The Alpha’s Forbidden Love

Chapter Thirty Five

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It had been a few weeks since I was introduced to Chris’s mother, Lady Maeve as I fondly called her. Despite my initial reservations, Lady Maeve welcomed me with open arms, sensing a kindred spirit within me. We spent countless hours together, sharing stories, laughter, and even shedding a few tears. She also told me stories about my father and how he was a friend to the Alpha before his death. She promised to look into the case again and find out the truth.

As the days went by, my visits to the werewolf pack became more frequent. I couldn’t resist the magnetic pull I felt toward Chris and his intriguing world. However, I had to be cautious. Being an outsider, I was keenly aware of the prying eyes of the pack members who could easily sniff out my true identity as an intruder and a rogue.

Since my hut in the woods was no longer safe for us to meet and Chris’s pack was a bad idea. It wouldn’t be long before I eventually got caught by the pack members. We had to think of another way to meet, a place safer for the both of us.

Chris led the way as he took me to another part of the woods, close to his pack.

“Where are you taking me to?” I asked. The environment was new to me, some flowers adorned the path we walked.

“Our new secret spot,” he answered, his face wearing a mischievous smile.

We arrived at a treehouse, it was crafty and well-adorned with flowers. It was one of the best things I ever saw, he took my hand and led me up to the treehouse.

I was in awe when I saw the inside. It was beautifully decorated, and everything in there seemed to be new. “Did you just build this?” I asked.

“No, my father did. I just changed a few things to suit your taste. Do you like it?” he said.

“You didn’t have to go through all of that just to please me,” I said.

“I’ll go to any length just to make you happy,” he said, his hands taking mine. His gaze was locked on mine, I felt my heart flutter as he spoke. “I love you, Lucy.”

My heart raced as I walked away from Chris’s treehouse. I couldn’t shake the intensity of the emotions that swirled within me. The scent of pine and damp earth filled the air, but all I could think about was him and the words he said.

I had tried to hide my feelings, burying them deep within my soul, afraid of what might happen if I revealed them. But each time I looked into Chris’s eyes, I saw the same longing I felt reflected at me. He had made it clear that he loved me, unconditionally and without reservation. His words, his gestures, and his presence spoke volumes.

Our shared moments together had been filled with laughter, stolen kisses, and whispered promises. He was willing to do anything for me. Yet, despite Chris’s unwavering devotion, I couldn’t bring myself to open up fully. I was plagued by insecurities and fears that held me back. What if I wasn’t enough for him? What if I couldn’t measure up to his expectations? What if my father truly killed his father? These doubts gnawed at my heart, clouding my mind with uncertainty. Though his mother had accepted me for who I was, it still didn’t change who I was to them, a rogue and the daughter of a murderer even if it hasn’t been proven otherwise.

As I returned to my pack, I felt a deep longing for Chris that consumed my every thought. I missed him, his warmth, and his unwavering support. The familiar faces of my rogue mates, usually a comfort, now only reminded me of the void Chris had left behind.

My steps grew heavy with regret, and I couldn’t escape the guilt that gnawed at my conscience. I felt like a coward for leaving Chris without an explanation. But the intensity of our connection had overwhelmed me, and I needed time to sort through my conflicting emotions.

Days turned into weeks, and still, thoughts of Chris consumed my every waking moment. I found solace in the moonlit nights, seeking comfort in the soft glow that bathed the forest. The howls of distant wolves echoed through the trees, their mournful cries reminding me of the love I had left behind.

One evening, as I stood alone beneath the basking sun, my heart heavy with longing, a gentle breeze whispered through the branches above. At that moment, I made up my mind. I couldn’t deny my feelings any longer. It was time to face my fears and confront the depths of my love for Chris.

Determined, I turned back toward the treehouse, my steps quickening with every beat of my heart. I would find Chris and tell him the truth, risking everything for a chance at happiness. For I knew that true love was worth fighting for, even if it meant facing my vulnerabilities and shedding the cloak of cowardice I had worn for far too long.

With the sun as her guide, I sprinted through the woods, the scent of pine mingling with my anticipation. I was ready to face my mate, ready to embrace the bond that had been waiting for me all along. And as I approached the treehouse, my heart soared with hope, ready to break free from the chains of fear and seize the love that was rightfully mine.

My footsteps grew louder as I neared the treehouse, and I could hear the faint crackling of a fire within. Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the door and stepped inside, her eyes immediately finding Chris’s warm gaze.

“Lucy,” Chris exclaimed, his voice filled with a mix of surprise and joy. “You’re back, I knew you would return. I missed you so much.”

A wave of relief washed over me as I saw the genuine love and happiness in Chris’s eyes. “I missed you too, Chris,” I replied, my voice soft but determined. “I couldn’t stay away any longer. I realized that I’ve been hiding my true feelings, and I can’t pretend anymore.”

Chris stood up from the wooden chair where he had been sitting, his face filled with a mixture of hope and uncertainty. “What do you mean, Lucy? What are you trying to say?”

I took a step closer, my heart pounding in my chest. “I love you, Chris. I’ve loved you for so long, but I’ve been scared to admit it. Scared of being vulnerable, scared of losing you. But I can’t keep hiding behind my fears. I want to be with you, fully and completely.”

Tears glistened in Chris’s eyes as he reached out to take my trembling hands. “Lucy, you have no idea how long I’ve waited to hear those words from you. I love you too, with all my heart. I’ve tried to show you in every way possible, but I’ve always hoped for this moment. You don’t have to be afraid. We’ll face everything together.”

A weight lifted off my shoulders as I felt Chris’s warm touch. The tension that had burdened me for so long started to disperse, replaced by a newfound sense of courage and acceptance. In that embrace, we found solace and the promise of a love that would transcend any obstacle.

As we held each other tightly, the sunlight filtered through the branches, casting a gentle glow upon our entwined forms. In that magical moment, the world faded away, leaving only me and Chris, our souls finally united by a shared love and the untamed power of the wolf within.

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