The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega

Chapter 78

Chapter 78

Chapter 78


The time seemed to crawl by for me, and I could hardly sit still. In just a few hours I would get to spend another weekend with my sweet girl. After a month apart we needed it. I know we had spent sometime together the previous weekend, but it was minimal as we were both busy with getting ready for Melissa, and Ross’s ceremony. This weekend would be a bit different. I would get there in time to have dinner with her, sleep with her in my arms tonight. I knew some of her time tomorrow would be spent getting ready for Robert’s swearing in ceremony, but we had all day Sunday for just us. I arranged it that way on purpose as we never really got that.

Now if the time would just move faster. I was in my father’s office going over the plans for the community center, as well as the needs list, but I couldn’t stay focused. I kept glancing at the time, but it didn’t seem to move, at all. I looked up when my father sighed, and dropped his pen on his desk.

“Son, you’re not paying any attention.” My dad grumbled.

“I’m sorry.” I muttered.

“What’s going on with you? This is your project, but you’re not paying a bit of attention. I’ve asked you the same question five times now.”

“I’m excited to see Chastity. We’ve had so little time together.”

“I know. I get it.”

“Did you ever have to go through this with mom?”

“Yes. There were a few times that I had to spend a month or more away from her. I felt like I was losing my mind. We didn’t have video chat back then or any of it. We had phone calls, and mail. That was it.”

“That had to suck.”

“It did, but we got through it. How do you think we ended up with you before we even planned to start having pups?”

“Dad! Really. I don’t need to know this.”

“Well now you do.”

“Did you, and mom want more pups?”

“We did, but after Gina your mom stopped being able to have more. We tried for awhile, but eventually we gave up. It was too much stress on your mother, and it broke her heart every time she didn’t get pregnant. We had a good life.”

“It’s still hard for you, isn’t it?”

“Every single day. Your mother was the best woman in the world. Our life was pretty perfect.”

“Do you ever consider looking for your second chance mate?”

“No. Nothing would ever be better than what your mother, and I shared. Would it be nice to have a woman to share things with, sure, but it’s not something I need.”

“She wouldn’t want you to be alone though.”

“I know that, but right now I’m not ready. I have you, and I have Gina. That’s all I need in my life. If I’m meant to have a second chance mate, I guess I’ll meet her when the time is right. Right now though who ever she is would be left heartbroken because I’m just not ready.”

“I can understand that.”.

“Yeah. Besides I figure I’ll have some grandpups running around here some day that are going to keep me plenty busy.”

“Yeah well you have a long time to wait for that.”

“At least four years.”

“How do you figure only four?”

“Chastity will be gone for three. Gina, and Braxton will be just old enough to realize they are mates when she comes home. I figure about a year after that one of my pups will have a pup of their own.”

“No pressure or anything there dad. I think Chastity would like some time to be a midwife and Luna for a bit before she becomes a mother. Wait. Did you say Gina, and Braxton?”

“Sure. Braxton may not realize it yet, but he’s circling her as much as she’s circling him. He’s a bit slow on that one.”

“He’s also a few months younger than she is. The teen hormones haven’t quite kicked in yet.”

“You were about his age when you started chasing the girls around.”

“I….I was not.”

“Bullshit son. You think I don’t know what you were up to back then? Why do you think I had your mother giving you a shot once a month, and had you getting them when you went off to school?”

“Wait! You put me on birth control without me knowing it?”

“Of course I did. I’m not stupid.”

“Dad! I ALWAYS used protection! ALWAYS!”

“Nothing is one hundred percent effective. I knew I couldn’t stop you from behaving like the typical Alpha male you are so I did what my father did. Made sure that you didn’t end up with something you weren’t ready for,”

“I’m not sure if I should thank you or kick your ass. You know I made sure to get those damn shots once a month even on my trip? Good thing too.”



“Of course. I had my fun in my younger days.”

“And that is the end of that conversation.”

“Alright. You ready to get back to this?”


At 12:00 we stopped working, and I headed off to my apartment to shower, change, and make sure I had everything I would need this weekend. My suit was in a suit bag, I had clothes, extra shirts and a hoodie for Chastity, as well as my toiletries, and the gift I got Chastity for tomorrow. It was a white gold charm bracelet that had several flower charms on it. I hoped she liked it. Once I was sure I had everything packed, I grabbed my stuff, and headed to the cars. I was surprised to see Colby putting bags into the back of the SUV.

“You’re coming with us?” I asked

“Yeah. Lex called me the other night, and asked me to be a buffer between her, and Anthony. The twit is leaving the pack next week, and has been bugging the shit out of her. She thinks if he sees her with another guy he’ll leave her alone.” Colby explained as we got into the SUV.

Molly, and Jax were already cuddled up in the third row. Colby rolled his eyes at them then took the seat behind his dad in the passenger seat, while I took a seat behind my dad.

“I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing that she asked you to be a buffer.” I admitted as we pulled away from the house.

“It’s no big deal. She’s a cool girl, and fun to hang out with.” He responded, but I caught a glimpse of hurt in his eyes as he said that, but I shrugged it off as it was none of my business.

“Yeah. She is a cool girl, and she is good to Chastity.”

“She is that. Chas needs that in her life after everything.”

“She does.”

“So you’re spending the weekend at the school with short stack?”

“Like hell he is.” Jax growled from the back seat.

“Jax, shut up man. Like or not he’s her mate. One day you’re going to have to just suck it up, and deal with it.” Colby grumbled.

“Or I could just kill him, and keep her hidden away from the world.” Jax growled.

“At least it’s your best friend, and someone you know, and not some twit off the street.” Colby growled back.

“Alright. Knock it off back there. I’m not listening to this crap for four damn hours. Jax, get the hell over the fact that Chastity has a mate. Colby, stop baiting him.” Dimitri snapped from the front seat.

I heard Jax grumble from the back seat, but he didn’t say anything else. To keep Jax from going off again, we spent the rest of the drive just chatting about basic things. Dimitri did voice his worry about Greg. It seemed the man’s health was getting worse. He had finally started spending time with Braxton, and less time drinking, but his health was not improving at all. Dimitri feared that the time they had together was quickly dwindling. I felt bad for Braxton, but there was nothing any of us could do.

We reached Cloverland right at 5:00. My sweet girl was waiting for us at on the stairs of the front building when we pulled in. She was wearing a white skirt that ended just about her knees, a blue denim, short sleeved button down, that was untucked, and her cowboy boots. Her hair was pulled back. I smiled at the cute country girl look because she did look adorable. I got out to greet her with a hug, and a quick kiss.

“Where’s Lex?” Colby asked as Chastity took her seat between us.

“Oh. She had to go to the pack house early to help get set up for dinner. They’re doing it in the pack dining room as there are a lot of out of town Alphas, Betas, and their families here.” Chastity explained as we pulled out of the parking lot.

“Yeah. That’s not surprising.” Dad said from the front seat.

“Why is that?” Chastity asked.

“All the head families of packs you’re allied with are invited to a swearing in so they have, a chance to meet the new leaders.”

“Oh. That makes sense.”

“So they’ll all be at this dinner?” Molly asked.

“Probably not all. Some will show up tomorrow, but there will be a lot of them.” Dad answered.

“Shit. I am not dressed for this at all.” Molly gasped.

“Don’t worry. We’ll have time to go change. Dinner isn’t until six.” Dad reassured her.

“Oh thank goddess.”

“Um. I’m not really dressed to meet a bunch of Alphas, Beta, and their families.” Chastity said quietly.

“Don’t worry Chastity. You are dressed just fine. Most of them will be dressed more like you. Nice, but not formal.” My dad said gently.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes I’m sure. Who wants to put on suits, and dresses after hours of traveling?”

“That’s true.”

When we arrived at the pack house, an Omega male led us to the suite everyone else would be staying in. I was a little surprised to find we were on the Alpha floor, but I guess, being family, it made sense in a way. Chastity made herself comfortable while we all changed out of casual clothes. Once I was changed, I asked the Omega who was waiting for us to take us to the dining room to please gave my suitcase, laptop bag, and suit bag to Marcus. He nodded, and left right away. I sat down next to Chastity, and pulled her into my arms. I just needed to hold her for a few minutes. I also needed to warn her about something. “Um….Chastity. I feel like I should talk you through something you’ll have to deal with tonight, and tomorrow.” I said quietly.

“What’s that?” Chastity asked as she began playing with my fingers.

“A lot of people are going to ask me who you are to me. I’m not going to lie to them. I’m going to tell them you are my mate. You know what that means right?”


“That a lot of people are going to address you as Luna, or Future Luna.”

“Oh I know. Lexi reminded me of that Monday night. Dee-Dee has been working with me all week on just smiling, and nodding when that happens.”

“Oh. Well now I kind of feel stupid bringing it up.”

“Don’t. You were worried about how I would deal with that, and I appreciate it. It reminds me that you care about me, and how I am feeling.”

“I always care about you, and how you’re feeling.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Alright all. It’s time to head downstairs for dinner.” My dad said as he came out of his room.

I helped Chastity up from the couch, and placed her hand on the crook of my arm. She smiled up at me, and I smiled back. I took my place behind my dad, and Dimitri. Jax, and Molly were behind us, with Colby in the back. I saw the look of confusion on Chastity’s face at our lining up.

“When going to events like this we have to line up based on rank, and position. Current Alpha, and if he has a Luna, first. Current Beta, and his mate second. Future Alpha, and his mate third. Future Beta, and his mate fourth. Everyone else falls in line behind them.” I explained quietly.

“Oh. Ok. I guess that makes sense.” Chastity said with a small nod.

“We’ll be lined up the same tomorrow to enter the ceremony.”


We followed dad, and Dimitri out of the suite, and down the halls. We didn’t pass anyone on the way, but as we got closer to the pack dining room, we could hear a lot of chatter.

“Do I smile or anything?” Chastity whispered to me.

“You absolutely should. You have a beautiful smile.” I whispered onto the top of her head before placing at kiss there, causing her to giggle.

When we were announced we followed dad into the room, and walked to the head table to give our greeting. We would be seated at the tabie closest to the head table as we were family, but we had to give. our greeting first. As we approached I saw my cousins first. Robert was sitting proudly next to Jeremy with Beth right beside him smiling. Anthony, in typical fashion was slumped in his chair, looking bored. The female next to him must have been Heather. She would look completely dejected every time she was ignored by someone approaching the table. I kind of felt bad for her, but this wasn’t for or about her. I spied Lexi sitting with her parents, and brother on the other side of Clair. She appeared to be sniffing something in the air, and scanning the crowd.

I almost passed out when she looked our way, and I heard her whisper mate. My hands started to sweat when I thought she was looking at me. That only lasted a moment when I heard someone growl behind me. I turned around to see Colby looking smug.

“About damn time she figured it out.” He growled quietly, and I chuckled to myself.

“I knew it.” I heard Molly whisper, and Chastity giggled.


“No I don’t. I told you months ago you had to figure things out on your own. Now that you have, what are you waiting for?” Colby responded as he smirked, spread he feet apart, and crossed his arms over his chest.

“You arrogant, insufferable man!” Lexi growled as she stood up.

It was about that time that I realized Colby was standing right in front of Anthony. Anthony sat up straight, and narrowed his eyes at Colby. The whole room had gone completely silent. Lexi’s parents, and brother were smiling though.

“Yup. I am. I’m also yours. Just like you’re mine.” Colby called out, as he continued to smirk, and wait.

“So why are you standing there like an idiot?” Lexi asked, looking like she was about to cry.

“You want me, you come get me.” Colby stated as he seemed to brace himself more.

“She won’t. She knows she’s too good for the likes of you.” I heard Anthony grumble, but Colby just growled in response.

I watched as Lexi slowly rose from her seat, and moved around the table. As soon as she was on our side of it, she kicked off her shoes, and ran to Colby, he had only enough time to open his arms to catch her. He pulled her tight to him, and whispered in her ear.

“Yes! Yes! Yes! I knew it!” Molly quietly celebrated, and Jax put his hand over her mouth as we all laughed.

“Well Alpha Joseph, I have to say that I’ve never had a pack introduction quite like that.” Jeremy chuckled, as he rose to shake my father’s hand.

“I promise, Alpha Jeremy! did not plan that.” My dad responded as he shook Jeremy’s hand.

“I have no doubt you didn’t. I think your Beta’s son has been waiting for that though.”

“That he has.” Dimitri agreed.

“Lexi is a wonderful girl. I have no doubt she’ll do wonderful things for you pack.” Jeremy stated as he retook his seat.

“I have no doubt she will. She befriended our future Luna, and has been a great help to her already.” My dad said proudly.

I looked down at Chastity to see that she was smiling slightly, and blushing.

“Ah yes. Miss. Chastity. You are a lovely girl. I know you will do great things in your future with your education at Cloverland, and everything else you learn outside of that.” Jeremy smiled at Chastity.

“Thank you sir.” Chastity said quietly as she bowed to him.

I heard some one snort, and I looked around a bit. I saw Heather eyeing me then looking at Chastity in disgust. I simply rolled my eyes, and looked back to Jeremy.

“When the day comes, I look forward to welcoming you into our family Chastity.” Clair said with a smile.

“Thank you Cl…..Luna.” Chastity said, bowing to Clair.

“Keep up the good work my girl. You make everyone proud in all you do.”

“I will do my best. Congratulations Alpha Robert, and Luna Beth.” Chastity said as she bowed to them both.

I chuckled softly over the fact that it was Chastity, the one who hadn’t even stepped into her role yet, that reminded the rest of us what we were standing in front of this table for. We made our greetings than moved to our table. I noticed that a chair was added to our table for Lexi. Lexi looked like she had

been crying, but she was smiling at the same time. Once we were seated Jeremy stood from his seat, and tapped his glass, quieting the room.

“Thank you all for coming this weekend. We are honored that every one has made the trip for this occasion. I’ll keep this short by saying just that. Please enjoy your meal.” He said.

The first course of dinner was immediately brought out. We all dug in, and started chatting a bit.

“I’m telling you, I’ve been saying for months you two were mates. If you had just asked I would have told you.” I heard Molly say to Lexi.

“No. She needed time to get over the crap that needle nosed prick over there did first.” Colby growled.

“Or you could have just grown some balls, and kissed her. It would have saved us all the trouble of watching, and waiting. Right Chastity?” Molly said leaning forward to look at Chastity.

“Oh no. You’re not pulling me into this one. I told you months ago they needed to figure things out on their own, and we didn’t know for sure if they were mates. I told you to stay out of it.” Chastity stated as she continued to eat her salad.

“I was not going to just kiss her. She could have punched me for that, and I like my perfect nose just the way it is.” Colby quipped, “It is perfect isn’t it, right tart?”

“Call me that again, and it won’t be.” Lexi rolled her eyes at him, I couldn’t help laughing.

“What? You do nicknames for others. I thought I’d try one out on you. Do you have a nickname for me yet?” Colby pouted.

“Yeah. Pain in my ass.” Lexi joked.

“Hey. That wasn’t very nice.”

“Oh. You expected me to be?”

“Well kind of. I am your mate after all.”

“Yeah, and you kept that from me for months.”

“You, and Cheyenne were still getting over douchebag over there. I needed to give you that time. I didn’t want to force something on you that you weren’t ready for.”

“Yeah. I know. I appreciate that. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

I smiled as Colby leaned over whispered to Lexi, and kissed her temple. I chuckled under my breath when she blushed.

“Wait. Does this mean you’re moving out of Cloverland Lexi or will you be moving to one of the mate suites, and Colby moving in?” Chastity asked.

“I….I don’t know. I’m not sure how that works.” Lexi answered, pinching her brow.

“Denu doesn’t have mate suites. They don’t want mates on campus. I guess that means I’ll be living at Cloverland.” Colby said.

“I’ll go talk to Danielle on Monday, and find out.”

“It’s too late to get a weekend pass, isn’t it?”

“Sadly, yes. I have to stay here all weekend any way.”

“Oh. Well I’m staying here as well.”

“Yay! Sleep over with Lexi!” Molly cheered.

“NO! I want time with my mate, and you will NOT get in the way of that. You, and Jax both have a way of muscling in on his sibling’s time with their mates. I’m not allowing it right now.” Colby said firmly.

“But…Jax.” Molly whined. This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Nope! Not doing it. I already got yelled at for that earlier.” Jax grumbled.

“You already tried to monopolize their time together Jax? Lexi didn’t even know until tonight.” Chastity said, looking confused.

“Not them.” Jax growled.

“Oh. Then who?”

“Jax!” Dimitri snapped.

“I didn’t like the idea of Rowen staying with you this weekend pip-squeak.” Jax said quietly, and pouted.

“Jax. I love you, but sometimes you’re a pain in the butt.” Molly said with a giggle.

“Don’t worry. The only reason Darren isn’t over here is because dad is forcing him to stay in his seat. He can’t leave the table until the meal is over.” Lexi said with a giggle.

“Why is him staying with me this weekend any different than when he sleeps in my room at your apartment?” Chastity asked, confused.

“Because then Jax can be sure Rowen behaves himself. You’ll be far from here, and he can’t sneak in, and

check on you.” Molly admitted.

“Well that’s just stupid.” Chastity sniffed.

“It’s stupid that I worry about my baby sister?” Jax questioned.

“No. It’s stupid that you don’t trust him or me.” Chastity admitted, sounding hurt so I put my arm around her shoulder.

“That’s not what I meant Chastity. Really it’s not. It’s just that….well…you’ve…” Jax sputtered.

“I know Jax. Believe me no one knows more than I do, but I have to be able to make my own choices, and live my own life. I need to know you trust me enough to do that. Plus he’s your best friend. You should know you can trust him too.”

“I know. You’re right. I’m sorry.”

“It’s alright. I understand, and I forgive you.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Can we talk about Miss I’m sad because I’m not the center of attention over there?” Molly questioned.

“Who? Heather? Yeah. She hates when anyone gets more attention then her.” Lexi said.

“Will she cause a problem tomorrow?” Molly asked.

“No. If she starts to Uncle Jeremy will put her in her place.”

“Good. Nothing like bad drama during a swearing in.”

“She’s dumb, but I don’t think she’s that dumb. Although she’s been acting like tomorrow’s celebration is her going away party.”

“I’m not sure I know what that means.”

“She, and Anthony are leaving to move to her pack next week, finally. She’s been acting like the whole pack is coming to say goodbye to her.”

“Do people here like her that much?”

“No. They can’t stand her. She walked around like she’s Goddess’s gift to the pack because she’s mated to the Alpha’s son. She was so mad when Anthony lost the Alpha challenge to Robert, and Beth and Robert had their mate ceremony first.”

“Alpha challenge?”

“Yeah. Robert, and Anthony are twins. When they both scented as Alphas they were both enrolled in Alpha school when they both turned eighteen. The agreement was that they would both attend school with the Beta, as well as take the Alpha tour. When they returned they had to compete against each other. Whol ever did better in school, on the tour, built a good relationship with the Beta, and made the other submit in the challenge would be made Alpha. They had to prove they were worthy in every way before either could be named Alpha.”

“That had to be hard for both of them.”

“Robert wasn’t happy about it, and offered to be co-Alpha with Anthony. Uncle Jeremy worried about causing a divide in the pack, and said no.”

“It must have been tough to decide. They must have both done well.”

“Actually it was pretty easy. Robert worked his butt off both at school, and during the tour. He passed every class was flying colors, he strengthened alliances with other packs, as well as gained us a few. He

and the Beta built a really strong relationship even thought the Beta was at one time, Anthony’s best friend. At the challenge, Robert had Anthony submitting in minutes.”

“That must have been hard for Anthony.”

“And you had a thing for that guy?” Colby questioned.

“I was a young, lonely, impressionable girl. I’m a lot smarter now so be careful.” Lexi snapped.

“Don’t worry. I’m not going to treat you even close to how that moron did.”

“So what is going to happen to Anthony when they move to Heather’s pack?” Molly asked.

“A hard dose of reality. Her father is one of the head warriors in her pack. He won’t stand for Anthony lounging around doing nothing. Claiming he doesn’t have to do anything because he’s an Alpha’s son.” Lexi answered.

“Talking about me already love. Your poor little mate here must not be as good as an Alpha’s son huh?” I heard Anthony snark behind Lexi, and Colby growled.

Lexi put her hand on Colby’s arm, and squeezed. Chastity instantly leaned into me. I knew that meant she felt something from him she didn’t like, and made her uncomfortable. I slid my arm around her waist, pulled her close, and kissed the top of her head. She buried her face into my chest, and breathed deep.

“Anthony, go back to your table, and your mate please. No one here wants to be disturbed.” Lexi said without even looking at Anthony.

“Are you telling me that my cousins here don’t want to talk to me? Oh is this that poor little abused Omega I keep hearing so much about? I guess I’ll be stuck with her as cousin soon too.” Anthony sneered. “Don’t. Just don’t bring my sister into whatever your issues are.” Jax growled.

“Your sister? Oh that’s rich. A Beta stuck with a lowly Omega for a sister. How I pity you. You too Rowen. You got stuck with that, while I got a gorgeous warrior’s daughter.” Anthony laughed.

“Don’t you dare talk about my daughter like that.” Dimitri snapped as he slammed his hand down on the table, causing Chastity to jump.

I wrapped my other arm around her, and held her tight to me. She wasn’t trembling, but I could just tell she wasn’t ok either.

“Anthony, cousin or not, you ever say a wrong word about my mate again, and I’ll wipe the floor clean with you.” I stated firmly as I glared at him.

“I think it would be best Anthony if you walked away from this table now, and steer clear for the evening. I would also make sure your mother does not hear the way you are speaking of another Omega. She raised you better, and wouldn’t stand for such behavior.” My father stated calmly, but firmly.

“Leave my mother out of this.” Anthony snapped.

“Then leave all of us out of whatever issue you seem to have.” My father glared at Anthony.

I watched as Anthony tried to fight against my father’s stare, but in the end Anthony bowed in submission. With a huff, Anthony turned, and walked away. I watched him retake his seat, and then Jeremy snap something at him. Finally I looked back down at Chastity, and kissed the top of her head.

“Are you ok sweet girl?” I whispered to her, as I loosened my hold on her.

“Yeah. He is giving off some serious jealousy waves, and he smells funny too.” Chastity said as she pulled away from me.

“Smells funny?” Dad asked.

“Yeah. Like Greg does from all the alcohol, but not as bad.” Chastity answered with a shrug.

“Yeah. He tends to like to drink at these things.” Lexi responded.

“Ah. Well he shouldn’t. Alcohol mixed with his beets, and cabbage scent is terrible.”

“Beets, and cabbage?” Jax asked with raised eyebrows.

“Yeah. Kind of gross.” Stated Chastity as she went back to eating.

I chuckled, and shook my head. She wasn’t wrong about that. The rest of the evening went along nicely. Anthony never approached our table again. He spent the whole night sulking in his seat. I introduced Chastity to a few of the friends I had made at Alpha school that were in attendance. She impressed every

one of them.

By the time we left she was exhausted. She even fell asleep in the back seat of Marcus’s car. I had to carry her to her room, and wake her to get her to change into pajamas. She was out by the time her head hit the pillow. Not that I blamed her. She had been up early for school, and now it was after midnight. I fell asleep curled around my sweet girl, and Lilac curled up against Chastity’s chest, and my hand that was wrapped around her waist. Right where I wanted to be, always.

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