Emma felt a drop of a cold liquid on her face, then another, until it was dripping. A bit confused, she opened her eyes tiredly and took in her surroundings. It was dark already. Night fall then. She thought, as she did a rewind of the activities of the day, and how come she was outside by this time, sleeping on a bench, under a tree.

She jerked up her head from its reclining position on the bark of tree, as the memories infused her back to a thoroughly conscious state. They had slept off, after a long discussion on family and friends.

She had learnt that Damon and Daniel were Lily’s twin elder brothers. Their parents were dead. Lily hadn’t said anything regarding that. She had skipped the issue to how they had met Prescott. They had found the squirrel wounded in the forest when they had gone to look for a particular herb that had been suggested by their grandmother. While there, they had heard the animal talk, or rather curse at certain turn of events. They had communicated with it then to its surprise. And after attending to his dire wounds, they had brought him back home. He had been with them ever since then, obviously still grateful that they had saved his life.

Lily had talked with her about the community and its origin, and the war of seven years ago that had caused a division between the community. They had talked about Zipfarah’s prowess, and goodness. And of course, they had talked about love and relationships. Lily had told her about a boy that she liked in school.

She had found out there was just one big school here for everyone. She had also learnt that there was an invisible shield that covered the whole region. And that’s why the attacks on the smaller towns seemed to have caused an uproar and many meetings. How had the enemies gotten pass the shield??

The droplets dripped again on her head which was now a little bit wet, and stopped.

Emma looked around the surroundings again, a bit afraid. There was no one in or near the park. She remembered the attackers that seemed to have a way of getting into the community, and shivered, partly out of cold, partly out of fear. They had to be going. The rain in someway was in agreement with that. It was drizzling now.

“Lily…” She whispered, as she tapped the girl who had found solace on her laps.

Lily didn’t respond.

“Lily…” She called in a higher tone, raising the little girl’s head from her lap, holding her steady as the she tried to wake up fully.

“Emma…” Lily drawled out, obviously still sleepy. If Emma hadn’t been holding steady with her two hands, she would have fallen back onto the former’s laps.

“We have to be going. It’s night already.” Emma stated, even as she wondered how they had managed to sleep that long. Was it the Ice cream? It must have been. She concluded, even as she stood up from the bench, dragging Lily up with her, making sure that she was still holding the latter with her hands, so that she wouldn’t stumble.

“Night?” Lily mumbled, staggering a bit, still under the clutches of sleep.

“Yes, night, Lily. Night.” Emma muttered, about to shake off the sleep from the little girl by giving a hard knock, when she suddenly heard a sharp movement from the forest.

Immediately, she turned in the direction of the sound.

“Lily, did you hear that?” She asked, her eyes widened as she took in her environment for the third time. For some reason, a creepy feeling of a bad foreboding was all over her. She knew they were in danger, although the manner and level of the danger was unknown to her. She just knew that they were in trouble, and the only person that could save them was the little one still under the influence of sleep.

“Lily…” She shouted out a whisper, before giving the girl a hard knock.

But the latter just pouted her mouth, and scrunched her face, her eyes still not opening.

Was this how she always slept? Emma thought, looking at the Lily who was muttering gibberish under her breath.Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

Or was the Ice cream drugged?

She would kill that fat woman whose buttocks could occupy three seats at a time if she had done that! She screamed in her mind, while praying that the little girl would at least open her eyes.

“Hello Emma…” She heard a deep voice call unto her from behind, and shuddered, a bit scared of what she might see this time around if she did. Perhaps a beast of the night? The thought had her shuddering again. A beast of the night that knew her name!

She had to wake up Lily.

With that point made in her mind, she lifted up her hand and delivered a hot slap on the left cheek of the little girl, shouting her name this time around.


But it was to no avail; rather the little one did as she had done before, pout and scrunch.

“Stop hurting the girl’s pretty face. She wouldn’t be waking up anytime soon.” The voice said. Emma could swear that the owner was smirking.

Damn full of himself. Huh.

Perhaps, she should take a look at the scallywag. She thought, slowing turning around, a bit surprised when she saw a very handsome tall dude staring at her with a smirk.

He was nothing like a beast of the night.

“Tongue-tied this much? I didn’t know I was that mouthwatering. Thanks for the boost.” The guy said, and she scoffed, annoyed with his pride.

“You wish.” She muttered, rolling her eyes.

“Do you know Lily?” She asked, hugging the still sleepy girl to her chest.

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