The Alpha’s Triple Lunas

Chapter Twenty-Four – The Dwarfs Plea.

(At Dragon Dynasty)

The Cold Prince paced around in his red suit, his black boots clamping around.

He threw down his sword as it kept making annoying sounds while he walked.

Looking down at it, it felt so small, so useless without being in his hands.

He exhaled and tried channeling his energy unto a nearby vase. His eyes turned a darker shade and a sensation filled the room.

A darker sensation circled around the vase but did nothing to it.

He added more intensity to his gaze and the vase elevated before dropping to the ground. Breaking to half.

He still got his dynasty magic. He might go back to not needing swords in a war.

He smiled at himself but it vanished. He had just practiced on his sister’s favorite vase, he’d get a mouthful.

He felt tired on remembering she wasn’t around him. The metallic bell rang, indicating that he was being summoned for a meeting.

He had suspected it but wished it came later. He was in the worst moods at the time.

This was the last thing he needed now. A rebellion at this time he needed all the help he can to get back his sister from that wicked damsel.

She was such a fool to have followed him, when she clearly had no way of defending herself.

She was more foolish by sending her bird to take her come instead of climbing a top it.

In her words it would be “burdening the bird”, failing to realize that keeping dragon birds under cages is already burdening.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Your highness, Sir Lu is here. He’s a representative of the dwarfs” a small boy walked in to declare. He nodded and the boy left.

The last thing he needed was the dwarfs leaving their farms and pens unkempt, or worse siding with the werewolves.

Of all mythical creatures, those unruly wolves were the only ones who broke from submitting to the dynasty magic. The dwarfs should never make that breakthrough as well, never.

He winced his eyes as the sunlight pierced into them. It burned. Perhaps due to him staring at space lost in thought.

Or due to him staying in the dark for so long. Or both. Or due to him not getting a single sleep in the night.

“Sir Lu” he greeted with a handshake before sitting at the chair arranged for him.

There were in the courtroom and the dwarfs sprawled around on the ground below him, where they belonged.

Sir Lu nodded before going back to sit with the rest. The dwarfs all looked well fed and grumpy. Cold Prince began regretting lots of things.

“So I hear that farms and pens are without workers. The dwarfs are in charge of those. Or am I wrong?” he queried.

A scoff came from one of the dwarfs. Cold Prince tilted his head towards her. It was a young female dwarf.

She was wearing their tribal crop shirt with flair trousers. And had some ink markings on her body.

Markings on women always disgusted the Cold Prince so he didn’t tarry long on her.

“You say workers instead of slaves to make it look dignified. You don’t even pay us wages” she cackled without fear.

The young boy, who informed Cold Prince of the meeting, cane forward frowning at her, “You’re speaking to your highness”.

He had the need to remind her.

“Well, your highness, Dwarfs had stayed in the dark dynasty for close to twenty years. We deserve a raise by now. Only we aren’t being paid for our service” Sir Lu began.

“So you want to be paid to weed our grass, till our soil, groom our animals? Don’t you get fed by the crops and animals you produce already?” the young boy interjected.

Lu grunted in disbelief. Were all human children disrespectful?

“Lest I remind you also, we are talking to the Prince. Not to you” the female dwarf shouted. She nearly got up but was pushed down by an elderly dwarf behind her.

The young man went back with towards to the Prince.

Cold Prince massaged his temples in frustration. The dwarfs studied him with scowls on their faces.

“Many kingdoms pay their workers. We are only asking for what is rightfully due” Lu added.

The suddenness of Cold Prince jump from his seat, made them all jolt. The young boy had a smirk.

The Cold Prince was in danger mode as his eyes went dark.

“Yes, kingdoms pay their workers. Yes, I should do what’s rightfully due” he stretched forth his left hand to the young man while using his right hand to count the dwarfs.

The young man unsheathed his silver sword raising it high above his head. The dwarfs looked at themselves in fright.

The doors behind them were shut. The sprang to their feet. They murmured some words and swallowed many.

“But problem is; you’re all slaves, conquered twenty years ago. My father spared your lives because your parents swore allegiance to the dark dynasty. Mercifully, I, let you feed from what you produced. And even built a small village for your families” he held unto the young boy’s sword.

An inner voice was screaming at him to slash off these entitled brats but he held his peace.

If he should end up smashing them, they should at least know why. Or he should do it in a painful way.

The dwarfs were already hurdling around each other. Gathered behind Lu, who looked like he would piss his pants.

He hadn’t expected this kind of reaction from the Prince.

He had always contemplated speaking about the issue but knew the silly dragon queen could shut him up before he finished.

Now bringing it when the Cold Prince was troubled about his sister was even a worse decision.

“So, I’d give you exactly the condition that was given to your fathers years ago. Do you swear to serve us as slaves, breed like rats and fend for yourself under the dark dynasty or do you rather die with your ancestors?”.

He pointed the sword tip to Lu, “Sir Lu, as ‘representative’ would you speak for them or rather they speak for themselves?”.

There was great silence amongst them. Chattering of teeth and shuddering could be heard though.

It was worse. They would have to fend for themselves. The mercy of having some of the labored crops are gone. They were really slaves.

Cold Prince glanced towards the female dwarf as he saw her step out from their hurdle. A smirk played on his lips. He always admired feisty.

“I rather die than to serve you another day!” she seethed.

Her chest was pumping up and down in unfiltered worry and determination, fear and anger.

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