A smile was still on Melvina’s face as she hurried to dish food into plates, while Maya stood by the side, watching her, a small smile on her lips too. They both had been happy about Derek’s fast recovery. He was still in bed, still struggling to talk and refusing any semblance of noise, but he was okay. He would be up and about in one day, fit for his birthday and coronation which would be taking place the next two days. But the problem was that he doesn’t known that Emma had been taken.

When Melvina had heard from Clem that Emma had been taken, it had taken her calling upon her reservoir of self-control not to cuss at the friend of her son for not being able to rescue heir soon-to-be-Luna if things didn’t go southwards. Knowing her son’s addiction to his mate, she wondered, as she dished out the food cooked by Maya before they had arrived back home, how he would take the blow, his reaction and actions.

“Take this and this to Clem and Shane.” She said, as she handed two plates of spaghetti to Maya who nodded at her request before collecting the plates and walking out of the kitchen.

She had convinced the two boys to stay back and eat before going back to their respective homes. She had expressed her utmost appreciation to them for doing all they could to protect the redhead, even though she knew that they might still be punished by her son.

She was grateful to Maya too for being considerate enough to cook, and to tuck her daughter, Eva, into bed. When the latter had been brought into the house during the morning hours, looking lifeless but just unconscious, she had been alarmed, knowing the unpredictability of her brother in law, Arnold. The latter might blame them for his daughter’s condition, might capitalize on it, and make it an escape to unleash issues in the pack.

So, when she had heard the full story from Ava, she had made sure that the girl was comfortable enough and well cared for to ensure her quick recovery. She had been so glad when she had seen her hale and hearty that night, as she bustled around to make sure that they were comfortable, including the witch girl; helping her to dish food for them all even as she asked her questions about what had happened whilst she had been absent.

“Has Esther started eating?” She asked Maya, as she saw her walk into the kitchen with an empty plate. She believed that it belonged to Anthony. That son of hers could eat down a mountain.

“Yeah. She looked like she wanted more.” Maya replied, handing over the plate to Melvina.

“This is her plate?” Melvina asked, a bit surprised. The witch was really hungry then. She was glad that she had made the proposition to her to join them at home.

“Yes.” Maya answered, a short smile on her face. “She is really hungry.”

“What about Anthony?” Melvina queried.

“He hasn’t actually started eating. He actually gave his food to Esther as he noticed that she wanted more food. So, this one you would be dishing would actually be for him.” Maya replied, even as her forehead were creased with lines as she obviously thought on something.

“You should stop thinking that. Esther isn’t Anthony’s mate. He is just being a gentleman.” Melvina said with a smile, smiling further as Maya shrugged.

She had known that the blondie was ruminating on what kind of relationship her son had with the witch.

“Well, he might think he is doing so which is wonderful. But the girl had this lovey-dovey stuff going on with her eyes.” Maya stated, and Melvina laughed, amused by Maya’s choice of words.

“She is a witch, and she knows about our kind. I believe that she knows what she is doing. She is smart too. She wouldn’t want to entangle herself with him.” Melvina commented, refilling the plate that Maya had just given to her.

“I hope so.” Maya said.

“What about Derek?” She asked, as she recalled that she had given everyone a plate of spaghetti except her cousin brother who had seen death and survived.

When Melvina had recounted the details of the day to her, including the disappearance of Emma and the sudden appearance and disappearance of shadow warriors, she had been sad in al levels. The only source of happiness had come from the fact that her cousin brother had survived. He was alive.

But she missed Emma. She prayed that the redhead would be well wherever she was, even as she devised ways to go about in searching for her.

She would start with checking her messages in her phone. Clem had given her, her bag and that of the redhead’s. She had seen her phone inside it. She was with it right now. It was cooling in the back pocket of her white shorts.

“I will feed him myself.” She heard Melvina say after some beats, and nodded. She would see him the following day.


Melvina walked into Derek’s room, making sure she shut the door behind her before she found her way to the chair she had earlier kept and sat on which was beside his bed.

“Derek…” She called, as she sat down on the chair with a plate of food on her left hand, her right hand stretching out to smoothen his hair.

“Mom…” He croaked out. His voice was still strained, but better than before. There was also a huge improvement in his color. Melvina was sure that he would be up and about by tomorrow’s evening.

“Yes honey. You have to get up and eat.” She said, watching him as he opened his eyes and gazed at her for a while, before struggling to sit up on the bed, grunting all the way.

“How are you feeling now?” She asked him, as she placed her hand on his thigh.

“I’ve been better.” He replied, taking a gulp of water from the glass of water on the drawer nearby.

“Do you remember anything yet?” She queried, scooping a forkful of spaghetti.

He had seemed to have forgotten the events that had transpired and led him to hold the orb.

“No.” He replied, before letting his mouth open to receive the meal.

“I can feed myself, Mom.” He said, stretching out his hand to collect the plate, of which she obliged.

“Mom…” He called, after some minutes had passed.

“Yes.” Melvina replied.

“How is Emma? Is she around?” He asked, as he lifted up his eyes from the plate to gaze at her, perhaps wondering why his mate hadn’t checked on him since he had returned to the pack house.NôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.

“She is fine.” She replied, taking the empty plate away from him.

“Sleep now. We will talk tomorrow.” She said as she stood up, waiting and watching as he nodded and slide back into the covers, his face coated with confusion and curiosity.

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