Taming My Mafia Stepbrother

Chapter 9: Teach a lesson

Luca’s pov

Parties were something I detested. Especially ones with no purpose except to flaunt wealth and power. Like this one for example, everyone present was only here to show off their dazzling appearance and recent achievements or acquisitions.

The woman prattled off about gemstones and designer accessories, the men boasted about conquering territories and expanding businesses. A complete mad fest and I’ll rather be in my office at one of my establishments overseeing the management of the syndicate.

But as one of my father’s favourite sayings goes, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. However, this Jack wasn’t a dull boy, I knew how to create my own fun. Women and alcohol existed for that.

I wasn’t a fan of parties per se, but I enjoyed the socialising. A subtle tactic to get updated on what your rivals have been up to. Made men are usually ten times more guarded unlike normal men. Distrustful, cautious. It takes a lot more to be aware of their activities as they’re always very tight-lipped and stealthy about it. You wouldn’t know when one of them decides to sneak on you.

But men are still men at the end of the day. Alcohol, female attention and a few ego stroking will disarm a good number them. The ones who resisted to the end are the best of the flock. The honourable men, the formidable opponents. But I wasn’t here for such men.

I tipped my glass to my lips and took a slow sip of my scotch, watching the guests, observing for any oddity. We may have all gathered here in merry spirits but one can never be too careful. The Russians were still on their one-sided war with us. I wouldn’t put it past them to strike in this moment.

New guests began to flood in and I let out a few explosives. My fucking new stepmother had invited more guests than I approved. I studied the new faces with furrowed brows, I couldn’t recognise more than half of them, didn’t the woman not understand the importance of caution?

I was thinking of finding her and having a long talk with her when I sighted my stepsister.

My glass froze halfway to my lips as awe stunned every bone in my body. Dio, she was beautiful. So beautiful it burned to stare at her.

Cara strode in, her steps tentative as she took in the scenery of the too sentimentally decorated courtyard. I watched as she watched the people around her, her eyes deep in thoughts. I wondered what she was thinking, Lord knows I would pay money for it.

She was like a Roman goddess in that dress she wore, the fitness of it accentuating her sexy curves. Her golden tresses was down and wild around her shoulders, hanging down to the middle of her back. The makeup of her heart shaped face was minimal but the bold red lipstick on her plump lips made up for the scarcity of it. The dark green of her dress made her blue orbs stand out and I was almost toppled over in their oceanic depth.

I noticed that almost every man, old or young, married or unmarried was staring at her. Annoyance itched at me and I felt the sudden urge to gorge out their eyes. I frowned at Cara and her provoking form, she was too beautiful for her own good.

Her mother approached her and the both of them set out to greet guests. Amanda was too cheery and too touchy in a way that rubbed me off as pretentious and fake. Cara clearly looked uncomfortable with her behaviour.

I finished up the rest of my scotch when I noticed that they were heading for my father’s table and followed them but I was waylaid by one of our biggest drug clients, who chose no other time but now to talk about business.

When I was done with him, I resumed my short journey to my father’s table.

“She will make a good match for my nephew Salvatore.” Someone was saying as I got within earshot.

“Ah! Your nephew doesn’t even manage himself enough to be bothered about managing a wife.” Another sneered.

Cara, they’re talking about Cara. They’re suggesting marriage plans for Cara. My head felt like it was plummeting from the top of a rollercoaster. I wasn’t liking the discussion at all.

“I believe this is a task meant for me,” I said and every head turned to face me.

Cara whirled around and the sudden sight of her stunning face up close, almost made me forget what I was saying.

My father nodded in agreement and I exhaled the breath I didn’t know I was holding. I couldn’t explain it but the idea of Cara getting married, this soon, bothered me like an itch.

I managed to whisk her away with an excuse and as we were heading farther away from my father’s marriage alliance hungry clique, I spotted several men giving her the double glance.

I stared down at her, the sight of my palm on her naked skin sent heat to my c0ck. Curse her sexy ass and her sexy dress.

She was staring, no not staring, she was glowering at me and it took me a few seconds to realise I had said my thoughts out loud. In classic Cara fashion, she retorted, her blue eyes darkened in challenge. I was finding her difficulty amusing these days so I gave her a retort of my own.

“Well too bad for you, I’m not a decent poor person,” she was saying but when I was going to scold her for being a smartass, a voice called out my name.

I instinctively turned to the direction and the last person I ever expected to see, waltzed towards me and hugged me.

I stood unmoving, shocked and confused by Valentina’s appearance. She was supposed to be in her father’s estate in Sicily. Preparing for marriage, is what I have learned. I was clueless on why she was here, hugging me in this moment. Our last parting hadn’t been pretty. She was crying and cussing me out the last time I saw her.

Cara made a noise in her throat and I removed Valentina from me, baffled as to why I cared if she took it the wrong way or not. I didn’t owe her anything.

I introduced Cara to Valentina, leaving out the fact that she used to be my lover, and allowed them to get acquainted with each other. But strangely, I was picking up a hostile vibe between them. Valentina started going on about something stupid and Cara came up with an excuse before practically running off.

Valentina blocked my path when I attempted to go after her. “You stay with me,” she smiled but her eyes showed irritation. “We have a lot to catch up on, remember?”

I frowned. “We have nothing to catch up on Valentina. I might not remember much but I clearly remember telling you I was done with you.”

“Well I’m not over you yet,” she gave me a misty look.

If she were to be a man, I would have shoved her out of my way. I didn’t advocate for violence against women but I was one second from swatting her to the side.

“Shouldn’t you be getting married in Sicily?” I asked after an eternity.

Her eyes dropped to the floor, “I called off the wedding.” She replied, attempting to be flippant.

I didn’t give a f u c k on why she did. I couldn’t care less if she didn’t either but I asked anyway because one thing I’ve learned is that women are best malleable when you act like you care.

“I didn’t love him.” She responded and I did not like the meaningful look she was giving me.

“Walk with me Luca, it may benefit you more than you think.” Her eyes glinted with knowing, “I learned a lot about the Russians and their elaborate plan that’s going to be executed in exactly five days from now.”

I gave her a leery look, “if you’re bullshitting me, you will regret it.”

Her large eyes widened in fear but in the next second, she beamed at me, “I promise I’m not.”

I let her link our arms together. “Five minutes, I’ll allow you just five minutes.”


Valentina dragged me from guests to guests subtly throwing misleading hints on the nature of our relationship and giving them the wrong idea in general.

I would have set her straight on a normal day but right now I didn’t give a f u c k. My mind was solely focused on what she said earlier. The Russians were planning an attack in a few days. I wondered in irritation why our spies hadn’t already informed me of the news. I might have to teach them a lesson or two for their tackiness.

I could see why the Russians would want to strike now, I had just cleared a huge drug deal and wrapped up the preparation of a new business venture. I was at the point where an attack was farthest away from my mind. One could say that this was my period of relaxation but unfortunately for them, they are about to find out, and very painfully, that Luca Salvatore never lets his guard down.

I glared at the two women in I and Valentina’s company, sending them scurrying off in fear. Valentina scowled at me but quickly masked her annoyance when she saw the darkness in my eyes. I was done playing games.


“W-well, t-they are planning an attack against you. I don’t really know the details but what I know is that it’s in five days.” She stammered.

“Where did you hear this from?”

“My fiance, or ex-fiance rather. He’s friends with heir of the bratva.”

A storm brewed deep within me. Whipping out my phone, I texted my consigliere and closest friend, Dominic, then sent my capo a text, instructing him to double the security at all of my establishments, especially the ones that masked our more shadier businesses and to send more bodyguards for my family and Cara.

I was so into what I was, I didn’t even notice when the guests started to dance. Valentina asked that we join them and I shot her a warning glare. It shut her up real quick and I went to the bar for a drink stronger than my desire to kill a man right now. I needed something to calm my nerves.

The barman scurried to fix me a glass of scotch, his hands shaking. I downed the entire thing as soon as he handed it to me.

Valentina appeared a foot away from me, her movement tentative and careful. A riot was going on in my head, my hands were crackling with the need to punch someone or maybe shoot them, a Russian as the most preferable option.

I tried to predict their mode of attack; a raid on one or two of my businesses or an attack on one of my family members. I wouldn’t be surprised if they attempted to get me too.

My father and sister were as good as safe but it was Cara I was worried about. Her apartment and her movement were too exposed, attacking her would be a walk in the park. My eyes searched for her among the crowd, wondering if she had managed to sneak home while I was occupied.

They finally located her sitting at the champagne fountain and she wasn’t alone.

The murderous urge I was feeling roared within me.

F u c king Cadain, younger brother to the don of the Irish mafia was striking up a conversation with her. A stupid flirtatious smile on his boyish handsome face.

A face I currently wanted to disfigure so bad.

Cara caught my gaze but severed eye contact almost immediately.


Here I was, going crazy about her safety but she was busy flirting with f u c k i n g Cadain. Green seeped into my blood when she leaned into him and whispered something in his ear.

She was too close for my comfort and I balled my fist to stop myself from darting across the courtyard and making Cadain a dead man.

It would ruin the alliance my family has with the don but I was caring less and less by the minute.

I was usually a very practical and rational man but I am fast discovering that the traits do not apply where my stepsister is concerned.

Cadain led her to the dancefloor and the both of them began a slow, sensual waltz. His hands pressed tightly to her waist and hers cupped the back of his neck.

Red, red, red. All I saw was red and maybe green. I couldn’t take it anymore so I got up and stalked straight for them.

“Get your f u c k ing hands off her if you want to keep them.” I said, my voice low with the promise of danger.

Cadain frowned at me but slowly turned white when the recognition kicked in.

“Luca Salvatore,” he whispered in something akin to reverence.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know she was your…” he looked to Cara for help.

“Stepsister, I’m only just his stepsister.” Cara finished for him. Angry flames, brewing in her eyes and cackling all around her.

People were now watching us but I didn’t give a damn. My attention was solely on her, the angry torrents of energy that crackled between us heating up the space.

She had no right to be angry. Who knows what would have happened if I let them carry on. Cadain might have lost a finger or two.

He was smart enough to excuse him and scamper off.

“What was that for?” Cara hissed.

“What the f u c k were you thinking letting him touch you?”

“How is any of it your business? I’m a grown woman.”

Her difficult attitude was giving me a tick in my brain.

“You will speak properly with me.” I enunciated slowly, my voice laced with ice.

“Or what?” she spat.

That was it, I grabbed her upper arm and dragged her off, in front of everyone. Not stopping even when our parents called after me.NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

She started to shriek but stopped when she saw the look on my face.

I pulled her into the mansion and down the hallway for my father’s study, shoving her inside then locking the door then turning on her.

She watched me carefully, her fear a little too late for its appearance.

I was going to teach her the proper way to speak to the don of the Costra Nostra. And I wasn’t going to be nice about it.

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