The Alpha’s Surrogate Mate

Chapter 17: Miserable mate

There was clashing and the movement of swords, and claws. People falling and dying, heads being ripped off, wolves caught in between, unable to morph fully before death took its prey.

Bonnie woke up with a loud yell. It seemed like she had been having the nightmare again. She had always been dreaming about the day her happiness turned to sadness. Especially whenever she saw something to remind her of it.

Her throat felt patchy and itching. She looked down at herself. She was still naked, and hadn’t really had the time to wear clothes.

She remembered Xavier came in earlier and they had another hot sex. Though, it seemed better than the first time.

She got up and her legs threatened to break under her. She fell to the floor, feeling overused again.

It wasn’t Xavier’s fault anyway. She was the one that had to go into heat at a very wrong time.

She didn’t know how much she had slept anyways or the day she was in.

Xavier doesn’t even allow her to use a phone.

She got up again and managed to enter the bathroom.

She did say she wanted to investigate the luna kidnap but she hadn’t gotten anywhere. She didn’t even know how she was supposed to do it.

And her only prime suspect was Philip. But she doesn’t even know what to do now that the heat was keeping her hostage in her room.

How she wished she could walk out of the heat at that instance.

She closed her eyes and tried to settle her mind on something, anything aside from thinking about Xavier.

It seemed so difficult to forget Xavier in his majesty.

But the warm water soon soothed her heart and she found herself being pulled away by a force, well towards her nightmare. No! She was drowning!

She opened her eyes and looked up. It actually looked like she was in an ocean and the tide was pulling her in.

She didn’t fight it, what was her usefulness in life anyways.

“No! Bonnie!” She heard that deep familiar voice screaming over her head. In the next instant, she was looking at his cute face above the water.

She closed her eyes slowly as she felt darkness hovered above her.

Before she lost consciousness, she felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around her, pulling her hard against a warm but hard chest.

She opened her eyes again, with ease now. The first thing she saw was rays of images, and something was holding her so tight.

She realized that the rays of images were from Xavier’s chest and her arms were pulling her close to him.

“Fuck Bonnie!” He cursed again.

She didn’t know if he was only worried about who would take his mate’s place if she died. But she loved the fact that he was concerned about her.

Bonnie raised her arms and hugged him as well. He went rigid at the action.

He pulled her back and stared at her with those soft eyes. There were hints of tears in his eyes.

Bonnie blinked, unsure if she saw it well. She didn’t have the chance to check again as his lips suddenly met hers.

It was so fast that Bonnie didn’t see it coming. Her heart thumped madly in her chest. A strange feeling coursed through her and she vibrated. Xavier vibrated as well and she wondered if he felt exactly the same way she had.

Well, he was supposed to because he was her mate after all.

He pulled apart after a moment and smiled so enchanting. Then, he pulled her into another hug as if he was scared she might leave him.

“Don’t go,” he whispered, but his voice vibrated through her, “Please, Gwen,” he said softly, “I’ve missed you so very much. Don’t leave me!”

Bonnie felt herself being knocked off. She suddenly felt tipsy again.

She closed her eyes slowly. She knew she was only deceiving herself. Xavier loved Gwen and not her. And since they had the same face, it was convincing for him.


Bonnie opened her eyes again, she felt very much better now. She looked all around her at the strange room that was finally becoming familiar.

She rolled to the other side of the bed. She discovered she was still naked but the blanket was covering her body.

She was sure it was Xavier that had placed her on the bed.

The heart-wrenching feeling she had earlier was gone. She didn’t feel the clenched feeling of herself or she didn’t yearn for something aside from getting justice for her parent.

She sat up quickly and looked all around her.

Something was definitely wrong somewhere.

She pulled the blanket aside and looked down at her core. It looked all swollen and reddish.

She touched it slowly with a bit to arouse her feel like she was previously but nothing came. She only felt pain.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

Damn! She left heat already! The moon goddess actually heard her prayer and took her out of the heat.

But she didn’t even know what day she went into heat and the name of the day she got out of it. Though, it felt like a year to her.

With Xavier around, time always slowed down.

“Is anyone out there?” She called and wrapped the blanket around her when the door opened.

A lady walked in, with a head bow, “Yes Mistress, is there anything you want from me?”

Bonnie nodded, “What day is today?”

” Friday ma’am.”

” Ok,” she looked away and thought of how to phrase her second question. She sighed and decided to ask the usual way, “Do you know when I went into heat?”

“Wednesday evening ma’am.”

Bonnie’s eyes went wide with shock. It wasn’t even up to two days. Her heat day was the worst ever. But she was grateful for it.

At least it means she wouldn’t have Xavier force himself to please her.

“You can leave,” she dismissed her and got up.

She felt a bit better to wash up.

She walked inside the bathroom and stared at the strangeness of the room. Her eyes widened again when she realized the bathtub was nowhere to be found.

Could she be dreaming? She used the bathtub the night before. How come it was gone already?

“Mistress!” Elixir rushed in, screaming.

Bonnie walked out of the bathroom, “Is something wrong?”

Elixir sobbed for another moment, ” I’m so sorry Mistress.”

Bonnie held skeptical brows as she watched her, ” What happened? Is everything alright?”

Elixir gently shook her head, “Your parent_,” she stopped and sobbed again.

Bonnie took a step towards her and stopped again, something became stuck in her throat as she attempted to speak.

She let in several airs before she tried again.

“What did you say happened to my parents?”

Elixir looked up again, the tears dropping from her face in cascading order, ” They have been poisoned.”

Bonnie’s heart skipped a beat and the blanket fell from her hand, revealing her naked body.

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