Teacher's Girl (Aflyingwhale)

Chapter 23: Nostalgic Night

Chapter 23: Nostalgic Night


lan and I walked away from the bar and ended up strolling around the boardwalk.

I left Tiff and Carrie with the car as they were getting a motel room to stay for the night.

They truly were the most wonderful friends in the world, I shall cherish them forever.

Meanwhile, the boardwalk was almost empty as it was a cold December night.

The air was chilly, but I was feeling all warm on the inside as we walked in silence for a while.

"So..."He trailed.

"So..."I replied.

"Is everything okay with you? Did something happened with Zach again—"

"No, nothing happened.Everything’s good,"I said reassuringly.

He nodded in relief as we kept on walking.

"So you wanna tell me why you showed up in New Jersey out of all places?"

"I have to come to see you and talk to you,"

"If this is about your AP Art portfolio, you could have asked me at school—"

"It's not about that,"

"Then what is it? There’s nothing else to talk about other than school, right?"he asked cautiously.

"Wrong,"I stated.

He stopped his tracks and I followed suit.

He gave me a warning look and said, "Emma,"

"lan,"I replied playfully, but he wasn’t amused.

"Stop playing,"he hissed.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came because I know you love me.Even if you don’t wanna admit it.I know you do,"I said firmly and confidently.

He was taken aback, his eyes shot open and he couldn't respond for a while.

"Emma..."he started speaking, but he couldn't finish it.

It was like his breath was caught in his throat.I glanced around the boardwalk and noticed the little drops of white snow that began to fall.I never knew that snowfall could be so beautiful.It was perfect.I wanted to freeze this moment in time.

"It’s snowing,"

I commented and reached my hand out to catch the snowflakes.

"Are you cold? We should get you inside,"

He said and he took off his coat, draping it over me in one fell swoop.

His familiar masculine smell enveloped my body and it was heaven sent.

"No, this is great.I'm okay,"

I smiled and pulled his coat tighter around me.

"How did you get to New Jersey? Do your parents know about this?"

"I drove here and they're okay,"

"You drove all the way here?"

"Tiff and Carrie and I took turns,"

"So your friends, they know about...?"

"Yes, and you can trust them,"I said reassuringly.

"Emma,"he sighed and shook his head lightly, "You're not supposed to be doing things like these," "Doing what? My friends and I are on an impromptu road trip and we just happen to see you here,"I was being coy, but he wasn't amused.

"Emma, what do you want from me?"he said in a defeated manner.

His head was tilted to the side and his hands were deep in his pockets.

I had never seen him so powerless before.

"I want you, lan Hayes,"I stated firmly,

"Forget the school.Forget the rules.Forget the world and everything in it.If you love me, please let me know," I caught his gaze and we stared at each other for a good minute.

His eyes held volume even though he wasn't speaking a word.For a split second there, I swear his eyes glimmered.

"The truth.Tell me.I deserve to know," I said again, not breaking eye contact.

Finally, he let out a deep sigh and said, "I do.I love you, like mad, Ido,"

My heart swelled up at his words.It was the best feeling in the world and I couldn't stop the smile forming on my face.

"You can't possibly know how much I love you.And I want you to know that.But—"

"But nothing,"I cut him off simply.

He was going to make more excuses, the laundry list of reasons why couldn't be together.

I knew that list very well.I had it drafted in my mind too.

But that list wasn’t going to be enough to stop me anymore.

I left that list and my sanity the moment I got on the car and drove 12 hours north.I took a step closer to him and he moved back in response, maintaining a safe distance between us.

"Emma, stop,"he warned.

"Or what?"I challenged.

"If you take another step over.I’m not gonna be able to control myself anymore,"

"So don't,"

"Emma, think about what you're doing,"I did, plenty of times already.

I thought about this over and over again and I came to the conclusion that us being together was the only solution.He was my only solution.

So without hesitating, I reached for his neck and stood on my tippy toes.My lips were an inch away from his left ear as I whispered "Be with me always — take any form — drive me mad.Only do not leave me in this abyss where I cannot find you.

Oh, God.

It is unutterable.I cannot live without my life.I cannot live without my soul,"I pulled away to see his reaction.

He was biting his lower lip to stop himself from smiling.

He knew exactly what I was doing.

I was quoting a phrase from Wuthering Heights, and from that look in his eyes, I knew that he knew it too.

It was such a fitting phrase and I hoped he got the sincerity I was trying to portray.

Our faces were inches away from each other and we just stared at each other for a good minute.

It was crazy how we managed to say so much without even saying a word.

"If you really love me, lan, please don’t make me live without my soul,"I said finally.

Those were the words I wanted to tell him ever since he walked out of my life that night.

Because he was my soul.Something snapped inside him.

Because suddenly, he reached for my face and pulled me up to him.

Leaning his head down, he closed the distance between us with a long, tender kiss. The moment his lips landed on mine, I felt like exploding into a million tiny pieces.

Thankfully, his strong arms were holding onto me tight, keeping me in place.

White snow was falling all around us, and it looked like we were in a scene straight out of a movie.

I was on cloud nine. NôvelDrama.Org content.

I ran my hand through his hair as I pulled him closer to me.

He sucked gently on my lower lip, taking his time with every movement.

His tongue grazed my lips gently, instantly causing my mouth to part.

Our tongues met and I tasted him like I was starving for him, because I was.

The two of us together like this, it felt so right, it was undeniable. We finally pulled away when we were out of breath.

I was panting and his chest was heaving up and down.

I couldn't help but smile as he leaned his forehead down on mine and our noses were snuggling each other.

"I said it once, I'll say it again,"

he whispered huskily to my ears, "Baby girl, you are going to be the death of me,"His words lit a fire inside me.

I leaned forward and gave him a quick, soft kiss on his nose.

He was smiling from ear to ear and so was I.

"I'm so glad you came,"He said as he ran his fingers on my cheek.

"Me too,"I told him.

"How long do you have before you have to go back?"

"I have about...10 hours,"

I glanced at my phone, and the time showed it was almost 12 AM.

I promised Tiff and Carrie we would drive back at around 10 AM tomorrow morning, and so we would be back in Georgia at 10 PM.

Right in time for our curfew.

"Know anything fun to do in New Jersey at this hour?"I asked him playfully.

"I can think of a few things,"

That sexy smirk played on his lips and I could just melt at the sight.

"Lead the way,"I said as I linked my arms around his.

It felt so good to be able to hold him like this and not worry about what people might say.

This was New Jersey after all.

Far, far away from West Lake High School, Georgia.

"But, first thing’s first.We need to get some food,"

he said suddenly and I nodded in excitement at the mention of food.

"You know me so well,"

I laughed.

I was starving and lan brought us to this food truck on the boardwalk, he said it was the best tacos in New Jersey.

Maybe I was just hungry after driving for six hours without food.

Or maybe it was the cold air outside.

Or maybe I was just too happy to see lan again, but man, those were the best carnitas tacos I had ever had.

"Did I tell you, or did I tell you?"he said smugly as he watched me finish the third plate of taco.

"You are right.You changed my life.Carnitas tacos will never taste the same again,"I said and he laughed.

After tacos, we went to a bar for some drinks.He got a bottle of beer and club soda for me.I glared at him menacingly, but he wouldn't give in.

"We're breaking the rules anyway, might as well,"I pleaded.

"No,"He shook his head firmly,

"Some rules need to be kept,"

"You're lame,"I rolled my eyes.

"Am I now?"he looked slightly ticked off.

Tilting my chin towards him, he planted a soft kiss on my lips and I could taste the sweet alcohol on his lips.

I smiled through the kiss and he responded by deepening the kiss.

When my tongue grazed his bottom lip, he parted his mouth and I roamed his mouth with my tongue.I could taste everything.It was hot and intoxicating.

"Wow,"I breathed when I finally pulled away.

He just smirked at me as he took another gulp of his drink.

"Beers would never taste the same again,"

I said as I pulled him in for another kiss.

He stifled a laugh as he let me taste his lips once again.

We stayed outside until it was about 3 AM and everything but the bars were closed.

We walked around for a little bit and he was showing me his favorite spots in the city.

We took a walk through his favorite park, we passed by his favorite bookstore, and we even passed by his old high school. "What were you like in high school?"

I said to him as I watched him stare longingly at the big red building with the sign ‘Wildwood High School’.

"I was definitely not an active participant,"he scoffed, keeping his eyes straight ahead.

"Do you think we would have been friends if we met in high school?" He didn’t answer me, but he had a pained look on his face.

He then turned to me and gave me a look I couldn't decipher, prompting me to say, "What?"

"Nothing,"he muttered quickly.

His hand reached for my face and he tucked a wild strand of hair away.

With a small smile, he then whispered, "Let’s go back to my place,"

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