The Alphas And The Orphan

Chapter 86

Saturday 3rd February

Star POV

Oliver was pinned to the floor and there was no one else to help him. I needed to help him.

Dropping my concentration on the two elementals, I sent a tornado towards the rogues, pinning Olly.

They were thrown off him and I watched Olly get to his feet, his face frozen as his eyes lock on something behind me.

Without a second thought, Saffron pushed forward as an arm wrapped around my neck.

Saffy flipped the a*****e over our shoulder.

He lands flat on his back with a thud; we punch him in the chest, sending a huge electric shock to his heart, killing him instantly.

I turn to the water elemental. “I don’t want to kill my kind, but I will if you make me.” He drops to his knees and places his hands behind his head in surrender.

Olly stands beside me, “thanks Luna,” then he runs off to join the fight. I move behind the elemental, but now I don’t need to keep him down with my aura. I can help with the rogues.

Looking around, I see Storm fighting a large group, so I send a couple of bolts of lightning at them, careful not to singe my man.

He turns and gives me a howl of thanks and ripped the head of another rogue.

Looking around the battlefield, there are only a few rogues left alive. They look around in terror, knowing that they have lost. They shift to human form and surrender.

The next several hours are spent moving small groups of the pack members to Ravens Perch.

There they are interviewed by Andrew, Amanda, and our high-ranking officers.

The elemental had his powers dampened by magic has also been transferred.

The four warriors from the border have become our guides around the pack while we searched for the hidden facility where the kidnapped special wolves are being held.

We had almost given up when Aiden’s mind linked us to say they had found an old bunker on the side of a hill, hidden from view. My Alphas and I rush to them.

Ace pulls the door open and the stench of filth and b***d. I gag, the stench of burning my nostrils. Mary-Beth hands me a jar of Vick’s vapour rub. I look at her in confusion, “put some under your nose, it will help with the smell.”

L do as she says and the menthol rub actually does help. I grin at her and pass the small jar to Ace. Once we all had stuffed our noses, we made our way deeper into the bunker.

Another door barred our way. It had a coded lock.

Saffy stirred in my head, “use your powers Star.” I place my hand on the keypad and short the circuit. The door springs open.

Ace grins beside me, “in the event the pack ever has financial issues, I know the ideal job for you, princess.”

“I thought you were drawn to my SPARKling personality.” I wink at him.

We walk through the door. The smell was even worse down here. We came to the first cell, and I gasped.

A heavily pregnant woman was lying on a cot, her wrist and ankle chained to the wall.

Lex sees an enormous bunch of keys hanging by the door we came through. He opened the cell, and we entered. As soon as the woman saw Lex, she screamed hysterically. He backs out with his hands up, giving me the keys.

I slowly walk towards her, “it’s okay sweetheart, my name is Star, we have come to get you out, take you home.”

I crouch by the bed and put my hand out to her. She flinches away from me.

“Let’s get these cuffs off, shall we?” She holds her hand up at me. “I’ll kill you if you touch me. I won’t let you take my child or my powers.”

I shoot sparks from my hands, “sweetie, I am just like you, the Miller fuckers came after me too, but they failed and we came to get you out, please let us get you to safety darling, now can you tell me your name?”

“Jessica Lewis.”

Her shoulders start to shake as sobs rack her body, I pull her into my arms, stroking her matted hair, “okay Jessica, let’s get theses chains off shall we?” She nods into my shoulder and I lean over to unlock her restraints.

The sound of shouts in the corridor makes me turn around. I give Aiden a dirty look, “sorry Luna, but there are more cells, about 10 in total, and they all contain female prisoners.”

I feel Jessica start to shake in my arms, following her gaze to the doorway, I see she is staring at the men, “I need all males out of the cell block, Alphas can one of you get your mum and the girls here, we need to handle this with care and compassion.”

Ash nods and my husbands usher the male warriors out, “there they are gone. We will take you to our pack and get you all checked out and cleaned up, okay? I will only allow women to be close to you, I promise.”

She nods and I help her to her feet. She is so weak that her legs can hardly take her weight. I support most of her weight as we leave the cell.

Mary-Beth takes her from me and wraps her in a blanket. “St.. Star, please don’t leave me.” I smooth her hair from her face.

“I am not going anywhere, but I need to get the other women out. Do you want to wait here for me, or you can go outside and get some air?”

She shakes her head. “I’ll wait for you.” I smile and nod at her, giving her another hug before heading to the next cell.NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

Amanda, Mamo and the girls arrive and we soon have all the women out of their cells.

I feel a push in my mind and open the link, “Goddess, I have organised for the women to be taken to one of the empty houses in foxglove Avenue, there will be four female warriors there to keep them safe and a female medical team are waiting with all the medical equipment, is there anything else you need?”

Goddess, I love my Alphas, “Thanks Ash, I think I may need to stay with them tonight, anyway. Can you make sure all the bathrooms have plenty of soap etc., and clean clothes and nightwear for everyone?”

“Already done baby, we thought you would want to stay with them, mum too probably, we’ll see you later, I love you.”

“I love you too, baby.”

Turning to Mary-Beth, I ask if she can open a portal at the house the woman will be staying in. She nods and opens a portal.

I look at the 10women in front of me, “it’s okay, just follow me through and we will get you cleaned up, fed and have our medical team check you and your babies, no one will hurt you again, I promise.”

They all nod and I step through the portal into the large living area of one of the newly refurbished houses.

I welcome each woman through and we take them to their rooms, as all my girls have decided to we are all going to have to share, but no one seems to have an issue, in fact Jessica and the others seem happy to not be on their own.

All the women are checked over, and ultrasound is performed on their babies.

Everything seems to be okay. Even though their powers are being subdued chemically, it doesn’t seem to have affected their unborn children.

Suzie, Max, Sophia, Natalia and I take two women each and help them to their rooms.

I have Jessica and a woman called Hayley. “Ok girls, who wants to go first?” We walk into the bathroom and they both gasp.

They look at each other, before Jessica asks, “can we have a bath Star? We don’t mind sharing. It’s just been a long time since we had more than a bucket of cold water to wash in.”

I grin, “an afternoon of pampering coming right up.”

I mind link the other girls and tell them what we are doing and turn the shower on for the girls. “Why don’t you both jump in there and get the surface dirt off and I will run you a nice hot bubble bath?”

They both sigh at the thought. I grab the pamper basket Ash had organised and found everything we could want: face masks, massage oils, body lotions, waxing kits. You name it, it’s in here.

Goddess, my boys are perfect. I can’t help but smile when I hear the sighs coming from the shower.

I bundle up the rags they had been wearing and throw them outside the door.

Amanda and Mamo are waiting to take them from me and give me a tray of hot chocolate and chopped fruit for the girls. I thank them and return to the bathroom.

Turning off the tape, I turn to the women, stepping out of the shower, “welcome ladies to Star beauty spa. Your bath is ready for you.”

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