, I sit down opposite Antonio.

” Someone’s messing with me and I don’t know who this person is. A few weeks ago, I got this email which consists of photos and stuff. This person was trying to blackmail and threaten me. They said they were going to spill out shit that wasn’t true. Long story short, this person’s motive was just to ruin my life and that of Killian’s. And then suddenly, Killian’s acting weird. He’s keeping secrets all of a sudden and when I ask him about the things that he’s keeping from me, he just flat out lies about it, saying he’s trying to sort the mess.”

” Okay…”

” When we were in Miami, some people from the office called him to tell him about a scandal concerning the company and himself.”

” Yeah, I saw. A little advice, don’t go online. It’s wild out there.”

” Fuck. Is it that bad?”

” Well, we’ve seen worse. It’s just stupid rumors. Some people think you’re, you know…” Antonio tries to do a hand gesture. ” And Killian’s this manipulative, man whore boss who’s harassing every female worker who works for him. I don’t wanna go into details.”

” Damn. Is my life over?”

” I can’t believe you’re the one asking that. You used to be strong, remember? In fact, you’re the strongest of all the Alderson children.”

I chuckle.

” Right.”

” It’s true. Everyone knows it. You don’t let people bring you down, not for any reason at all. Some stupid rumors shouldn’t bring you down. It’s not true. Whoever is spreading these rumors, they’re just lonely and sad. And also, it’s better than before. I think your boyfriend is doing a good job burying these stories.”

” So I should be grateful?”

” Well, don’t be sad about it. If he hasn’t said anything, I think you should talk to him about it or give him time. We men like to play the hero. We like to believe we’ve got everything under control even if we’re failing.” Antonio says and I roll my eyes. “Back to what you were telling me.”

” Right. Well, I tried to talk to Killian because I knew something was obviously wrong, he said he was going to tell me once we got back to New York. He said I should trust him. During Eve’s yacht reception party, I got into a fight with this chick who used to date Killian. Well, according to Killian, they only had fun, they never really dated. Well, she was a bitch, she told me a lot of stupid shit. I got mad, stormed off, grabbed two glasses of wine and drank them, went down to the lower deck and that was when I started feeling dizzy. I wasn’t drunk, I was poisoned.”

” What?” Antonio is surprised.

” Yeah. Then this woman with a mask appeared from nowhere and pushed me. I fell into the water. Right at that moment, I was scared. I actually thought I was gonna die.”

” All of this happened in Miami?”

” Yeah.”

” Who did this?”

” We don’t know. This person is smart, calculating, too. They know when and where to strike and they don’t leave any prints behind. Something tells me that the person sending me blackmailing photos is the same person who tried to kill me. They were at that party and we didn’t know who it was. I have a feeling Killian knows this person and he doesn’t even know it yet.”

” Jesus. Why would anyone want to hurt you?”

” That, I’m going to find out by myself. Whoever this person is, I think it’s someone from Killian’s past.”

” You mean like a past girlfriend?”

” Something like that. And Killian must have done something to her. Something he didn’t remember or must have neglected. She’s here to seek revenge and I wanna know why.”

” Do you want me to tell mom?”

” No. I don’t even want Rachel or anyone at all to know.”

” Right.”

” Well, if you need my help, I’ll be glad to help.”

” Hello!” Bianca’s loud voice rings through the whole house, followed by her loud shoes clicking against the floor.

” Oh shit. God, I forgot the gift.” I hear Bianca’s voice behind me.

” You got me a gift?” I ask with a smile.

Bianca takes off her shoes in a hurry as she approaches me on the couch. She wraps her arms around me in a bear hug as she sobs and sniffles.

” Are you okay?” I ask.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

” God, I thought I’d lost you. Who’s gonna tolerate my insufferable ass when you’re gone? Who’s even gonna pay half the rent and do laundry?” Bianca’s sobbing as she says.

” You’re one crazy bitch, you know that, don’t you?” I say smiling as I embrace her back.

We pull apart, with both of us giggling like children.

” God, what happened to you?” Bianca asks as she gives me a once over.

” Nothing that I can’t handle.”

” God, I’m just glad you’re okay.” She embraces me again. ” I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

” For one, you definitely can’t do laundry by yourself, so.” I tell her.

She bursts into laughing and I laugh too. Bianca pulls away to look at my brother.

” Hey, Antonio.” She greets.

” Hey, Bia.” Antonio looks uncomfortable.

It will take anyone to figure out something is actually going on between them and I’m sure of that.

” Quit the act, you two, I know there’s something going on here.”

” What?” They both feign innocence and Bianca’s not even a good liar.

I roll my eyes. ” I know you two are dating.”

Bianca gasps. ” How did you figure that out?” At the same time Antonio says:

” We’re definitely not dating.”

I laugh.

” Really, Bianca?” Antonio says.

” What? You know I’m bad at lying and how were you expecting me to keep something that huge from Naomi? It’s hard, trust me.”

Antonio rolls his eyes. ” How did you figure it out, Naomi?” Antonio asks.

” It wasn’t hard. I knew you’ve always had a crush on Bianca for quite some time now, and you always blush whenever she’s around you. And Bianca, she’s the easiest part. She literally told me she’s dating this new guy who’s got a kid and Rachel told me you’ve been going out a lot recently, so, I put two and two together.”

Bianca scratches her neck as she avoids Antonio’s gaze.

” You told her your new boyfriend has a kid? Who wouldn’t figure that out?”

” Oh, come on, I was really tired of keeping this a secret. And Naomi, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you any sooner. Toni wanted to be the one to tell you, in case you’re gonna get angry.”

” Seriously, what’s with the weird name calling? Toni? God that sounds weird like Raven. And also, what happened to sis code? You fucking broke it, Bianca.”

” What sister code?” Antonio asks.

” We weren’t allowed to date each other’s siblings.” I say.

Antonio shakes his head.

” You guys aren’t in high school anymore.”

” Whatever. If you guys get married in the future, I’m still going to be the baby’s godmother.” I blurt out as they laugh.

When the laugh dies down, I ask. ” How long has this been going on?”

Both partners turn to look at each other as Bianca scratches her neck again. Antonio clears his throat.

” You know what, I don’t wanna know. It’s gonna be a long ass period of time and I’m gonna get mad again at you guys for keeping something as important as this from me.”

” Correct. And I’m really sorry, baby.” Bianca says.

I roll my eyes.

” I’m gonna go make soup, I’m starving.” I say as I stand up.

” I’ll help.” Bianca says, already standing up.

” It’s okay. Have a chat with your boyfriend.” I say.

” Wait, are we even dating?” Bianca asks Antonio.

I raise my eyebrows at her question. God, they can’t be serious.

” We really haven’t talked about that, have we?” Antonio asks.

” Nope.”

” Then, what have you guys been doing?”

” Fucking?” Bianca mutters with a shrug.

” God, you guys are gross.” I shake my head at the two of them as I head to the kitchen.

” Where’s Charlie and Rachel?” Bianca asks.

” Rachel’s babysitting down the street. She took Charlie with her.” I hear Antonio say.

” He’s such a cute kid.” Bianca mutters. ” And I think I should check on Naomi. She might need my help.”

I smile at their conversation.

The living room goes quiet and I don’t hear anything for a minute.

” You guys better not be having sex in that living room. I haven’t even approved of your relationship, yet.” I call out as they laugh.

I hear Bianca’s footsteps and I feel her presence behind me.

” I’m really sorry about not telling you about Antonio and I. I wasn’t really sure if we were serious or not.” Bianca says as she stands next to me behind the kitchen counter.

” It’s okay. Who am I to stand against love?”

” Nuh–huh, we’re not even there yet.”

I smile in response.

” Seriously, how are you feeling?” Bianca asks.

” Alive.”

” What really happened?”

” Just slipped and fell. And I nearly drowned.”

” How could you just slip and fall? That’s so unlike you.”

” Yeah.” I sigh. ” Celine was at the party. We got into a little mouth fight and I got upset and I guess I drank too much.”

” Why would Celine be invited? I thought she and Killian are not friends.”

” Unfortunately, she’s friends with Keith and he invited her.” I sigh. ” I really don’t wanna talk about it.”

I hate lying. But keeping the truth from Bianca is my own way of dealing with whatever thing that’s happening to me. I need to get to the bottom of this and it must be soon.

” Do you think she’s actually behind these messages and emails you’ve been receiving?”

” Maybe. I’m trying to get to the bottom of this. Also, do you wanna get drunk with me tonight?”

” Oh, girl, I’m down. Where are we hitting?” Bianca asks, smiling.

” Club K.”

” No, shit. I’m definitely down.”

If I want to find out what’s really going on, club k should be my first stop.


I don’t remember the last time I was here. It was still the same, definitely. With lots of people standing in line outside and waiting to get inside, they will definitely not get a chance. The bouncer outside recognizes me when he sees me. He smiles at me in greeting.

” Diego, hey.” I greet him.

” Paying us a visit?” He asks.

” Yeah.”

” Have fun.” With a nod, he lets us pass.

” Oh, my God, this place is really lit.” Bianca says beside me above the music.

The inside is busy, with servers going from one table to another to take orders and serve customers. Loud music plays from the loud speakers as people dance on the dance floor.

” Wow.” I mutter, scanning every corner. It still feels like I never left.

” Why are we here again?” Bianca shouts.

” To get wasted.” I tell her as I lead us towards the bar.

I see Keiran before he sees me. He’s mixing drinks for two drunk girls who won’t stop flirting with him. Bianca and I quickly occupy the empty seats before someone else takes them. I guess this is the wrong time to visit Club K if I was only here to seek information.

” Damn, he’s hot.” Bianca whispers into my ear, referring to Keiran who looks busy.

” Yeah, he is. And should I remind you you’re dating someone?”

Keiran sees me, he’s surprised as he smiles at me. He quickly attends to the two drunk girls and scurries towards Bianca and I.

” No shit. If it isn’t the famous Ms. Alderson–Black? Damn, girl, you look good.” Keiran says, smiling at me.

” Thanks, K. You look good yourself.”

” You know flattering is not your thing. Who’s the friend?”

” Bianca, this is Keiran. He’s a good friend. Bianca, Keiran.” I introduce them.

” Hey.” Bianca greets Keiran, as she blushes.

” Hey.” Keiran smiles at her.

” Are you free?”

” Well, not at the moment, but I guess taking a ten minute break to talk with the boss’s girl may not cost me my job. What should I get you first?”

” I’m cool. You can get her something to drink.” I say.

Keiran nods and turns to look at Bianca.

” I’ll get your favorite drink.” Bianca tells Keiran.

Keiran chuckles as he smiles. ” Got you.” He leaves to go mix Bianca’s drink.

” Girl, seriously? What the hell is that for?”

” What? I thought we were out here to have fun.”

” Yeah, not to flirt with the bartender.”

” I was flirting? I didn’t know.” Bianca says with a shrug.

” Of course you know you were flirting.”

Bianca giggles.

Keiran returns with Bianca’s drink and gives it to her. He looks at me and tilts his head to the backroom and leaves.

” I’ll be back. I need to talk with Keiran.”

” Sure. Why don’t you tell him your friend says hi?” Bianca says as she wiggles her eyebrows at me.

” Girl, you drunk.” I chuckle as I leave.

Keiran is already leaning against the wall when I enter the backroom.

” Hey. What’s up? You good? I haven’t seen you since, like, forever.”

” Yeah. Sorry I ghosted you. I’ve been busy.”

” Yeah, I know. How have you been? I really miss you, you know?”

” Yeah. I’ve been good. How have you been?”

” Great. Although, Club K isn’t really the same since you left.” I chuckle at that.

” I miss you guys, too. Where’s Rita, I didn’t see her anywhere.”

” Upstairs, working the VIP quarters. You know how it is on weekends.”

” Yeah. Is Killian here?”

” I don’t think so. He barely visits the club, well, except he wants to have a word with Preston. I think these last few weeks, he’s barely ever here. What’s up?”

” Nothing, I just…” I sigh.

” Did something happen, Naomi?”

” Not really. You were one of the first workers to work in Club K when it first opened.”

” I’m listening.”

” Did you know anyone close to Killian? Like maybe a woman?”

” Are you trying to investigate if your boyfriend’s cheating on you?”

” No, it’s not that.” I sigh again. ” It’s just…Did you know anyone? I just wanna know if there was a woman that time? Someone is harassing me and I think it’s someone from Killian’s past. He isn’t talking and I’m trying to figure out what’s really going on by myself.”

Keiran nods in understanding.

” I don’t think there was anyone special that time. Although, there was this woman. I think her name was Vanessa or something. She was a regular. They were always coming over every weekend and all of a sudden, she stopped. I think they fought or maybe broke up. You should know Mr. Black is a very private man, you barely know what’s going on with him.”

” Right.”

” Have you tried talking to the police about this person that’s harassing you?”

” Not really. But I will. Thanks, Keiran. You’ve been helpful.”

” It’s cool. I’m sorry I couldn’t be of more help. You should drop by often, you know? We all miss you.”

” Yeah, I will definitely drop by frequently. I miss you too.”

Keiran smiles.

” I should head back to the bar.”

” Yeah, you should. I’m gonna step out for air.”

With a warm embrace, Keiran heads back to the bar and I use the back door to get outside. It’s quiet out back with just the street giving it life.

My thoughts begin to race. Who’s Vanessa? Is she someone important or one of Killian’s flings? Who’s this person that’s trying to hurt me? And why’s Killian not telling me anything? Why’s he keeping everything to himself? And why does he think he needs to sort things out himself? Why are we a couple if we can’t solve things like this together?

Everything’s happening all at once and I’m just paranoid.

My phone pings, putting a pause to my racing thoughts. I unlock my phone and there’s a new message. I click the message and it’s from a blocked contact.

Unknown sender: Heard you’re alive. Not for long, anyway. I should have stayed back and watched you die before leaving, you gold digging whore. I’m going to give you a chance to step out of this little game alive, or the next time, you won’t live to grab a drink at Club K with your sweet little friend. Speaking of friends, what should we do to sweet little Bianca for trying to talk to the police about me? I think I know. I should probably just poison this drink and give it to her. She’s probably wasted anyway. Now, why don’t you hurry before you have your friend’s blood on your hands, darling. And oh, by the way, I guess Killian hasn’t told you the big news, yet, has he? You’re gonna be a step mommy, darling. I bet you’re already freaking out! I’ll see you soon. Eyes on your back now, yeah?

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