The Art Of Revenge (Thalia Nash and Brandon)

Chapter 112

Chapter 112

Brandon’s Pov

I rose from my asleep tired and sweating, my chest filled with those b*oody clots that I have been

managing to hide from both Thalia and Brandon. Every time I closed my eyes, it felt like it was my last

but for unknown reasons I found myself opening the eyes again. My first glance always landed on the

most beautiful face, Thalia, she always pulled me through, holding my hand through the dreaded six


The woman barely had a social life, her world revolved around me and the baby. I feared reality was

going to hit her one day and she was going to hate me for that.

When I opened my eyes, unfortunately, she was not there. With difficulty, I pushed myself into a seating

position. The baby cradle was empty, I could only assume that she was feeding the baby or preparing

something to eat.

I walked to the bathroom, almost limping. I guess the only advantage the machine gave me was the

ability to bathe myself and use the toilet instead of the s*upid diapers. I quickly washed the clots away

and brushed my teeth and began warming myself with a towel when I heard Thalia calling my name.

She was practically screaming and terrified. I quickly walked back to the bedroom.

“Ooh my G o d, Brandon… Josh…,” she gasped. She looked like she had run all the way up the stairs.

I held her hands, she was crying and I noticed Kendra was not in her arms. “Thalia calm down, what

happened? Where is Kendra?”

Before she could reply Nestor burst into the room. “This is why leaving her with me will never work, she

is too Brandon dependent!” he yelled.

For a second I froze and just stared at him. I really thought they had gotten over their rivalry for my

attention but I was wrong.

“F*ck off you s*upid traitor!” Thalia turned, yelling at him. “Brandon, fire this idiot, fire him. He is a

b*oody traitor;”

I was so confused and no one was telling me what was going on.

“Can the both of you shut up!” I raised my voice. They both became quiet, I breathed in hard, a small

headache was coming up and I asked Thalia to explain.

“He brings in Josh at night when we are asleep to see Kendra. This fool goes behind our backs, that’s

why we never see Josh around here!” She explained.

I looked at Nestor in shock, “please tell me she is lying?” I asked him.

“No she is not, the last time I checked Josh was not forbidden to visit Kendra,” he replied.

“Not behind our backs,”

“Was I supposed to wake you up when he arrived?” He asked.

“Would you all shut up!” I yelled again, holding my temple, “Where is Kendra? Please tell me she is

with June?” I asked.

They both looked at each other and ran out of the room. They left my daughter with useless Josh while

they came upstairs to argue with each other. I could not believe the s*upidity and the carelessness.

I quickly picked my tablet and followed them while I scrolled straight to the main gate. I had previously

left the security to automatic and if Josh was able to enter without a clearance it could only imply that

Nestor had given him a pass. I knew something was wrong, I knew it. Thalia was right, Nestor was a

traitor, he compromised Kendra’s safety. I walked into the quarter and found the both of them standing

in silence.

I was about to open my mouth when Josh placed his finger on his mouth, “Shshshsh, Not a single

word, I just put her to sleep,” he said. “She usually sleeps at one but today she looked tired,” he said

and turned to face me.

“What the f*ck is going on?” I whispered.

“I was putting Am…. The baby to sleep,” he replied. I really wanted him to call her Amber, I dared him


“If you excuse me I would love to take my leave,” he requested.

“How long have you been sneaking into this house?” I asked in a calm voice. I was still processing the

fact the idiot in front of me had the time to run away with Kendra but chose not to. He was beginning to

confuse me, he was doing things that I could never predict making it difficult for me to analyze him.

“Since she got discharged, is there a problem? I thought I was free to see her,” he replied with a sleazy

smile, he was mocking Thalia and me.

“I could have you imprisoned for t***passing!” I yelled at him.

“You look bad, are you taking your meds?” he mocked again.

Thalia moved and tried to slap him but I held her hand. “What are you doing?” She asked surprised.

“He is not worth it, take Kendra upstairs, I will join you,” I ordered her. I was aware she wanted to give

him her peace of mind but it was not worth it. The man was miserable, he was the one that had to

sneak into a house when the owners were asleep in order to see his daughter.

“But… Brandon?”

“Please, Thalia?” I begged her.

“That’s right do what the boss asks you to before you make him mad,” Josh mocked in an attempt to

get a reaction out of her. But she ignored him, picked the baby, and walked out of the room without

glancing at us.

After she was out of the room, I turned my attention to the big fool in the room and stared him right in

the eye. He was not as s*upid as we perceived him to be. Somehow he had crawled into Nestor’s

naive heart and he was dividing his time.

“As I said earlier, you are tressing passing,”

“Not if your employee let me in, I would have loved to chat but I have a job to attend to, some of us

have to work,” he stated.

I stared at him, then moved out of his way. He looked surprised, he was not expecting me to let him go

easily but I liked seeing people’s shocked faces when I did the opposite. I was only getting a leaf from

his book or was I rewarding him for not running away? After he was gone, I faced the main culprit, he

had one of those serious faces on.

“Brandon I can explain,” he quickly spoke up.

“You are my employee and should address me with respect,” I replied, finally getting a reaction out of

him. He looked away disappointed. Yes, we had become so close like brothers and I had gotten used

to him calling me by my first name.

But he had closed the line, I entrusted him with everything, I was living him with Thalia and Kendra, but

before I was even six feet under he was dining with the enemy.

“You think just because he did not run off with Kendra it’s safe to let him in behind our backs?”

“Sir I know gambled,”

“With my daughter’s life!” I yelled at him.

“I know how this looks but I have tracking devices on Josh, his phone, his car, shoes, wristwatches,

everything. He was never going to go anywhere with Kendra.”

“What if he walked in here with a gun, blew your brains off, and ran off with the baby? Thalia and I have

no idea about tracking him. What happens?” I asked with folded arms.

“He is a coward to do that,” he replied. Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“He is a desperate man, do you think if you are nice to him, he will reciprocate or not file lawsuits

against us?” I asked him. “The world is not a place to be nice Nestor you should have known better,”

“He is still petitioning for the name, maybe even custody. He has started taking online law classes, he

is willing to learn law to take you and Thalia down,” he replied.

I took a breather for a second, Josh was really an idiot, how?? Anyway, that was not important. The

man in front of me had betrayed me.

“To be honest the man was shattered sir and it’s only that I allow him to see the baby that has made

him not to do anything s*upid,” he replied like he was some kind of Jesus.

“Hello??, we never barricaded him from seeing Kendra, it was Thalia that gave him the address,” I

reminded him.

“He does not have the stomach to see your faces. The reality that he has to forget or be nice just to see

his daughter was killing him so I… helped him but I never made it easy for him to steal the baby,” he


“Pack your things,” I ordered out of the blue

“What?” he asked, shocked, he was not expecting me to throw him out. But it was for his own good, in

fact, he needed time off, I was overworking him.

“You can’t be serious?”

“I’m serious Nestor, you can use my penthouse, it’s near here in case I need you.”

“All this because you want Josh to be asking for the baby?”

“You think it’s easy for Thalia to allow him to visit Kendra? You think we are the only ones that did bad

things?” I asked him

He only swallowed and looked, “Fine, I will move out now,”

“You can move out tomorrow morning,” I suggested but he declined. I could tell he was hurt but I was

teaching him a lesson for going behind both our backs.

I walked away when he stopped replying, he needed some time alone. I walked upstairs and joined


“How did it go? what happened?” She asked.

“Useless Josh is gone and I asked Nestor to move out,” I replied.

She kept quiet and only stared at me like someone had tied her mouth. She pretended to be tucking

Kendra who we knew was very quiet asleep.

“How is Nestor?” She finally asked

“P*ssed of course,”

“What if we need him?”

“I thought you called him a traitor and asked me to fire him?” I asked.

“I…I…I..,” she stammered.

I moved closer to her and wrapped my hands around her waist. “Do not worry, he will move himself

back before we even know it,” I stated.

To my surprise she kept quiet, I could only guess that guilt was beginning to swell her up. I had noted

she was a person that was quick to react then thought about it later.

“But why, why would he do that?”

“He wants to buy Josh with kindness, poor Josh can’t bring himself to see our beautiful faces. I guess

you were right.”

“But that does not give Nestor the right to go behind our backs.”

“I know,” I replied. “Guess what? Josh has begun taking online classes in law, he plans to take us down


She turned around shocked

“The guy is really determined even if it takes twenty years,” I added.

“The Nelson’s are always good with binding their time,” she replied.

“Do not worry, he is too dumb to pass the bar,” I assured her.

A knock came at the door and Nestor walked in, “I just want to say my goodbye to Kendra,” he said and

walked in. He was being dramatic about the whole thing; it was not like he was not coming tomorrow


All I did was cut Josh’s access in the night and the penthouse was like only thirty minutes away. Thalia

walked to the bathroom ignoring his presence. I could only guess the guilt was only present when

Nestor was not in the room. He kissed the baby goodbye and walked out without saying a word. I

sighed and took a seat, my head was paining from the yelling. Noticing that Nestor was gone, Thalia

came out of the bathroom and joined me.

We both lost our appetite and just lay in each other’s arms. The night had turned into something we did

not expect. I began missing Nestor for unknown reasons, I was sure he had not started his engine yet

but I was starving for a game.

“Brandon?” Thalia called me


“I want to have sex,” she asked forcing me to swallow hard. Yes, I had a pending sex session with her. I

had won the bet and lived to see the baby but a man always knew when their guy was on vacation.

I had noticed for the past days that she had tried to seduce me. I did not want to embarrass myself so I

ignored her. However, I never thought she had the guts or was bald enough to ask me for sex.

“I thought you were recovering?” I asked

“Im fine, I want sex,” she replied.

She was probably stressed and looking for a way to release it, the old Brandon would have granted her

wish but my body could barely stand for a long time. I tried to reply but I did not know what to say. She

moved closer and held my hand. “Thalia I’m sorry…,” I said as I turned.

“It’s okay, I’m the one being selfish,” she replied.

“No you are not, we can try tomorrow,” I suggested. She moved closer, kissing me.

“Sorry I’m a bit disappointing, I guess this was not what you expected?” I added.

“No no, don’t you ever say that, I would never trade you with anyone else. Being here is everything for

me, I just want you to be free with me and discuss everything, okay?”

I nodded and she rested on my chest. The following day came and I was in a lot of pain. It was like I

had spent the entire night thinking about how I was not able to satisfy my girlfriend sexually.

I even ruined the dinner she had planned because I was in bed the whole day. Nestor never showed up

and when I called him, he made an excuse of a meeting, he only came over to say good night to

Kendra at night. Even s*upid Josh never showed up while Kendra kept us awake because she could

not stop crying.

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