The Alpha’s Forbidden Love

Chapter Forty Seven


I stood at the entrance of my hut, watching the moon cast its ethereal glow over the territory, my thoughts a storm of conflicting emotions. Ever since I returned from my meeting with Chris, my mother had insisted on meeting him. According to her, he was the one who had ignited a fire within my heart and had sent ripples of uncertainty through me. She wasn’t far from the truth, I felt butterflies in my belly whenever I was with Chris and whenever the thought of him crossed my mind.

Just as I was lost in thought, I heard a familiar voice behind me which broke through the stillness. “Lucy.”

I turned to see my mother behind, her expression filled with concern. The light from the moon illuminated the worry lines on her face.

“Mother,” I greeted, my voice tinged with uncertainty.

Her gaze held a soft understanding as she placed a hand on my shoulder. “I know you’re hesitant about what we discussed earlier. But meeting Chris is important to me, you can’t keep him hidden forever.”

My fingers toyed at the edge of my cloak, my gaze distant. “I understand you, mother. But right now I don’t feel it’s necessary. Do you want to see the man that sent us into exile from our home?”

“My mother’s brow furrowed, concern deepening. “What are you talking about? He is the same man you have fallen head over heels for. Why are you still having doubts?”

I took a deep breath, steeling myself to voice the thoughts that had been plaguing me. “Mother, I still doubt that our love is real. About our family history, about my father and the circumstances that led to our banishment,” I explained.

“I see. You’re worried that his pack is responsible for our banishment,” my mother said, her expression shifting from concern to sadness.

My throat tightened with the weight of my uncertainties. “What if father truly committed those crimes levied against him? I’m scared of what he might find out.”

“Lucy, what are you talking about? Your father isn’t guilty of all the allegations levied against him, he is innocent,” my mother cried. I felt my heart break knowing I was hurting her with my words but as Chris had said before, all fingers pointed toward my father.

I nodded. “It’s a possibility, mother. Chris told me everything, all fingers still point at my father. And if it’s true, then what would it mean for us?” I asked.

My mother reached out, placing a comforting hand on my shoulders. “I understand your concerns, but I want you to know that your father didn’t do it. All fingers might point toward your father but that doesn’t make him the culprit.”

I lifted my gaze to meet hers, searching for answers in the depths of her eyes. “What if I’m wrong to trust him? What if my heart leads me astray?”

My mother said, her voice gentle yet resolute, “Your heart is a compass, my child. It guides you, but you must also listen to your instincts. If you have doubts about the truth, then take the time you need to find clarity.”

Tears welled up in my eyes, emotions swirling within me. “I don’t want to hurt Chris.”

Her fingers brushed away a tear from my cheek. “Chris cares for you deeply, Lucy. If your bond is strong, it will weather this storm. Remember, love is built on trust and mutual understanding, but also trust must be earned.”

I nodded, my heart heavy but determined. ” I need time to sort through everything. I want to be sure of my feelings and my decisions,” I said.

“Take all the time you need, my dear. But remember that I’m always here to support you and also remember that your father is innocent. I know that because he was my husband and will always be my husband,” she said with a smile.

My mother enveloped me with a comforting embrace, giving me a sense of assurance amidst my uncertainties. I knew my mother’s words held truth and wisdom and I would follow my heart, even if it meant distancing myself from Chris temporarily until I found the truth.

My mother’s words echoed in my head, urging me to trust my instincts. But my heart wavered, torn between the love I had for Chris and the shadows of doubts that clouded my thoughts. I watched the stars twinkle above, searching for answers that seemed out of reach.

I had always trusted my instinct, but the events of recent days had shaken my convictions. The allegations against my father, the mage’s warning to Chris, and the unending tension between the rogue pack and Chris’ pack, each piece of the puzzle seemed to fit together in ways I couldn’t comprehend.

My thoughts turned to Chris, his face engraved in my memory. His warm smile, and the sincerity in his eyes all felt genuine. But I feared that it would all change when the truth would be revealed. I feared that my father might have been responsible for his father’s death. Would he ever forgive me and my family if he found out? Would our love still blossom afterward?

My father’s role in Chris’ father’s death was a chilling possibility that refused to be ignored. Notwithstanding that Chris had feelings for me too it still wouldn’t change who I was to his pack members and I surely won’t be accepted as one of them.

With a heavy sigh, I realized that it was time to make a difficult decision. I couldn’t ignore the shadows of doubts that were clouded by judgment. After much thought, I returned to my hut.

Inside my hut, I sank onto my bed, my thoughts a whirlwind of confusion. The love I felt for Chris was undeniable, but I couldn’t ignore the likelihood that our love was built on something else.From NôvelDrama.Org.

As I lay there, a sense of determination settled over me. Distancing myself from Chris might be difficult but that was all I could think of until I found out the truth myself. I couldn’t afford to be blind to the reality that might shatter everything we had shared.

I rose from the bed and walked to a small wooden table across the room. I picked up a piece of parchment and a quill, my hand steady as I began to write a message to Chris.


These days have been a whirlwind, my heart is troubled and torn between the feelings I have for you and the doubts that envelope my being. I fear that my father could truly be responsible for your father’s death and this would ruin the love we’ve shared. I need time to sort through everything, to understand the truth.

Please understand that this isn’t about abandoning you, but finding the truth that could either strengthen our bond or reveal a rift we can’t ignore. Once I find my answers, we’ll face them together, I promise. I hope you can understand need for clarity.



As I sealed the letter and set it aside, my heart felt heavy with the weight of my decision. I knew it was the right thing to do, but that didn’t make it any less painful. With a final glance at the letter, I resolved to uncover the truth, to face the shadows that threatened to destroy my love, and to emerge stronger on the other side.

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