The Alpha's Curse The Enemy Within

Chapter 103

Chapter 103

Killian's point of view

"Yes, she does, and it's no other than your worst enemy. It's Kaiser Black. That bastard is your mate's lover,"

I was frozen. My body was completely numb to all emotions.

My amber eyes never shifted from Thea, as hers held mine intensely, watching me so closely.

It took a second before the words stopped echoing within the corner walls of my head. And it was just then I realized how absurd it was and how stupid it was for me to even accuse my mate of something so stupid, even worse with a fucking Black.

I knew Sheila too well. Even though I knew there was something she was not telling me, this wasn't it. It couldn't be it. Those words of Thea were nothing but lies.

"Thea," I called her name, thinking deeply. If it was someone else that had rammed into my office, spilling this utter rubbish, I would have had their heart ripped out the second those words were made about my mate. But it was Thea. The least I could do was let her keep her life.

"What is it, Killian?" She leaned forward, so eager to hear my next words. Her sharp brown eyes gauged me, curiously.

"Get out of my office," I said, almost in a whisper. My voice was calm. Very calm.

"What?" Thea blinked, taken aback for a second. She retracted her hand that was on my table. I

watched her brown irises burn with fury. She took a single step backward. "You don't consider my words true, why?"

"Thea," I brushed my hair swiftly with my fingers. "I don't have the time nor the strength for this," I was up on my boots. "If that's the only thing you came here to say. Good, you've said it, leave now," I was brutally cold. This was the first time I had spoken to her this way. But she left me with no choice. I was doing my hardest not to lash my rage at her.

"Don't you think you are being cruel, Killian?" Thea said, almost in a shaky voice. Her eyes had begun to well up with tears.

"No. I don't think so. I think you are the one being cruel. Why can't you just leave Sheila alone?" I shot back. All I could see was just jealousy. I thought Thea and I were past this. I thought she had finally understood the situation between both of us and had learned to let go. But I was mistaken. It was obvious Thea had barged in here to smear Sheila's name to put a rift between us.

"You didn't even ask me how I knew this," she started, but I pulled a hand up in the air.

"Honestly, I do not fucking care," I stalked to the window, feeling the night's cool breeze on my skin. Outside had already been covered with darkness and the moon made little effort to shower its bright rays on the earth.

"You have so much trust in her, don't you?" I heard her mutter behind me. "I hope it won't be too late when you find out the many other secrets that bitch is keeping from you. Believe me, you'll be shocked as hell."

Her words forced me to swerve around and regard her. What did she mean by many other secrets? I was dying to know, but I shoved these thoughts away. With what Thea told me now, it only proves anything that escapes her lips could only be more fucking lies.

I trusted Sheila with my life, and also, there was no way she could have a lover. I would have known. Just the way she felt the pain of betrayal, I would have felt it too.

I closed my eyes, exhaling. Last night, I had lost every ounce of control. I can't believe I had shoved those brutal words in her face. I regretted it so much.

My gaze fell back on Thea. "You can leave now. And today will be the last time you address your Luna with such disrespect. You know me too well, Thea. The next time, I won't be so forgiving," I returned my eyes to the darkness outside the window.

"I can't believe we have come to this, Killian," My amber crystals shifted and pierced through the shock in her eyes for a second. But I pulled away, sending my back to her, again.

When I didn't respond to her rants, she turned for the door, before stopping abruptly. "By the way, I caught them together. You of all people know too that there's something between those two. It makes me wonder if she was kidnapped in the first place, or she was simply tired of her so-called mate that she was willing to escape to your worst enemy's pack."

I heard the door slam shut, and the silence around me enveloped me. I was alone with my thoughts. I fought hard to forget Thea's last words to me but I just couldn't. Something about her words was true. I knew that much.

There was certainly something between Sheila and Kaiser. I could feel it. The way she was always

ready to defend him, and the manner he regarded her screamed something.

No. No. I didn't want to think about it. Fuck, I was already going insane with all these. These fears were driving me crazy. But that didn't give me the right to cast any doubt on her. Sheila hasn't given me any reason to doubt her, well unlike me.

I guess that was the problem. I didn't deserve her, especially with everything that I had made her go through these last few months. And even though I hated to admit it. I was scared. Scared of losing my mate. Scared that she'll realize she was too good for me. NôvelDrama.Org © content.

I felt Ryker howl in my head, also feeling my fear, frustration, and sadness. He has been quiet these days. The effect of the crescent moon was already affecting him, and tomorrow it'll be far much worse. I needed some fresh air, as well as some sanity.

I rushed out of the office, and hastily exited the castle. I stripped and shifted into my gargantuan black wolf, racing into the night's darkness. I took the longest path into the woods and ran for hours until I felt calm and my head clear.

Immediately, I started for the witch's quarters where Sheila would be. I had to see her. I had to apologize to her. I raced through the slothful trees, and cool breeze. I was almost at the witches' quarters when my paws sank deeper into the earth and I stopped running.

The golden eyes of my wolf scanned around the woods. I couldn't see anything but I could identify the scent of my mate carried by the night's air. She was close by. But what was she doing out here?

I sniffed the air, and my head tilted to where her scent seemed to be coming from. I followed the scent in the night's darkness, leading me deeper into the woods.

From a far distance, I got a glance at my mate, moving in the darkness. She was on her horse, riding to the northern borders of the pack. It was another route that led out of my Pack's territory.

I felt my blood rise, and I kicked my paws in motion as she soon faded out of sight. I focused only on her mouthwatering scent, and just as I had guessed, she was taking the route out of the pack. And she seemed to be in a hurry. Where the hell was she going alone at such an hour?

I kept trailing her out of the pack, and into the forest. I ensured I placed enough distance between us, so she wouldn't be able to sniff me out.

After minutes of riding, she finally halted in a clearing field. She jumped down from her horse and didn't even bother to guide her horse to a tree.

Her eyes scanned around and they fell on a particular tree. She began to race towards it. It was only when I moved from my spot, I realized she wasn't alone. There was someone behind the trees.

I sauntered closer and the scent of another's hit me hard. I scrunch my nose up in the night's darkness. Even in hell, I knew that scent.

My heart began to race hard in my chest, and my eyes followed Sheila until she reached the tree and lunged herself into the arms of someone else. Someone else that wasn't me. She was in the arms of my worst enemy. Kaiser Black.

My wolf howled as a foreign pain coursed through my body, forcing me to shift back to my human form.

I gasped, unable to fight the merciless pain that had dominated me. I couldn't stop the tears that had risen in my eyes at Sheila's betrayal. My very own mate had betrayed me.

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