Teacher’s Student Mate


Bella’s POV

I woke up to sloppy smooching sounds and found myself as the bridge between the two handsome hunks who seemed to be too engrossed in kissing each other.

I am guessing we are still in the car and I was still in Dominic’s lap.

Yup I am.

How do I know you ask ?

I still feel the denim boner sticking against me and I have two freaking eyes that show me that we are still in the luxurious driving machine with a steering wheel.

I could smell Kai’s delicious scent who was hovering over me and letting his lips get attacked by DomDom’s.

“Aahhhh Dominic !”, Kai moaned as he tried to push away the other drunken man who was adamant on sucking away every gasp of air from his delirious victim.

“I can’t seem to get enough of you both”, Dominic husked and he seemed slightly apologetic but he clearly didn’t feel that sorry to let us go.

“Domz ! Kai needs to breathe”, I mumbled and succeeded in letting Kai move free by getting Dominic’s attention to me.

However before Dominic could go on rampage mode on me again, Kai scooped me out of Dominic’s lap and warned, “No Dominic. Don’t get out of the car on your own. Stay there. I will come and get you from the other side”, he said and jogged around the car with me in his arms.

“You are so bossy”, Dominic complained and let himself sway towards Kai’s side.

Where are we ?

This was not the university dorm.

As if understanding my thoughts, Kai pecked my forehead and said, “This is my personal apartment. We will go back to our respective dorms in the morning.”

Too sleepy to understand, I simply nodded my head in silent agreement before I found myself in a spacious wooden elevator with the other two boys.

Dominic pressed himself closer to us and kept murmuring something on the lines of “MINE” but we did not bother much with him and instead Kai cooed him to support himself against Kai’s back while Kai punched in the pass code to his pad.

“Whoa ! You got a very cool place”, I said as we entered and Kai chuckled while Dominic plopped himself in one of the comfy couches.

“This is the best place to be right now !”, Dominic declared and Kai chuckled even more airily.

I loved this carefree attitude of Kai.

He seemed to be behaving more of his age and that was certainly a heart warming sight.

Have I told you how gorgeous he looked right now, now that I could see him fully while he handed over some pills and water to Dominic before doing the same with me.

“C’mon swallow your tablets and go to sleep”, Kai ordered like a parent.

He was back to acting like a mature adult. Ughh.

I hate this side of his.

And like a stuck up child, I stuck out my tongue at him and grumbled, “Don’t daddy me”, I huffed adamantly.

Kai rubbed his temples to calm himself down before he scooped me in his arms again and marched off to the biggest room I had ever seen.

“Stay here”, he ordered but I thrashed around and demanded him to be around me.

“No ! I want you around me”, I stubbornly said.

“I am coming back, babe”, he softly whispered while rubbing my cheek with his warm palm and thumb.

“Come back fast”, I whimpered under his warm and comforting touch.

“I am getting Dominic here too. Ok ?”, he said and went off to get the other drunken, badass boy.

“Here here. Now let me help you both change”, Kai said but Domz and I were already feeling too hot. Alcohol can charge up bodies like a boiler in a thermal plant. Ughh.

We did not bother with the change of clothes Kai got and instead stripped down to our bare minimum before going under the covers.

However, before going to sleep, we managed to cage Kai with us on the same bed and between the homely warmth of the two boys, I floated to peaceful sleep where nightmares could not touch me nor could any fears.

* * * * *

Bella’s POV

“BWAAAAAHHHHHHH !!!!”, suddenly a spine chilling scream echoed throughout the room and I woke up with a jolt from my deep stupor before I crashed back into a hard wall behind me which magically had arms that protectively wrapped around me.

“Fuck Domz”, Kai muttered near my ear while pressing his warm palms over my ears which made me swoon back to sleep. “Keep it low, man”, he groaned.

However, Dominic had other plans and instead shouted again, “What the hell, teach ! What are we doing here together ? D- Did we d-do something together ?”, he asked while pointing between the three of us furiously.NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

“Just calm the fuck down and except for some intense making out sessions, no hole or pole was abused among us”, Kai muttered and rolled over to the other side.

“Ummm Kai”, I softly whispered.

“Yeah ?”, he hummed.

“Why are we naked then ?”, I asked as I looked under the covers to find myself in an unintentional bikini.

“None of us are naked”, Kai murmured and Dominic and I stared at him incredulously.

Now that I had a closer look of him, he seemed tired and sleepy.

Seems like last night something wild happened.

I will ask Snow to show me what actually happened later.

Right now we had to catch up with class.

And he said we all made out but why the hell is that not bothering me ?

You know what ? Just fuck it.

I need a bath and food.

“What’s the time, Domz ?”, I asked as I draped a thin sheet around myself. When I got no response from the statue in front of me that just kept looking at me, I said, “Stop staring at me, Domz”, I chided him while snapping my fingers in front of his face amused.

“Umm …. sorry. What ?”, Dominic asked a bit flustered on being caught red handed.

“Time ?”, I questioned again while tapping my index finger on the other hand’s wrist.

“It is quarter to 9”, he answered while looking in his mobile and suddenly Kai leaped out.

“Oh shit shit. We are late. We are late”, he hurriedly sang out and dashed inside the bathroom only to get out once again. “Fuck ! I forgot to give you your toothbrushes and towels”, he said and rushed towards the opposite direction.

After handing us over the necessities or rather thrusting them in our chests, he ran towards the bathroom after shouting out, “You have 5 minutes to get ready or else detention for one week !” and Dominic and I gave out a combined groan in annoyance.

“NOW !!!!”, Kai roared and that made us two to scamper off to the other bathrooms in the pad but not before we had a mini fight at the doorway that who would pass first.

I won after I bit Dominic’s shoulder and went to the nearest bathroom that I could see.

“Such a minx”, Dominic breathed out and ran away too.

In a record time of 15 minutes, we three were standing at the threshold of the classroom with grumbling stomachs but that could not be helped specially when Kai literally flew his car over the road to get us to the class on dot 9.

“I am never sitting in a car with you”, Dominic panted and Kai smirked at that.

“Get inside the class, students”, Kai commanded while stressing on the word “students” making us both roll our eyes at him which did not affect him at all and instead he shoved us inside.

As soon as we got in, the class greeted Mr Grayson while Dominic and I glided towards our seats at the back.

“Now where do you think are you two going ?”, Mr Grayson called out with an annoying but sexy smirk on his face.

“To our seats ?”, I answered in a ‘duh’ tone.

“Mr Kent and Ms Diaz, I want you two to sit in the front seat everyday from now on”, he said and turned around towards the blackboard, totally missing out our glares.


I hate him !

Such a douchebag.

Grudgingly, Domz and I stomped towards our newly assigned seats which were bang in the front of the middle row.

Yes. Just in front of Kai.

Blergh !

This is crazy.

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