The Alpha Who Saved Me

The Alpha Who Saved Me By Stacy Rush Chapter 73

The Alpha Who Saved Me By Stacy Rush Chapter 73


“Alpha Jasper wants you downstairs,” Tiffany sneers as she walks into my tiny room in the attic.

“I thought he was gone for the afternoon?” I had just climbed into my twin-sized bed to try and catch a little nap, but I guess that isn’t happening.

“Does it matter? He’s here now and he’s wanting you to go to him!” The she-bitch grabs hold of my arm and drags me from the bed.

Catching myself just in time before landing on my stomach, I glance up and see Tiffany smirking. She knew what she was doing! I stand up and get right up into her face, “If you ever try to hurt my pup again, I will end you!”

“Pfft! I’d like to see you try…” She goes to walk away, and I just clock her one right in the nose. She cries out as she falls back on her ass.

“Want to try me again, bitch? I may be small, and I may be pregnant, but you forget that I’m a fucking Alpha, and will always be stronger than your pathetic ass even without my wolf!” I walk towards the door, and then turn back to see that Tiffany is still on the floor holding her nose, “If you don’t mind, I prefer not making Alpha Jasper wait.”

She scrambles to her feet glaring at me and then hurries to get in front of me as we walk down to meet the Alpha asshole. When we get to Jasper’s makeshift office, Alpha Tate is also in the room.

“What the fuck happened to you?” Jasper asks Tiffany.

The she-wolf points to me, “She fucking punched me because she didn’t want to come down. I caught her being lazy and trying to sleep when she should be working.”

“That’s a fucking lie and you know it! Keep lying and I will give you another bloody nose!” I turn to Alpha asshole, “She didn’t give me a chance to get up and tried pulling me off the bed, so I’d land on my stomach. If anybody tries to hurt my pup, I will protect him!” I snarl at all three of them.

Jasper gets up from behind his desk, smiling, “You gotta love the feisty ones, don’t you?” He poses the question towards the other Alpha.

I don’t see it coming because I’m looking at Alpha Tate, but I catch his eyes widening, which has me turning back to Jasper. He’s too fast, though, as he backhands me across the face, sending me flying backwards. My back slams into a bookcase before I crumple to the floor. Jasper takes big strides to get to me before taking hold of my hair and pulling me back up.

“Don’t you ever, hit one of my whores again! I’m the only one with that right. Just like nobody is allowed to touch you, because you are my whore, too!”

I don’t know what comes over me but all of a sudden, I send a huge wad of spit flying at his face, “Fuck you! I am nobody’s whore!”

Jasper’s whole body stills for a moment. Then, without taking his eyes from me, he gives Alpha Tate an order, “Send out a mind link to your pack, letting them know that there will be a whipping in the town square within an hour’s time. The whip will be laced with wolfsbane.”

Both Alpha Tate and I gasp together, and the Alpha looks

sympathetically at me. I refuse to show any weakness, though, as I glare at Jasper, “Do your fucking worst!”

“We will see if you keep this feistiness as the laced whip cuts through your skin and enters your blood stream. How long do you think your pup will last then?” He smirks.

“My pup is strong, Alpha, we will both handle it.” I keep my voice stern, even though I’m a trembling mess inside.

He looks over his shoulder at the other two still in the room, “I suggest you leave if you don’t want to see what I’m going to do to prepare my WHORE for her whipping.”

Alpha Tate hurries from the room as I hiss out the word ‘pussy’ at him. Tiffany on the other hand, takes a seat and gets comfortable while wearing a sadistic smile.

“Ah, good an audience! Tiffany, would you be a good whore and clear a space on my desk?” He keeps his eyes on me the whole time. Once the space is cleared, he brings me over and shoves my chest down on top of it, “Do you remember what this brand means on your neck Quinn?”

“It’s nothing but an annoying scab which will be taken off once I mate my chosen.” I answer.

He laughs and holds my head down hard against the desk so I’m facing Tiffany, “You are MINE, and you will remain MINE! Nobody is e*er coming for you. Now, apologize to Tiffany.”

“Fuck you!”

“Oh, we are going to get to that, but not until you apologize.” I feel a sharp ob*ect a*ainst the side of my stomach and realize that it’s his wolf’s claw. He’s threatening my pup all because I won’t apologize to some she-whore?

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‘No, Quinn, he wants you to apologize to show his power!’ Tala speaks up, ‘I’m here when you need me, but you must play his games for now.’ I’ve felt her but she hasn’t really been present since she woke up. I now feel like myself again with her in my


‘Ugh, fine! But when we kill him, it better be slow and torturous!’

‘It will be our pleasure, Quinn.’

“I’m sorry, Tiffany. I shouldn’t have punched you.” I roll my eyes as I say it.

“See, was that so hard?” Jasper asks. He then proceeds to lift my dress and cover my mouth as he takes me right here while Tiffany sits and watches with a sinister smile.

Once Jasper was finished with me, both he and Tiffany spit in my face. Jasper tears my dress off my body and forces me to walk out of his office. He tells me that we are to go outside and walk to the town square. I keep my head held high as I walk through the streets with pack members, including small children, lining up along the sidewalks.

I don’t know who orders **t, but others begin to spit on me while others look at me with sympathy and shame for their pack members. With spit and Jasper’s cum dripping from me, I make my way to the posts that stands tall for occasions like this. Although, I’ve never known a pregnant she-wolf to get whipped in the history of shifters, I guess there is always a first time, and it looks like I’m lucky number one.

You can tell which ones are disgusted with the show that Jasper is putting on, and soon, one-by-one they begin to turn their backs to us..showing their disapproval. I can’t help the smile that appears

on my face at the sight. Jasper is growling and glaring, but no matter what, they remain with their backs turned.

“Alpha, Alpha! You can’t mean to do this to her!” Dr. sands comes running up to us, “Can’t you wait until the pup is born?”

Jasper snarls and then rakes his claws down the doctor’s chest, not killing h*m, **** just in warning, “You dare tell me what to do with my own prisoner? How about I bring your Luna out and tie her up beside this whore?”

Dr. sands glances at me, not knowing what more he can do. I smile softly and shake my head as I place my hand over my stomach. He nods as though he understands that I’m trying to tell him to make sure he saves my pup at all costs afterwards.

Before I know it, we are standing beside the tall post with shackles hanging from it. There is dried blood coating the chains and the post from past whippings. I step up to the post and Jasper is quick to lock the shackles around my wrists. I glance to the side and see the doctor try to tell me something. He keeps pointing to his head, but he’s trying to be discreet about it.

‘I think he’s trying to tell us to mind link.’ Tala says.

‘But I can’t link to him, and my pack is too far away.’ I remind my wolf.

‘Are they though? Maybe he was able to get through to someone.’ My eyes widen with what she just said. I had forgotten that he said he would try and help.

I nod slightly to him and the turn my head toward the pole, ‘Spence, can you hear me?’

Jasper is going on with some kind of speech about disobeying and whatnot, but I’m not paying attention to him. I try calling out to my

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Beta once again, but I still get no answer. Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

‘Don’t give up Quinn.’ Tala encourages me.

‘Spencer, Cam, is anybody there?’

‘Alpha? Is that you?’ It’s Cam’s voice that comes through.

‘Oh, my Goddess, Cam! Where are you?’

‘We are just at the Black Forest pack’s border, ready to breach it.’ He informs me.

‘Oh, thank Goddess! You must be careful when you get here. I’m in the center of town, about to be whipped. Jasper is here! Capture him but do not kill him. This f*cker is mine!’

‘Copy that! It’s so good to hear your voice, Alpha!’ Cam says before I lose him due to a slice going across my back.

I clench my jaw as the first strike hits, only there is no burn to it. I look to my side and see Jasper smirking at me. He’s not the one whipping me. When I look over at the doctor, he gives me a slight smile and a head nod. Whoever is whipping me does not have it laced with wolfsbane. It still burns like the devil, but I’ll take it.

After only four strikes, there is a commotion at the edge of town, and I’m given a reprieve as everyone looks in that direction. Growls and snarls erupt all around us and soon we are surrounded by thousands of wolves.

TGIF! Thanks for reading! =)

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