The Princess of Terror and Phoenix reappeared in a shady room and Phoenix let go of her hand immediately. Looking around, fear engulfed Phoenix at the unfamiliar room they were in.

” Who are you and what do want from Axion? ” She managed to ask. The Princess of Terror turned to face her, an evil smirk on her lips.

And to Phoenix’s greatest horror, the Princess shapeshifted to her original form. Phoenix’s eyes nearly popped on seeing who she truly was.

” Gianna?! ” She exclaimed in shock.

” Surprise ” Gianna grinned, dramatically throwing her hands.

” You? ”

” How was my second surprise for today? ” She questioned.

” So it was you who attacked me? ” Phoenix glared at her in anger.

” No wonder I had a bad feeling the first time I saw you ”

” But you ignored the feeling, didn’t you? ” Gianna rounded up the words for her.

” What do you want from me, Gianna? ” Phoenix demanded making Gianna puff.

” You aren’t the one I’m here for, Phoenix. I’m here for Axion ” She revealed and Phoenix grimaced at her in confusion.

” What? ”

” You heard me. I’m here for your lovely beast Axion ”

” Actually, in my kingdom, and as The Princess of Terror, Axion is my mate ” Gianna disclosed. What she said made Phoenix’s head spin in more confusion.

” When I found out Axion was my mate, I was more than excited. I felt fulfilled cause I’ve been waiting for him all my life ”

” But my happiness was short-lived when it was revealed that in the human realm, my mated was bonded to another being, a Red Phoenix for that matter. You Phoenix, you. And in my kingdom, Phoenixes are our worst enemy ”

” So for Axion to be mated to you, was a hard slap on my face. I was dismissed from my kingdom and can only return if I bind Axion’s to myself ” Gianna explained.

” Why didn’t you bind him to yourself then. Why go through all the stress of feigning to be his friend? ” Phoenix couldn’t help ask. Gianna scoffed, folding her arms.

” I wanted to come into his life as a human and make him fall in love with me so that making him my mate will be a lot easier. So I killed his childhood friend, Gianna, who was eighth then, and possessed her body ” Phoenix’s eyes dilated in shock.

” But that was the worst mistake of my life. Even after everything I did to please him, I still couldn’t make him fall in love with me. Now, I merely have one month to make Axion mine or I’ll die! ”

” But you’re making that almost impossible for me, Phoenix! ” Gianna growled. Scoffing in disbelief, Phoenix folded her arms and stepped closer to Gianna, scowling at her.This text is property of Nô/velD/rama.Org.

” Read my lips Gianna; I… will… never… let… you… harm my mate ” She pointed out. Gianna burst out a satirical laugh making Phoenix frown.

” Oh, my ” She chuckled lightly. Her laugh vanished almost immediately, replaced with a serious face.

” And how are going to do that? ” She asked.

” I mean take a look at you. You’re nothing but a wimp, who cries at everything. You’re a Phoenix but can’t even use your powers and yet you want to protect your mate? Wasted! ” She made a mockery of Phoenix who clenched her fist, glaring at her.

” I might not know how to use my power yet but that doesn’t mean I can’t use it to protect Axion. It is my responsibility to do so and I’ll do it ” She spat with confidence. Bringing her face closer,

” Wake up Phoenix. Accept you’re nothing but a weakling who can’t even protect herself talk more of Axion ” Gianna said but to her surprise, Phoenix smirked at her.

” I promise you here and now, Gianna, that I will protect Axion from you and every other dark force seeking to harm him, mark my words ” Phoenix swore.

” Good luck then. Let’s see who’s mate Axion will finally become. Yours or mine ” Having said that, Gianna vanished, leaving Phoenix in the room.

Phoenix bowed her head in dismay, Gianna’s words ringing in her head like a bell.

How is she going to protect Axion when she can’t even use her powers? How is she going to take down Gianna all by herself? If she tells Axion about Gianna, will he believe her?

All these qualms flooded her mind. Looking over at the necklace around her neck, she held the pendant, shutting her eyes.

” Mom please, I yearn for your help. I can’t handle all this alone. Please show me the way ” She prayed in her mind.

Almost immediately, a red gleam of light can be seen glowing inside the room and Ashley appeared. Seeing her, Phoenix beamed and hurried to her, embracing her.

” I’ve missed you so much mom ” She mumbled and Ashley returned the hug.

” You called me Phoenix. Tell me, what’s irking you? ” She asked and Phoenix pulled out of the hug.

” It’s Axion, mom. He’s in danger. The Princess of Terror wants to break our bond and take him away ”

” I want to protect him but I haven’t mastered my powers yet and I can’t stop her. Please tell me what to do, mom ” Phoenix answered. Smiling at her, Ashley took her hands, peering into her eyes.

” Answer this one question Phoenix. Why do you want to save Axion? ” She questioned.

” Isn’t that my duty, mom? ”

” Is that the only reason behind it? Remember, he rejected you. He is treating you badly and loathes you. He insults you at every feeblest chance. Why do you want to save him despite all he has done to you? ” Ashley asked once again.

Phoenix slid her hand off, turning her back on Ashley.

” I don’t know mom ” She admitted, truthfully.

” It’s just that, no matter how badly I want to reject him, I just can’t bring myself to do it. And now that his life is in danger, all that matters to me is saving him ” She expressed and turned back.

” He needs me and I want to help him. Not only because it’s my duty but also because I sincerely want to. I’m ready to put aside everything he has done to me because… I care about him ” The smile on Ashley’s lips only broadened.

” Finally… you’re ready Phoenix ” She chuckled. Taking Phoenix’s hand in,

” Come with me ” She invited and Phoenix nodded voluntarily.

Using her other hand, Ashley created a portal and entered, taking Phoenix along. The portal closed up.

Another portal can be seen opening and Ashley and Phoenix step out.

They were in another realm and were standing before a gigantic gate which has fire and flames coating it. It looked as though the gate was on fire. Ashley rested her hand on the gate and it slowly opened by itself, paving way for her and Phoenix to enter before it closes back.

Phoenix’s mouth gaped in shock as her eyes wandered about the environment they were in.

It was as though she and Ashley were inside a kingdom, a different dimension. Everywhere and everything was decorated and coated with red or golden. There were different kinds of Phoenix birds, flying around. The place was stunning and had a serene aurora.

” Mom, where are we? ” Phoenix couldn’t hold back the question.

” You’ll find out soon, my dear ”

They both got to a temple and Ashley halted.

The entrance of the temple had fire spiraling around it and that made Phoenix scared. Ashley noticed her fear and squeezed her hand assuredly.

” Don’t be scared, my dear. Come with me ” She smiled and Phoenix nodded, holding her hand tighter.

To her surprise, they both entered the temple without being touched by the fire.

” Wow,” She exclaimed.

Phoenix’s face beamed on seeing the enormous statue of a Phoenix bed whose eyes were burning fire. Its wings were spread out like it was rising from their ashes.

Another “wow” left Phoenix’s lips. Turning to face her,

” Welcome to the realm of Phoenixes’ ” Ashley announced.

” And welcome also to the Temple of Bedelia, the mother of all Red Phoenixes ” She added and Phoenix’s jaw dropped to the floor.

” This place is beautiful ” She mumbled in awe.

” According to history, Bedelia was the first Phoenix that existed and it was through her that we all came into this world, so we adore her ” Ashley explained more.

” But why did you bring me here, Mom? ” Phoenix asked.

” To prepare you ” A voice answered prompting Phoenix to turn.

Right at the entrance of the temple was a Fire Bird( also known as the Phoenix bird). It shape-shifted into a pretty woman who walked up to Phoenix with a pretty smile.

Phoenix was yet to digest that when she heard and saw 10 different Fire Birds, flying around the temple. They all landed inside the temple in unison, turning into different women. Their hairs were all tied up with the same red-feathered hair tie as Phoenix’s.

” What’s happening mom, who are they? ” Phoenix demanded.

” These are all the Phoenixes that lived before you and have accomplished their various missions ” Ashley clarified.

” And Ashley brought you here so we can all prepare for the mission ahead ” Zoa, one of the Phoenixes chimed in.

” It’s a ritual we perform on every Phoenix who is ready and willing ” Ashley added.

” So tell us Phoenix, are you ready? ”

Phoenix gulped down, nervous. Exhaling deeply,

” Yes, I’m ready ” She answered confidently.

The other Phoenixes glanced at each other with broad smiles.

” Let’s do this ” They all said in unison.

Ashley placed a finger on Phoenix’s necklace and her clothes changed to a gown.

Snapping their fingers, Phoenix fell asleep instantly. Using her power, Zoa laid her on a carpet. They all circled her, holding each other’s hands, with Phoenix in the middle.

And in unison, all the Phoenixes started chanting a song in language one couldn’t comprehend and their eyes turned burning red.

The hair tie on Phoenix’s hair started glowing and the more they sang, the brighter the glow became and the faster it circulated through Phoenix’s body.

Phoenix started levitating from the carpet as fire revolved around her. As the other Phoenixes went on chanting, Phoenix gradually started turning into a Fire Bird until she fully transformed, branching her wings and emitting an extraordinary bright glow… bright enough to render any normal human… blind, forever…

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