Leonarya balked, unable to handle the reins of her shock when she heard Freya’s question. Her mind was shot with a lot of thought missiles, unaware that Aiden was slightly creeping into her thoughts slowly so as not to alarm her of his presence.

She didn’t suspect the keeness of her daughter’s stare on her. Rather, it unnerved her the more.

How had Freya found out? Had they met?

These two questions kept repeating themselves in her mind like a mantra, and she felt perturbed and on edge. After all, she han’t recruited the girl yet into her divine plan. Things were getting out of shape. Why had she come back in the first place even?

Now that she thought of it, she concluded that her daughter’s excuse ofr wanting to bond was so lame. They haven’t had any bonding time since she had returned. If anything, they were divided the more!

“Mom, didn’t you get my question? Should i rephrase it?” Freya asked, ignoring Yodah’s surprised look. He hadn’t be expecting her brashness to the whole thing. Well, she hadn’t too. She just knew that she had to get the answers from her mother by fair or foul means. Already, she knew that Aiden was already working his way into her mother’s mind; not that he couldn’t accomplish it in a jiffy, no, it was just that she didn’t want to annoy her mother more than the necessary. It would be preferable if she didn’t know that her mind was being read.

“I heard your question. I am not deaf, won’t be, even if you wish it upon me.” Leonarya replied.

“You know i will never wish for that. Just give me a reply to the question.” Freya stated.

“How did you come about the name, Emma? I have not heard of the name before?” Leonarya stated, choosing to deny, regretting the action the next second as she watched her daughter and Yodah break out into bouts of sarcastic annoying laughter.

“Mom, quit the charade. We know that you had been after her life. The werewolf had told us. So,…” Freya was still saying, when Leonarya cut her off.

“Did you just say a werewolf? How did you meet a werewolf? Where had you seen him or her?” She asked, and getting no reply, she magically summoned the phantom to her.

“Where had you seen my daughter and her friend?” She asked, when the phantom appeared.

The being who was unbothered to hide its ugly state, gave a robotic reply to her question.

“At the outskirts of the Blue Moon’s Pack.” it replied, and Leonarya inhaled deeply, sudddenly feeling a sharp pain in her head.

What was that? She thought, feeling a touch of foreign energy in her mind. As fast as she had discovered it, it disappeared the same way like it hadn’t been there in the first place.

Exhalely roughly, she dropped into one of the seats in the room, trying hard to rein her temper. She didn’t know where it even stemmed from. Whether it was from the fact that her daughter had gone ahead to the pack she had been set to attack to convey information, the fact that she had betrayed her, or the fact that she had employed Yodah again to read her mind.

“Get out.” She ordered, her voice like steel.

The phantom left first, not entirely bothered about what was happening. she just followed the orders of who was in incharge of her living thread.

“What are you two still doing here? I said, Get out.” She stated, ready to blow them out of the room if they insisted on being there, ready to put her daughter into the dungeons, even if Yodah manages to escape. After all, she was almost sure that the teen wasn’t the chosen one. Two more days to happen, and she will know whether to punish her or use her for bigger purposes. For now, she will just tolerate her tantrums.

“We are not leaving here, until you tell us where Emma is? Don’t you get it Mom, we are in trouble if the werewolf prince finds out about this. I heard that she is his mate.” Freya said, not knowing that she had just dropped another bombshell on her mother.

“Well, don’t you know the answer already; after all, you had employed a vampire to read your mother’s mind again. You ungrateful wench!” Leonarya shouted, unable to keep her anger in check. She was hanging on a thin thread now, coupled with the recent news she had just gotten. Of course she had known that the werewolf boy liked Emma, but she had thought that it was just a mere attraction; and she had fought it, had fought against her return, because she knew that it could still unsurp and anull her efforts if the redhead discovered and utilised her powers, as she was seventy percent sure that the latter was the chosen one. She had suspected it, but had refused to believe it. Now, Freya had just confirmed it. She wanted to be left alone, and she needed to pay a visit to a certain someone.

Freya gulped down nothing at her mother’s outburst. She hadn’t seen it coming.This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

“She found you out, jerk…” She cussed telepathically, offended at Aiden for worsening her cause.

“I’m sorry about that, little one. I had been carried away by the strange information i was seeing in her head.” Aiden apologized sincerely, annoyed at himself too for losing his guard in the witch’s mind knowing her powerful nature. He had fucked up.

Now, Yodah was taking the blame.

“So, is she with the Emma?” Freya asked.

“No. But she had sent some people to her house to wait for her return today. They will capture her then.” Aiden replied.

“She is returning today? From where?” Freya queried, relieved that the Emma hadn’t fallen into her mother’s hands yet.

“From your grandmother’s community. Queen Zipfarah, your grandmother, had taken her when she had suspected your mother’s intentions. It seems she will be releasing her today so that she could attend Derek’s birthday.” Aiden answered, not mentioning the fact that the older woman had no idea that she existed.

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