The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega

Chapter 97

Chapter 97

Chapter 97


After breakfast everyone went off to do their own thing. Ross, Braxton, and Gina went off to school. Molly went to teach. She was loving her students, and teaching even more than she did before. Melissa was scheduled to work at her mom’s shop with her for the day. Dad, Joe, Peter, Jax, and Rowen got to work. on their usual responsibilities.

That just left Lexi, and me with nothing to do. After some thought we decided to do some studying, and school work. We had finals coming up in the next few weeks, and we wanted to prepare. We had our books, and notes spread out all across the living room floor. Lilac was stretched out in the sun by the window, sleeping peacefully.

“Hey Chas.” Lexi said suddenly..

“Yeah?” I questioned as I flipped over a page of notes.

“We didn’t make you uncomfortable the other night did we?”


“With all of the sex talk.”

“Oh. Uh A little, but that’s ok.”

“Sorry. We didn’t mean to.”

“It’s really ok Lexi. I need to know I can talk to someone about this stuff. It also helped me understand it a bit more. Talking about it with you all, and listening actually helped me a lot.”

“It did?”


“Did….something happen between you and Rowen?”


“It’s ok. You don’t have to tell me. If something did, I hope you enjoyed it.”

“…..yeah. I did.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“….I don’t know.”

“Ok. I won’t pressure you.”

After a few moments of thinking about it, I told Lexi what happened. I know it wasn’t much, but to me it was kind of a big deal because I let him touch me.

“So did you enjoy yourself?” Lexi asked.

“….yeah I did.” I responded with a blush.

“Good. That’s all that matters.”

“He said the same thing. I don’t understand that though. How could he enjoy that when he got nothing out

of it?”

“But he did.”

“What though?”

“Like we said the other night, a male’s greatest pleasure is getting his mate off. Knowing that he is the only one that can get her off. That he’s the one touching her. It is an ego boost really.”

“But why?”

“Because males are all about ego. Especially when it comes to sex. We females are too. Believe me, the first time you get him off from you actions, you’ll feel like you’re on the top of the world.”

“Again, why?”

“Because something you did caused him to feel so damn good he couldn’t control himself. He had no control over his body’s reaction, and it was all because of what you did to him. Males are the same way.”

“I’m not sure I completely understand.”

“You will the first time you make him cum.”

“I….uh….well he did last night.”

“Did you do anything to make him cum?”

“I….I don’t think so.”

“What was happening when he came?”

“I…I think he was rubbing against me. I was kind of lost in my own little world so I’m not completely sure.”

“Yeah. Orgasms can do that to you.”


“You’ll see what I mean the first time something you’re doing makes him cum.”

“I’ll take your word for it.”

“Good idea.”

We got back to studying after that. I was so lost in it that I didn’t pay attention to the time. I almost jumped when the alarm on my phone went off. I needed to get moving if I wanted to get to lunch with Jax on time. I said something to Lexi about leaving. She waved me off, and I left. I got to the diner where I was meeting Jax early. I found a table in the back corner, and quietly waited. When I saw Jax come in I was a bit confused. He had a huge bag in his hand, and a big smile.

“Hey there pip-squeak.” Jax said as he put the bag down, and gave me a huge hug.

“Hi Jaxy.” I giggled as he squeezed me.

Once he put me back down he slid into the seat across for me. He was about to speak when our waitress came to our table. She was an early 20 something with black curly hair, and eye make up. She also had on. a top that was too tight making the top of her boobs seem like they were gong to spill out.

“Hey there handsome. What can I get you?” She flirted.

“Can my sister get a Dr. Pepper, and I’d I like a coke.” Jax responded, not looking at her.

“Uh. Yeah. Sure.” She huffed, and walked away as I giggled.

“I think she would serve herself in a glass to you, if you asked.” I said with a snort.

“Yup. We used to mess around back in high school. She keeps trying now that I’m home again. Molly dumped a drink on her the last time we were here.” Jax said as he looked over the menu.

“She didn’t?”

“Oh yeah.”


“Because the stupid female leaned over in front of me, and pulled her top down even more. Her tits almost fell into my face. Molly got mad, and dumped her water on her. Said she felt the female was a little too warm, and needed to cool down a bit. Funniest thing I’ve seen in my life.”



“Did Molly calm down after that?”

“Hell no. She stood up, and yelled at me in front of the whole restaurant.”

“Oh no. Did you fight for long?”

“Hell no. I drug her to the bathroom, and calmed her right down.”

“How did you do that?”

“I put her on the counter, and..never mind. You don’t need the details.”

“Jax! In public? Really?”

“Sure. Why not?”

“What is wrong with you people? That’s private.”

“Not that I want to know, but Rowen, and you haven’t had some fun in public before?”

“Jax, I don’t want to talk about this.”

“Good. Neither do 1. You’re my sweet, pure, innocent baby sister. You’ll never have sex or do anything. sexual, ever!”

“Oh lord. You’re as bad as Colby.” NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

“Here you go. No psycho she-devil today, I see?” The waitress asked as she put our drinks on the table.

“She’s not a psycho, or a she-devil. She’s my mate, and you better keep your mouth shut about her.” Jax growled at him.

“You know I love it when you growl.”

“Knock that shit off. I’m not interested.”

“But we had so much fun. You remember how wet you always got me, and how it felt to….”

“You know you’re working, and that’s kind of disgusting to say in front of other people, right?” I cut her off.

“Who asked you?” The waitress snapped at me.

“No one, but I don’t want to hear about that kind of thing.”

“Oh I see. So it’s ok when he does that with you, and cheats on his mate with you, but when I try to jump in, it’s disgusting? You’re a hypocrite.”

“Um….what? He’s my brother. What is wrong with you?”

“You’re broth….oh. Well in that case. Mind if I steal him for a bit. Remind him of how good we were together.”

“No one is better than my mate. Fuck off, and send a new waitress.” Jax growled.

“You’re stuck with me sexy.” The waitress purred.

“Fine. Get me a bacon cheeseburger with ketchup, mustard, tomato, and onions. Chas, what do want?”

“Uh. Can I get a turkey club sandwich with no tomato, and fries please?” I requested.

“Ok.” The waitress said then huffed away.

“What is with you males?” I asked with a giggle.

“What?” Jax questioned.

“You just can’t seem to keep the females away.”

“It’s a curse.”

“One you all took full advantage of.”

“What can I say? When you’ve got it, you’ve got it.”

“And that’s enough of that.”


“So…um….what’s in the bag?”

“Oh. Uh. Four years of things I picked up for you.”



“I got you presents for every birthday, and Christmas I missed. Plus things I picked up during my tour that I thought you might like.”

“Jax, you didn’t have to do that. Why didn’t you send them home?”

“I don’t know. Just a feeling I had that you wouldn’t get them.”

“You’re probably right about that.”

“Do you want to open them?”

“Um. Sure.”

Jax pushed the bag across the table to me. I set it on the bench beside me, and looked in. Most of it was badly wrapped, and that made me giggle. There was a lot of stuff in there.

“I tried to sort it, oldest to newest. I think I got it right because there are dates on the tags.” Jax explained, looking embarrassed.

I nodded, and pulled out the first package. It was pretty squishy. I giggled at how badly wrapped it was then opened it. Inside was a stuffed horse that made me giggle again.

“You always liked looking at horse pictures, and well I thought you need one of your own.” Jax explained as he scratched his head.

“It’s cute. Thank you.” I responded, and set it aside to grab the next package.

Inside was a sweatshirt with his school name on it in tie-dye. It looked a little small though.

“It probably won’t fit you now. Sorry.” Jax said.

“It’s ok. It’s the thought that counts.” I said.

The next couple of gifts were books. They were on the younger side, but that didn’t matter. I would still add them to my small collection. The next thing I pulled out was a hand made mug that was a little lop- sided, and painted purple.

“There was an elementary school not far from us that did a fundraiser. This was one of the pieces no one even looked at. I felt for the little girl who made it as she looked so sad whenever anyone walked past it. Something told me that if you had seen her face you would have bought it just to see her smile.” Jax stated.

“I would have. It’s cute. I can use it to hold my hair ties or something” I responded with a smile.

Next was another squishy package. I opened it to find it was a fuzzy blanket that had flowers printed all over it. It was soft, and really pretty. I loved it.

“I remembered how much you loved fuzzy blankets, and flowers. I thought you would like it.” Jax said.

“I really do, and it will go well with the sheets on my bed at school.” I said.

The next two packages were a small. They beautiful painting of the moon, and a drawing set. I smiled at both. I knew exactly where I wanted to put the painting, and I was excited to use the drawing set. The final package was very small, and perfectly wrapped. I opened it carefully to find a black jewelry box. Inside I found a white gold ring that had something engraved on the band.

“…I was with Molly at a jewelry store. She was getting something for her mom for her birthday. I was wandering around a bit when I came to the rings, and saw this. I remembered the ring your mom got you. when you were a baby. I wasn’t sure if it still fit you. I knew if your mom was still alive, and it didn’t

fit any more, she would get you another one. Since she isn’t I decided to do it. There were hearts engraved all around it. I had them sand some of them off, and had the words your mom put on the first ring, added. If you look at the top of the ring it says “Where you are I am” with a heart on each side.” Jax explained quietly.

“I…Jax, I don’t know what to say. Thank you.” I whispered with tears in my eyes.

I ran my finger lightly over the ring for a moment before I took it out of the box, and slid it onto the pointer finger of my right hand. It fit just right. I smiled as a few tears trickled down my cheeks.

“It’s perfect. Thank you Jaxy.” I said smiling at my brother who never forgot me, and always loved me no

matter what.

“You’re welcome pip-squeak. I know you’ve probably outgrown most of this stuff, but I wanted you to have it anyway. I wanted you to know that you were always important to at least one person, no matter what.” Jax said quietly.

“You have no idea how much that means to me.”

“I hope it means a lot.”

“It really does.”

“Good. Now, no more mushy stuff. Time put all of that away, eat our food, and have a good time.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

Right on cue the waitress dropped our food on the table, and huffed, looking at the piles of wrapping paper on the table.

“I hope you plan on cleaning up after yourself.” The waitress grumbled.

“Bring us a trash bag, and we’ll put the paper in it.” Jax stated as he picked up his burger.

Moments later the waitress slapped a bag on the table, and walked away.

“Has she always been like that?” I asked after taking a bite of my sandwich.

“Yup.” Jax answered.

“What did you see in her?”



“What? I was horny teenage wolf, and she was easy.”

“Jax! I don’t need or want to know.”

“You did ask so that tells me you did.”

“Not really.”

“Fine. Fine. So tell me about your favorite class.”

We chatted for awhile about my classes, and things I was doing at school. Jax then told me about what he was doing with dad, and his responsibilities. We also talked about Braxton, and how he was holding up after the loss of Greg. I was really happy to hear that the loss hadn’t sent him backwards. Jax also told me some stories about my mom after we finished our meal, and left the diner. I liked hearing stories. about my mom. I felt I was getting to know her.

“So Rowen tells me you added some more ideas to the Community Center upgrades?” Jax said as we walked past the building.

“Yeah. We need a real playground for all the pups.” I stated.

“Yeah. You know, I have to tell you Chastity that I’m really proud of you. You’ve come a long way in the last 6 months.”

“Thank you Jax. That means a lot. I still have my bad days, but I know I’ll get there. One of my biggest struggles is self confidence. I’m trying though. Dee-Dee said it will take time.”

“You seem to be more confident than you used to be.”

“A little, but fake it until you make it, right?”

“You shouldn’t have to fake it though.”

“I know. I’m really not faking it. I do feel a little bit better about myself. Doing the things I’m doing, and seeing my accomplishments helps.”

“You really are happy there, aren’t you?”

“I am, but I’m not.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m happy that I’m living my dream, and learning to do what I want to do with my life. I’m happy that the time away from home is doing a lot of good for me mentally, and emotionally.”


“But I miss home. I miss my pack. I miss helping my pack. I miss taking care of my pack. I also feel like I left before I really had relationships established with my family, and friends. I feel a bit like I’m missing out on things here.”

“I can understand that.”

“You can?”

“Yes. Remember I was away for 4 years. I missed a lot while I was gone.”

“How did you get through it?”

“I reminded myself that it wasn’t forever. That I would get to come home, and do the things I wanted to do. I could focus back on my pack, and my relationships. It wasn’t always easy. There were times I wanted to give up, and come home, but I kept pushing forward.”


“I reminded myself that my being in school was for the good of the pack, and my family. That in learning what I was I would be better able to take care of my pack, and help it grow.”

“…I guess I can see that.”

“It’s the same thing with you Chas. You are learning an important job that will help our pack. The people that love you aren’t going any where. We miss you, and would be happy if you were home, but we also want this for you. We want to see you grow, flourish, and live

“I know, and that means a lot to me. It really does.”

your dream.”

“We know. You said that was one of your biggest struggles. What’s the other one?”


“Nope. Not talking about this. Remember what I said. You’re sweet, pure, and innocent. You always will -be.”

“Jax, you’re funny.”

“I’m serious.”

“I know you are, but you know….”

“Chastity, I really don’t want to talk about this, but I get it. In some ways you were pretty sheltered. That’s not always a bad thing. Thing is though, sex is a normal, natural thing.”

“I keep hearing that.”

“It’s the truth. I do NOT want to know what is happening between you, and Rowen behind closed doors, but just know that whatever it is, is natural.”

“You talk about being behind closed doors, and private, but what about you with Molly in the diner bathroom. That door may have been closed, but it certainly wasn’t private.”

“It wasn’t, but it sure was fun.”

“Eww. Jax! You do that on purpose.”

“Of course I do. To show you that it’s normal, and ok.”

“But in public?”

“You do realize that if we all stayed in our wolf forms all of the time, sex would happen constantly, any where, with any one around, right?”


“Yes. Animals don’t care about privacy or any of that. Only our human side does. In the old days, long before our lives were what they are now, sex in front of the pack was normal.”


“Yes. Especially the Alpha, when he found his mate.”

“What what do you mean by that?”

“At their mating ceremony, he would have sex with her right in front of the whole pack. In human form, and in wolf form. It was considered an honor to witness the Alpha mount his Luna in front of the whole pack. It showed that the Alpha line would be continued, and the pack was safe. It was also considered a fertility blessing. Many pack members would end up having sex with their mate at the same time the Alpha was taking his Luna. It was a believed that if they had sex as the Alpha was at that moment their chance of pregnancy rose.”

“That’s….that’s kind of weird.”

“To think of it now, it is, but back then it was normal, and expected.”

“So what, she would just bend over, and he would….”

“Maybe she bent over, but back then females were expected to remain virgins. Yes there were always the pack whores, as they were called, that males would go to when they got horny, but the mass majority of females were virgins. The Alpha would still fuck her in front of the pack for the first time, but I doubt he just bent her over, and went at it. He would do his part to arouse her enough that he could take her. That was all part of the show because arousing the Luna for all of the pack to see, aroused everyone else. It was all part of the point.”

“I…I don’t want to do that.”

“You won’t. That tradition stopped about a hundred years ago.”

“Do you know why it stopped? Not that I’m complaining.”

“If I remember correctly a female refused. She found it degrading to be put on display like that. It caused a big fight between her, and the Alpha, but she said or did something to make him see her side. Slowly more females took a stand against the practice, and well, here we are today. No more public matings.”

“Do you ever wish it hadn’t changed?”

“Well considering my little sister is mated to my Alpha, hell no! I do not want to see my little sister having sex. I don’t even want to think about it. I know it will happen or already has happened, but I don’t want to

see or think about it.”

“No problem.”

“Good. Is there anything else you’re struggling with?”

“No. Just those two things.”

“You’ll get there. I have faith in you.”

“Thank you Jax.”

“You’re welcome.”

“I had a great time today.”

“I did too. I need sometime with you.”

“I know. You should come out to Dark Moon, just you, and we could spend the day together.”

“I will do that.”

“I hope so.”

We continued walking home in silence. It was nice to spend time with my big brother. He had always been very important to me. I missed him while he was gone, and I missed him now that I was away. I

followed him into the backyard, and he pulled me down next to him.

“You know what I miss?” Jax asked.

“What’s that?” I responded.

“How you used to chase me around when we played. You were so cute trying to keep up with me on those. little legs of yours, giggling the whole time. You’d be in these adorable little pigtails, red faced from running, and giggling.”


“Yeah. That, and when I would be reading to you, you’d crawl into my lap, curl up on my chest, pull one of my arms around you, and listen to me read. Sometimes you would point at pictures or tap my chest with your little hand and say I love you Jaxy. You were such a snuggle bug.”

“I don’t remember that. How did Aurora react to that?”

“She hated it, but learned quickly to leave me alone.”

“What did you do?”

“I told her off. You were my baby sister, and I wasn’t going to put up with her taking you away from me.”

“I think I’m a little big to crawl into your lap now, Jax.”

“I don’t know. You’re still pretty tiny.”

“That’s just because you’re a sasquatch.”

“Is that a fact?”

Next thing I knew, Jax was tickling me, making me squealing, and laugh. As soon as I could get away from him, I took off running. He chased me as we both laughed. Eventually it changed to me chasing him. I had just caught up to him, and was about to jump on him when I heard someone yell.

“WHAT IS GOING ON OUT HERE?” Dad yelled from the deck, but he looked like he was trying not to laugh.

Jax must have tripped because the next thing I knew we both tumbled onto the ground. Me landing on his back, both of us laughing.

“He tickled me, so I had to get away from him.” I said as I laughed.

“She turned on me. I had to avoid being tickled some how.” Jax grumbled.

“I thought all, but one of my pups were adults, but it appears I was wrong.” Dad chuckled.

“We can be both.” Jax stated.

“I guess you can.” Dad agreed.

“When was the last time you did something child like dad?” Jax asked.

“Um….son, I’m in my 40s, what do you think?”

Jax helped me sit up, and looked at me with a small, evil smile. I snickered, and nodded. It was time to remind dad what it meant to be a pup.

“I already mind linked Colby, and Braxton. Put on the cute, begging daughter face.” Jax whispered to me. “Daddy, will you come play with us?” I whined, and pouted at dad, trying not to laugh.

“Chastity, you’re 18. Aren’t you a little old to be rough housing, and playing games?” Dad asked while smiling.

“I don’t think so. Besides it’s been a reeeally looong time.”

As soon as I finished my sentence I spotted Colby, and Braxton sneaking up with Nerf guns. It took all I had to maintain my pouty face. When Colby was in range, he fired a Nerf dart at dad, who spun around quickly. Colby took off toward us quickly, and threw a gun at me Braxton did the same for Jax, after handing one to dad.

“What the!” Dad yelled as we all tried to take shots at him, “That’s it! You’re all in trouble.”

With a growl he started chasing after us. I wasn’t as fast as Jax, Colby, and Braxton. Before I knew what happened I was up over someone’s shoulder, being carried away, with a second gun being shoved in my hand.

“I got you pip-squeak! Just fire at him!” Jax laughed as he started to run again.

With a laugh I tried to shoot dad, but I kept missing. Braxton switched teams, and went after Colby as dad chased Jax and me. I finally hit dad in the chest, and he looked at me with a really sad look.

“Really baby girl? You shot your daddy? You’re not supposed to shot daddy, you’re supposed to love him.” Dad whined, and pouted at me as he dropped to his knees.

“Wait! Wait! Jax, put me down! I need to make sure he’s ok.” I yelled as I got worried about dad.

“He’s playing you Chas. Don’t fall for it.” Colby said as he chased Braxton.

“He wouldn’t do that to me.” I said, and Jax put me down.

I ran toward dad, who was kneeling on the ground. Before I knew what happened, he grabbed me, and started to tickle me. I squealed, and tried to get away.

“Jaxy help me! He’s taken me hostage.” I gasped out, while laughing.

Jax came barreling toward us, laughing. Colby not far behind him. Dad wrapped me in a bear hug before they could reach us. At that point we were all laughing, and gasping for breath. I don’t think I had ever laughed that hard.

“What the hell is going on out here?” We heard some one yell behind us.

We turned to see Joe, Rowen, and Peter looking at us funny.

“What does it look like Joe?” Dad asked.

“It looks like my distinguished Beta forgot he has a conference call in 10 minutes, and rolled in a leaf pile.” Joe answered with a chuckled.

“I got suckered by my oh so sweet, and innocent daughter here into acting like a hooligan.” Dad responded.

“Sorry Joe. I just wanted my dad to play with me.” I pouted.

“That doesn’t work on me. I have a daughter too.” Joe said, trying to look stern.

-“Not true dad. You fall for every time.” Rowen laughed.

“Yeah well that’s because……never mind. Dimi, we have a conference call, and you need to change.” Joe shook his head, laughed, and walked away.

Laughing Peter, Rowen, dad, Braxton, and Colby followed behind him. Jax was brushing himself off, and put his hand out to me to help me up when I got an idea.

“Jaxy, my legs are tired, can I have a piggy back ride.” I pouted up at Jax.

“Seriously? You’re 18 now. You can walk.” Jax said, looking shocked.

“Please Jaxy, my legs are tired.” I pouted more.

“I’m not dad. That doesn’t work on me.”

I just looked up him, pouted, and looked like I was going to cry.

“You know some day, pip-squeak that won’t work on me.” Jax grumbled as he kneeled down in front me.

“That day isn’t today though.” I giggled as I climbed up onto his back.

“I’m such a sucker.” Jax mumbled as he carried me into the house.

“Yeah, but you’re my favorite sucker.” I giggled as I got off his back.

“Hey!” Rowen said as he entered the kitchen.

“What?” I asked as I smiled at him.

“I thought I was your favorite?” Rowen complained.

“Are you sucker?”

“Well no.”

“So how can you be my favorite sucker if you’re not a sucker?”


“Well I suckered dad into playing with us, and I suckered Jax into giving me a piggy back ride. Of those. two suckers Jax is my favorite.”

“Well I know something you can sucker me into that will instantly make me your favorite.”


“I could make you….”

“Don’t you dare finish the sentence.” Jax growled.

My eyes brows pinched in confusion until I saw the smirk on Rowen’s face. My eyes widen, and I blushed.

I couldn’t believe he would even think something like that!

“Rowen! Don’t even think things like that!” I squeaked then left the room quickly.

I heard Rowen laugh as Jax growled. When I walked into Jax’s apartment I found Lexi reading a book. I flopped down across from her, and sighed.

“What happened to you?” Lexi asked as she set her book down.

I told her about playing in the backyard with my dad, and brothers. She was giggling right along with me. I told her about lunch with Jax, and showed her all of the gifts he had given me. She was inspecting the ring when she showed me the inside of it. There was a second inscription. It read, we love you pip- squeak. That made me tear up, and smile. I couldn’t believe I ever thought that Jax would treat me badly. In all of my memories there had never been a day that he did. After I put the ring back on I sat back, and just smiled.

“I like seeing you this happy, and relaxed.” Lexi commented.

“Thank you. You know there was a time when I never thought I would be happy. Not truly happy any way. I still can’t believe it’s only been 6 months since my life has turned completely around.” I responded, still smiling.

“You’ve come a long way from the girl I scared in the cafeteria.”

“Yeah. Did you ever think we would be such good friends?”

“Honestly, no.”

“Why is that?”

“When I first saw you talking to Norm that day. I hated everyone, and trusted no one. When I asked you to be friends, I really didn’t think you would take me seriously. I didn’t think you would reject me. I just didn’t think you’d put effort into it. You were so closed off that day, and you were hiding in a way. I was shocked the following day, in self defense class, when you not only came up to me, but you drug Norm along with you. I was still worried because I’ve had a lot of bad experiences with females in my life.”

“What happened? You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, of course.”

“No. It’s ok. As you know I grew up with Darren, Robert, Anthony, Blake, and Marcus. They were my only friends until I started elementary school. It wasn’t on purpose. It was just how it was because I was the only female pup living in the pack house. I mean sometimes the Omegas who worked in the house would bring their pups, and I would play with the girl pups, but it wasn’t all of the time. The first couple of years in elementary school the females picked on my for only have male friends.”

“That’s terrible.”

“It definitely wasn’t great. I think I was in 4th grade when I finally made my first female friend: We had a lot of fun playing together during recess. It wasn’t until our first sleepover at the pack house that I noticed something funny.”

“What was that?”

“She spent more time following Blake, and Darren around then playing with me. After that every sleep over we had was at my home instead of hers, and every time she would follow them around. I finally asked her why, and she said she wanted to spend time with them, more than me. I stopped talking to her after that. I didn’t make another female friend until 7th grade, and it was much the same. Sleep overs only at my house, and she followed one of the males around until they told her to stop. It just kept happening, right into high school. High school was the worst.”

“What happened?”

“I became friends with this female, Celeste. We were really close, or so I thought. She spent a whole weekend at my house, and one night I woke up, but couldn’t find her. I was about to call her cell phone when I caught her trying to sneak into Darren’s room. I got really angry, and asked her what she thought she was doing. You know what she said to me?”


“She wasn’t at my house to hang out with me. She was there because she wanted to sleep with Darren, but he always ignored her. The only way she could come up with getting close to him was to pretend to be my friend then sleep with him while she was speeding the night at my house. I was so angry I ended up waking up my whole family from yelling at her. Dad drove her home that night, and that was the last female I made friends with until you.”

“Wow! I’m so sorry they did that to you.”

“it’s ok now. I just learned to be careful who I trust, and no female fit the bill. The stuff with Anthony made it worse because I felt like I was being laughed at.”

“But you weren’t.”

“I didn’t know that at the time. You know what made you different, and made me take a chance on you?”

“What’s that?”

“A few things really.”

“What were they?”

“Well for one, like I told you once, you stood up for me, and didn’t even know me. You said maybe I just needed a friend to be there, and listen. The only person I ever really had do that for me was my brother Darren. Yes my brother and I are good friends, but he’s still my brother you know?”

“Yeah. I get that.”

“The other thing, and it may sound awful, but it’s the truth. I’m sorry for that.”

“What was it?”

“I knew who you were as soon as I saw you from the conference call with Joe about what happened to you. I knew you were the Beta’s daughter, and the future Beta’s sister. I didn’t know you were Rowen’s mate at the time. I knew you had the same kind of connections as I did, so I pretty much guessed you wouldn’t use me to get close to the higher rank males.”

“Oh. Well, that doesn’t sound as awful as you think, considering what females have done to you in the past.”

“I guess it doesn’t, but it seemed that way. Anyway, I’m really glad I reached out to you. You, and Norm have shown me what true friends, that aren’t family really are. You showed me that there are people in this world I can trust. I also have made some really great female friends because of you, and I met my mate. He maybe a pain in the ass at times, but he’s really good to me. Sucks at romance, but treats me well otherwise. I love him a lot, and I may not have met him if it weren’t for you.”

“Awww. Lexi, you’re gonna make me cry.”

“Sorry. I just had to say it.”

“Thank you. You know, I was terrified to really talk to you when you approached me that day.”

“I could tell. Why?”

“My experience with high rank females. I knew you were the Gamma’s daughter because Norm had told me. I was afraid you would look down on my for being an Omega. I think you’ve helped me as much as I’ve helped you.”

“Why do you say that. You have Melissa, and Molly.”

“Melissa is an Omega, like me.”

“That’s true.”

“She’s not a high rank wolf, or she wasn’t until she mated Ross. Melissa is a low rank regular wolf. You out rank all three of us. That’s why I was scared.”

“Oh. Yeah.”

“Being my friend, and also having me around other high rank wolves helped me get over my fear for good. You, more than anyone, showed me that high rank wolves do not need to be feared. You also showed me what true friendship is. Yes I have Molly, and Melissa, but I spend more time with you and Norm. I only had a few weeks with Molly, and Melissa before I left.”

“You went to school with Melissa.”

“I did, but you have to remember what my life was like at that point. I didn’t talk to my classmates because I was scared that Fiona had poisoned them against me. I didn’t officially meet Melissa until graduation night. I didn’t start interacting with her until a week before I left. For the first 6 days I knew

Molly I was in the hospital. After that I was terrified of everyone, She helped me a lot in those weeks, and was there for me, but I was still scared. I didn’t trust anyone to not turn against me at any moment.”

“Are you still scared of that?”

“Sometimes, but it’s getting better. That Fiona dream didn’t help.”

“Thankfully dreams are not reality.”

“That’s very true. The other thing you’ve done for me, is helped me through panic attacks. I can’t tell you how much it means to me that you helped me through that first one. I don’t know what would have. happened if it weren’t for your quick thinking. You got me away, and did exactly what needed to be done. to bring me back.”

“You scared the hell out of me that day. I didn’t know what was going on or what happened. All I knew for sure is that I needed to get you away, and that Rowen would know what to do to calm you down.”

“You did all of the right things that day, and I thank you.”

“You’re my best friend. How would I not help you?”

“True. You’re a damn good one too.”

“So are you.

I was very thankful I found Lexi, and that she had become such a good friend to me. She, and Norm really got me through the roughest time. Some how I knew I could always count on them. No matter what. We continued to chat about random things until Jax, Rowen, Colby, and Molly arrived. The group of us sat around laughing, and joking until it was time for dinner. That evening was really pleasant with plenty of laughs due to Joe picking on dad about playing with his pups. Rowen, and I didn’t do more than kiss a few times that night before I passed out.

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