The Alpha’s Forbidden Love

Chapter Fifty


Restless days turned into anxious nights as Lucy’s absence continued to gnaw at my mind. My thoughts were filled with worry and I found it difficult to focus on anything else than the haunting question of where she could be. The weight of uncertainty pressed upon me with each passing moment. And I knew I had to take action.

Determined to find her, I sought out my Beta, Glen, to help me. He was the only one who could help me without creating any suspicion within the pack.

My voice was firm as I issued the command. “Glen, I need your help. I need you to find Lucy, she’s been absent for too long and I’m worried about her safety.”

Glen’s expression mirrored my concerns. “When was the last time you saw her?”

“A few days now. It’s unlike her to be absent for this long, I’m worried that something must have happened to her,” I said, my voice laced with emotions.

“You have nothing to worry about, I’ll do everything I can to find her,” he said with a reassuring smile.

Hours turned into a day and Glen returned with no positive remark. “I’m sorry, Alpha, I searched everywhere in the woods and close to the rogue’s territory but there was no trace of her.”Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

My heart sank at the news, her sudden absence had caused a rift in my heart, creating a haunting mystery for me, one that refused to yield an answer. I paced around in my chambers, my thoughts filled with worry and fear.

One evening, as the sun began to set below the horizon. I took a walk around the pack when my senses heightened. I caught a familiar scent that was carried by the wind, a scent that set my nerves on edge. Lucy’s scent.

I followed the trail without hesitation, my heart pounding in anticipation. I knew she would come around soon enough, it was only a matter of time. The set scent led me to the treehouse where it lingered in the air. I felt relieved- she was here and I hoped we could find a way to bridge the gap that had grown between us.

I quickly climbed the stairs to the treehouse, catching my breath at every step. My eyes scanned the place, but she was nowhere to be found. I could still smell the scent coming from her but she was out of sight. My gaze landed on the bed where a folded piece of parchment rested. With my heart racing, I rushed over to the bed and picked up the note.

I read through the note, absorbing every word that conveyed pain and resolution. She had just told me that she needed time, time to seek out the truth and gain clarity. She feared that her father’s hand in my father’s death would break our bond. But that didn’t matter to me, what happened between our fathers was in the past to me and it wouldn’t stop me from loving her. The note was a bittersweet reassurance that she was alive but did little to ease the turmoil in my heart.

Clutching the note in my hand, I rushed out of the treehouse, my eyes searching the surroundings with the hope of finding her. I called out her name, my voice filled with desperation, but there was no response, the woods were silent.

After hours of searching with no positive result, I retraced my steps back to my pack’s territory. My heart was heavy with longing for her and this made me frustrated. The note I had retrieved from the treehouse remained clutched in my hands, it was a reminder of the bond we shared and a threat to tear everything down.

I returned to my chambers with a heavy heart. My gaze settled on the disheartening note she had left for me, I unfolded it to glance through one more time as if each word had the key to deciphering the emotions she felt within her. I traced the lines, making a silent promise under my breath not to give up on her and to give her the time she needed to clear her thoughts, I would wait for her until she was ready.

It was night already, I stood at the entrance of my chambers watching the moon’s light filter through my entrance, casting intricate patterns on the ground. My mind was occupied with thoughts, thoughts of Lucy and her mission to clarify her doubts. I wished there was more I could do to help her, but no matter how hard I tried, all allegations still pointed at her father. There was no one present at the scene of the murder so it was his words against theirs. But I had a strong conviction that he was innocent, not because he was Lucy’s father, I didn’t know what it was.

Worrying won’t solve the issue so I decided to let it be. I flung myself on the bed with the hope of getting a good rest but I didn’t. Her note had left my mind heavy, its words a poignant reminder of the uncertainty that flooded my thoughts.

Just then. A gentle knock on the door pulled my thoughts back to me. It was Kayla, my dear loyal friend, who had become very scarce.

“Hey,” she greeted, her voice was soft, and her gaze meeting mine.

“Hey, Kayla. What are you doing here?” I asked, managing a half-hearted smile.

Her eyes drifted to the note on the bed beside me. “What is that?” she asked.

“It’s nothing,” I said, keeping it from her reach.

“Your mother told me that you’ve been unwell so I came to see you,” she said, her eyes filled with concern.

“She did? But I’m not sick, why will she tell you that?” I said I didn’t understand what she meant. Why would my mother say something like that?

“Well she said you’ve been worried about your mate and asked that I keep you company,” she said, smiling sheepishly.

My grip on the note tightened as I sighed “You didn’t have to come, I’m doing great on my own.”

“You don’t look good to me,” Kayla said.

“Yeah, it’s been tough. I can’t shake the feeling that something was wrong,” I said, concern written all over my face.

Kayla approached me, her presence a comforting anchor amidst the turmoil. “Have you tried to talk to her? Maybe there’s more to this than meets the eye.”

“She said she needed time to sort things out, to find clarity. I just…. I miss her,” I said, staring at the note one more time.

Kayla reached out, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. “Chris, I know that she cares about you from what you’ve been telling me. She wouldn’t just walk away without a reason.”

“It’s harder than you think. I wish I could just see her and talk this through, I don’t care about what happened with our fathers in the past. I just want to focus on this new bond we share,” I said, my voice tinged with frustration.

Kayla’s eyes met mine, her expression determined. “Don’t let uncertainty consume you. Let her be for now, I believe she will come around soon enough.”

“You’re right, I’ll give her the time she needs,”‘ I said, my gaze softening. “Thank you, Kayla. I needed this.”

“That’s what friends are for, Chris. Remember, fate has a funny way of working things out,” she said with a smile.

As she turned to leave, I watched her go with new-found hope. I knew the path was uncertain, but I was determined to face it with strength and resilience. Lucy’s absence was a challenge, but it was also an opportunity for me as well, an opportunity to seek truth too.

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