” Fine then. Get on your knees and beg me, Axion ”

Axion gazed down at Phoenix on the bed before looking up at the buckets of acids above her as Corbin’s words played on his head and he grew weak instantly.Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

No, he can’t lose Phoenix. He can’t bear watching her scream in anguish if the acids pour on her. He’d rather it pours on him. Looking at the evil grin on Corbin’s face he was certain he meant what he said.

He could just easily fight Corbin because he too is a Dark Genie and possess powers but… he knows that Corbin is way stronger than him. He is a full Dark Genie while he is a half Genie and their powers can’t be compared.

With all these going on inside his mind and not having an option, Axion crouched to the floor on his knees, his head bowed in shame. Corbin beamed in excitement staring down at him.

” Please Corbin… keep Phoenix out of this. Please don’t hurt her and do to me whatever you want instead ” Axion’s pleading sounded like a melody to Corbin’s ear and that made a satisfactory wide smirk creep up his lips.

” Really? ” He chuckled in amusement and Axion looked up at him.

” I thought you would fight me. Didn’t you threaten to end me if I touch your Phoenix? What happened now? Cat caught your tongue?” Axion darted his head as Corbin mocked his helplessness.

” You could have just let me snap my finger and…

” Please don’t do it… I’m begging you ” Axion trailed Corbin off, who busted out in laughter.

” Oh my, this is so funny ” He chortled amidst laughter.

” Wow. You love your Phoenix so much and I can’t help but be touched ” He gave Axion a scornful look.

Axion clenched his fist to buckle up his anger that wanted to erupt. He can’t afford to do anything stupid or he’d lose his Phoenix. This was all his fault after all. In spite of knowing how dangerous it was, he still went ahead and permitted Phoenix to go meet that bastard of a wizard.

” Stand up! ” Corbin snapped him out of his thoughts and he complied.

” Put this on ” Corbin stretched out a leash to him which he collected.

” What is this for? ”

” Just put the shit on! ” Corbin hissed in anger and Axion tied it to his neck.

” Good. Now, I’d love to take you somewhere ” Corbin smirked and they both disappeared and appeared in the cell inside the dungeon Corbin was locked up in before.

” Look around Axion. What do you think? ”

Axion’s face squeezed up in disgust as he scanned the place. His nose twitched at the stinking smell booming. Huge long chains were caged to the metals on the wall and traces of dried blood were all on the ground. Not to forget the different torture weapons all lying around.

He couldn’t help but wonder if someone was locked up in here or not.

” Why did bring me here? ” He decided to ask Corbin who snorted.

” Go stand in the middle ” Corbin commanded coldly and Axion glared at him.

” What do you think I am, commanding me like that? ” He scoffed.

” Looks like you’ve forgotten that I can still snap my fingers and those acids will pour in her no matter where I am ” Corbin threatened and without hesitation, Axion complied.

Immediately he stood in the middle, the chains on the wall reached out and fastened around his wrist, pulling his arm apart. His eyes widened as he was now in the same position as Corbin while in the dungeon.

” What is the meaning of this? ” Axion scowled at Corbin whose eyes clouded in deep rage and hatred. Seeing Axion restrained like a prisoner reminded him of all the horrible things Medusa did to him.

” Chaining you… the exact way Medusa did me ” He muttered with gritted teeth.

” All these weapons lying around were what she used to torment and scourge me for… 27… fucking… years while you were busy enjoying your life out there ” His eyes turned red in furry.

” These dried blood drops are a mixture of my blood and sweat. I screamed and begged for her mercy but she didn’t even consider it. And all because of you Axion! ” He roared and Axion frowned in confusion and shock.

How could Medusa have done all that to him and how is it his fault?

” What do I have to with this, Corbin. How is it my fault? ”

” It is your fault, Axion, she did all she did to me all because of you, all because she preferred you over me! ” Corbin breathed out in anger.

” She kept me away from the world because to her I am the weakling while you were her favorite. Despite being more powerful than you… she still chose you. Despite the fact, that I was the product of her intimacy with the King of all Dark Genie, which means I am his rightful son and I should be the next king… you were still chosen! ”

” And you know the most painful part of all this? ” He chuckled painfully, his eyes clouding with tears. Seeing the tears in his eyes, Axion’s face softened in pity.

Corbin really did go through a lot in Medusa’s hands.

” The painful part is that you knew all along but you never… for once… visited me ”

” What?! ” Axion exclaimed in shock. Who told him that?

” Corbin I swear I never knew I had a twin. Medusa hid everything from me, she lied to me…

” Lies! ” Corbin snap him off, glaring at him with all the bitterness he had been harboring inside of him.

” You’re not but I liar, Axion, a liar! And for your point of information, I am your stepbrother and only your look-alike. I am not your twin brother! ” He pointed out.

” And you know why I brought you here?…

” So that I’d make you go through the same pain you caused me. I will make sure that I inflict on you each and every torture I went through in Medusa’s hand. I will make you scream and beg for mercy… just like I did! ” Corbin snarled and Axion gulped down in fear seeing the burning hatred in his eyes.

” Corbin…” He wasn’t even done when Corbin tore his cloth off, leaving him bare. An evil grin plastered on his face as he took a hot smeared iron which was glimmering red as fire and brought it before his face.

” Corbin… what… what… are… you doing? ” Axion stuttered, his heart already digested into his stomach in fear. He pulled the chains, attempting to break free with his strength but to his shock, he couldn’t feel his powers.

Corbin only chuckled, watching him struggle to break free.

” What did you do to me, Corbin? ” Axion shot him a scowl.

” Do you seriously think I’d let you still have your powers? What do you think that leash on your neck is for? ”

A realization hit Axion. Corbin had used that leash to hold back his powers so he won’t use it to try to break free. He effing planned everything.

” Now for trying to escape…”

Corbin made a mirror appear in which Axion could see Phoenix in.

” I think I’d show you how serious I am here ” He raised his hand about snapping his fingers.

” No please, don’t do it! ” Axion yelled as his heart almost pop out of his chest.

Corbin paid a deaf ear and snap his finger and a bucket of acid bent. Axion’s face turned pale in shock and his soul literally left him as he watch the acid pour.

” Corbin please I’m begging you. I swear on my life I won’t try to fight you. Just spare her please! ” Axion was almost in tears and that was all Corbin wanted to hear. He shifted the bucket and it poured beside the bed instead.

Axion almost slump to the floor but his soul came back and he heaved out deeply instead. He thought he was going to lose his Phoenix. His heart tightened in fear.

” You’re a good boy, Axion ” Corbin smirked, patting his hair.

” Now be that good boy as I make you pay ”

Before Axion could even speak, Corbin smeared his back with the hot red iron making him press his lips together to hold back the scream about leaving his lips.

Corbin smeared the iron again making sure to leave a red fresh scar on his back. But he wasn’t satisfied yet. He wanted him to scream and beg for his mercy.

He smeared a hotter iron the third time, then the fourth, fifth, sixth, and even seventh time. Tears rolled down Axion’s face as he thought about Phoenix. He was in great pain but he was doing it to save her. He rather gets punished than watching his Phoenix in pain.

Axion couldn’t hold back the pain anymore and he let out of scream of pain which sounded like sweet music to Corbin’s ears. His whole back was on fire.

Yes, that’s what Corbin wanted. For Axion to scream and yell in agony.

And to even torture him the more, he grabbed a big rusted chain and started whipping Axion with it who yelled, growled, hollered, and cried in intense pain as the chain tear his skin mercilessly causing blood to flood out, without control.

By the time Corbin was done, Axion already fainted since he couldn’t bear the pain any longer. He was covered in blood and sweat which dripped down to the ground.

Seeing the state he was in Corbin cracked up in a burst of satisfactory evil laughter which boomed in the dungeon.

” This is just the beginning Axion. I’d cause much more pain than this! ” He snarled.

” And after that, I would then face Medusa. Her torture will be one thousand and one times harsher than yours. I’d make sure she crawl to my feet with her bare stomach for mercy before I’d slice her to pieces and feed her to the vultures…

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