The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega

Chapter 61

Chapter 61 

Chapter 61


When we walked into the glass blowing shop, Chastity instantly pulled away from me, and went to look at the items on the shelves. I was disappointed to not have her in my arms any more, but her look of wonder as she inspected the items quickly erased that disappointment. I watched her as she gently ran her fingers along the pieces, flowing the lines of color, and detail on each piece. They were beautiful.

Chastity was looking closely at a pretty vase that had purple, and blue intertwined through out the glass. I could tell she really liked it, and I was about to get it for her when the glass blower came out into the glass blowing area, and stoked the fire. He jumped slightly when he saw us standing there.

“Oh. Good evening. Welcome to my shop. I’m Lance.” The glass blower said as he bowed to us.

“H… Hello.” Chastity said nervously.

“Miss. Chastity. What a pleasure to see you again.” Lance said smiling at her.

“Hi Mr. Lance. How are Tim, and Sarah doing? How is Rose?” Chastity asked excitedly, I hadn’t realized she knew him.

“Oh they’re all doing wonderfully. Thank you for asking. Tim has started yipping at me about learning to. work here with me. He’s ten so he’s about the age I was when my pop taught me.”

“I’m so glad they’re doing well. I’m sure Tim will make you proud.”

“He always does. Would you two like a demonstration? I was about to work n a new piece.”

“Yes please. I love watching glass blowing.” Chastity said excitedly, bouncing a bit as she walked to the stools he had set up to watch.

I chuckled as I took a seat next to her. I put my arm around her waist, and pulled her closer to me. She settled comfortable against my side, and we watched Lance work. He explained everything he was doing. as he went along, and why. Chastity asked a lot of questions as well. Lance seemed to eat up her interest. in his work, and I loved seeing her inquisitive mind at work.

It took awhile to see what Lance was making, but as it really started to take shape, I knew I had to have it for Chastity. I don’t know how the man did it, but it was a smaller statue of two wolves curled together. The smaller of the two which could only be female looked like she had her head on her paws, while the larger, probably male, had his head resting on her back. The man was definitely a master. I was very impressed. He didn’t add any color to it, and when Chastity asked him why he just said he felt that color would take away from the beauty of the piece, and I had to agree with him.

When he finished, he dunked it is some water to cool for a bit then came over to us with a smile.

“So did you enjoy the show?” He asked.

“Oh very much. Your work is fantastic.” Chastity said happily.

“Thank you. I do enjoy it.”

“You do a marvelous job, and I like that you talked about every step you take, and why. It makes the process so much more interesting. It’s easy to just show, and not explain, but I like to learn about what someone is doing as I watch. It’s neat.”

“Thank you. Let me get that piece so you two can see it up close.”

“Yes please.”Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

He walked to the tank, and fished out the statue. He dried it than rubbed it down with a light sand paper. and finally shined it. He explained that the sand paper smoothed out any rough edges without scratching the glass, as well cleaning off any loose glass particles. Finally he sat it in front of us. It really was beautiful, and detailed nicely. I watched as Chastity gently ran her fingers along the head of the larger wolf, and she had a soft smile on her face. I knew she loved it. I looked to Lance, and smiled. He was smiling back at me. He knew that piece was leaving tonight.

“We’ll take it. This, and the purple, and blue swirled vase on that shelf please.” I smiled at Lance as I pointed to where the vase Chastity had been admiring sat.

“Are you sure?” Chastity whispered.

“Yes I am.” I smiled at her as Lance carefully picked up the statue, and went to get the vase.

“I’ll box these right up for you. If you see anything else please let me know.” Lance said as he took both pieces to the counter by the register.

“Oh no. These two are enough. Thank you.” Chastity said quietly, blushing.

“Are you sure love? If you see something else you like let me know.” I told her.

“No. Really these are perfect.”

I nodded, but went to look around a bit myself. I wanted to find a gift for Gina. She had been doing so well, and I was proud of her. She deserved something special. I ended up settling on a small rose dipped in red color for her. At first Chastity looked a little worried until I told her it was for Gina. Once Lance had boxed all of the pieces in nice, velvet lined boxes, I paid, and we left, heading to the play house. Chastity. didn’t hesitate to put her arm around my waist when I pulled her close to me.

When we reached the play house I caught sight of Ross, and Melissa. I grew a little worried they would try to sit with us. Ross just smiled at me, and nodded then went to the other side of theater to give us space. Chastity, and I settled into seats a few rows back from the stage. Once the bag of glass pieces were safely tucked away under my seat, I pulled Chastity back against me, and settled in for the show.

It was a really cute play. The pups put on a playful rendering of the Moon Goddess blessing wolves with the ability to shift into humans. It was clear the pups were having trouble with lines, so they made stuff up at times, but it was ok. The audience got a kick out of it. Chastity giggled a lot when the pups would kind of go off on their own, and do silly things like playing tag on the stage at one point. I was slightly surprised that the director didn’t get upset. She would just gently redirect the pups, and the show would continue. When it ended Chastity excitedly clapped for the pups, just as everyone else did. The final laugh came when the pups tried to bow to everyone, but ended up in a dog pile instead.

Chastity spotted Melissa, and Ross as we were leaving. She pulled me over to them so we could all walk home together. I didn’t argue because I had gotten just what I asked for, a date alone with my mate. I could give up some of it to walk home with them. Chastity told Melissa all about our date, watching the glass blowing, and her enjoyment of the show. The happiness bleeding through in her voice. I smiled curled smugly to myself that I had been the one to make her so happy tonight. Our night ended with my around my sweet girl, listening to the sound of her breathing in her sleep, and Lilac purring softly. It had been a perfect evening. I looked forward to more of them.

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