The Alpha Who Saved Me

The Alpha Who Saved Me By Stacy Rush Chapter 105

The Alpha Who Saved Me By Stacy Rush Chapter 105


I’m sitting in one of the Alpha meetings that I must attend, discussing the attacks on

packs that are far enough away, but close enough to still be concerned. These meetings

are getting. tiring because it’s not as if these attacks are specific. No, these attacks are

about the d*mn Dire wolf once again. It makes no sense at all. They have been

attacking these packs, not knowing if the legendary wolf is actually in the pack, but

because one wolf is faster or a lot stronger than the rest, and it gets out, these rebel

packs are attacking.

A memory comes to mind of when Gavin made me promise not to show my strength or

speed to others, because it could be dangerous. I think this is why; he didn’t want us

being targeted again. Declan keeps glancing across the table at me, and it’s really

starting to annoy the f*ck out of me, so the next time he does it, I kick him in the shin,

hard. He curses loudly and I chuckle because the whole room goes quiet.

Enter title…

Alpha Deke, who is heading up this month’s meeting, stares at Declan with a raised

brow, “Do you have an issue with what I just suggested, cousin?”

“Sorry, no. I was just remembering that I forgot to do something before coming here, but

please, proceed.” He then gives me the evil eye and turns his attention back to Deke.

“That wasn’t very nice.” His voice rumbles close to my ear once the meeting is over. I’m

standing by myself, texting Demi to make sure all is well with Ash, and I jump when

Declan’s words find my ears.

“Goddess!” I grab my chest, “Give a girl a heart attack why don’t you!”

“You practically took my leg off!” He scowls playfully.

“Well, it isn’t nice to stare, and you wouldn’t quit. I had to do something!” I chuckle.

“I wasn’t meaning to stare. I guess I was just reminded of your pack’s attack years ago,

for these very reasons. I’m worried that they will come back.” He looks concerned.

“Let them! We are ready for them. If they want to mess with us, I will show them where

they can shove their legendary Dire wolf!” These rebels get me so worked up at times,

killing and injuring innocent people over a story made to be a bedtime story.

Declan smirks at me.


“Has anybody ever told you how cute you look when you get your panties in a bunch?”

He asks it jokingly, but I still blush.

I’m not blushing so much from the comment, but from the little tingle that shoots through

my core. I haven’t felt anything like that since Gavin was alive. It’s been two and a half

months since I’ve felt anything like that, and I’m not quite sure I am ready for it. It’s not

like Declan meant anything by it, he’s always teased me, but for some reason, my body

responded to it in a different way this time.

“Is everything alright? Did I say something wrong?” Declan asks all concerned.

I smile, “No, just a memory that I didn’t really want to have, but I don’t want to talk about

it if it’s alright with you.”

“Yes, of course. Are you ready to go, I’m just waiting on you.”

“Oh, yeah I’m ready, let’s go.” Picking up my things, I head for the door with the Alpha

right behind me.

I’m running in the woods in my human form, howls echoing through the trees. They

sound as though they are all around me, and they are unfamiliar. An Alpha knows when

it’s one of their pack members howling, and none of these belong to mine. I continue to NôvelDrama.Org © content.

run, and suddenly, I hear it. Mad laughter sounds from right behind me, but when I whip

around, there is nobody there. I call out to my wolf, but I get no answer and when I try

shifting, nothing happens.

‘Come out, come out, little wolfie. We want to play.’ I don’t

recognize the voice, but it doesn’t matter because it doesn’t sound like a friendly wolf.

Where am I? I wonder as I twirl around, trying to make out my surroundings, but I’ve

never seen these woods. before, and they smell foreign to me. ‘If you come out now, we

will make it quick. You won’t have to suffer, you know.’ Who is that? Deciding that their

voice is way too close to my liking, I take off running once more. I continue turning my

head to see if they are following me and then suddenly, I break free of the trees and stop

dead in my tracks. Before me is a cliff and when I look over the edge, there is no bottom;

it’s just an endless fall. When I go to step away, I hear the voice once more, ‘Farewell to

you. Finally, we can all sleep better knowing that your kind is gone forever!’ I feel a push

and begin to fall over the edge of the cliff.

I jerk awake in a cold sweat and look around my darkened room. What the f*ck was that

dream all about? I think to myself. Slipping out of bed, I head to my ensuite and get

myself a tall glass of water. I’m drenched in sweat and really don’t want to climb back

into the bed this way, so I strip down and turn the shower on, making sure it’s only luke

warm before I step in.

I don’t linger in the shower long, just enough to wash the sweat away and feel clean

once again. After I dress into different pajamas and I change the sheets, I climb back into

bed. The clock is telling me that it’s quarter to five in the morning, and after closing my

eyes and trying to go back to sleep, there is just no way I can do so. Instead, I go into my

closet and dress for the day before heading down to my office to get some work done.

I’m not in my office very long, though, before I begin to feel tired once again, but instead

of going back to my room, I go to the couch in the corner of my room and lay down on it.

The last time I sat on this couch was when Gavin and I made love. Everything reminds

me of him, and I am grateful, but then there are times that I don’t want to be reminded,

because a deep melancholy drapes itself over me and it’s hard to shake off. Closing my

eyes, it isn’t long before slumber takes hold and I’m able to sleep dreamlessly.

“Quinn, wake up. Quinn…” I’m being shaken awake and all I want to do is slap whoever

has the nerve to wake me from my deep sleep, “keep ignoring me and I will throw ice

water on your head, Luna or not!” It’s Cici’s irritating threat that pulls me fully out of my


“What the f*ck Ci, this better be good! I slept like s*it last night.” I yawn and rub the

sleep from my eyes.

“I don’t know what’s going on, but my brother called me and told me that Declan has

locked himself in his room and refuses to talk to anybody. He doesn’t know what to do.”

“Declan? Why the hell would he do that? He was fine when he dropped me off a few

nights ago.” I state as I try and think of what could have happened.

“My brother said he was acting weird yesterday and now this.” Cici looks as worried as I

feel because this is so unlike Declan. He takes everything head on normally.

There is only one thing that could be the cause of this, or should I say one person, “Lila.”

“What about her?” Cici asks.

“It’s got to be about her; something she did. I’ll f*cking kill her if he’ s f*cked with him

again.” I get up from the couch and hurry from the room, “Let spencer know that he’s in

charge until I get back.” I call over my shoulder, “I’ll take Cam with me as well, so make

sure you inform him of that, too, please.” I don’t wait to hear her response as I run from

the pack house, linking Cam as I go.

Well, d*mn it…what has Lila done now? =)

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