Taming My Mafia Stepbrother

Chapter 73: For Good

Cara’s pov

“Do you need me to follow you up?” Cadain asked the second we pulled up in the underground parking lot.

I shook my head, aware of how bad of an idea it was. Luca usually had soldiers lurking about. It would be suicidal for Cadain to come up to the penthouse with me. Besides, I needed to leave in the least suspicious way. I didn’t trust them not to grab me the second they realized I was leaving without Luca’s knowledge.

I just fervently hoped I had enough time before Luca got home.

“I’d be quick.” I said.

“I’d be waiting. But if you don’t come out in ten minutes, I’m going up.”


The door on his side was yanked open and he was dragged out. He struggled hard against the two men holding him back.

“Cara, lock the door.”

Panic skittered over my skin, my eyes growing wide as Luca came into focus, looking like a very angry god.

How the fuck had he gotten here so fast? I’d seen no glimpse of his car during my frantic search on the way here.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

He stalked to the hood of the car, his eyes blazing and his chest heaving. “Get out.” He growled, his voice as uncontrolled as his expression.

I sank further into my chair, shaking my head firmly.

“Cara… please. Get off the car, we need to talk.”

My shameless heart, it squeezed at the plea now dancing in his eyes. I shook my head again, this time for my benefit.

“Cara, don’t listen to him!” Cadain yelled.

Luca’s jaw hardened and he shot him a death glare. “Stay out of this McKell.”

“I won’t let you-” His words were cut off as Luca reached for him and planted a punch in his stomach.

A gasp left me and my hand flew across my mouth. Cadain wheezed, doubling over in pain. Anger surged through my veins, anger at Luca and myself because I’d gotten the poor dude in this situation.

With a glare trained at Luca, I screamed, “Why would you hit him?!”

“I’d be doing it again if you don’t come out.”

My eyes flew to Cadain, he was shaking his head, signaling me not to. But I just couldn’t sit in the car and watch him get beat up.

With shaky hands, I grabbed the door handle, pushed the door opened and stepped out. “Tell your brutes to release him.”

Luca immediately nodded at his men and they dropped Cadain to the floor. I reached for him to help him up but Luca grabbed me by the arm.

“You’re coming with me.”

I started kicking. “I’m going nowhere with you. Get off me!” I yelled but he was already dragging me to the building’s entrance.

“Calm the fuck down!” He growled against my futile hits as he pulled me into the elevator.

No! I reached for the door, trying to prevent them from sliding close. Luca grabbed me again then pressed me against the wall. “Jesus, woman. Stay fucking still.”

My nostrils were flared, my breaths came in heavy, angry pants. Chin raised, I bit out. “Fuck you Salvatore.”

His eyes clamped shut and when they opened they were filled with frustration. “Cara- I swear what my father said back there… it isn’t true. I- I can explain.”

A harsh laugh of disbelief left me. Men, they’d lie through their teeth to the very end. “I want you to get away from me or I might just give into temptation and kick you like I badly want to.”

He heaved a deep breath. “You’re not listening-”

“I’m done listening to you Salvatore!” I snarled. “All you do is lie about shit. You swore you had nothing going on with Valentina. You made me promise to keep our relationship exclusive but what? You’re getting married?”

His molars ground together. “I told you, I am not marrying Valentina-”

“Save the lies for who would believe them. I’m done being your fool.”

The elevator doors pinged open and I marched into the foyer, Luca right on my tail.

“Cara, Cara! Get back here, I’m not done talking!”

I ignored him, not stopping as I stormed across the living room and ran up the stairs, intent on getting to the bedroom before him.

His bedroom that he’d soon be sharing with Valentina.

Something pathetic trickled into my enraged blood, tainting it and filling me with bitterness.

Tears gathered in my eyes again, my furious pulse drowning out the heavy thumps of my steps. I was a firecracker about to ignite.

Luca caught up to me before I could shut the bedroom door in his face.

“Stop avoiding me goddammit!” He grated before pushing his way in and slamming the door behind him.

“This is a fucking misunderstanding.” He rubbed roughly at his eyebrow. “If only you’d let me explain-”

“There’s nothing to explain! I saw the two of you kissing!”

My explosion causes him to freeze, his eye going huge with terror. It made a fresh rush of hatred pump through me and I kept going, my words coming out in broken sobs as the tears ran freely.

Luca’s face contorted like he was in pain. “No, no baby don’t cry… please. It’s not what you think-”

“Stop fucking lying to me because I saw it with my own eyes!” I looked skywards as a hysterical sound escaped from my mouth.

“You guys were never over. You still kept in touch, still ran to get her whenever she called on you.”

Confusion seized his features. “What are you talking about?”

“Don’t fucking try to pretend like you don’t know what. Valentina told me herself some time back. How you’d hurried to save her from a situation!”

He was still playing ignorant and oh how fucking convincing he looked. So convincing that I’d have easily been fooled again if I didn’t know any better.

He raked a hand through his hair, swallowing tightly before speaking. “I really have no idea what you mean. But if you’d just calm down and listen I promise we can fix this.”

He stepped closer and I instinctively took a step back. “You don’t get to tell me to calm down. You don’t get to speak with me. Leave me the fuck alone.”

“No.” He said with a shake of his head. “Never. I won’t ever do that. I can’t.”

I let out a derisive scoff. “Don’t bullshit me Salvatore. Just fucking don’t.”

“I’m serious bambina. I can’t ever leave you. Not for Valentina, not for any other woman and especially not now.”

His words tugged at my treacherous heart but I tried not to let him influence my thoughts. I won’t let him deceive me again.

He continued, determined to make me believe him. “My father had proposed a marriage between us but you must believe me when I tell you that I’d refused immediately. I have no intention of marrying Valentina, never have. Please, bambina. Believe me.”

I sniffled back a snot. “But you kissed her. Luca I saw you.”

“She kissed me and I pushed her away.”

I hesitated, weighing the truth of his words even when I didn’t want to. My heart had a mind of its own. Luca stepped closer and closer until he was close enough to reach out and cradle my face.

“You have to believe me bambina. I’ve never lied to you about Valentina.”

“But you also didn’t tell me about it either.” I whispered, my stomach sinking with disappointment as I moved away from him.

“You never mentioned the proposal nor did you mention helping her out. How am I supposed to believe you?”

Luca whirled around with a curse and when he looked back, something in his eyes shifted.

“No, Cara. You’re in no position to criticize me on that one.”

My eyes narrowed. “What the fuck do you mean?”

“You never tell me anything either. About your pasts, about your worries. Nothing.”

With choppy breaths I said, “that’s different.”

Luca’s tone was mocking. “Is it?”

No. He doesn’t get to pull this on me, to turn this over and make it about me. My past had nothing to do with this. I wasn’t the lying, cheating asshole in this scenario.

“This isn’t about me. The fact I don’t tell you about my past doesn’t mean I’m playing you like you played me. You don’t tell me about yours either.”

“Ma dai, Cara! How am I sure that you aren’t? Am I just going to take your word for it?”

Something slashed through my chest. “What are you insinuating?”

“Don’t play the dumb blonde, micetta. It doesn’t suit you.” A biting chuckle left him. “Cazzo, how am I even sure that the reason why Cadain is in over his head for you isn’t because you let him hit it? After all, you’ve never hid the fact that you were a lightskirt.”

I was standing before him the next second, my hand flying across his face in a sharp crack. My heart hurting a hundred times harder.

His face snapped to the side, a tense moment of silence passing between us. When he slowly faced me again, his eyes blazed with anger.

I tried to slap him again but he caught my hand aggressively, my palm burning with the force of the slap. It was as if I’d hit a rock.

“I hate you! I hate you! I fucking despise you!” I shrieked, hitting him with my free hand. I was completely livid now, desperate with the need to hurt him like he had hurt me.

The audacity to accuse me of being unfaithful when I’ve been nothing but wholly dedicated to him. I’d given him my heart and he’d trampled on it.

Tears stung my eyes again and I tried to hold them back but it was pointless. They cascaded down my face like water fountains.

His expression took a detour when he saw the tears, regret seeping into his eyes and killing his anger. “Shit. I didn’t mean that.”

My voice was vicious and full of the venom his words had caused to spread through my entire body. “Yes, you did.”

“No, bambina. I promise I-” His eyes grew shut, his body going slack. “I didn’t mean any of it.

His grip on my hand was loosened and I took the opportunity by yanking away from him.

Contempt crackled hot in my chest as I glared at him. I was done, done with this conversation, and most especially, done with him toying my feelings.

“I’m fucking done with your ass.” I deadpanned, then I snapped around and stormed to the closet to get my things.

I was leaving him, for good.

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