The Alpha's Slave Mate

Chapter 48

Chapter 48

Chapter Forty-Eight

Caleb’s Point of View

Today has not gone the way that I had planned. I had planned so carefully, down to the flower arrangements. I thought

that I had every base covered, surely nothing could go wrong. I had been arrogant, cocky enough to believe that no one would try to attack. My pack was known to be fearless, and it was no secret that my allies would be in attendance of my mating ceremony. I had pulled my guards in so that they could witness the ceremony, and in doing so I left my people vulnerable. I did this, in my own arrogance I created the war zone that was

before me.

I can only stare in horror at the woman who saved my life. I underestimated Dorian. I was already tired from fighting

Alpha Jason when Dorian had surprised me from behind. He was quicker than I imagined he would be. He was also a

better fighter than I ever would have

given him credit for. Scarlet saved my life, but in doing so she lost her destined mate. I can only imagine what is going through her head, knowing that she was

the one that took his life.

“Mine.” Theo’s words snap my attention

directly to him. I turn to see him staring

at Scarlet, tears in his eyes. His eyes are boring into Scarlet, and I can see that his body is fighting a war with itself. 10

“Theo” I try to draw his attention away,

but it can not be deterred from Scarlet. I

know that he does not believe in second

chance mates, but perhaps she is his. Daphne starts wiggling in my arms,

trying to break free from my grasp. My

attention finally falls on her and I realize

she is fighting to go to her sister. I let her


Daphne runs over and wraps Scarlet in her arms. Pulling her back into her chest and rocking her on the ground as if she were a child. I knew that today would

changer our lives, but I could have never of predicted that it would be this way. For once I do not know what to do, what to say, or even how to begin processing everything. 2

“Caleb, I need to go. Something is not right with me; I think I am headed to the infirmary.” Theo’s voice pulls me out of my self-loathing and snaps me back into reality. I look Theo over, looking for any signs of trauma, other than the

superficial bruises and cuts that have

appeared. I can find nothing that would

warrant a trip to the infirmary.

“Theo what is going on, I do not see

anything.” I do not normally question Theo, but on this occasion I must.

“No, there is something not right with my head. I am imagining things.” Theo’s voice is shaky, and I notice that he is still

staring at Scarlet. Since we are in such

close vicinity, and werewolves have

excellent hearing I decide to use the mind


Would your trip to the infirmary have

anything to do with the fact that you are staring at Scarlet, and called her yours? I

do not mean to be blunt with Theo, but I

cannot waste any time trying to figure out

the next moves for everyone involved.

She just lost her destined mate. She cannot possibly be mine. I do not believe

in second chance mates. I want to go to

her, but I cannot. I am not the man that

she needs. Theo also chooses to use the

mind link to communicate. Looking to

where Daphne and Scarlet are, I can understand his hesitation, and my heart breaks at the predicament that Theo has

found himself in.

I cannot tell you how long we stood there, simply staring at the two women. Unsure of how to bring them any comfort. Scarlet lost her mate, Daphne had to kill her father, and I was helpless to do anything to help them. Finally, both women stood, arms wrapped around each other they turned and started walking towards Theo

and me.

When they are less than twenty feet away,

I watch as Scarlet skids to a sudden halt.

Her head snaps up, her eyes go wide as if

she is a deer in the headlights. I can tell that Daphne is asking her what is wrong, but Scarlet is staring straight at Theo. Although it is the worst timing ever, I can

tell that she is processing the fact that

every fiber of her being is telling her that Theo is her mate. Again, I am lost as to how I can help anyone. Theo is as stiff as a board beside me. The great Alpha and Beta of the Blue Mountain pack are

completely useless right now to the two people that need them the most. Slowly the girls continue to make their way to us.

“We need to talk.” I was surprised that it was Scarlet that spoke first. Of course, her words were directed at Theo. I can see the worry and the fear flash through his eyes. This will not be an easy start for them. Daphne is utterly lost as to what is happening between the two of them.

“I will understand whatever decision you make. I only have one request and that is that you give it some time, before you decide.” Theo’s voice is soft, and I can tell that he is fighting the urge to try and comfort Scarlet. Scarlet thankfully shakes

her head in agreement with Theo’s

request. 4

“Daphne, I am so sorry. It was my own arrogance that lead to this chaos. I am the reason our ceremony is ruined.” There is so much more that I need to apologize to my mate for, but right now is not the time for me to get into all of that.

“No, it was not your fault. It was my father’s fault, and Dorian’s fault. Their greed, their arrogance, their demented minds. My father’s violence is all I have known since I was born. Now he is gone, and I feel free.” Daphne’s voice is hard, and I can tell that she is fighting back her emotions. Even if it is a stranger, the first time you take a life is hard. I wrap my arms around her pulling her tight to me.

Behind me I hear a wail piercing the night sky, and both Daphne and Scarlet stiffen. Daphne moves to look behind me and her

face goes ghostly white. I shift trying to see what is causing her pain, only to find her mother kneeling over Alpha Jason’s corpse. It did not occur to me that she would be here and judging from the girl’s faces they did not expect it either.

The shrieking woman turns and zeros her attention on Daphne. “You murderous. whore. You have taken everything from

me, everything. It should be your corpse laying here, just like it should have been you that died instead of your brother.” I watch a tear fall down Daphne’s cheek,

and I have had enough of this madness.

“I will permit you to take your mates

body and leave here. If you ever come back, I will kill you myself.” My voice is booming through the night air. Daphne has suffered enough; I will not permit anything else happening to her. Amanda does not heed my warning, or perhaps

she does not care. She starts stalking towards Daphne and I, murder evident in her eyes. 2

She never made it close to us though. Scarlet stepped around Theo, ran full

force and tackled her mother on the

ground. Before I can even blink Scarlet has both of her mother’s hand above her

face, and she is sitting on her chest.

“You are not going to hurt her anymore, do you understand. I watched you hurt her for years, the only joy you ever found was in hurting her. I hate you for it, I

think I hated you then. Look at what that

has done. Dad is dead, our brother is

dead, and if you do not leave here you will

be too.” Scarlet is releasing some of the anger of her childhood out, and I can see

that she needed to.

“You spoiled bitch, get off me. You killed

your own mate you are no better than her.

Both of you murdering, lying little

whores. I curse the Moon Goddess for

your existence.” I can see the fire in

Scarlet die at her mother’s words. Words

that she has heard yelled at Daphne over and over, but never at her. In her own

pain Scarlet had loosened the grip she

had on her mother’s hands, and Amanda

breaks free. She swings up and hits. Scarlet in the jaw. The blow was enough. to knock Scarlet off balance. I move, but Theo is quicker. He quickly snaps

Amanda’s neck, before turning his

attention to Scarlet. This time he does not

fight the urge to wrap her in his arms. 7

“Oh, I did not see that coming.” Daphne’s

voice is soft. I look down and see the

stream of tears coming from her eyes. I

wish I had a time machine. 2

I do not get long to process everything.

Marcus is at my side, informing me that

our warriors have removed the bodies of

the dead. We had some wounded on our

side, and a few casualties. I am thankful

that our pack is strong. Our wounded warriors will heal up in a few days at

most. Our fallen warriors will be

celebrated, and I will ensure that their families are taken care of. I glance over at Daphne; this is her first fight. 3

“Please make sure that all the warriors

are attended to immediately.” She surprises me by her request of Marcus. Hannah is right behind Marcus, with a

few of our other pack members. 1

“Caleb, we have an issue. You and Daphne did not get to complete the ceremony.” Hannah’s brow is creased with worry.

“Hannah I will make sure that we

reschedule the ceremony soon. Right now, we need to finish cleaning up, tend to the wounded, and make sure that all of

our guests are accounted for.” I hope that Hannah is not offended by my tone.

“No Elder Preston informed me that the

ceremony had to be completed tonight. You and Daphne have already started the binding ceremony. He said if it is not completed tonight, then the Moon

Goddess could see that as a refusal and

the mating bond could be broken.” Now I

understand why Hannah was so worried.

I look to Theo to see if he can confirm the

Elder’s words, or if it is just superstition.

“I am sorry Caleb, but she speaks the

truth.” Theo looks at me, and then at

Daphne. “I am so sorry Luna, I know that

this is not a great night for you, but the

ceremony was started and must be


“Fine, Hannah please gather everyone if

you can. It may not be the night that we hoped but it is what will have to do.” I can

only be proud of my mate. She rolls her shoulders back and has handled tonight with a level head. I know that she may break down later, and I will be there for

her. This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Hannah is quick to gather everyone, and once again Daphne and I are facing each other. She is still in the overly large shirt I found, and I am in a pair of shorts. This is not how I intended to be bound to my

mate, but I still can not be happier. Elder Preston continues where he left off

earlier, and soon he is wrapping the blue ribbon around my wrist.

“With this tie, you Alpha Caleb of the Blue Mountain pack are tying yourself to your mate. You will protect, and cherish her throughout this lifetime, and the next.” I agree, and he moves on to

Daphne and repeats the same vows. She

agrees and our hands are formally tied

together, a binding for life.

“Daphne, as your mate I promise to love and cherish you. Words can not express how happy I am that we are destined to be

one. You have saved me in more ways

than one. I once questioned how the

Moon Goddess could mate me with a

slave, but the truth is that you were always a queen. Everyone was just too blind to see it. I am proud to have you as my Luna, and my partner in life. My life means nothing unless you are by my side. It is not only the mating pull that brings me to you. I love you and will spend everyday proving that love to you.


“Caleb, as your mate I promise to stay loyal to you, and to cherish every moment we have together. You have given me a life that I could only imagine in my wildest dreams. I thought that no one would ever love me, that no one would

ever see me as anything more than a slave. You taught me how to love myself. I

am proud to stand by your side and will

try my best to be the Luna you deserve,

the Luna our pack deserves. I love you

100.” a

With our personal vows said and the binding ceremony completed, I pull my mate in and kiss her. Sparks flow through us. We are now one, I am in love with my


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