Derek breathed in and out to instill calm inside him as he looked at the door that had been hidden behind the wardrobe.

He knew he would be going inside the secret place to feed his curiosity. Nothing would stop him from that.

He was a bit edgy about it though.

Trapdoors and secret places weren’t really his favourite places.

Taking in a deep breath again, he took steps forward until he got to the door.

He tried twisting the knob to open it up, but the metallic orb was stiff, not yielding at all. He tried again, but still got the same result.

He almost gave up, until his eyes caught sight of an opening by top of the door as they ran all over the wooden height.

What is that? He thought, trying to fix his hand into the opening shaped like a hexagon.

A lock! He exclaimed in his mind, them sighed as his elation disappeared at what the answer entailed.

The door needed its lock.

But where would he find the lock?

Ordinarily the Margo would the carrying the lock with her, since it was that big. He could tell from the size of the opening which was lesser than the door’s knob.

Overwhelmed with defeat before almost experiencing a victory, he sat down tiredly on the bed, his shoulders drooping down.

He cast his eyes around the room, even though breathing in the same air as defeat, trying again to find some thing, anything that resembled a lock with the same shape of the opening on the door.

He found nothing.

Despaired, he gave up, standing up tiredly.

Perhaps Esther might know where her aunt might have dropped the lock.

Walking towards the entrance, his left leg hit the wooden block again as it was close to the door.

He wheeezed around, as he heard an unlocking sound from the direction of the wardrobe.

Staring expectantly at the door to open, he soughed as it didn’t.

“What the hell!” He exclaimed, as he kicked the wooden block out of anger and frustration.

He heard another unlocking sound.

A smile appeared on his lips, as he darted his eyes from the door to the wooden block close to the door.

His eyes still on the door, he kicked the wooden block again.

He heard another unlocking sound.

He smiled again.

Even though there was no physical difference seen on the door, he felt like there was a progress some where.

He kicked the block again.

Another unlocking sound.

He kicked it again, resolving to keep kicking it until something happened.

But this time there was no unlocking click sound.

He waited, nothing.

What happened? He thought.

He kicked the block again.

No clicking sound.

He was about to go check out the door, to see if perhaps it had opened, when the block opened up from its side.

He bent down, putting his hand through the opening of the block, pausing in his mobemu, as his hand touched an eerie cold object.

Offering a prayer to the goddess, he drew out his hand which had grasped the object.

He smiled as he opened his hand.

The hexagonal lock laid on his hand.

It was designed with some ancient drawings.

It made him remember the writings on the wall of his little witch, and the fact that he had forgotten to tell his mother again.

He would tell her, right after this. He thought, standing up erect.

He walked to the door confidently, and inserted the lock in the similar space at the top of the door.

Immediately, the door clicked, and the knob turned of its own accord, and the door opened, slightly.

He breathed in again deeply, before opening the door more widely, so as to accommodate his entry.Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.


It was a dark litted room. He had been welcomed into a dark litted room.

Putting his hand into hiss pocket, he brought out his phone, opened it, and switched on its torch light.

The room was like a library. Books were everywhere.

He went deeper into the room.

There was a table and a chair. Precisely for studying. He thought, as he walked towards it.

There were papers filled with strange markings on the paper. There was ink. There was a feather.

A witch’s lair. He thought.

He was about going off to another area of the room, when his caught site of the drawer. The table had a drawer.

He opened it meticulously.

There were a bunch of pictures.

He picked the whole pile up, especially as he saw the person who had graced the first sheet. His little witch.

He sucked in air, as he went from picture to picture.

These were pictures of his little mate’s life.

There were baby pictures. There were pictures of her kissing another guy.

He couldn’t stop himself from growling at the guy in the picture.

What had he thought? That his little witch hadn’t played around?

Of course she had. Her beauty was enough to bewitch anyone.

At least he had had the honor of being her first down there.

He sat down on the chair, as he went through the dozens of pictures.

He smiled as he saw the one where she had graduated from highschool. She was pouting.

Who was this girl? He asked, looking at the Blondie who seemed to be quite close to his little witch in most of the pictures.

It was then he knew that he didn’t even know much about his mate; not even her family.

“A bad mate you are.” Maru said to him.

“You didn’t say anything either. So stop blaming me.” He muttered, as he noticed that his voice echoed in the room at the first word.

“You’re my representative. You should have asked.” Mari whined.

” Oh,. quit it.” He sighed, picking up another picture.

She was with another guy.

Just how many guys did she date? He thought, feeling his anger rise at their intimate position.

They were lying on the grass.

His little witch was on top of a familiar male.

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