The cafe was filled to the capacity, Derek noticed, of males, rather than females. Good, he had followed his little witch. He thought.

He watched the cafe owner thank and blush at Shane for the umpteenth time and shook his head. The woman had been so glad for the extra helping hand. She had even offered to pay them to come every day, but he had declined politely, avoiding his little witch’s eyes. He knew that she had wanted him to agree to the woman’s proposal. He would have, if he wasn’t turning 18 next tomorrow.

But he understood that the woman was a true business woman. She had noticed that the number of her customers had increased with their presence, and so had wanted to retain them. Bad, she couldn’t. She should just enjoy the extra sales for today.

He knew that the guys were here because of Emma, her scent was still penetrating. Even as he served tables, he cracked his head on how to hide her from his father.

The female folk well, was here because of he and his two friends.

“It’s 12pm already.” He heard his beta say to him through the mind link. Ever the grumpy one. He thought, with a smirk.

“Wipe that smirk off your face, and go home.” He heard Shane, and retorted immediately.

“So that I could give you time and space to spend with your new lover, Miss Brenda?” He stated, laughing as he heard Shane curse at him, then cussing himself as he felt the entire people in the cafe looking at him, his little witch included.

“Damn you!” He cursed at Shane through their mind link, whom he saw smirking at him, from across the cafe.

Clem was staring at both of them with tired eyes, obviously wanting to be out of here, not liking the act of serving tables, and smiling at girls who weren’t even pretty.

“Serves you right.” Shane replied, smirking widely all of a sudden, as another idea struck him.

Keeping his eyes on Derek, he sauntered towards Emma who was at table four, ignoring Clem who was shaking his head negatively at him, entirely against his idea which he must instinctively gotten wind of.

Aware of his soon-to-be-alpha’s death glares, he bent down and whispered absolutely nothing into her ear, stilling his nose as he did so to avoid perceiving her scent. But the plan actually backfired. He found himself wanting to sink his nose into her hair, unable to snap out of it even as he heard Clam and Derek shouting at him through the mind link.

But before he could touch his lips to her neck, Emma swiveled, and knocked him with her tray.

“What the hell, Shane…” She stated, casting furtive glances at her boyfriend and Clem which were across the room. She held herself from laughing as she saw the look of rage and jealousy on her boyfriend’s face.

Shane was in trouble. She thought, aware of the mild laughs erupting from their customers. They must have found the scene funny.

She looked up at the Shane to find his eyes glazed with lust, just like the guys in the cafe. She already didn’t serve guys as Derek wouldn’t even let her to do that. So, she had stuck to the female folk who weren’t entirely happy about her presence too. They preferred her boyfriend and her friends.

And Shane was holding her hand now, strongly.

This is trouble. She thought, cursing whatever had led him to come over to her to play, cursing the beauty product too. She wished she hadn’t taken it. Damn her curiosity. She hated this uncomfortability.

Miss Brenda, her employer, had told her about her scent when she had come, asking her about the brand of the perfume, but she had shrugged in reply, citing that she hadn’t even worn a perfume this morning. She had even smelled her jacket and had perceived nothing. The woman had thought that she had been lying and hadn’t really spoken to her ever since then, obviously keeping a grudge. The only thing that had made her smile was that the guys were around and that customers had been flooding her cafe ever since they had come.

‘Only if she knew that I am the main play…’ She thought.

When she saw Derek leaving his post and walking towards them, she cringed. She didn’t want Shane in Derek’s bad books, so she slapped him hard on the cheeks.

“What the hell was that for…” Shane drawled out, battling with the lustful feeling threatening to consume him.

“Well, it is either that, or him.” She said, looking at Derek.

Shane followed her line of sight, and sighed.

He had messed up again. He was sure of more than 50 laps around the pack’s training grounds tonight.

But before he could apologize, Derek landed a heavy blow on him.

Of course, he didn’t retaliate. He wouldn’t even think of that.

His friend was about to land another, when Emma stepped between them.

“What the hell are you doing? You know that he didn’t mean to do that.” She said.

May the goddess bless her soul. He thought.

At least she knew what and what not he was capable of.

“Well, he should have stayed in his post.” Derek replied, glaring harshly at his gamma.

Across the room, Clem soughed, and hit the base of his palm on his forehead.

“What the hell is happening here?” They all heard the lady of the cafe ask as she stepped out from the kitchen.

“No fighting here.” She stated, looking at the two boys with a redhead in between them.NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

“We are sorry.” Shane replied, taking Emma’s tray and walking back to his post, slightly annoyed at being bashed in front of a room full of people, and worse he can’t even retaliate, wouldn’t even. think of doing that.

Now, how would the girls see him? Like some coward? He had been planning to snag at least one for the night.

The door to the cafe bursts open, and the woman shouted without looking at whomever had just come in.

“Come back later…the cafe is filled.”

“I’m not here for cafe woman, I’m here for her.” The voice replied, causing the occupants of the room to look in the direction of the intruder.

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