Emma signed for the hundredth time as she tidied up herself in the store room of the cafe.

Her shift was over, and Derek and the ‘search party’ hadn’t come back.

She wondered if they already found Margo and was interrogating her in the pack house.

She doubted the thought immediately it had sprung up.

If they had found her, Derek would have checked on her, even though he had left her under the care of Clem and Shane.

At the moment, she knew that they were waiting for her outside the door.

Sighing again, she picked up her back pack and Maya’s from the floor and walked towards the entrance.

But before she could turn the knob to open the door, she felt a presence behind her, a cold presence.

Before swiveling around at a great speed to see the person, she already knew who it was. Zipfarah. For some reason, she had known that it was the woman rumoured to be one of the good people.

“Zipfarah…” She called, almost running up to hug the shiny woman out of relief and happiness, but holding herself from doing so as she was not sure if the beautiful woman would like it.

“Hello Emma…” The witch called her, smiling a bit, obviously happy that the redhead was at least happy to see her. It was a good sigh.

“How have you been?” She asked, stepping closer to Emma.

“Well, I have seen better days…” Emma replied with a shrug. She was nowhere near fine and terrific at the moment. If anything, she felt lost at the moment, like she was thrown into a compass-less boat and thrown into the middle of a deep blue sea.

“Where have you been? I’ve been earnestly waiting for you. You had said that night that you would come back soon. Was this the soon?” She inquired; a sad note evident in her voice.

“I’m sorry dear. I was waiting for your call.” The witch said.

“My call? How was I suppose to beckon onto you? I don’t know any magic for that, and you didn’t say anything about that either.” Emma replied. She had been surprised at the witch’s reply to her question. The queen hadn’t said anything about a beckoning the last time. So how was she supposed to know?

“Well, sorry about that too. But you could just call my name thrice, and I would make an appearance.” The latter said, the smile not leaving her lips still.

“Oh, okay. I will do that next time.” Emma stated, now checking and cancelling out all of her questions that would have been answered if she had known of this fact. She cursed her ignorance, even though it wasn’t really her fault. Ignorance was really the worst ailment. She thought.

But could she call Margo with the same technic or was this principle only reserved for the queen of the witches?

She would have to check it out later; but remembering Esther, she cussed.

If the technic had been applicable to all witches, Margo’s niece would have called unto her. Or was the latter in captivity, perhaps a prison house?

She shuddered as she thought about it, not wanting to ruminate on the negative thought.

Think positively Emma! Think positive!

“Are you okay?” She heard Zipfara ask.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yeah.” She replied.

“Sure? You seemed bothered.” The woman noticed.

“Tell me what have been happening.” She said, sitting down on the armless chair near the cabinet in the room.

“Nothing much.” Emma said, before recounting the events that had been going on all around her since the woman had disappeared on her that night. But she hadn’t mentioned anything about her gifts.

“Hmm…is that all?” The witch asked her, raising up her almost white eyebrows.

“Yeah, I think.” She replied, reclining on the door, jerking away from it the next second as she suddenly remembered that Clem and Shane were waiting for her just outside the door.

“What is the problem?” The woman asked, in that calm tone of hers, still relaxed in the chair, as if she had not jerked like someone that had been scared over something.

“My friends are just outside the door.” She said, a bit troubled. Although she wondered why the duo hadn’t knocked on the door to check on why she was stalling much time inside.

“Don’t worry about that. The time is still, at least for some moments.” The latter replied, as if she was talking about the weather, and not just performing a supernatural acrobatic.

She stilled the time??

Oh wow… Emma breathed out.

What else hadn’t she seen in this county?

The next thing on their list would be to tell her that dragons existed.

“That’s cool…” She finally muttered, obviously in awe. What else could the woman do?

“So, tell me more.” The queenly woman said.

“Tell you more? I already told you everything.” She stated.

“But you didn’t mention the part about your gifts.” The witch said, almost smirking at her.

“How…how…how did you know that?” She asked, sure that that the woman hadn’t read her mind. She hadn’t felt any intrusion.

“Well, when I had assumed that you didn’t want to call on me, I had stationed some of my people to watch you.” She replied.

“So, they had given me every report.” She added.

Emma was speechless. All this time, she had been watched?

She wondered if Margo was working for the queen.

She almost asked, but decided against it.

If Margo was working for the queen, then there was a high probability that her name would come up as the conversation went on.

“So, why do you think I have those gifts?” She finally asked.

“And why do I have this weird scent that I can’t seem to even perceive myself?” She queried, hoping to get at least a viable answer from this particular witch.

“What scent?” The witch asked her, as she stood up as if in a hurry.

Emma scrunched her forehead as she watched her movements.

While trying to understand why the witch couldn’t perceive her scent, she observed that the glowing nature of the woman was dissipating.

“Going already?” She asked, even as she watched the witch’s glow alternate colors. It hadn’t happened the first time.

“Yeah. We will continue our discussion later, if you call me.” The woman said, before disappearing.

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