The Alpha King Is My Second Chance Mate



Jeo glared at Delilah as she walked into the bedroom. “I thought I told you to sleep in the living room.”

“It’s cold and empty…I’ve slept in the living room for two days now, I miss you.”

“You don’t have the right to miss me. Get out…!”

“Jeo I…”

“It’s Alpha Jeovanni to you. You don’t get to call me what she does.”

Delilah blinked as tears filled her eyes, her arms hugging around herself. “She’s gone, and I’m here for

you. I’m carrying your child, Jeo…love me.”

“Yeah, you’re carrying my child, that’s the only reason why you’re alive. I don’t know what I saw in you.

You’ve always been conniving, I could see the trouble in your eyes, but I ignored it. I thought I loved

you…no, I believed I did, but I was just caught up in an illusion, confusing love and attraction.” He

sighed. “But what exactly was I attracted to? Quinn had always been prettier, nicer, sweeter…you’re

the one who came onto me…you’re the one who ruined my f*cking life. Get out…!”

Delilah flinched at the harshness in his voice, staggering back. “Please Jeo…stop treating me like this.

I love you.”

“And I don’t love you, so get out.”

“No, I…I want you to love me…try.” She stepped inside reluctant; scared but pretending to be brave. “I

have your mark, I’m carrying your baby, if you try…you can love me. Jeo, you barely touch me

anymore, you haven’t kissed me, haven’t hugged me…I feel abandoned. Stop this now, please.”

Jeo’s eyes twitched as she stopped in front of him, resting her forehead against his chest. “I’m wrong,

forgive me just this once…please.”

“No…” Jeo stepped back, pushing her from against him. “Stop acting like a saint, stop pretendi~”

Jeo looked at the door when someone banged it loudly; Cannon, it was his scent. “Come in.”

The door slammed open, and Cannon rushed inside, breathing hard. “The farm…it is being burnt


“What?! Who…?! Was it one of the pack members who mistakenly made a fire?"

“No…it’s the gamma and the beta of the alpha king’s pack. They’ve knocked down our patrollers and

even some of the farmers and then burned the farm. They also left a dead crow at the edge of our

borders signalizing the end of our alliance.”

“F*ck…!” Jeo ran his hand down his face, shoving Delilah aside. “If Quinn was here…f*ck, if Quinn

were here, she’d have at least defended our borders, how the f*ck did they take down all the patrol

warriors, is anybody dead?”

“No, they didn’t kill anybody…that doesn’t seem to be their aim since they’ve already left. The farmers

and the warriors are trying to extinguish the fire, but they used gasoline…it just keeps spreading. The

wind is strong as well…the fire might spread past the farm.”

Jeo groaned, walking past him. “Come on…I’ve got to do something about this.”

He ran his way outside and Cannon followed him, both speeding towards the big fire towards the west

of the land. When they got there, the farm was almost burnt to the ground. The whole field was black

and what was left of it was being burned rapidly.

Jeo took a deep breath, pointing towards the farmers. “Instead of putting out what the fire already

burnt, try stopping it from burning more. Throw the water in the direction the fire is going.”

The pack members got to work and though he gave them the orders, he couldn’t move to help. He just

stood there, watching as the flames blinked emotionlessly at him. It was so bright, reaching for the sky

and burning away what it took him years to build. He’d known the alpha king wouldn’t have just stood

back after what he did. He knew he’d seek revenge, but Jeo never guessed revenge would come in

such a wicked form.

That man was too malicious and cruel. He’d taken Quinn away from him, and now he’d even taken

more. His pack wasn’t rich, he doubt he could afford food to serve them for a week, What would he do?

Which pack would stretch out a hand to help him?

Clenching his hands and his jaws, he walked towards the borders, scenting out and finding the dead

bird, he stooped in front of it. He shouldn’t have hurt Quinn, his love life wouldn’t have been ruined, and

he’d still have the alpha king on his side.

Now, he had nobody to turn to and his pride wouldn’t allow him to ask the person who did this to him for


He needed Quinn, she was his strength. If she were here, then she’d be able to tell him what to do…

But alas, he’d destroyed her, and she’d destroyed him…and he regretted it all.


It’s been two days since the farm was entirely burnt down, that along with the small building the farmers

usually slept in. He’d tried to get help, reached out to three different packs who instantly declined, he

was down to just one pack now; The woodland pack; if they neglected to help him, then he was utterly Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.


Picking up his pen, he started yet another letter. He tried to make it sound as sincere as possible and

even promised to help them in the long run if anything were to happen…

But yet again, he was told the funds are only sufficient enough to feed their pack.

The food was running out, the only thing they had enough of was meat, and that was because they

could hunt it…but what in heaven’s name would they eat with the meat two days from now?

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