The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega

Chapter 76

Chapter 76

Chapter 76


Tuesday and Wednesday flew by. On Tuesday I took both exams that were scheduled, and I felt that I did well on both of them. I would find out by the end of the week how I did on everything though. Wednesday we started a new section in Anatomy. This one was more involved than the skeletal system, but I’m looking forward to it.

On Tuesday self defense class was canceled for some unknown reason. On Wednesday we had class again, but Matt was in another bad mood. He was snappy, and moved too fast to even follow his movements, no matter how hard I tried. That caused him to growl, and touch me more than I really wanted him to. He was told to back off a lot by Lexi, but he ignored her

During my session with Dee-Dee I had considering talking to her about my conversation with Molly, and Melissa over the weekend, as well as what I did in the shower Monday night, but couldn’t bring myself to I was too embarrassed. Instead we talked about my reaction to Matt on Monday, and how my panic attack hadn’t been as bad as the first one I had. She was happy for me, but warned me not to think that they couldn’t ever be bad again. It would all depend on the situation, and what occurred to cause the attack. What she said made sense. I just had to hope that nothing caused me to find out.

Now here is was Wednesday evening. Norm, Marcus, Lexi, and I were heading to the pack house for dresses. We were rushing because we were late getting out of self defense. Matt made this big speech about properly training our bodies to fight, and all of this other stuff that Lexi said was a bunch of bull, and only for warriors. When we got to the parking lot Darren was already waiting for us. He grumbled about lateness, but that was about it.

“Hey Lexi, will I have time to shower before we try stuff on? I feel kind of gross.” I asked from the back


“Yeah. We have about thirty minutes after we eat dinner before the tailor is scheduled to arrive.” Lexi responded.

“Oh good.”

Norm was bouncing excitedly about this. He loved clothes, and couldn’t wait to see everything. Half the things he was talking about I had no clue about so I just smiled, and nodded at him. When we reached the pack house it was a flurry of activity in preparation for Saturday. I had never been to a swearing in, but it looked like a lot of work went into it.

We ate a quick dinner with the Gamma family then I rushed off to take a quick shower, and dress in the leggings, and t-shirt I brought. I wanted something comfortable, but easy to change out of. I was just coming out of the guest bedroom, pulling my hair up into a ponytail when the tailor arrived with a large group of people, and racks upon racks of clothes. Each rack had a name tag on it. I guess she had at separate rack for each person. I stopped to help one of the younger girls maneuver a rack into the living room. Darren, and his father must have moved all of the furniture in the room while I showered because all of the couches, and tables were now against the walls. I went to sit by Lexi, and wait.

“Good evening everyone. I’m Susan, as most of you know. Based on your sizes, likes, and descriptions I have picked out things for each of you that I hope you like. Each rack is marked for each person to make things a bit easier. Please take a look. If you don’t see anything you like please let me know, and I’ll send someone to grab a few more things for you. Ladies I did also bring a wide selection of shoes for you.” Susan said with a smile.

“Thank you Susan. I know this was a lot of work for you.” Lexi’s mom said with a smile.

“It’s no trouble at all. I’ve been upping my collection for months in preparation for this. Some of it was hand made by myself or one of my lovelies here with me, and some of it was ordered. If you find

something that you like, but need altered I have enough people on staff to have it done by Friday. Now I understand that Norm, Marcus, Lexi, and Chastity are attending Cloverland. I will have anything that needs to be altered dropped off at the admin office for you by Friday afternoon.” Susan went on to explain.

“Thank you.” I said quietly with a smile.

“You’re most welcome. Now please find your racks, and take a look. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. The young lady, or gentleman standing at the end of your rack will have the most knowledge. on your specific collection.”

We all nodded, and moved to the racks. Once I found mine I started to look through what was brought for me. The first three dresses made my nose crinkle. There was a bright red dress, an orangey color, and yellow Not my taste at all, and I couldn’t imagine they looked right with my hair color. The next dress was pretty though. It was sky blue with some gems on the on the top, I pulled it out to take a better look, and found it was a long dress. I shrugged, and thought to maybe try it on. I moved it to the hook at the front of the rack then went back to look at some more. The next one was a dark pink one that just wasn’t for me. I’m not a pink fan. There were three purple ones I liked as well, but set them with the blue one to try on. The last one I liked in the collection was black. It had modest neck line, sleeveless, with the back mostly covered, and it flared out a bit at the waist.

Once I picked out my dresses I took them to the guest room to try on. My attendant followed behind me, and agreed to wait outside the door until I needed her. I decided to try to the blue one on first. It was very pretty, but I wasn’t sure it was me. It was a little too long so it would need to be shortened if I picked it. I also wasn’t a fan of the low back with spaghetti straps. I also felt like it was cut too low in the front for my taste. I decided to let everyone see it though. Just to get their opinion, maybe they would see something | didn’t. I walked out the living room, holding the dress up to find Norm, Lexi, and Marcus already out there looking in the 180 mirrors Susan brought with her. I walked up to one, and turned around a bit to get a better look at the full effect. I definitely didn’t think it was me

“Oh Chastity! You look so pretty!” Norm gushed, and clapped.

“That’s because I almost match you.” I said with a giggle, looking over his light blue suit.

“Well yeah, but that dress it gorgeous.”

“Um…it is, but I’m not sure it’s me.”

“What? Why?”

“Don’t you think it’s a little too low cut?”

“No. You should show off your assets as much as possible.”

“Um…Norm, my assets may fall out of this thing, and there isn’t much of them to begin with.”

“Not true. You’re assets are just the perfect size.”

“And you would know about the perfect size assets how Norm?” Lexi chuckled as she checked herself out in the bright red dress she had on.

It was very tight, and short. The color looked good on her, but the cut was all wrong.

“I know enough to know that dress makes your assets look like they’re being squeezed in all the wrong ways.” Norm sniffed.

“I can’t argue that. Please tell me you’re not going with that suit.” Lexi scoffed.

“Why? What’s wrong with my suit?”

“It’s….may suit your personality, but it washes you out.”

“Oh. Yeah. I wasn’t going with this one. I just wanted to see how it looked. Anyway, Chastity you should consider that dress. Maybe, if you’re not comfortable with the low front have them shorten the straps a bit.”

“I’m not a fan of this either.”

I turned, and moved my hair, that had mostly grown back out to show my back. All of my scars were on display. I wasn’t embarrassed by them. I just didn’t like to show them off.

“Oh. Why? They’re a sign of your strengthen, and will.” Norm asked confused.

“They are, but I don’t know like showing them off. You know this.” I responded.

“I’ll never understand why though.”

“Because I don’t feel like answering tons of questions I’ll be asked about them.” “But…”

“Norm. Leave her alone.” Lexi growled quietly.

“Ok. Ok. Sorry.” Norm raised his hands, and backed up. Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

I went back to the guest room, and tried on the next purple dress. It was dark purple, straight cut, and floor length. Too long again, and the back come up to the middle of my back. It did cover my breasts in a way I was more comfortable though. It had some beading along the upper edge of the dress as well. When I picked it up I discovered it had a slit that went almost all the way to my hip. I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to wear underwear with this one.

I walked out of the room to find Lexi in a green dress that was long, and ball gown like

“Is there room enough under there for me to hide if I get uncomfortable?” I joked as I walked to the mirrors again.

“Oh haha. I thought it was pretty.”

“Well it is pretty, but you kind of get lost in the skirt.”

“You think so?”


“Oh no no no! Lexi, no ball gown for you. It’s all wrong.” Norm said as he joined us wearing a navy pinstripe suit.

It looked very good on him. He looked very sophisticated. Marcus came out wearing the same suit. I loved that they matched.

“Chastity, sexy woman with the thigh action there.” Norm said, and I blushed.

“Yeah, but how do I wear underwear with this?” I asked, causing Lexi to giggle.

“Small fry, you’re not supposed to wear underwear with that dress.” Lexi informed me.

“What?!” I gasped.

“Nope. Look.” She turned me so my butt was facing the mirror, and I saw the panty lines.

“Oh. Um…”

“At best you could wear a thong, but definitely not regular underwear. Even a thong is pushing it.” Lexi explained.

“Oh no! Absolutely not!” I snapped.

“But you look so sexy in it!” Norm whined, and I glared at him before going to change again.

The third dress was another purple on. A little lighter this time, it barely reached mid thigh. It also squeezed my chest in ways I didn’t like. I walked out to show everyone any way, but there was no way I was wearing this thing. I walked out with a grimace on my face. Norm was still in his pinstripe suit, and one of the girls was taking measurements.

“Are you getting that one?” I asked.

“Yup. I think it’s perfect.” Norm responded as he tried not to bounce, “Marcus is getting the same We’re just going to do different colored ties.”

“Aww. That’s cute.” I gushed as I moved slowly to the mirror.

I took one look, and shook my head. Good grief this thing was horrible.

“Don’t like that one either?” Norm questioned.

“Nope Not at all. I feel like I’m being squished into it.” I responded.

“I’m sure they can let it out some. It does look good on you.”

“That’s only because you want me to put my body on display in ways I don’t like ”

“Fine. Go change.”

I hurried away, just as Lexi came out looking frustrated, and not in a dress.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“I didn’t like any of the dresses I tried on. I only came out in the two you saw. The rest just didn’t suit me. I don’t think.” Lexi responded.

I thought for a second, and realized there were four dresses on my rack that I hated, but I thought she might like two of them.

“Lexi, go to my rack. There are four dresses right in the front that just weren’t me, but maybe you will like one.” I suggested.

“Ok. Thanks.”

“No problem.”

As soon as I reached my room, I changed into the last purple dress. I didn’t even bother to come out it in. It was almost see through along my stomach, and just below the apex of my thighs. No way was I even considering wearing it. I finally pulled on the black one. It wasn’t too fancy. It was pretty plain actually, but it covered me just how I liked, and reached about mid-calf with a slight flare. I really liked it, and I felt comfortable in it. I walked out of the room, with a smile on my face.

I found Norm, and Marcus sitting on a couch together, back in their regular clothes. They were looking over tie options. They both looked up at me when I came out. Marcus smiled, and nodded at me. Norm wrinkled his nose at me.

“What?” I asked as ! stood in front of the mirrors.

“That’s too boring, and plain. You need to something sexy, and flashy.” Norm complained.

“But I like it.”

“Why must you hide in your clothes?”

“I just want….”

“What are you two arguing about now?” Lexi asked as she came out.

She looked beautiful. She had on the red dress. It was wrapped around her body nicely creating a v to her cleavage, and had a small bow at her hip making the dress look tied together, and it hit just below her knee. She wasn’t falling out if it, and she looked comfortable it in.

“Now that is the dress for you Lexi.” Norm gushed as he walked around her.

“You think so?” Lexi questioned.

“Definitely. It hits in all the right places, and shows your figure just the way it should.”

“Thank you. It was actually on Chastity’s rack, but she said I could try it on.”

“What? Why didn’t you try it on Chastity? It would look great on you too.”

“Ummmm… hair. Red clothes do not go with red hair.” I stated.

“Oh yeah. True. Did they have it in another color?” Norm questioned.

“Only in yellow I’m afraid.” Susan answered.

“Oh. Well that’s no good. Neither is the dress you have on Chastity. You look like you’re wearing a sack, and formal means floor length. Go put that purple one back on.” Norm grumbled, eyeing my dress.

“It only looks like that because it isn’t tailored to her yet.” Susan sniffed.

“It’s still too plain, and it needs to be floor length.” Norm argued.

“If I do floor length I’m going to trip on my own feet. Besides I’m short, and both floor length dresses I tried on made me look even shorter.” I stated as the other issue I had with both long dresses finally got voiced.

“They made you look elegant.” Norm stated.

“No! They made me look shorter than I am. This at least makes me look like I have some height. Besides I like this dress.”

“Fine on the length if you insist, but it’s too plain, and hides everything.”

I rolled my eyes, and I heard Susan sigh.

“The beauty of this dress is that it can be modified.” Susan stated, sounding annoyed.

“Modified how?” Norm asked.

“Chastity, may I?” Susan asked me.

“Oh Yes. Of course.” I nodded.

“Can you put your arms out for me please?”

I nodded, and held my arms out straight. Susan came around my sides, and started pinning, tightening the dress around my chest, and along my sides with pins giving it shape. Next she brought a case over, and pulled out some sheer material that had some designs painted on it. Or at least it looked painted. She draped it around my waist to lay over top the skirt. The material was longer than the skirt, but she pinned it up to the same length of the skirt. Finally she took out several different colors of thick ribbon to show me. I picked the brighter purple one. She tied it around my waist, and made a bow near my right hip.

“There. See. We can do it like this. We can do the material over the top instead. We can do gemstones

along the neck line, and hem line. We can do a gemstone belt, and leave the rest plain. We can leave it as it is. We can do anything we want with this dress.” Susan stated as she looked at Norm.

I looked in the mirror at the dress. I kind of liked it the way Susan had done it, but I was curious about the painted design.

“Is it possible that the painted design on this material could come off?” I asked, concerned.

“Oh. No. That’s not painted on. That’s stitched into the material with different threads.” Susan answered.

“It is?”

“Yes, and we have different designs. That one is mostly just swirls, and such.”

“Oh. I like it very much. Um….It is possible to cover the whole dress with it? If that’s too much work, or it won’t look right that’s ok. I was just curious.”

“I have plenty. Let me grab some more, and we’ll see how it looks. We also have it in a where the sheer material is black with a bit more of a muted silver color. Would you like to see that?”

I looked at the dress again. The sheer material did seem to be a bit bright on the black.

“Yes please.” I responded.

“Alright.” Susan responded with a smile

I waited patiently as Susan removed the panel she had pinned on. She, and another girl draped the black material over the dress as best they could to follow the lines of the dress. There were a lot of pins used. She then tied it all off with the purple ribbon. I looked at it in the mirror again when they were finished. The purple just didn’t look right with it, and Susan seemed to agree. She removed it without me asking. and put a black on instead.

“Do you have a black one with gems on it?” Norm asked from his spot on the couch holding bright pink tie.

“I think a gemstone belt would over ride the rest of the dress if I’m being honest.” Susan stated.

“Hmm.” Norm got up, and walked around me a few times, inspecting the dress, “Will the over lay be this loose when it’s done?”

“No. It will be stitched into the seams of the original dress. You’ll never even know it was an add on.” Susan waved her hand.

“I love it Norm.” I said quietly.

“What about at the bottom? Will it be stitched into the hem?” Norm asked, ignoring me.

“We can, but I think it will cause the material to bunch in places.” Susan responded.

“I don’t want it stitched into the hem. I like the lose layer. It flows nicely.” I stated firmly, causing Norm to

turn, and blink at me.

“Huh?” Norm questioned like he forgot I was even there.

“I like the dress, and what Susan has done to it. I want the material loose at the hem.” I said.

“Ok. Then.” Norm said, and sat back down.

“Perfect. We’ll get started on it tonight.” Susan said as she started to remove the sheer material with the attendants help.

“Um…before I agree to this. How… much is it going to cost to modify?” I whispered.

“Don’t you worry about that. I got a call from Alpha Rowen. His exact words were whatever my sweet girl wants she gets, money is no object. Your father called, and said the same.” Susan waved me off as she

started measuring me, and writing something down.


“My dear, you are a Beta’s daughter, and an Alpha’s mate. They want to spoil you so let them. It’s a lot less headache then arguing over it.”

“Yeah. I guess I can see what you mean.”

Susan nodded, and I giggled.

“Go change because now it’s time for shoes.” Norm stated with a smile.

Crap, I forgot about shoes. I didn’t have any that went with this dress. I looked over at the racks of shoes, and quietly groaned. Most of them were heels. This was a fight waiting to happen.

By the time I was back in my regular clothes, and Susan had my dress, Lexi and her mom were already looking at the shoes. Lexi was holding a red pair of heels, inspecting them. I wrinkled my nose at them. Her mom also had a white pair in her hand. I shook my head, and started looking. So many heels. My feet started to hurt just looking at them. Finally I found a few pairs of flats. The two that caught my attention were a pair of pointed toe silver ones, and a pair black ones that had a round toe, and tied around my ankle. I took booth pair over to a spot on the couch to try on.

“Chastity, no. Absolutely not.” Norm snapped.

“What?” I questioned as I slipped on the silver pair first.

“No flats! This is a formal event heels are a must!” Norm growled.

“I am NOT putting my feet in those torture devices then staying in them for hours. It’s not happening!” I said firmly as I stood up in the silver shoes, and walked a bit.

I crinkled my nose down at them as, even though they were a bit big, they pinched my feet. I couldn’t see myself wearing these.

“Chastity you have to wear heels.” Norm complained.

“No Norm. I can’t walk in them, and they hurt. Besides heels damage your feet, especially your toes.”

“What do you mean they damage your toes?” Lexi questioned as she took off the red heels she was trying

“Here. Read this.” I said as I found the article I read not long ago about the lasting damage to your feet from wearing heels.

Lexi took it, and read through it quickly than handed it to her mom to read. I watched each of their faces as they read. They looked kind of shocked. Norm tried to argue with me again, but stopped when Lexi’s mom handed him my phone to read the article. I shrugged, and put on the black flats, and tied them. around my ankles. They were cute, but something was missing. I got up, and walked in them a bit. They were the right size, and comfortable. I still felt something was missing though. Susan must have seen my look because she walked over to me holding a plastic box.

“Those can be modified to with a little embellishment.” Susan said with a smile, and handed me the box.

I sat down, and opened it to see an array of different pins, and such. I sorted through them for a bit. She handed me a second box that was full of sorted gems stones. I handed her the pin box back, and

looked at the gemstones. I took off the shoes, and moved to the floor, setting the box, and shoes in front of me.

“I still say heels would be better.” I heard Norm sniff.

“Yeah. Well I don’t want to harm my feet like that.” Lexi snapped.

“We’re wolves, we heel fast. Your feet will be fine my morning.”

“Or I can just do flats, and not have to worry about it at all.”


“Hey small fry, hand me those silver shoes.”

I passed them too her, not looking up from the gemstone box, and the shoes. I was slowly picking out different colored stones. My dress was all black, and muted silver. I wanted to add some color some where. When I was satisfied, I started arranging the stones on the shoes in different designs. At first I tried doing a rainbow, but didn’t like that, or the heart I made either. After a few attempts at different shapes I became frustrated. I looked over all I had, and the shoes again then got an idea. I just started placing stones at random spots on the shoes. They obviously didn’t stay on the sides, but I liked the effect on the toe of the shoes. Just random little dots of color sprinkled around. Not too much, but I liked it.

“You know I have adhesive used to attach those if you want to do that yourself.” Susan whispered to me. “Really?” I asked as I looked up, and smile at her.

“Yes. If you want I can give you a bottle of it. The instructions are on it. I’ll bag up the stones for you, and you can take it all home to decorate those yourself.” Susan offered.

“Oh. I would love that. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Susan went to get the bag, and glue while I removed the stones from the shoes, and got them all into a pile to bag up. She came back with both, and two a small boxes.

“I’ll bag that all up for you. You’re going to need double to gemstones to do both shoes.” Susan offered as she put her hand out to take the box.

“Oh. Ok. Thank you.” I responded carefully handing it to her.

“You’re welcome, and you also gave me an idea to offer in my shop. If you don’t mind of course.”

“What idea is that?”

“Decorate your own shoes. Inspired by Chastity Bloomfield.”

“Oh. You don’t have to use my name.”

“I do actually. It was your idea. You should get the credit for it.”

“Oh. Um. Ok. I hope it does well for you.”

“I’m sure it will.”

She took the gem box, and went into the dining room. I got up from the floor after boxing my shoes, and looked at everyone. Lexi’s mom had a white pair of flats on her feet that she was inspecting, and Lexi had the silver ones, but she didn’t look happy with them.

“Lexi, I wouldn’t do silver with your dress.” Norm stated.

“Yeah. I agree, but I do like these. They’re pretty.” Lexi grumbled.

“If you’re insisting on flats I think I saw a pair that might work.” Norm huffed, and got off the couch to look through the shoes.

“Chastity, I liked your idea about decorating your shoes. These will look good with my dress, but they’re a bit plain.” Lexi’s mom said as she took off the shoes.

“Oh. Here, Susan left the pin box on that table.” I said pointing to it.

I watched quietly as she sorted through it. Norm came back from the shoes grumbling something as he dropped a box into Lexi’s lap the dropped back onto the couch. Lexi pulled out a pair of black flats that had red iridescent threads all through them. Lexi’s eyes lit up.

“Norm, they’re perfect. Thank you.” Lexi gushed as she put on the shoes, and he just waved her off, pouting.

I giggled, and watched Lexi’s mom with the pins. She tried a few different ones until she found a set that were silver with pink stones imbedded in them. She set them on the toe of the shoes, and smiled.

“Perfect. My dress is pink so these will work just right. Susan, can we attach these to my shoes please?” She asked as Susan walked back in the room, and handed me a small box with the what I needed for my shoes.

“Of course. Now Chastity, the adhesive needs at least twenty four hours to set. Once it has the gemstones will not come off.” Susan explained.

“Great. Thank you so much.” I said with a smile.

“Well I hate to be the barer of bad news all, but we need to get back. Curfew was twenty minutes ago.” Marcus stated as he looked at his watch.

“It was? On no. Are we going to get into trouble?” I asked nervously as I shot up from my seat.

“No. I called the admin office about an hour ago, and explained what was going on. They were fine with it because you’re with us.” Marcus answered.

“I’ll go get Darren so he can drive us back.” Lexi said as she left the room.

“Susan, thank you. This has been great. I can’t wait to see the dress.” I said smiling.

“You’re most welcome. I know it will be beautiful. I want to see pictures of the shoes, when they’re done, ok? Just have Lexi said me the pictures.” Susan said.

“I will. Thank you Donna for letting me come do this here.” I said to Lexi’s mom.

“You’re welcome Chastity. I’m glad you joined us. It’s always a joy to have you with us.”

“Thank you.”

“Alright you lot we got to go.” Darren grumbled as he followed Lexi into the living room, looking half asleep.

“We’re coming Darren.” Marcus stated as he snickered and stood.

“I don’t know why you didn’t just drive yourself.” Darren said to Lexi causing me to raise my eyebrows as ! didn’t know she had a car.

“Because there isn’t enough space for all of us, and I can’t have my car on campus.” Lexi snapped.

“Marcus does.”

“That’s because he’s not a student, and he has a full time job.”

“So why didn’t you come in his car instead.”

“Because mine is in the shop with an exhaust leak.” Marcus grumbled.

“Dude, you need a new car.” Darren said.

“I know, but right now I’m paying for renovations on a house. I need to limp my car along until the house is

done, and Norm starts working.”

“You should have said something. You know I prefer my Jeep over the Malibu. You’re welcome to it.” “I couldn’t do that.”

“Shit. You’d be doing my a favor. One less car on my insurance. Hell I’ll sell you the thing if you insist, for a hell of a lot cheaper than it’s worth. I only got it for the gas mileage, but I hardly drive the damn thing.”

“You’re joking right?”

“Hell no. Your old Accord has seen better days. At this point it’s costing you more than saving you. Just take the Malibu, and use her well.”

“Thanks. I appreciate it.”

“It’s no trouble. Here, you take it tonight. We’ll do the paperwork tomorrow then you can tell the shop to junk that old Accord.”

“Uh. Alright.”

Marcus took the keys from Darren hesitantly, and smiled slightly. We followed him out of the apartment quietly. Once we were in the car, Marcus looked around, and breathed deep. It seems a weight had

been lifted off his shoulders.

“Hey Marcus, can I tell you a secret?” Lexi said quietly.

“Sure.” Marcus answered, wiping his eyes.

I guess he was feeling a bit less stress. He had been stressing about the expense to fix his car since we got back from my pack. The exhaust had broken through on our drive back. He wasn’t sure how he was going to afford to fix it as it needed the whole system. I knew nothing about cars, but he had said it was expensive.

“This was going to be your mating present from Darren, but he knew you wouldn’t accept it. He hardly ever drives it. He got it right before he got that motorcycle he loves so much. It’s only a year old, and only has a couple hundred miles on it. It’s also paid off, and still under warranty. He’s been trying to figure out how to give it to you for months.” Lexi explained.

“You’re kidding?” Marcus gasped.

“Nope. He said you needed it more than he did. If you try to give him money for it, he’s either not going to take it, or he’s going to give it to the contractor you’re using for the house.”

“Damn it. He doesn’t have to do that.”

“Yeah. Well he’s going to any way. You’re more like a brother to him than a cousin. You should have heard the hell his raised when your parents gave you that beat up old Accord years back when they could have afforded to give you something nicer, that wasn’t in such bad shape.”

“Eh. It was a car, that’s all I cared about.”

“We know, but Darren felt that your dad was being a cheap bastard. He could afford more than what he did for you.”

“It is what it is. We better get back. We’re already late.”

By the time we got back it was almost 11. I sent a text to Rowen to let him know I had just gotten back, but that I was going straight to bed. I was too tired for much else. He sent me a good night text with a little heart emoji. I smiled, and dropped into bed, falling asleep almost immediately.

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