Teacher's Girl (Aflyingwhale)

Chapter 26: Begin Again

Chapter 26: Begin Again


One Month Later -

"Let's go Lions, let’s go!"

I cheered with my heart out.

It was Friday night and our school’s basketball team had a game against our rival school, Walton High.

After Christmas break and getting back together with lan, I was in full spirit.

School was exciting and fun again, and I dived right back into my after school activities and studies. "Look at you in your cheer spirit,"

Tiff called out from behind the bleachers.

"Suits you well, Em," Carrie flashed her thumbs up.

"Thanks, you guys,"I winked right back at them.

If it weren't for my two best friends, I wouldn't be able to pull off driving to New Jersey and patched things up with lan.

Speaking of lan, he was here too.

It wasn’t mandatory for teachers to be at the games, but after he saw me and my new cheer costume, lan became a steadfast fan of the basketball games. He smiled at me from the back bleachers and I smiled right back at him.

It was a knowing, secret smile that only the two of us could share.

Everyone else in this entire gymnasium wouldn't have aclue.

"Let’s go, Lions!"

Basketball games were not the only place we see each other at school.

He came to my swim meets too, in which case I would purposefully stretch my legs a little bit extra than usual.

He would throw me a smirk as he eyed me up and down in my swimsuit.

I rolled my eyes at him in response, but honestly, I was glad he was here to see me.

Having lan around fueled me and my desire to win.

I wanted to show off my best self.

That day, I set a new all -time high record for the 100 Yard Freestyle and I couldn't be happier.

A part of me believed it was because he was there, watching me.

And the look on his face, that proud look he had for me, that felt even better than winning.

During school hours, lan and I couldn't spend much time alone together.

Yes, we were around each other, but we couldn't really talk or touch each other in any way.

This in turn made everything hotter for us when we were finally alone after school.

I still came by his apartment every chance I got.

Some days we'd work on my art portfolio or I'd work on my homework and he'd grade his papers.

But on other days, we'd do an entirely different kind of work.


I couldn't help the moans from escaping my lips.

"Feels good, huh?"

lan flashed me his mega-watt smile.

"You're a miracle worker!"

I said as I tilted my head back.

"You're overworking your muscles.

You need to take it easy,"

he said as continued massaging my feet. Oh, you thought it was something else? Cheerleading and swimming took its toll on me.

My whole body was bruised and blue and my muscles were sore and tired.

lan was sweet enough to massage my shoulders and feet.

He had magic hands, I kid you not.

Whatever he touched, he made everything better.

"Tell me you'll take it easy,"

he said again, pushing his thumb against the skin of my ankle.

It was right there at the spot where I wanted it.

I let out another moan in response.

"Emma?"he asked.

He could be so demanding.


I groaned as he finished giving me a massage.

"I promise I'll take it easy,"

"Good girl,"

he kissed my ankle before putting it down gently on his lap. I pulled myself up so that I was facing him.

His gorgeous face beamed at me as cocked my head to the side and studied him.

Some days I just couldn't believe my luck.

How did I get to call this amazing man my boyfriend? "What are you thinking about?"he asked.

"I'm thinking..."

I leaned my head closer until my lips gently grazed his ear, "You don’t have to take it easy on me,"

The sexiest, naughtiest smirk appeared on his face in response.

I couldn't stop giggling as he leaned for my neck and his hands gripped my waist.

He pinned me down on the couch and when his lips found that sweet spot on my neck, I knew I was a goner.

Sore all over and yet I couldn't get enough.

"So, are you busy tomorrow night?"

I said as I picked up my bra from the floor and slipped it back on.

It was already 7 PM, which meant it was time for me to go back home and have dinner with my family.

"Tomorrow night’s a Tuesday.Don't you have a game to go to?"he said as he adjusted himself in his pants.

"Yeah, but I was thinking maybe we can get together after that?"

I paused to put my shirt back on and continued, "It is Valentine’s day after all,"



"Nothing.I just didn’t think it was important.Valentine’s day is just a stupid commercial scam,"

he scoffed, but when he saw the look on my face, he quickly changed direction, "But clearly it's important to you.

And if it's important to you, it’s important to me too," "You are the best boyfriend ever,"

I said with a quick kiss on his cheek.

"I must warn you though, I don’t know the first thing about Valentine’s Day,"

"It's simple.Just get chocolates and flowers.Maybe a teddy bear.And maybe one of those cards from Hallmark, that big scammer,"

I said as I gathered my bag from the floor, and turned for the door.

He let out a laugh and said, "Alright, I'll see what I can do,"

Valentine's Day fell on a Tuesday, how anticlimactic.

There was a basketball game too, a finals game.

Our school was down by two points and there were only ten seconds left on the clock.

We thought we weren't gonna make it.

But a last minute shot changed the score and we won by just one point.

The whole gymnasium roared in cheers and whistles as our school was declared the winner of this year's championship.

I was screaming and cheering my hearts out too.

The excitement in the room was so contagious, I just couldn't hold it in.

And a part of me was just excited to get on with my night.

lan was waiting for me in his apartment, he promised a Valentine’s date to remember.

After our celebratory dance and congratulating everyone on the team, I raced to the locker room to get changed.

I changed as quickly as I could, and I was about to head out when Madison, our cheer captain, stopped my tracks.

"Hey, Em.You're coming to my Valentine’s day party, right?"

she beamed, standing right between me and the exit door.

"There are a lot of cute single guys I wanna introduce you to.How do you feel about older guys?"

"Um, thanks, but no thanks.I have to get home and do...some homework,"

I said as I glanced at the clock, it was 7.30 PM and I promised lan I would be there by now.

"Are you serious? You're blowing my party for a homework?" she scoffed in annoyance.

"Sorry Maddie, I’m just not into boysat the moment," I’m into men.

A man to exact.

"What you're a lesbian now?" she paused for a second to gauge my reaction.

"Just kidding,"

she added quickly when I didn’t look amused.

"Fine, I'll swing by for like a second,"

I said finally to get her off my back.

"Great.See ya there,"

she said as she stepped away from the door, finally.

I could just lie and head out to lan’s apartment, but I didn’t feel good about lying.

I knew Tiff, Carrie, and Mark would be there too since they told me they were going.

Taking a deep breath, I walked to the parking lot and I texted lan that I would be a bit late.

Madison’s parties were always fun.

Hanging out with Tiff, Mark, and Carrie was always fun.

But after twenty minutes of being there, I couldn't wait to leave.

Ryan was there in the crowd, and he kept giving me weird flirty looks. I feel way too old for this.

"Guys, lan’s waiting for me in his apartment.Cover for me, will ya?"

I whispered to Tiff and Carrie's ears while Mark was away.

"You got it," Tiff nodded.

"Take the back exit, no one will know," Carrie motioned for the back door.

"I owe you guys everything,"

I gave them a quick hug before running for the exit.

I could see Ryan was about to come after me, but Tiff was quick on her toes.

She stepped in front of him and with her best ‘drunk’ voice she said, "Oh my God, Ryan, I love your shirt!" The girl practically took a bullet for me.

I owed her my life.

Mental note to self send Tiff flowers and chocolates every day for a month.

I arrived at lan’s apartment a little over 8.30 PM.

I raced to his door as fast as I could and I knocked furiously as soon as I was there.

I took a few deep breaths to calm myself and waited as he opened the door.

"Hey,"he beamed at me as the door opened.

He was wearing a crisp white shirt and black pants.

His hair was slicked back and he looked so cool, as always.

"I'm so sorry, I'm late.Madison wouldn't take no for an answer and—oh my god!"

I couldn't believe my eyes as I stepped inside the apartment.

There must be at least ten different types of flowers in various vases around the apartment.

There were chocolates, all kinds and shapes under the sun, and they were everywhere.

There was also this big fluffy teddy bear sitting on the couch with a ribbon on its head. Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org exclusive © material.

Candles were burning and a slow jazz was playing.

He even got a bottle of wine and homemade pizza in the shape of a heart on the table, which was probably cold since it'd been sitting there for a while.

"What happened here? Did you just get a house makeover from Willy Wonka?"

I said as I went to inspect the rows of chocolate hearts on the coffee table.

"I don't know what chocolates you like.So I got one of everything,"he shrugged simply.

"And I don’t know what flowers you like, so..."

So he got me everything...! "And you got me a teddy bear,"

I said as I hugged the big fluffy guy. "Hope you like that one,"

"I love this one,"I smiled at him.


he smiled back.

"And I love you,"

I said as I took a step towards him.

"I love everything you did here,"

"I love you too,"

he said as he closed the distance between us.

"I'm sorry I’m late,"

I said after a long tender kiss.

"It’s okay, you're worth the wait,"

he said as he rested his forehead on mine. We were staring deeply into each other's eyes and we couldn't stop smiling at each other.

I linked my arms around his neck and he put his hands on my waist.

We started swaying to the music, all the while we kept smiling and gazing into each other’s eyes.

"Damn.Now I know why people are so damn hooked on this holiday," he said and I laughed.

And I am so damn hooked on you, lan Hayes.

You have no clue

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