The Alpha’s Mate Who Cried Wolf

Chapter 64

Chapter 64


More thunder and lightning flash through the sky above us and turns into a hectic storm raining down

on us. As I hold Nina in my lap, I feel the electric static where ever our skin touches. It feels amazing.

Our eyes turn black. ‘Mate.’ We say in unison.

Nina lets out another scream,

‘Try not to fight it, Nina. It will hurt less if you let your wolf take over.’ I say, stroking my fingers through

her hair.

‘It hurts,’

‘l know, babe. I’m here and I’m going to help you through this.’

She nods and tries her best to relax. Black fur covers her as she shifts into her wolf. My breath is taken

away. Her wolf is pure black with a white-shaped star on her forehead.

‘Nina, your wolf is so beautiful. You even have a white star on your forehead. I’ve never seen anything

like this.’I say stroking her fur. She steps back and prances around happily in wolf form, then nudges

into my shoulder.

You want me to shift too?

She shakes her head.

Well, if the curse is broken, I should no longer feel any pain when shift. Here goes.’

I remove my clothes and focus my mind, closing my eyes for a moment. Topen them to find I have

shifted straight away, pain-free, into my large white wolf.

This is amazing.’ I think to her.

I can hear you!’ Nina replies.

I can hear you too, we can mind-link now!’

‘We were fated mates all along. Can you believe that?’ she cries.

‘We were never cursed, Nina. We had been blessed with each other all along.’

We rub our furry faces all over each other affectionately.

‘Let’s go for a run towards home’l mind-link.

Nina runs ahead with super speed. I can only just keep up behind her. We run for hours through the

night until we are exhausted. We lie huddled together and stare up at the moon.

‘Moon Goddess, thank you for blessing me with Nina as my mate.”

Nina nudges me and shifts back into her human form. I shift back too.

“That was amazing, We can both shift now, and we are fated mates! Nina squeals and plonks herself

happily in my lap. I nuzzle my face into her neck and breathe her Lavender and Mint scent in.

“You smell so good’ I say. She giggles at my nose, tickling her neck.

“You smell like chocolate and freshly chopped wood.’ She laughs.


‘Yep She grins

My mouth crashes onto here without warning, and we share a passionate moment,

Shall we skedaddle the rest of the way back home she asks once we break the kiss

‘Yes, let’s go

Embraced in my ung, she waves her wand around Skedaddle Dash, Skedaddle Dash, Skedaddie


We blink multiple times until we reach Shadow Crest, except we land in the water of Shadow Crest


We burst into laughter in the middle of the lake. It’s still dark, but the sun will rise soon.

We kiss and wrap our arms around each other. Nina stops for air and removes her wet shint and bra

and flings it omo the grass. I renove my clothes and do the same. As we explore each other’s bodies,

we make love. Our teeth protrude and we tease each other, running our elongated teeth across the

nape of each other’s neck, feadying ourselves to mark each other. My teeth sink into the nape of her

neck and hers sink into my neck. A euphoric sense takes over us as we mark each other. We are

officially mates, Nina is officially mine

We lie on the grass as the sun rises; we sleep as we wait for our clothes to dry. It’s almost lunchtime

when we wake.

Nina is smiling and flinches when she touches the mark on her neck.


Yeah, but that’s expected.’ She smiles.

We better get dressed. I can’t wait to announce that you are my mate.’I smile.

Holding hands, we giggle and laugh together as we walk through the town of Shadow Crest. Everyone

stares and whispers. We arrive back home at the packhouse. Still holding hands, we enter together to

see our families at the dining table about to have lunch.

‘Magnus.’ My parents yell excitedly.

‘Nina! her parents yell happily.

Everyone runs over to us, including Zak, Josie, Flint, May, and Pipsqueak.

They come to a stop and look down at our hands holding.

‘Magnus, what is going on?’ Mother asks, confused.

‘We broke the curse, I told Nina I.want her, I love her, and want to be with her even if it means me

never shifting and her never gaining her wolf and that we don’t need to have the mate bond to know we

love each other. We kissed, and she shifted. I can shift without pain as well. And you should all see her

wolf! She is so magnificent and beautiful.’ I turn Nina towards me. Just like her human form.’I say and

kiss her in front of everyone.

Everyone is crying with tears of happiness. My dad and Leon shake hands and our mothers hug each


There is a commotion outside. I open the front door to see half the town is yelling. Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

‘What is the problem?’l yell.

‘There she is the witch! people yell, pointing at Nina behind me.

‘This witch will soon be your Luna. Be careful what you speak!

‘We will never accept a witch as our Luna. She doesn’t even have a wolf!’ Another person yells.

I smile at Nina to shift. She immediately morphs into her wolf and everyone gasps at her unique and

beautiful black wolf with the white star,

“Your Luna is one of us! She may be half-wolf-half-witch, but you will all love and respect her the way I

do! Anyone that upsets or aggravates my fated mate that the Moon Goddess blessed me with and

blessed you all with, to be your Luna, will suffer great consequences at the wave of her wand.

‘What consequences?’ Someone asks.

‘Nina has my blessing to turn anyone of you into a frog have you disrespect her.’ I say,

Nina is trying not to laugh; she knows she can’t turn anyone into a frog. Not yet anyway.

The crowd gasps and dissipales, worried Nina will turn them into frogs,

*1 see you all at the ceremony announcing Nina and me as your official Luna and Alpha.’ I say, waving,

One week later.

Nina and I walk hand in hand into the ceremony hall.

My parents await us on the stage. We walk up together and stand facing my parents.

“It is with great honour I hand over my status as Alpha to my first-born child, Magnus.’ My dad says.

“And it is with great honour I hand over my status as Luna to my son’s fated mate, Nina.’ Mum smiles.

With that said, I announce to you your new Luna, Nina, and your new Alpha, Magnus.’ My dad says.

The hall erupts with cheers.

I stand behind Nina and wrap my arms around her and place a kiss on the top of her head. She leans

back against my chest and looks up at me, smiling.

“You can let me go now.’ She blushes.

Nina, I’ll never let you go.

The Alpha’s Mate and The Vampire King

Book Three of The Alpha Series

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