The Alpha's Slave Mate

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Chapter Twenty- Two

Daphne's Point of View °

Caleb pulls me into his side as we walk into the ball. He is so warm and feeling his hand around my waist is sparking a fire within me. I do not get to dwell on the feeling too long because I am too distracted by everything, I see walking in. There are people everywhere, some I recognize but most I have no idea who they are. Women are parading everywhere in dresses made of every color in the rainbow. Hair pins, jewelry, and beads catch the multitude of lights around the room casting their own glow across the floor. The men are just as colorful as well in suits, looking dapper. People are talking in small crowds, some are dancing, some are eating but everyone seems happy. Thankfully, I do not see my father or mother, and that puts me at ease a little. -

The decorations around the meeting hall are beautiful. Soft autumn touches celebrating the harvest. The music is beautiful, consisting of low melodies met for lovers. Isimply can not stop looking around and taking it all in. It is almost like I fell into a portal to another dimension. My eyes find the buffet table, and my stomach lets out a growl. Iam a little embarrassed by my body betraying me, and! do not even have to look at Caleb to know that he heard it. I am relieved that he asks if I would like to eat before we try dancing.

As we are waiting in line for food, I notice a large man making his way towards Caleb and me. The man is tall, taller than Caleb with unruly dark brown hair. I notice a scar by his left eye, and it makes him appear intimidating. He strides right up to Caleb and flashes him a smile. In truth this man scares me a little bit. Although he is now smiling, he is very intimidating. Just like Caleb he is very muscular, and as he got closer, I can see that he has a scar on his hand as well. NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

Clearly this is a man that does not back down from a fight. Caleb introduces the man as Marcus, the Alpha of the Crest Line pack. I had never heard of the Crest Line pack before, but I could tell that Marcus and Caleb are good friends. ' When Caleb introduces me to Marcus, he says thatI am his mate. I look up at him stunned. I knew that Caleb believed that I was his mate, but I did not expect him to really announce it to anyone tonight. How is everyone going to react knowing that he is an Alpha and Iam or at least was a slave? Marcus grasps my hand and places a kiss on my knuckles, and Caleb growls deep in his chest.

I am worried that they are going to start brawling here in the ball, but instead Marcus just laughs it off. 1 am still nervous. Marcus invites us over to his table, and Caleb readily agrees. I knew before coming here tonight that Caleb would know a lot of the people here, I just did not expect the first person we meet to be another Alpha. My anxiety kicks it up a notch because I am worried that I will say or do the wrong thing and embarrass Caleb.

As we are going through the line for food Caleb explains to me what normally happens when mates find each other. I have heard of the mark before, but I did not really understand the point behind it. 1 am thankful that Caleb is explaining it to me. I understand the way he felt when Marcus kissed my

hand, because I felt that same kind of unexplained anger when Heather was trying to touch him. I can tell that he is a little embarrassed by it happening, but I find it sweet and enduring. It is nice to know that he is new to experiencing these kinds of feelings like I am.

I feel a little better as we make our way to Marcus’s table. Shortly after setting our plates down a very attractive woman approaches the table. She is tall with jet black hair, and dark blue eyes.

She has very high cheek bones, tan skin, and a narrow straight nose with a diamond stud in it. She comes and wraps her arms around Marcus's neck, he pats her arm and then stands and introduces us to his mate Lola.

Lola is truly stunning. She is tall, and wearing a black crushed velvet dress, with small crystals embellishing the neckline. She has a diamond studder choker necklace on, and tear drop earrings in her ears. Her entire ensemble is flawless, and she radiates a natural confidence that I wish I had.

As we all settle in and begin to eat our dinner Caleb asks how they met. Lola is animated and talks with her hands as she explains the story. It is very humorous thinking about Marcus jumping over a counter and trying to carry Lola like a caveman. Lola's bubbly personality is infectious, and she puts me at ease. It is easy to see the love between the two of them, and I wonder if Caleb and I will ever be this way.

Lola then asks how Caleb and I met, and just like that my anxiety flares up and I cannot speak. Thankfully, Caleb takes over and explains that we just met today. He does not tell them that I was a Slave, and! am thankful for that. Even if it only lasts for tonight, I would like to pretend that Iam normal. I realize that Caleb has taken my hand, and I love the feeling of his thumb caressing the back of my hand. It is comforting, as if he is saying I understand without words.

Throughout the rest of dinner, the conversation is easy. Marcus and Caleb talk about far away places that I have never experienced, but now I hope to be able to see some day. Lola talked about her café and living in Eugene. I really enjoyed listening to their stories, and it helped ease my anxiety. I even found myself laughing a few times. Lola drags Marcus away to dance.

Caleb asks me if I want to dance. I look out at the other couples on the floor and they all look like they are having fun. The lights are dimmer around the dancers, giving it a more romantic feeling. I am still nervous, and I am afraid that Iam going to step on Caleb or fall.

Caleb does not seem to care though, and I do want to experience dancing at least once. Caleb stands and takes my hand and leads me out onto the floor. Caleb finds an empty spot and pulls me into his arms. His hands go around my waist and he leans down and tell me to put my arms around his neck. '

“Good, now just follow my lead love. Close your eyes, forget anyone else is in the room, and just feel the beat of the music.” Caleb words whisper in my ear. I do as he says and close my eyes. The tone is slow, sultry almost. I feel Caleb shift a little to the left and I follow suit. He pulls me in closer to his chest, and feel a new heat starting to grow within me. Our feet are shuffling slowly in time to the music. Warmth is spreading through my hips where Caleb’s hands are, and almost against my own will I lay

my head on his chest. His heartbeat is strong in my ear, and I! can feel his muscles twitch slightly. He places a kiss on the top of my head, and I find myself smiling. Caleb’s arms moving farther across my lower back and he pulls me into him closer, and I find my breathing getting faster. :

The warmth from his hands is spreading and causing a fire within me. Bring pressed up against his chest, inhaling his scent has my nipples straining outwards. The wetness that has developed between my thighs is becoming more familiar. I look up into

Caleb’s eyes to see if he is experiencing anything like what 1am going through.

He is staring straight down at me, and I can see him fighting internally with his wolf. I bite my lower lip, unsure if he is feeling everything that I am feeling. °

“You have to stop biting your lip sweetheart or I will not be able to help myself.” Caleb’s voice is husky, barely above a whisper. I can not tear my eyes from his eyes. It seems he is having a little trouble breathing too. “Daphne I really want to kiss you right now.”

Caleb’s words spark a boldness in me that I did not expect. “I am not stopping you.” The words were out before I could even stop them. The fire within me has turned into a raging inferno. Caleb dips his head down to mine and captures my lips. I did not think that I could burn any hotter but the touch of his lips on mine has sent my body into a super nova. Caleb groans as his is kissing me, and my arms wind tighter around his neck pulling him in for more. I can taste the wine he had with dinner on his lips. Caleb is gentle at first, but then turns more demanding. He gently nips at my lower lip and I gasp in

surprise. He takes advantage of it and slips his tongue into my mouth. Slowly his tongue dances with mine and I moana little. «

“If you two do not stop now! am going to hose you down with a fire extinguisher.” Theo’s words break the trance we are in and! pull back out of Caleb's embrace. Suddenly it floods back to me that we are in the middle of a ball, on a crowded dance floor in front of everyone. I feel the heat in my ace as it flames in embarrassment. If Theo had not come over, I do not think that I would have stopped. Glancing at Caleb I can see that he is trying his best to collect himself as well. His breathing is still heavy, and he kind of looks like he wants to throttle Theo. Then I notice right behind Theo is Hannah and my embarrassment doubles. ‘

“You two look amazing together.” Hannah’s bubbly personality is heling to ease the tension a little bit. Hannah goes on about how she was watching us dance and that we did a great job. ' Caleb’s breathing has slowed a bit as he talks with Theo and Hannah for a moment. I gently tap Caleb on the arm and let him know that I need to use the bathroom. Hannah volunteers to come with me.

Once we are out of hearing range, Hannah all but explodes in her excitement. She is rattling off questions about when we were going to mark each other, can she be a part of our official ceremony, do we want kids right away.

Laughing I stop Hannah as we near the bathroom. “Hannah stop it was just a kiss, my first one actually.” As I say this Hannah acts shocked.

“Wait you have never kissed anyone before that?”

“No Hannah, that was my first kiss ever.” Hannah lets out this high-pitched squeal and talks about how it is so romantic that my first kiss was with my mate. I am feeling light and bouncy as I process her words and realize that it is kind of sweet that Caleb is my first.

As the bathroom door opens my stomach drops to my feet. Coming out is my mother, and Melissa. As usual my mother is dressed up like a queen. She has a full ball gown on with enough tulle in it to cover the forest floor. Although she is beautiful, she always wears a little too much makeup and, in my opinion, it makes her look almost like a clown.

She stops when she sees me and Hannah, causing Melissa to stop as well. “What the hell are you doing here, and where did you steal that dress?” Her words are dripping with venom, and my stomach plummets.

“She did not steal that dress; I gave it to her.” Hannah replies to my mother, and all I want to do is run away from here. I know this is not going to end well. I glance over at Hannah, but she is staring my mother down. Hannah has her hands on her hips, and disgust is written all over her face. 1 know I must intervene before Hannah gets in trouble. ° “Iam sorry Luna; I was purchased this afternoon by the Blue

Mountain pack. I was asked to attend tonight.” My voice is shaking, and I can not look my mother in the eyes.

“Why in the world would they want you?” Melissa’s words only cue my mother to go on.

My mother’s voice is rising higher and higher. “Well Iam the Luna of this pack, and I do not want murderous trash like you in here stinking up the place.” She is snarling and I can tell that we have attracted a small crowd. I am looking for the easiest way to escape, but now there are people surrounding us. Iam frantically looking around trying to find a way out. I did not see Caleb come up behind me.

“Is there are reason your harassing my mate.” Caleb’s words are booming. I can hear his rage bubbling on the surface. He comes up from behind me and places his hand on my back, before tugging me physically behind him. Caleb looks like he is ready to shift and tear this place apalt. '

“Your mate, is this a freaking joke?” My mother’s words are scathing. “Who would want her as a mate? Do you realize she is nothing but a murderous tramp?” My face is flaming bright with embarrassment as my mother continues. Eighteen years of hate and anger are pouring out of her likea waterfall.

“Shut up.” Caleb is demanding. I see a few people shrink back. My mother even shuts her mouth and looks at Caleb as if she is seeing him for the first time. “I want her, she is mine. You should hold your

tongue, before I rip it out of your mouth. I am aware that Daphne was a twin. 1 am also aware that you blamed her for your son’s death, although we both know that Daphne did nothing wrong. In your grief you enslaved your daughter and failed to see the amazing gorgeous woman that she became.” I touch Caleb’s back, in part as a way of thanking him but also because as he was talking to her, he kept stepping closer to her. '

As much as! do not like my mother, I do not want Caleb to hurt her. The anger is literally pooling off him, like some primordial ooze. The air is thick with tension, and I can see my father making his way to my mothers’ side.

“Alpha Caleb I am sorry for any disrespect my wife caused you.” I am surprised by my father’s words, as is my mother. The look on her face is like he just slapped her.

Caleb does not even acknowledge my father’s words. “Let it be known here and now, Daphne is my mate as Iam hers. If anyone disrespects or harms her in any way, they will have to deal with me, and I will not take the offense lightly. She belongs to my pack now, and I will defend her till my last breath.” Caleb’s words echo through the hall, and I just now realized that the music has stopped. AsI look around the hall, I realize that everyone’s attention is on us, and I wish I were invisible. ' Iam not used to attention. I just want to escape. I can not stop the tears that are pooling in my eyes. What started as a magical night has turned into a disaster.

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