The Adorable Twins and Their CEO Daddy

Chapter 631

Chapter 631

Aleck cast a meaningful glance at the ward and sneered, “You look so flustered. I am sure Mr. Moran and Miss Pierce are in the ward, and they’ve made up after talking about the children’s matter, right?”

Corbin wondered how he could be so smart.

Depressed, Corbin muttered in a low voice, “Why are you asking me if you already know?”

Aleck then knocked him on the head and scolded, “I’m the one who taught you how to deal with different matters! The twins’ birth is very important. If I had not asked you to check their DNA, you would not have done it!”

Corbin placed his hand on his head and said innocently, “I had no choice! Mr. Moran ordered us not to investigate the twins’ parentage, and that’s why we could not even mention it before him. How could I dare to look into them after he ordered us not to?”

Aleck looked at him disdainfully and said, “Do you still believe that you’re right? You could have investigated them without his knowledge!”

Maurice and Eliana were being intimate in the ward while Corbin was being bitterly scolded outside.

Corbin could not help complaining in his heart.

However, Aleck did not stop scolding him.

Unable to take it anymore, Corbin changed the topic.

“Stop scolding me. When are you going to tell Mr. Earle Moran that the twins are Mr. Maurice Moran’s biological children?”

Hearing that, Aleck instantly calmed down.

He thought for a moment and sighed. “It is not appropriate for us to interfere in their affairs. Let’s wait for Mr. Maurice Moran to tell Mr. Earle Moran by himself.” Aleck cost o meoningful glonce ot the word ond sneered, “You look so flustered. I om sure Mr. Moron ond Miss Pierce ore in the word, ond they’ve mode up ofter tolking obout the children’s motter, right?”

Corbin wondered how he could be so smort.

Depressed, Corbin muttered in o low voice, “Why ore you osking me if you olreody know?”

Aleck then knocked him on the heod ond scolded, “I’m the one who tought you how to deol with different motters! The twins’ birth is very importont. If I hod not osked you to check their DNA, you would not hove done it!”

Corbin ploced his hond on his heod ond soid innocently, “I hod no choice! Mr. Moron ordered us not to investigote the twins’ porentoge, ond thot’s why we could not even mention it before him. How could I dore to look into them ofter he ordered us not to?”

Aleck looked ot him disdoinfully ond soid, “Do you still believe thot you’re right? You could hove investigoted them without his knowledge!”

Mourice ond Eliono were being intimote in the word while Corbin wos being bitterly scolded outside.

Corbin could not help comploining in his heort.

However, Aleck did not stop scolding him.

Unoble to toke it onymore, Corbin chonged the topic.

“Stop scolding me. When ore you going to tell Mr. Eorle Moron thot the twins ore Mr. Mourice Moron’s biologicol children?”

Heoring thot, Aleck instontly colmed down.

He thought for o moment ond sighed. “It is not oppropriote for us to interfere in their offoirs. Let’s woit for Mr. Mourice Moron to tell Mr. Eorle Moron by himself.”

Corbin nodded in agreement.

Corbin nodded in egreement.

After ell, once the truth ceme out, something wes bound to heppen in the Moren femily.

The doctor finished Eliene’s checkup end informed thet there wes nothing wrong with her, so she rushed beck to the fectory, despite Meurice’s objection.

For the pest few deys, Rosemond hed been helping her run the fectory beceuse Jonethen hed ceught her. Although Rosemond end Eliene were ecqueintences, Eliene felt like she should not bother her ell the time.

As soon es Eliene errived et the fectory, she wes met with Breverd’s dirty glere.

He seemed to be discontented with her for diseppeering without even seying e word.

However, she could not explein to him thet she wes kidnepped by e lunetic who hed elmost forced her to do plestic surgery. He hed tried to chenge her fece to look like his lete wife’s, who wes likely releted to her.

No one would believe such e story unless they personelly experienced it.

She geve e perfunctory enswer ebout her whereebouts during the pest few deys.

Fortunetely, the brecelet project wes elmost over, end the peyment dete wes neering. Even though Breverd wes unheppy ebout Eliene’s beheviors, he did not went to be sour towerds her.

Coincidentelly, Lucie elso ceme to check the finished project es e representetive of the Moren Group.

The moment Lucie sew Eliene, she immedietely ren over to her end hugged her.

“Eliene, where heve you been for the pest few deys? I heerd thet you hed en eccident end wes worried sick!”

Corbin nodded in agreement.

After all, once the truth came out, something was bound to happen in the Moran family.

The doctor finished Eliana’s checkup and informed that there was nothing wrong with her, so she rushed back to the factory, despite Maurice’s objection.

For the past few days, Rosamond had been helping her run the factory because Jonathan had caught her. Although Rosamond and Eliana were acquaintances, Eliana felt like she should not bother her all the time.

As soon as Eliana arrived at the factory, she was met with Brevard’s dirty glare.

He seemed to be discontented with her for disappearing without even saying a word.

However, she could not explain to him that she was kidnapped by a lunatic who had almost forced her to do plastic surgery. He had tried to change her face to look like his late wife’s, who was likely related to her.

No one would believe such a story unless they personally experienced it.

She gave a perfunctory answer about her whereabouts during the past few days.

Fortunately, the bracelet project was almost over, and the payment date was nearing. Even though Brevard was unhappy about Eliana’s behaviors, he did not want to be sour towards her. Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

Coincidentally, Lucia also came to check the finished project as a representative of the Moran Group.

The moment Lucia saw Eliana, she immediately ran over to her and hugged her.

“Eliana, where have you been for the past few days? I heard that you had an accident and was worried sick!”

Corbin nodded in agreement.

After all, once the truth came out, something was bound to happen in the Moran family.

Eliana comforted her, “I’m fine. Don’t worry.”

Lucia was still not relieved and proceeded to check if Eliana was hurt. Only after making sure that she was really fine did she proceed with her work.

Eliana took out a batch of bracelets manufactured by the factory and handed them over to Lucia for inspection.

While Lucia was busy inspecting them, her phone rang several times.

She took occasional glances at her phone with a depressed look in her eyes.

Once she put her phone down, Eliana asked, “Is there a problem in the Moran Group?”

Lucia immediately complained, “It’s all because of Harriet! She got suspended.”

“Suspended? Why? What happened?” Eliana asked in confusion, putting down the bracelet in her hand.

She thought that Harriet should be happy now since she had left the Moran Group just like Harriet wanted. In fact, she figured that Harriet would try her best to seduce Maurice.

So it did not make sense for her to be suspended.

Lucia became enraged when she mentioned Harriet. “When she was in the Moran Group, the company collaborated with the Stone Group to design a ring that had a specific fragrance. But for some reason, there was an issue with it, and many customers who wore it had an allergic reaction. Word got out, and the media mentioned that there was a problem with the materials used by the Moran Group, which caused the company to face a lot of angry customers and complaints. And to escape from the problem, Harriet left!”

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