The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega

Chapter 83

Chapter 83

Chapter 83


The next month and a half flew by. Colby, and Lexi had moved into one of the mate suites on the third floor. He wasn’t around as much as Lexi had hoped just due to his own schooling. When he was there though she was always very happy. Colby, and Marcus also became pretty good friends. They had a lot more in common than either of them realized. They spent a lot of time in the gym together. At first that made Norm, and Lexi a bit nervous, but they got over it quickly when they watched the two work out together. They were very competitive.

Rowen managed to come visit me two weekends, and I went home one. We had enjoyed those times together, and I could feel our bond getting stronger. Dee-Dee helped a lot with that too. I had come a long way in how I viewed those of higher rank than myself. I still had problems with self confidence, and I did. have one major panic attack when a fight broke out between two males one day during one of Rowen’s visits.

We had been in Dark Moon’s pack town with Colby, Lexi, Norm, and Marcus, just leaving a café after having lunch. I don’t know what happened, or why, but two males started screaming at each other. The sound of their yelling caused me to lock up immediately. At the sound of flesh hitting flesh, I crumbled to the ground, and shook, badly. I couldn’t breath, and I had tears streaming down my face.

Rowen was great about the whole thing though. He simply picked me up, and ran me as far away from the fight as he could. He held me in his arms once he stopped, used calming words, rubbed my back, and ran his fingers through my hair until I came out of my attack. Of course that set off a chain reaction of seeing. myself as weak, and not good enough for him. Thankfully Dee-Dee, and Rowen helped me through that.

I also got to spend time with Molly, and Melissa. One of the weekends Rowen came to visit he brought both girls, as well as Jax, and Ross with him. Our group of ten had a blast that weekend. We went to a baseball game, at Colby’s pleading. Us girls, and Norm did a another painting class, while the guys went to compete against each other in the gym. We also got to help Norm, and Marcus work on their house a bit, followed by dinner with Norm’s family before everyone had to go home.

I had also ended up buying my own camera, and started taking a photography class. Norm-joined me for that one at first, but he just couldn’t sit still long enough to really get any good pictures. He wasn’t disappointed though. He ended up staying in the class, and became one of the models instead. That had bothered Marcus at first, until Norm reassured him that it was clothes on. Marcus loved it after that because he got a lot of pictures of his “excited boy” smiling, and happy.

I tutored Braxton diligently, and was really proud of how well he was doing so far with school. I also loved how proud of himself he was. The look on his face every time he showed me the grades he received made me smile. In such a short time, he had come a long way. He also talked about how well he was doing in warrior training in order to prepare for teaching pups self defense in the future. He didn’t talk. much about Greg though. I knew they had gotten closer, and did dinner together, just them once a week, but beyond that he wouldn’t really talk about it.

My classes were going really well, and I was actually a little bit ahead of all of my classmates. I strived to read as much as I could for each class, and have assignments complete, and ready ahead of schedule. I had worked too hard to mess this up. I wasn’t going to let myself fall behind in any way. I was proud of myself with how well I was doing. I even got a call from Dimitri several times after he heard from my instructors, raving about how impressed they were with me. Those always made me tear up with happiness because those conversations turned into just talking, and connecting. I liked getting to know my dad, and building a relationship with him.

Self defense class was going ok. I liked that I was building muscle, and getting stronger. I liked that I felt

myself getting physically fit as well. We weren’t sparing with each other, but Matt had set up punching bags, and targets in the classroom so we could start learning to punch, slap, and kick properly. As well as to identify the best targets to strike. Honestly that was my least favorite part. I didn’t like the idea of hitting another person. It didn’t help that the sounds of the punching bags being struck always made me jump. My jumping would make Matt growl. He would just have to get over it though. He didn’t know or need to know why that made me jump. Anytime he asked, Lexi would always tell him to mind his own business.

At one point Colby had come to watch the class, just to see, and got right in Matt’s face. He told him to back the hell off me. That didn’t go too well as it caused the start of a panic attack for me. Hearing Colby using the tone he once used on me, scared me. He quickly took over calming me, and got me out of there with the help of Lexi, and Norm. He didn’t watch another class again. He said it pissed him off too much to see Matt doing, and saying the things he was. He kept talking about getting Matt replaced, but I made him promise not to as I didn’t want to piss off Matt. I didn’t know how he would react if he got in trouble, and I didn’t want to find out.

Today was Friday, and I had to run to grab a few things from the supply store. I was just grabbing what I needed when my phone rang. I looked down to see it was Braxton. I knew he had had a test today, and was going to call me about it after school. I smiled as I answered it.

“Hi Braxton.” I answered cheerfully.

“Chas….Chastity.” Braxton mumbled, sounding like he was crying.

“Braxton, what’s wrong?” I asked, my smile falling instantly.

“….Can……can you come home this weekend please?”

“I…..why? What’s wrong? Braxton, tell me what happened.”

“I…..I came home from school, and went to check on Greg before I started my homework. Chastity, he’s gone.”

“Gone? What do you mean gone? He left without telling you?”

“No…..he…..he passed away.”

“Oh no. Braxton I’m so sorry.”

“I knew he was getting really bad, but I thought…..well I thought I had more time.”

“I know you did Braxton. I’m so sorry.”

“Jax, and Rowen are at Dark Moon today. I already called Jax. Can….can you come home with them today. please? I know Colby won’t be able to because of weekend training, but can you please?”

“Yes. Definitely. I’ll be there. Ok? I’m so sorry Braxton.”

“Thank you. I…..I’m going to go find dad. He said he would help me with making arrangements.”

“Ok. I’ll be home as soon as I can. Are Jax, and Rowen coming to pick me up?”

“Yes. Jax said they’ll be there to get you soon.”

“Ok. I’ll see you soon. I’m going to go pack up some stuff.”

“Ok. Thank you.”

He hung up before ! could say anything more. My heart broke for Braxton. He had been through so much in such a short time. I really worried about how this would effect him. I knew Dimitri would do all he could for him though. I quickly paid for the items I needed, and rushed out of the supply store. I was

just leaving the admin building when I heard someone call my name. I turned to see Matt jogging toward me with a smile on his face.

“Hey there Chastity.” Matt said as he reached me.

“Hi Matt. I’m sorry, but I don’t have time to talk. I need to get going.” I said as I waved to him, and started heading toward the housing building.

“Oh. Well I’ll walk you back.”

“Uh…..well….alright.” NôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.

“So how are your classes going?”


“That’s good. Do you like it here?”

“Yeah. Cloverland is a great school.”

“That’s what I hear, but I meant here, in Dark Moon.”

“Oh. Well yeah. It’s a great place.”

“Yeah. Dark Moon is the best pack in the world.”

“Um… Yeah. It does seem pretty great.”

“Think you’ll stay after you finish school?”

“No. I want to go back to my pack. I have a lot waiting for me there.”

“But what if someone wants you to stay?”

“I’m sorry, but I want to go home once I’m done here.”

“Oh. Well what are you doing this weekend?”

I had just reached my door when I turned to look at him. I was just about to answer when he backed me up against my door, and caged me in. My eyes widened, and I began to tremble in fear. What the hell was he doing? I didn’t like that at all. He ran a finger down my cheek, and smiled. I tried to get away, but he had me trapped.

“I see the way you watch me in class all of the time. You’re eyes never stray from me.” Matt said quietly.

“I…..I am watching your movements so I can repeat them.” I whispered with a shaky voice.

“I think it’s more than that. I think you want me as much as I want you. We may not be mates, but I think. we could be great together anyway. Go out with me this weekend, and I’ll prove it to you.”

“…..I’m going home this weekend.”

“So cancel, and stay here with me. We’ll make a weekend of it.”

“I…..I really can’t. I’m…..I’m not interested anyway. Thank you though.”

“I know you’re just playing hard to get, but I know you want me. I can see it.”

I was about to responded when I heard a loud growl come from my right. As scared as I was, and as much as I was trembling, I looked over, and breathed a sigh of relief. There stood a pissed off looking Jax, and Rowen. My locked up body suddenly allowed me to move, I pushed away from Matt, and went right into Rowen’s arms. He pulled me tight against him as I buried my face in his chest, breathing him in. I felt more than I saw Jax move closer to me, and put his hand on my back.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Jax growled as Rowen tried to calm me.

“Oh. I see how it is. You want more of a tag team type situation. That can be arranged.” Matt sneered. “Do you make it a habit of forcing your attentions on someone who isn’t interested?” Jax snapped. “Oh she’s interested man. She just doesn’t want you two to know it. I guess she’s not getting all she needs with just the two of you, so she wants to add me into the mix. I don’t mind sharing though. I can treat her like a little whore if she really wants.” Matt quipped, and I crinkled my brow in confusion. “Names Matt by the way. I figure if we’re going to be sharing her, we might as well all get acquainted. Who are you! two?”

“You EVER talk about my mate like that again I’ll rip your throat out.” Rowen growled, as he held me tighter.

“Oh so you like to share your mate with your buddy? I’ve never heard of mates being willing to do that before, but I’m game.” Matt said.

I blanched as I finally caught on to what he was saying I was disgusted. What was wrong with him?! could feel Rowen’s body trembling with rage against me, but surprisingly it didn’t scare me. I felt comforted by it. I felt safe, and protected. I found myself confused by that, but I pushed that aside to focus on what was happening around me. I jumped when I heard something slam against the wall. I opened my eyes, and turned to see Jax had Matt against the wall by his collar. He was right up in Matt’s face, looking very angry. Surprisingly that didn’t scare me either.

“You s stay the hell away from my sister or I’ll rip your throat out for him. Do I make myself clear?” Jax growled right in Matt’s face.

“You….you’re sister?” Matt asked, looking shocked.

“Yes my sister! She is also my Future Luna. Now as I said you come near her again, I will take pleasure in ripping your throat out if Rowen doesn’t get to you first. Got it.” Jax growled again.

“Lu….Rowen……OH shit! You’re the future Alpha of Moonlight pack?” Matt stuttered, looking very scared all of a sudden.

“Yes I am, and I will NOT put up with you coming near my mate again. Nor will I be accepting of you. touching her again. Stay the hell away.” Rowen stated firmly.

“OH please. You don’t see how she looks at me during self defense class. She wants me. She just won’t tell you she does.” Matt sneered.

“Funny considering my brother told me it was the other way around. He also told me that you were told to keep your damn hands off her, and you wouldn’t. She watches your movements so she can repeat them. She has no interest in you.” Jax snapped.

“Keep telling yourselves that. I know differently. Not I like believe any of this anyway. If she was your mate she sure as shit wouldn’t be here.” Matt chuckled.

“You know nothing of my mate or our relationship. Not like it matters at this point. I’ll be making sure you don’t come near her again.” Rowen stated.

“You can’t do shit.” Matt said, looking smug.

“One call to my cousin Robert, your Alpha, and you’ll be on shit duty for the rest of your damn life. As soon as you leave this building I’ll be making sure you don’t step foot on this campus as long as my mate is attending Cloverland.” Rowen said.

“You can’t do that.” Matt said quietly.

“Watch me.”

Rowen moved one arm he had wrapped around me away, and pulled out his phone. I watched as he lifted it to his ear.

“Hey Rob….. Yeah….Listen do you know the warrior Matt who teaches self defense at Cloverland….Ok…… Yeah that one. Can you get him taken out of here, and replaced please?…… Huh?….OH yes. He cornered Chastity and was pretty inappropriate with her…… Well Jax has him in hand right now. Probably better him then me……She’s ok…… Yeah…… Thanks. I’ll let her know……. Yeah for the weekend…..Alright…..I’ll do that. Bye.” I could only hear Rowen’s side of the conversation, but it sounded ok. He kissed the top of my head as he put his phone away.

“Well?” Jax asked, still holding Matt against the wall.

“Matt, your commander wants to see you. You’re being reassigned. If you EVER come near Chastity again. Jax, and I have permission to kill you.” Rowen said smugly.

“…..Bullshit!” Matt snapped.

“I suggest you go before I do rip your throat out right now. No one touches my sister, and his mate and gets away with it.” Jax growled.

“You couldn’t hurt me. I’d take you out in a heartbeat. You can’t be more than a low rank wolf.” Matt sneered.

“I’m a Beta actually, and while you might be older than me, I can still take you out in a blink. If I can’t he will. I don’t think you would like what he did to you first, before he killed you either.” Jax chuckled, and I trembled a bit at the malice in his voice.

“You wouldn’t. That would cause a war between our packs.” Matt whimpered.

“I already have permission. Alpha, remember, and Robert is my cousin. You touched a Luna, and her Alpha has rights to deal with an offender such as yourself in any means he deems fit.” Rowen said smugly.

I clung tighter to Rowen. Hearing he would protect, and defend me any way he could some how made me feel good. It shouldn’t. It should probably scare me, but in the moment it didn’t. Not at all. He kissed the top of my head again.

“I suggest you go before he releases Chastity because I have no doubt she is the ONLY thing keeping him from killing you right this second.” Jax stated as he released Matt, and stepped back.

Matt took one look at all of us, and ran down the hall. I snuggled into Rowen as I felt him take a deep breath, and let it out.

“Are you ok sweet girl?” Rowen asked me gently, and I nodded against his chest.

“He didn’t hurt you did he?” Jax asked, and I shook my head no.

“Good. I hate to say this, but we need to get a move on. Did Brax call you?’ Jax questioned.

“Yeah. He did. I feel horrible for him.” I responded as Rowen slowly released me, and I took a step back.

“Me too. How quickly can you get packed?’ Jax asked.

“Pretty quick, if you two help me.” I responded as I opened my door.

“We can do that.” Rowen said as they followed me into my room.

“Ok. Rowen, can you get my toiletries together. I’m going to get clothes. Jax, can you dump some of Lilac’s food in one of the Ziploc bags over there, grab her food bowl, and a couple of toys please?” I asked as I went to grab a duffle bag.

“Uh…..I have a food bowl, and toys for her at my apartment.” Jax admitted as he scratched the back of his head.

“You what?” I gasped.

“Well it’s got to be a pain the ass for you to carry all of this stuff whenever you come home so I picked up some stuff for her so you don’t have to.” Jax explained, and I giggled at him.

“Lilac is going to be spoiled rotten when you move home Chastity. I got her a 6 foot cat tree, and a window seat for my place last weekend.” Rowen chuckled as he walked into the bathroom.

“And you two don’t even like cats.” I snickered as I threw clothes into my duffle bag.

“Yeah well you love her so what can we do?” Rowen questioned as he came out of the bathroom holding my toiletry bag.

“I don’t know.” I responded as I took it, and put it in my duffle bag.

I grabbed Lilac’s harness, and put it on her then clipped on her leash. Rowen picked up my duffle bag. After I stuffed my journal into my book bag, I was ready.

“Um….Pip Squeak.” Jax called me quietly.

“Yeah?” I questioned.

“Um…do you really want to spend 4 hours in the car wearing gym clothes?”


I looked down at myself to see I was still in my work out clothes from self defense class. I said shit quietly, grabbed clothes, and went change as I heard Jax, and Rowen chuckle. With a shake of my head I changed. I was coming out of the bathroom as there was a knock at my door. Rowen opened it to find a panting Colby standing there.

“Brax called me. I…I can’t get out of weekend training. I tried. I….I feel horrible. He needs us there.” Colby panted.

“Colby, it’s ok. He understands.” Jax said quietly.

“But he needs his family with him right now. I should be there.”

“He does. Chastity, and I will be there for him this weekend, but he understands why you can’t be. He knew about your training even before this happened. When he called me to tell me he also told me to tell you not to beat yourself up about not being there. He told me to tell you that you’re not letting him down. by not being able to come home. He told me to tell you that you would let him down if you screwed up here by leaving when you really can’t. He wants this for you, and doesn’t want you to lose your chance at Denu.” Jax explained gently.

“He…He said that?”

“He did. He said that what you can do for him now is do what you’re supposed to be doing here then. come visit when you can. You two will go train together or throw balls for awhile then. Right now he needs you to focus on your training. Alright?”

“Yeah. Alright. Damn it. That poor pup. He’s been through some shit lately.”

“Yeah he has, but he’ll get through it.”

“I know. Chas, can you give him an extra hug for me?”

“Of course Colby.” I responded.

“Thanks. I gotta get back. I have to be in formation in less than an hour.”

“Alright. We love you brother, and make us proud.” Jax said with a smile.

Colby only nodded. He looked sad, but he took back off down the hall to get back to Denu. I felt bad that he couldn’t come home for Braxton, but I understood. I knew there were going to be times over the next couple of years that I wouldn’t be able to go home due to school either.

Jax, and Rowen grabbed my stuff for me. After I picked up Lilac we left the building in silence. Most of the drive home was quiet. Rowen sat in the back seat, and just held me as I stared out the window, and worried about Braxton. I hoped Greg passing didn’t set him back in any way. He had been doing so well. I hope it didn’t spark his anger either. He was doing well learning to control that too. I guess I would see when I got home.

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