The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega

Chapter 108

Chapter 108

Chapter 108


Beep Beep Beep***

I lifted my head to look at the clock. I set it to wake me up at 5:00 this morning so I could get breakfast going. I smiled when Rowen groaned, and tightened his arm around me for a moment then buried his face into the back of my head. He did that every morning, and it always reminded me of a pup. With a quiet sigh I slipped out of his hold, and went to shower!

“Morning Chastity. Merry Christmas.” Leila said to me groggily.

“Good morning Leila. Merry Christmas.” I chirped back.

“You did good last night.” Leila said with a giggle.


“With mate. You wanted to try something so you swallowed your nerves, and did it. I’m proud if you.”

“Oh. I.”

“Don’t get embarrassed. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Yeah, but…”

“I promise Chastity”

“It’s just hard Leila.”

“I know, but I hope you’re a little more comfortable now.

“A little.”

“Good. I’m going back to sleep.”

I giggled as Leila curled up, and fell back to sleep. Once I was done my shower I dressed in a pair of Christmas leggings, and an over sized sweater that matched. After braiding my hair, I left the bathroom. I smiled at the normal sight of Rowen asleep on his back with Lilac curled up on his chest, right under his chin. They looked cute like that. After snapping a quick picture of them, I grabbed the poster from my closet, and made my way to the kitchen. I was just getting ready to get everything started when Lexi walked in.

“What are you doing up?” I asked.

“I always wake up early on Christmas.” Lexi answered.


“Do you want some help?”

“Sure. Can you roll out the dough in that bowl, and cut it into triangles please?”


Lexi grabbed the bowl I indicated, and started rolling. We worked together in silence for a bit. I liked this. It was nice having her in here with me.

“So for our poster, are we just going to unroll it, and show everyone?” Lexi asked as I put the first batch of rolls in the oven.

t was thinking about that. There is an old cork board in the attic we could pin it to than flip it around for everyone to see.” I answered.

“Ok. 1 can go with you to get it ”


I set up another tray of rolls before leading Lexi to the attic quietly. I hadn’t been up here since the day! left for school. I was a little nervous for some reason, but I didn’t let it bother me. I switched on the lights before heading up the stairs. The first thing I noticed was someone had cleaned the stairs, and got rid of all the cobwebs. When we reached the top of the stairs I was surprised to see someone had also organized all of the stuff up here.

“You used to live up here?” Lexi asked as I made my way over to where I remembered the cork board had been.

“Yes. I slept on the mattress over there.” I responded as I pointed in the direction of where my space was “What mattress?”


I turned, and saw my little corner was cleared out. The mattress, broken nightstand, dresser, and mirror were gone. So were my old clothes. The entire area had been cleaned. I wondered who did all of this. Not that it mattered. I shrugged, and found the cork board. It was a little bigger than I remembered, but that wasn’t an issue. I was relieved to see it had pins already. I grabbed it then Lexi, and I headed back to the kitchen.

Lexi took over attaching the poster to the cork board while I got back to cooking. When Lexi finished with the poster, she put it in the spot we agreed on, and got back to helping me with breakfast. At one point I heard something coming from the living room. I found Joe already up, and looked to be sorting through the gifts.

“We’re supposed to open gifts as a group after breakfast, Joe. No peeking.” I said with a giggle.

“Goddess Chassy girl, you scared me.” Joe said, placing a hand on his chest.

“Are you trying to peek at your gifts?”

“No. Since there are so many people living in the house, we sort the gifts into piles for each person. Dimi, and Pete will be down soon to help.”

“Oh ok.”

“By the way, it’s your dad who tries to peek at his gifts.

I giggled, shook my head, and went back to the kitchen, I was a little surprised to hear my dad was so impatient with gifts. At some point Naomi joined us in the kitchen, washed dishes, and set the table. I was putting food on the table as everyone was coming in. Rowen gave me a huge smile, and kissed me just as he had the morning before causing me to smile at him.

“Merry Christmas sweet girl.” Rowen said as he sat next to me.

“Merry Christmas Rowen.” I responded.

Food was quickly dispersed, and we all seemed to eat in silence. Seeing everyone almost inhale their food made me laugh. I couldn’t help it, everyone of us was acting like an over excited pup. When the meal was done everyone ran their dishes to the kitchen, dumped them then headed to the living room. Everyone was spread out when I made it to the living room. It had been rearranged to accommodate all the gifts. The largest couch was facing the Christmas tree though.

HANG ON EVERYONE tolled out after a quick giggle at all the excited faces

We mana open our presents Chastity Why do we have to wait?” Braxton whined, making me laugh

“Lext, and I have a gift for all of you first Rowen, and Colby sit in the center of the couch, everyone else find places around them “I instructed

With some grumbles, and groans everyone moved to the large couch. Lexi, and I went to get the cork board then stood in front of the tree. We flipped it around, with huge smiles on our faces then waited The sign read


“Does this mean Rowen started then stopped, looking at me with wide eyes.

I bit my lip, and nodded laughed when Rowen jumped up, whooped, jumped over the coffee table, and ran toward me. As soon as he reached me, he picked me up, and swung me around, making me laughing. as I hung onto him.

So you’ll be home early?” Molly finally asked

“Yes. I will” I answered once Rowen put me down, but held onto me.

Tll be staying in Dark Moon until Colby is done at Denu.” Lexi added

“You you’ll really be home in less than 3 years?” Dad asked

“Yes.” I answered.


Dean Leonard told us that we don’t need a degree in nursing to be a midwife. We’re both doing extremely well in our midwifery classes, plus Wanda called him about our time spent with her. The

midwife program is only a year, and a half long. If we both dropped nursing we would finished sooner” Lexi explained

“We both decided to drop nursing.” I added

“Is that really what you wanted to do, sweet girl?” Rowen asked quietly.

It is I was only taking nursing because I thought I needed that to be a midwife If I ever want to become a nurse I can get a certificate by working at the pack hospital” I responded

“What about you baby girl?” Colby asked as he wrapped an arm around Lexi’s waist

“When I went into Cloverland I really didn’t know what I wanted to do for sure I took a bit of a mix of classes. Taking the midwife classes with small fry here, helped me decide. I want be a midwife I want to help bring pups into this world” Lexi answered.

“How long after you graduate will you be coming home?” Melissa asked

“I’ll be moving home a week after I graduate.” I answered

I’m going go stay at Dark Moon until Colby graduates from Denu 6 months after I graduate.” Lexi said.

So all my pups will be home by next summer?” My dad asked.

“Yup.” I said with a big smile.

Everyone jumped up, excited. Lexi, and I were pulled into lots of hugs. My heart squeezed when I saw the tears in the comers of my dad’s eyes. Once every thing calmed down, I found a seat on the floor, leaning against the big couch. Rowen was sitting on the couch behind me with his legs on either side. I looked at Joe as he stood in front of the tree.

Since there are so inany of us, we’ve been trying to figure out how to do this in an orderly fashion Everyone’s gifts are already separated into piles” Joe said

“What did you decide? Ross asked sounding annoyed.

“We’re going to work it youngest, oldest, and back again

“Huh?” Molly questioned

“Braxton will go first since he is the youngest, followed by Dimitri since he is the oldest From there it will go Gina, Me, Chastity, Peter, Lexi, Naomi, Melissa, Rowen, Lexi, Jax, Colby, Ross” Joe explained

“Um. That’s kind of confusing” Melissa said

“Dad, not everything has to be organized to the tiniest detail, all of the time.” Rowen said with chuckle

“Fine. What do you suggest?” Joe asked

“Who wants to go first?” Rowen called out

“ME! ME! ME!” Gina squealed, and I giggled.

“There. See that wasn’t so hard” Rowen said.

“So what happens after that?” Joe grumbled as he took his seat.

“Who ever wants to go next” Rowen shrugged

“Alright Go ahead Gina Just make sure to put the trash in the bag next to you” Joe said

Gina squealed, and attacked her pile I couldn’t help giggling at her. She was quick to open every gift, but I did notice she separated them, and put the name tags with each pile. It took me a minute to

realize she wanted to make sure she remember what was from who. When she opened the gifts from me, she grinned. I ended up getting her a pair of sandals to go with the dress.

“Chastity, how did you know?” Gina looked at me, and asked.

“Know what?” I responded

“That I wanted this dress? I saw it a few weeks ago, and fell in love with it.”

“Oh. I had no idea. I was worried it would be too plain.

“That’s the point. I have a dye kit that I can use on it. If I bought it, I was going to do just that. Thank you”

“You’re welcome.”

“Who’s next?” Joe asked

“ME!” Braxton said, and bounced.

He didn’t sort, separate, or open neatly. Paper went every where. He inspected each gift for a minute, thanked the giver, and moved onto the next item. He all, but stopped when he opened the blanket. I had folded it so he would see the patch added for him. He sat there, running his fingers over the patch before looking at me questioningly.

“Molly showed it to me, and told me the history. Melissa’s mom cleaned it up, repaired if, and I had you added to it.” I explained.

“1…Thank you” Braxton responded hoarsely, and swallowed slowly. He was instantly up, and practically falling on me, hugging me.

“You’re welcome. Enjoy it.”

I’m not going to use it. I want to hang it.”

I’m sure it will look great”

I WANNA GO NEXT” Colby yelled, making us laugh at him, and Lexi shaking her bead at hin

He’s almost 21, and still acts like a pup” She joked.

With a huff, Colby tore into his gifts. He loved them all, and Lexi got subjected to multiple kisses for whatever she got him. Ross followed Colby. He got a lot of books, that he seemned excited about. Peter was the some I never realized both were such readers. Naomi, and Peter loved the painting Melisša got for them. When Melissa opened her sewing machine from me, she went on this tangent about everything she was going to make with it. Molly had her camera out of it’s box, about was playing with it before she even finished opening her gifts. Jax had to remind her to open the rest. The chairs we got for her classroom also excited her. Lexi opened hers when Molly was finished. She loved the paintings I got her She was happy with the skirt she got from Colby, but seemed a little disappointed at the same time

Somehow only Joe, dad, Jax, Rowen, and I were left. I didn’t mind though as I was really enjoying watching everyone’s faces as they opened their gifts. Their excitement was contagious Before any of us could volunteer to go next, Joe jumped up without a word, and started opening his gifts excitedly

“He’s no better pup.” Rowen whispered to me, and chuckled.

“Well I’ll be damned! I know what I’ll be doing today.” Joe said as he held up the model kit I got him.

“Of course.” Gina giggled

“Me next.” Jax said.

“Hang on Jax. I have one more thing to add to your pile,” I stated as I got up to get the collages I made for him, dad, and Rowen

I put them with each person’s pile then sat back down. After riffling through his gifts, Jax started opening He was a little less messy than some of the others, but still just as excited. When he finally got to my collage he was completely silent. I watched as he ran his fingers over some of the pictures. He smiled. and chuckled at a few.

“Thank you pip-squeak. I love it.” Jax finally said as he looked up at me, and smiled

“What is it?” Dad asked so Jax turned it so everyone could see the collage of us

“Wow!” Molly said.

“It even says Jaxy, and pip-squeak.” Colby said with a shake of his head.

“That is really sweet Chas” Melissa stated.

“You’re welcome Jax.” I said with a smile.

“I’ve waited long enough. I’m opening mine now “My dad grumbled.

We all laughed at him as he started opening. My dad was also acting very much like a pup It was kind of cute to see these older males act so young when faced with gifts

“Ha! YES A TRAIN!” My dad whooped, making me jump, “I am playing with this today!”

“Dimi, how old are you, again?” Joe asked.

“Old enough to know a good train set when I see it “Dad grumbled.

“48 year olds don’t act like 5 years olds when faced with toys.” Joe sniffed

“Coming from the male excited about a toy car.” Dad quipped back ‘s a model to be butt.”

And this is a model to be set up, and tested”

“How is it that us younger ones are the ones not fighting over toys? Rowen whispered to me We didn’t get toys.” I answered, and giggled

Hmmm Good point

“OH wow Chastity! This is amazing” Dad said sounding awed, and I looked up to see him holding his. collage

“You like it?” I asked

“Very much. Thank you”

“You’re welcome. It started out as just pictures of you, and mom, but I decided to add pictures of all of us to it ”

“It’s perfect.”

“Your turn sweet girl.” Rowen said as he squeezed my shoulder

“You go ahead.” I responded as I leaned my head back, and smiled at him.

“Are you sure?”



After kissing the top of my head, he started on his gifts. It was clear he was trying not to tear into his presents like a pup, but he was struggling. After a couple, Gina egged him on, and he attacked them with vigor

“No shit! This is awesome! Thanks Chastity!” He said as he looked over the Captain America model:

“It’s a limited edition with a certificate, and everything. I responded, as I pointed to the box

“Cool! I know just where to put this!” Rowen smiled than leaned down to give me a quick kiss.

He gently set it aside, and went back to opening gifts. He started laughing when he got to the tie boxes Now you know I’ll NEVER wear this one.”

“Which one?” Colby asked.

“Tron Man” Rowen growled, and turned the box to show everyone

“Sure you will.” I argued

“You know what I think of Iron Man. I’ll never wear it.” Rowen responded.

“I bet you will if I asked you to. You wouldn’t ever deny your mate, would you?” I pouted:

“ Damn it. I guess I’ll be wearing it at some point Rowen grumbled then kissed me apre

I giggled, and he went back to opening his gifts The collage made him tear up as he looked over it ran his fingers across the glass, and smiled.

“Mom.” He whispered.

“Do you like 17” I asked hesitantly

“It’s fantastic. I love it Thank you.”

“You’le welcome inowan chowed the enllage to everyone Gina, and Joe locked over every pictures Joe was teary eyeɑ but emulog. Gbm was the name Seeing how happy Rosten was made the work completely worth ir

“Thankity’s turn” Jax stated

I nodded and looked at my pile of gifts. This was weird for me I was 11 the last time t opened any gifts for Christmas I wasn’t upset about that, but i was a bit overwhelmed With a deep inhale, I grabbed may first gift. I moved through them slowly so I could appreciate each one Melissa made me a guilt with her mom Naomi got me a purple tank top and sweater set, From Peter i got the newest book in a series was reading. Ross got me a large drawing pencil set. From Joe I received messenger bag

Braxton’s gift made me giggle. It was a purple scrub set that had Mickey, and Minnie being affectionate all over them. He just shrugged, and smiled Gina got me a really nice pair of designer jeans Colby’s gift surprised me though. He had a painting done of Lilac, and Leila curled together in the sun, sleeping.

“Colby I started

“That’s from me, and Colby” Lexi said with a smile

1 love it Thank you” I smiled This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

I set it aside the painting, and opened the gift for Molly I laughed when I saw it was a tripod, and lenses for my camera I looked forward to using them I grabbed a new gift, and it rattled.

“Um. that’s kind of a joke gift” Colby stated, as he scratched the back of his head

I opened it, and bust out laughing. It was two games Don’t Break the Ice, and Hungry, Hungry Hippos. Dad laughed along with me I was kind of excited to play them Next I pulled Jax’s gift It also make me

laugh as well It was an Iron Man model Rowen groaned

“Thanks Jax ” I smiled

“You’re welcome” Jax said

I set it aside, and found a second gift from him it was a really beautiful photo album that had a few pictures already in it from when we were pups, and a few were current pictures I smiled, said thank you, and pulled a box toward me. It was from dad Inside were 4 book, 3 were leather bound, the last one was not I pulled that one out first to find it was a baby book.

“Your mom made that baby book for you. She also wrote in those journals everyday about you starting the day you were born. I thought you may appreciate them My dad explained

“wow! i don’t know what to say ” I said as I opened the baby book.

“Naomi found them in the attic when she cleaned it out recently I don’t remember putting them up there”

“That’s because I did Jax admitted

“You did? Dad asked

“Yeah After we moved back in Aurora had collected up everything that belonged to Brinna, and all of the pictures with her and Chastity in them. She boxed it all up, and was going to throw it away Along with a bunch of Chastity’s stuff I hid what I could in the attic before she caught me ” „lax explained

“Oh Well I’m glad you did ”

Thank you for these dad “I said with a smile

“You’re welcome Dad responded with a smile

I gently put the books back in the box, and picked up my next gift. It was from Rowen I opened it, and laughed the got me the same Captain America sweatshirt I already had, along with an Iron Manı


Now you have no excuse not to wear the Captain American sweatshirt more Rowen stated

T’ll be wearing fron Man “I joked


I giggled, and opened a much smaller gift I couldn’t figure what it could it be I slowly opened it to find a small jewelry box Inside was the pair of earrings I had admired the day I got my ears pierced They really were very pretty I smiled up at Rowen, and thanked him. The last two gifts were jewelry boxes that held a new necklace that matched the earrings

Rowen, it’s beautiful, but. I started, but he stopped me with a finger over my lips.

“If I want to spoil you, I will I knew you would love having the matching necklace, and the bracelet which is in the other box You don’t have to wear them all of the time, but you have them for when you want to Plus I noticed that the one you’re wearing keeps getting tangled in your hair” Rowen explained

“Thank you.” I whispered when he moved his finger

“You’re welcome He responded then leaned over, and kissed me quickly

I think that’s all of the gifts.” Joe said as he stood up with the box with his new model in it.

“Not quite yet, dad. We all have one more for you” Rowen stated as he stood up.

I was confused on what he was talking about. I opened the bracelet as he, Jax, Colby, and Ross left the room Lexi slid over to me to look at the jewelry She helped me put on the bracelet, and necklace

“Colby only got me the skirt “Lexi whispered to me, with tears in her eyes.

“That’s it?” I questioned, playing dumb.


“I’m sorry Lexi.”

I hated not telling her that her other gift was on it’s way Colby had designed a ring for her, but it hadn’t been ready before we left Darren had picked it up from the store two days ago, and was bringing it with him today Colby had been so upset that it hadn’t been ready. He ended up calling the store several times a day, everyday since we got home about it. As soon as they said it was done, he called Darren to rush over, and pick it up I knew she would love it Darren, Norm, Marcus, and I helped him design it

it was yellow gold, rose gold, and white gold braided together with small rubies, sapphires, and diamonds placed along the band Colby also had a special inscription added, but none of us knew what it said. He told us it was private between them I couldn’t wait to see her face when she saw it

Lexi was looking at my mom’s journals when Ross, Colby, Jax, and Rowen came back in carrying something When I saw it I knew what it was it was the piece we asked Hal to make for us at the blacksmith demonstration it was bigger than I expected

“Dad, a month ago Chastity pointed out that we don’t have the pack symbol any where on the house With that thought in mind, we decided to have one made Big Hat said when you’re ready to hang it to call him. and he’ll come mount it properly” Rowen explained as the guys showed Joe the piece

“Oh wow! That’s great! Thank you.” Joe said as he inspected it

“Definitely” My dad agreed

“There ja a big enough space next to the front door to hang this ” Pete added

All of the males headed outside as us females started collecting the bags of wrapping paper We chatted. and laughed over the behavior of the males. Especially my dad, and Joe They really were like pups today By the time the males came back in we had gifts collected together, organized, and out of the way, as well as all trash gone.

“Alright! Where are Hungry, Hungry Hippos, and Don’t break the ice? Colby called out as soon as the

males walked back in.

I laughed, and pointed him toward my pile of gifts.

“Oh! I wanna play!” Jax said excitedly

“Me too” Braxton said.

“Sweet girl, are you going to play with us?” Rowen asked as he opened Hungry, Hungry, Hippos.

“Um I guess.” I responded, shaking my head, and smiling.

“Males against females!” Ross suggested

“And how exactly is that going to work? Don’t forget Don’t Break the ice is a two player game, and Hungry, Hungry Hippos is a 4 person game.” Melissa asked.

“We’ll rotate. Two females, and two males play Hungry, Hungry Hippos. After that which ever male, and female have the most balls, plays Don’t Break the Ice to see who wins. The winner of that one goes back to the first game with new opponents.” Jax explained

“You know Joe, I thought all of our pups were 15 and older, but it seems more like we have a bunch of 5 to 6 year olds again.” My dad joked with a snort.

“Look who’s talking You’re about to set up, and play with a train.” Jax quipped.

“I have to test it out, and see what it does.” My dad tried to justify

“Admit it Dimi, you just want to play with it” Pete joked.

“Of course I do. I haven’t gotten a new train in 15 years. Dad said

I laughed then got pulled into playing with everyone. Peter, and Naomi started reading their new books. Joe had set up a table to start working on his new model Dad was busy arranging then rearranging the tracks for his new train. I had ended up buying him some additional tracks, and accessories that went with it. It was funny to watch him, when I had the chance

“Oh. Chas, what did you get for Lilac for Christmas? Molly asked

These cap nip infused paper bags, and another pack of her favorite mouse toys.” I responded as I counted up the balls my hippo had eaten.

“Have you given them to her yet?”

“No I was going to do that tonight, after things calm down.”

“Go get that runt. I got her a new wand toy, and a laser pointer toy.” Jax grunted.

You what? Wait You bought my cat. An animal you hate, Christmas presents? I squeaked

“She amuses me. I want to see what she does with a laser pointer.” Jax stated.

“She’s got a new window seat to hang on the picture window down here too. She should be allowed to roam more” Rowen stated with: a shrug.

I have a really big cat tree in the closet for her Joe suid from where he was sitting

“You all are nuts,” I said with a giggle

Til go get her. Where are her things from you?” Rowen asked as he stood up.

“Oh Um. In my suitcase.” I answered

Rowen left the room as I sat back to watch Colby, and Molly try to beat each other at Don’t Break the ice Their smack talk over a silly toddler game had me laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes. Molly beat Colby just as Rowen came back with Lilac, and handed her to me. My poor kitty looked very confused. and a little nervous. She calmed right down once she was in my arms

Rowen hung her new window seat as Pete, and Joe drug her new cat tree out of the closet, and set it up not too far from her window seat As soon as I opened the one of the paper bags though, she went right into it. We all stopped what we were doing to watch her go crazy over the bag. She quickly got distracted by Jax with the laser pointer though. Watching her try to climb the walls to catch it was just too funny.

We let her be after a bit to get back to our games I was thankful the door to the kitchen was closed though so I could keep an eye on her I had heard Lucy, and Tina arrive to start dinner. I didn’t want Lilac getting in their way I started giggling again when she walked up to dad’s train set, sat down to watch him then started batting at the trees that came with the set. He tried to lecture her multiple times about not uprooting trees, but she just wouldn’t listen. Eventually I picked her up, and put her in her new window seat She sat there like a queen, watching the bunch of us act like pups.

I don’t know how long we were sitting there playing when Joe got up to answer the door. I hadn’t moved past Hungry, Hungry Hippos even once, but I had to admit this was pretty fun I didn’t seem to be the only one though. At that point Rowen had won several times, and he was gloating about it.

“What in the world is going on here?” We heard a female voice from the front door, and we all turned to


“Mamma! Merry Christmas!” Lexi squealed as she jumped up, and ran to her parents, causing us all to laugh some more.

“Joe, I thought you had teenagers, and adults at this point Did I miss something?” Lexi’s dad asked as he hugged Lexi

“No All of our pups are 15 or older, but Chassy girl got those as a joke from Colby, and as you can see, they couldn’t resist.” Joe explained

“And what about you Dimitri?”

“What? It’s a train. I need to figure out the best configuration before I make it a permanent set up.” My dad answered.


I saw Colby, and Darren wander over to the corner of the room, put their heads together, and speak quietly for a minute. I did see Darren hand something to Colby with a smile on his face. Colby said something more and Darren nodded. They then joined us again.

Hey Lexi Can you come here for a second please?” Colby called

“Sure” Lexi left her mom’s side, and went to stand in front of Colby.

“I know you were disappointed that you only got that skirt from me, but the thing is that wasn’t the only thing I purchased for you.” Colby said

“It wasn’t?” Lexi asked

No. I got you two other things, but unfortunately they weren’t ready before we left to come home Damen had to pick them up for me. I’m sorry they weren’t under the tree for you this morning but um… they’re here for you now.”

Colby handed Lexi a beautiful gift bag with pink tissue sticking out Lexi looked shocked, but happy I was a little confused because I only knew of the ring it wasn’t my gift though so it didn’t matter Lex reached in the bag, and pulled out the ring box Her eyes widened when she opened it, and saw the ring. A huge smile spread across her face as she looked up at Colby

Darren, Marcus, sugar pop, and short stack helped me design it for you.” Colby said as he took the box took out the ring, and put it on her finger.

Lexi could only nod then look back down at the bag. She pulled out a second, larger jewelry box She opened it, and gasped I walked over to see what was in the box. Colby had had a pendant in the same design made, but it was heart shaped, and on a rose gold chain. It was really pretty By the smile on Lexi’s face, and the tears in her eyes I knew she loved it. She closed the box and launched herself at Colby I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but I had no doubt it was all good things.

I sat back down in my spot on the floor, and got back to my game. Colby called Darren over to join us, and we spent the next hour or so playing. Lexi’s dad ended up sitting with mine, messing with the train set Pete, Naomi, and Lexi’s mom just watched over us all, laughing at our antics.

“Alright all you pups, dinner is ready.” Lucy called from the kitchen door, chuckling at us.

After making sure Lilac was ok, I followed everyone into the dining room. I looked around the table, and was genuinely happy to be here. This had been the best Christmas ever, and I looked forward to many more. I got another laugh when Lucy took some mistletoe, and stopped behind each set of mates, held it over their heads to promote a lot of kisses Rowen’s kiss was sweet, gentle, and toe curling at the same time. Gina, and I felt bad for our dads so we both got up, and gave our respective fathers big kisses on the cheek. We also double teamed Braxton, making him blush, after trying to wave us away

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