The Alpha Can’t Sense His Mate

Is that you?


I figured out the best way to rescue the Luna that night.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

You can imagine my shock when I came to share my progress with the Alpha and found him gone with a note that he was taking a head-start.

My shock grew when my spies in the Moon Light pack informed me of Zadok’s arrest and his close execution. I was already on my way with the warriors when Athaliah’s message of Zadok’s impending death was delivered.

We got to the pack at midnight, and according to my three-month-old plan, we infiltrated the borders, clearing the guards while keeping a low profile. The heavens must have smiled at us because the entire pack was gathered for an announcement, making our entrance, swift and painless.

By the time they were done crowning Athaliah Luna, we were mixed in the crowd, and brushing the dungeons for signs of the Alpha and Luna. Soon enough, news of our arrival spread and warriors were dispatched to the dungeons, seeking us out.

It soon became a warzone, and I killed everyone who dared to stop me from getting to my Alpha and Luna. I could feel the weakness of Zadok, being bound to him, his aura and hold withered as time passed.

I suspected wolf bane. A large and insane amount of it to render the alpha useless. “Set the prisoners free,” I ordered my trusted aides as we broke through the third tier of the Moon Light warriors. “I’ll look for the Alpha.”

“Yes, Beta.” They said and began their duties.

I made to leave but felt drawn to the last cell in that tier – so much so that I couldn’t step away without finding who and what was inside. Split between saving the Alpha and satisfying my duty, I picked the latter.

Rushing forward with some men, I searched the other parts of the dungeons, looking for the Alpha. Soon enough, I smelt him. Cole. His aura was so strong around a gated part of the dungeon that I knew I’d hit the jackpot.

Slaying any wolf that crossed my way, I entered the secluded prison and forced my way in. The first thing I saw was Athaliah, who heaved a sigh of relief at my presence. Cole’s eyes flickered between us both and his countenance grew worse.

“Y-You-” He managed to say before I brought out the pistol reserved for him and shot him in the head with a lethal amount of Wolfsbane. It would be doing him a favour killing him when Zadok would do a better job of it.

I rushed to where Zadok was tied and loosened him, averting my eyes at Ithra, who was hung naked, and barely alive. “Save her…” Zadok said, falling to the floor. “Save her and my baby..” He muttered, “I’ll be fine.”

I didn’t know what he was talking about but orders were orders. I took off my shirt, although spilled with blood, and covered her form, while the others cut off the chains that held her.

Ithra fell limp in my hand, looking malnourished and feeling like a bag of bones.

I covered her up with respect and handed her over to my trusted aides. “Take her to the borders and have the medicals attend to her!” My orders were stern and absolute.

They left and Zadok got up, looking like a menace. Gone was the Zadok I knew – replacing him was Kir, who took centre stage with murderous intent as he looked at Cole. I stopped him from killing him.

“Go to her! Your mate needs you.” I said, hoping he’d see reason with me. “She’ll have a better chance of survival with you by her side.”

Kir didn’t joke with his mate as he immediately retreated from Cole’s unconscious body and went the same way with Ithra. I was left alone with Athaliah, who stood by the side, wearing a mark on her neck.

“Azriel.” She said coming close to me. I felt nothing but disgust at the mark on her neck.

“You finally became Luna,” I stated, “You must be happy.”

She came close to me but I stopped her with the silver knife in my hand. “I tipped you.” She said, “You can’t kill me after I sacrificed myself to be marked by that beast just to earn you more time to get here.”

I shook my head, sporting a smirk. “Don’t think I would fall for your shameless tactics. I was already on my way when your message came. Maybe you knew that and decided to save yourself. I mean, you ended up as Luna, and without Cole lording himself over you, You might as well be Alpha.”

Athaliah seemed caught. Disoriented. I was right.

“I know how this looks, but I promise it’s for a greater cause.” She came closer to me, “You could be the Alpha. You are my real mate. I rejected you because I needed a partner with a powerful position. You could be the Alpha now. You have all it takes, Azriel. Rule with me.”

Her tone was begging. I couldn’t believe my ears. She was the devil.

“And what happens when I fall short?” I asked, with a raised eyebrow. “Would you sell me off the moment I don’t fit into your cruel plans to take over the world?”

“Azriel..” Now she was begging, “Don’t kill me. You can take Cole. Take anything but please, just don’t kill me.”

I held out my pistol, loaded with wolf bane. “Your life is not mine to take,” I said and when she breathed in a sigh of relief, I pulled the trigger, knocking her out cold.

I rushed out of the premises, fleeing the scene. As I descended the stairs, I saw a woman, walking with a limp. She must be one of the prisoners.

My thoughts were affirmed when I saw a chain fastened on her leg, broken in a way that allowed her to walk. I made to pass but something stopped me, keeping me rooted to a spot.

“Scar?” I called and she stiffened. “Is that you?”

The lady in question looked up at me, a burn scar on the right side of her face. She seemed out of it, lost but breathing fury. “You.”

Her tone was accusing and her eyes were wide. Within the blink of an eye, she appeared in front of me, growling.

My heartbeat increased as soon as her hands touched mine. I felt a sizzling and familiar spark shock through my body and with utmost unbelief, I heard the chant of my wolf.


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