The Alpha's Slave Mate

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 

Caleb’s Point of View

I was pacing around my room, waiting for Theo to come back and let me know if Alpha Jason had agreed to a sit down.I wanted this business to be over quickly, and I am sure that I can persuade them to sell the slave girl.I have already decided that even if I find my mate tonight, that my pack will be leaving early tomorrow morning.

Like Theo I do not like being around a pack that owns slaves.I am also having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that the Alpha and Luna were so blinded by grief that they condemned their daughter to servitude.

My parents were loving parents.

My father was patient with me, and even though he was the Alpha he always spent adequate time with me.I remember when I was about four, I snuck into the training grounds where my father was training our warriors.

He immediately spotted me, and I expected to be told t o go back home.

Instead my father swooped me up, introduced me to his warriors, and let me train beside them.

At the end he hoisted me on his shoulders and told me to thank each warrior for training and helping to protect our pack.

My mother was the kindest woman I have ever known.

She had the patience of a Saint.I am sure that raising me was not always easy.I can not count how many times I ran away from my studies to go play in the woods or wrecked some kind of havoc around the house.

Often my partner in crime was Theo.

I remember my mother was baking apples pies, and me and Theo snuck in to try to steal a piece.I ended up bumping over a whole bag of flour on me and Theo in the process.

Instead of being mad my mother turned around and called us ghost wolves and pretended to b e scared.

Theo and I played along chasing her around the kitchen island.

Finally, we told her we had to have a piece of pie in order to quit haunting her.

She gave u s both a big piece with vanilla ice cream on top.

Looking back and seeing how amazing my parents were, makes this whole situation even more sickening to me.

How do you turn on your own flesh and blood? I wonder if this girl has ever known any kind of love.

This situation is unique in the fact that I have never met a parent that has condemned their own child to servitude.


Theo comes in my room and interrupts my pacing.

"Alpha Jason has agreed to sit down and discuss business with you.I did not tell him that it was for the bidding price of his slave, but he was eager to make trade agreements with our pack."

Theo’s words put my heart a little more at ease.

If Alpha Jason was excited to make trade agreements with us then hopefully this whole process would go a lot quicker.

"Great job Theo, when would he like to sit down?"

"He is actually ready right now, and I can take you down to the study.Caleb try to remain calm during the talks.Remember that this situation is not like some of the others we have faced before, this girl is kin to him.Not to mention we still must attend the ball tonight, so let us try to go into these negotiations amicably."

Nodding at Theo’s words of wisdom I indicate that I Am ready to go.

After learning everything I have, Iam anxious to conclude all business here including the ball and go home.I am not always a fan of the political side of being an Alpha.

In fact when my wolf learned that this girl was Alpha Jason’s daughter, he demanded I just attack this place and tear it to the ground.

Knowing my wolf feels this way worries me that I am turning more feral by the day.

Theo leads m e down to the first floor, past the television room, into a long hallway.

Halfway down he indicates that w e have made it to the Alpha’s study.

"Ok show time"

Theo whispers to me with a smirk.

Theo likes negotiations.

He is quick witted and enjoys the strategy part of essentially getting the upper hand.

Alpha Jason stands and extends his hand to me and we walk in the room.

"Alpha Caleb, your Beta here tells me that you would like to open trade negotiations.I am very pleased and look forward to building a lasting relationship with you."

Alpha Jason is shaking my hand, and my wolf is telling me to crush it.He longs to hear every bone in his hand break and pop.

Instead I calmly step back nod to Alpha Jason, and smile.

"Please gentlemen have a seat and let us get down to business."

Taking a quick look around I notice that Alpha Jason’s Beta is also here, and another member of his pack is standing on the right side of him.

I do not like small talk, so I am going to cut straight to the point.

"Alpha Jason I took a walk around your village early and I seen a girl that cleaned your meeting hall.After inquiring about her J have learned that she is a slave girl, and your daughter."

Jason ahs gone pale at this point.I doubt that he ever intended for me to know about this girl.Before I can get another word out, he is tripping over his own words.

"Alpha Caleb I apologize if she did anything to offend you, the girl is a moron.I am pretty sure her brain was damaged at birth."

I hold up my hand to stop his word vomit from going any farther.

"Actually, Alpha Jason she did an amazing job at cleaning the hall.I want to purchase her from you, provided that she would be ok with leaving her pack."

The room is stunned by my words.

Jason sits back in his chair with an expression of bewilderment on his face.

His Beta Noah literally has his jaw open in shock.

To be honest the scene is almost comical in appearance.

After a few moments of this Theo takes the helm in negotiations.

"Alpha Jason, as you know money is not an issue for our pack.We will provide adequate compensation for the slave girl; I already have contracts drawn up if you will just look you will see that we are providing more than enough to compensate for her value.She will be well treated and would leave with our pack when the ball is over."

Theo slides the contract he has already prepared out of a manilla envelope.

"Is this a joke?"

My head snaps towards Beta Noah who asked the question.

Luckily before I could fire off the smart remark, I was to make Theo once again steps in to handle the situation diplomatically.

"No this is not a joke.As I am sure you are aware Beta Noah the trading of slaves is very common, and we are dead serious about purchasing this particular slave."

Theo sets the contract down in front of Alpha Jason, who still has not moved a muscle since I told him that I would like to purchase his own daughter.

Finally, his eyes dart to the papers that Theo has handed him, and he motions for the other pack member to come forward and look them over.I am now assuming that this man is Alpha Jason's advisor.

The advisor looks over the contract seeing the number that Theo has already put down as the purchase price for the slave.

His eyes look up and catch mine and I can assume he made it to the special clause that I have made Theo place in all our contracts.

The purchase price is only good if the slave decides that they want to leave their pack.

I never want anyone to feel like I am forcing them against their will to be a part of my pack.

"Alpha, this contract is great; however, there is a clause within the contract that states that if the slave does not wish to go then the offer is off the table.Besides that, they are offer a substantial amount for the slave."

Jason’s advisor is quick, and I respect his ability to review the contract quickly.He hands the documents back to Alpha Jason for him to review.

"Alpha Caleb, I wouldn’t mind being rid of the girl.To be honest her presence puts a strain on my wife.I do feel that you should know that the girl is a murder.She murdered my son."

Theo has been watching me the entire time we have been in negotiations, and he can see that my eyes are starting to shift.I can feel my wolf demanding this man’s head due to his words.

Already I can feel my claws elongating, and Theo quickly puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Alpha Jason we are aware of the circumstances surrounding the girl.We were aware of them before w e made the offer to purchase her.None the less we would still like to proceed."

I am once again thankful that Theo is diplomatic.

He quickly diffused the situation and I can feel my wolf calming.

"Well I am ready to sign."

Alpha Jason is searching for a pen as he speaks.

"Alpha, in regard to our clause we would like to meet the slave girl."

Theo is quick to point out that ultimately it is her decision on whether she stays or joins my pack.

"Excellent point, Beta Noah would you please go and fetch Daphne?"

"Theo please accompany him.I would hate to see our merchandise mishandled in any way."

My words are clipped.I wanted to make sure that everyone in the room knew that I would not stand for her mistreatment while I was present.

"Of course, Alpha." All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

With Noah and Theo gone from the room Alpha Jason pulls out a bottle of brandy and pours a glass.

He offers me one, but I decline.I am ready to meet this woman and be done with the negotiations.

Talking with Alpha Jason has turned my stomach and I once again wonder how someone can turn on their own child.I hope Theo makes it back quickly.

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