The Alpha and The Fool

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

I couldn’t believe Father attacked Dean and what’s more lost. How could Dean have beaten him? I

shook my head, forcing myself to focus. That didn’t matter and what did was what we were going to do

next. “Okay, so father is detained and Dean isn’t hurt. Where does this leave us?” I asked, pacing back

and forth.

“I’m not sure how long the alpha plans to detain your father, but when he does we are to leave and

never return.”

My throat tightened at the words with emotions I didn’t even begin to understand and I didn’t have time

to understand. I lifted my chin and shoulders. I was Alpha now that Father was detained. Wesely and

the others would look to me. I had to be strong. “Alright, this is what we’re going to do. Bring in

everyone. Socializing and wandering around is off limits. We’re not welcome any more and I don’t want

any reason for the alpha to be even more upself with us.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” Wesley said, dipping his chin in a stiff nod.

“I want everyone ready to leave in within the hour. As soon as Father’s released I want to be on our

way out of this territory.”

“What about Dean?” Wesley asked, his expression softening some.

My chest tightened and I took a slow breath. “It didn’t work,” I said and shrugged as if it didn’t bother

me. “It was a good plan, but didn’t work. Now I have to take care of our people. Get them home safe.”

His brow furrowed and he looked as if he wanted to say more. “We’ve got work to do, Wes. Get

everyone ready and I’ll go speak with the alpha to see just how bad the situation is.”

Again, he nodded and we both went into the house. I wasn’t sure where I could find the alpha, but we

didn’t get very far before Dean found us. “I’ll see you in about an hour Wes,” I said.

When he turned the corner Dean grabbed my hands. “First, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for this to happen. I


“I heard and I know Father wouldn’t be moved once he is like that. I’m glad he didn’t hurt you.”

Dean snorted and gave me a cocky smile. “Oh ye of little faith.”

I rolled my eyes and despite everything, smiled. “Look, I need to talk to your father. I need to know how Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

much time we have before he releases Father and we have to leave.”

“You don’t have to leave, Nic.”

I shook my head.

“No seriously, my dad said he wouldn’t force you to leave. You’re free to stay as long as you like.”

“And abandon my pack and my father? Dean, I can’t do that,” I told him, frowning.

“Your pack will still have their alpha, you won’t be abandoning them, and...” Dean hesitated then

sighed. “Nic, he forced you to play the roles he needed, demanding you change yourself every time he

needed something different. He has no respect for you and—”

“Shut up,” I said, pulling my hands away from his. Dean’s words hitting me in the face like a boxer’s

right hook. “You don’t what you’re talking about.”

His expression pinched even more. “Don’t I? Look, I am not trying to offend you here, Nic, but you

didn’t hear the way he talk about you when he came at me. You’re just another of his possessions in

his eyes.”

Dean reached out for me but I jerked back away from him. “Don’t! Just because I’m not perfect with the

perfect little family like you doesn’t mean I should up and leave him. He is my father and to me, that

means something.”

As I moved around him, Dean reached for me again. This time I shove him against the wall, my

forearm across his chest and my other pulled back with my fist ready. “Don’t touch me or I’ll finish what

Father started.” The look of shock and hurt on his face tore through me and I couldn’t breath. I stepped

back away from him and stormed down the hall, feeling ashamed of myself. Looks like I was burning all

my bridges tonight.

Damn it, I’d done it again. Lost control and acted with violence. Dean’s words hit too close to home and

that hurt, but it wasn’t Dean’s fault. My relationship with Father was far from perfect and I couldn’t fault

Dean for pointing it out.

I don’t know why I explode like this around him. God, he’d be better off just letting me leave. I blew out

an angry breath. I ran my hand over the top of my head as I searched for the alpha. After questioning a

few people, I finally found him in his office. I knocked on the door then sat down when he waved his

hand at the chairs in front of his desk.

“Alpha Brent, I came to ask how much time do we have before we need to out of your territory.”

“You don’t have to leave, Nicole,” he said, echoing Dean’s words. “As my son’s mate you’re more than

welcome here for as long as you’d like.”

“Sir, with all due respect, family is one of the most important things in this world and my father, with all

his faults, is all the family I have left. I will not stay without him.”

One half of his mouth tilted into a smile as he leaned forward, watching me with an intense gaze. Half

of me insisted I meet his gaze as I was alpha too. The other squirmed in her chair, feeling like she was

called to the principal’s office. “You are a formidable woman, Nicole. I can see you could be a great


“Alpha,” I corrected him.

Again half his mouth smiled at me. “Of course. I also see the influence you have on Dean.”

What? I wrinkled my nose at him in which he started to laugh.

“Before he met you, I didn’t think Dean knew how to have a serious conversation or have any sense of

responsibility,” Alpha Brent explained, his expression soft. “I’m sure you would find some changes in

yourself as well since you’ve been here. That’s the way it’s supposed to be, Nicole. Mates are suppose

to give our weaknesses strength. It’s why they are so important. I’m sure in this even your father would

agree with me.”

I’d already max out my quota for being a bitch so I pressed my lips together tightly until I could figure

out something to say that wouldn’t be rude. “Sir,” I finally said. “What does this have to do with the

current situation?”

“Everything,” Alpha Brent said and leaned back in his chair. “I love my sons and I would give

everything, even my life for them. I will not allow Dean to lose his mate, lose you, because your father

can’t see beyond his own ignorance. If you won’t stay while your father returns home and I don’t feel

it’s safe to allow Dean to go with you then I have no choice, but to keep your father in the holding cells

for an indefinite amount of time, allowing your continued stay here.”

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. “ can’t do that.” He couldn’t right? No way he could

hold another alpha prisoner like that. We weren’t at war.

Alpha Brent raised a single eyebrow at me. “Can’t I? If we wanted to get technical here Nicole, your

father is not even a alpha any more. He challenged Dean and lost.”

“It wasn’t a challenge...or at least not for the pack anyway.”

Again he gave me that stupid half smile. “Are you sure? Were you there? If I need it to be, all the

witnesses there will agree with me it was a challenge for the pack. It’ll be our word against your father’s

which won’t hold much weight considering the situation.”

My mouth continued to hang open. “You would do that? You would lie and force others to do so as

well? Just so I’ll stay here with Dean? I thought you were supposed to be a good man, at least that’s

what everyone said.”

“I try to be, but I told you I would do anything for my children, even if it means bending the rules to

ensure Dean gets a fair chance. You’ll understand when you have your own children, my

grandchildren. You can go now, Nicole. Your people can remain in the rooms they have and free reign

of the house or leave if they wish., but if they leave they can’t return.”

Too shocked to do anything but comply, I stood and left his office. I closed the door and leaned on the

wall. What just happened?

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